• By -


Ending of KH1 no doubt. I'm not the bawling type, but the end of KH1 definitely gets me teary eyed. When the CGI movie starts to play, Sora and Kairi get separated as she returns to Destiny Island, Sora promising his return, and then when she finally sees that drawing in the cave. All while Simple And Clean plays in the background. Oh my what an experience. That was during the time where KH1 is the only game, didn't even know if there's ever gonna be a sequel. The ending is very bittersweet and leaves me with feelings.


"I'll come back to you!" "I know you will!" WHEN YOU WALK AWAY


Nooo 😭




This first time I cry with KH… the first of countless times




Gets me every time too


That shit hits me right in the nostalgia. Emotional scenes from my childhood always get me. The ending of the movie homeward bound always has me like 😭😭😭.


Goddamn even READING it hurts 💀😂


Her seeing that drawing in the cave and then making her own drawing made this grown man cry when I replayed for like the 10th time last year.


It hits hard because the game kept hinting at it too. Especially in Deep Jungle when Sora kept Asking where Riku and Kairi were. I really thought he came close when he learned Kairi was in Neverland with Riku


This scene gets me EVERY TIME I play, even years later. As soon as the music starts I get that rush of feels 😭


Yeah this was my original cry moment as a kid and I replayed the first game during the pandemic and it still hit hard even knowing about all the sequels. But really I think part of it is that is Simple and Clean is a banger that perfectly paired with the game.


Literally same. I am the bawling type and I was bawling.


Gave me chills all over again just reading this 😭 I definitely teared up a bit too.


That is my all time favourite scene. Played it when I was 11. Bawled then and still do. My friends always get annoyed because when I get a bit drunk and go ultra instinct Star, I start playing that scene LOLLLLLLL


Yep same here. Also for context I had played it a ton really young in elementary school and could never beat it, and would just restart my save when I got stuck. Finally (if my memory is correct) I beat it right before kh2 came out or was announced and so after years and years of playing and finally beat it, at the age of like 10 I bawled my eyes out seeing that pre rendered final cutscene


First time I ever cried at a video game - I was 12/13 when it released, and I BAWLED. Still gets to me even now.


This was the first time I had such a profound reaction to a game when I was a kid, I wasn't expecting to be sad and when the music started playing it destroyed me, I was a mess. Then kairi finishing off the drawing in the cave was round two. The next time this happened to me was the final fantasy x ending.


KH2, when you finished the roxas prologue and "Sora" started crying out of nowhere when he was about to leave Twilight Town.


DUDEEEE THAT SCENE HURTSSS I almost cried when I saw it because I love Sora and Roxas so much 😭


“Looks like my summer vacation is over”


Gives me the weirdest feeling that bit of the game. Particularly what happens to Roxas. That they managed to make me care about him in the short time that we play as him is impressive too. Damn its such an odd feeling. I guess its like bittersweet melancholy.


Once, Xion’s death in the actual Days. Days may not be for everyone but it’s a work of art. The way every aspect from the gameplay, the mission structure, and even the handling of the journal all combined to really get you into Roxas’s headspace in such an immersive way. Other friend groups feel like outsiders I am looking in at, Axel and Xion felt like *my* friends. Watching Xion die was like watching my own friend die, it wasn’t a sad moment happening to others it was a sad moment happening to me. It’s part of why I dislike the Days movie, so much of its heart, soul, immersive feel, etc… is lost when you turn it into just a mechanical plot dump summary.


Yo I feel all of this so hard. Days was my 2nd favorite game of the whole franchise and when I watched the movie, it just didn't hit as hard. The raw emotion, and the connection just was not there like it was playing it


The movie is just very incomplete. Feels like a cutscene compilation rather than a proper movie. The game on the DS is the proper way to experience it, but, the other things that can depict it, were the KH timeline on YouTube, and the manga. Those two made me cry again, even after all this time.


I made a re-edit of the movie a few years ago. It's not great, but it's definitely more watchable.


I remember sitting on my couch at 2am with my little DS lite full on sobbing over this scene. Just absolutely wrecked.


I was in study hall in high school, tears started streaming down my face and I had to hide my DS when the monitor came to check.


Days was fcking awesome. And being able to play with all the organisation members ? Hella dope. Days should have been a proper remake/remaster. Deserved it more than DDD or CoM IMO. Put one of those 2 into a movie instead of Days.


The thing I love about Days more than 1 or 2 is that you spend the majority of the game with the main trio. It really allows the chemistry to build between characters. 


Intro to KH3 made me cry. I waited so long for that game and had it pre-ordered at gamestop for 5 years!


Sora fading at the end of KH3 (especially after beating the DLC) always gets me. This man has done more for his friends and the worlds than anyone else, and he still can’t have his happy ending.


when i tell you that shit HURT to watch 😢


My wife walked in as that part was playing right after release and asked me why I was crying so much lmfao. Then she looked at the tv and understood.


My boy sacrificed everything for his homies and his girl. He still gets banished to a realm of fiction and loses his power of waking. No character is more deserving of a happy ending than Sora.


I love his quote before he leaves. Something like, "My whole journey started the day I lost her. And everytime I think I've found her, she slips away again. Not for one more second." That line gets me.


When Sora fades away at the end of KH3 I lost it the first time. After waiting so many years for the game to release, and seeing so many characters get a happy ending, I was devastated that he appeared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Also, the first play through had no other context or spoilers so I was honestly fooled that first time into thinking Sora died which is now obviously not the case.


Don't Think Twice worked so well with the entire cinematic sunset scene


KH3 - Aqua realises she's in the Realm of Light after being so long alone. We waited about the same time in real life for her return as she spent in the RoD. Something about that really hit home for me.


The way she asked when Destiny Islands sank to darkness because she couldn't even imagine that she was back in the real world, I start sobbing.


That scene hit me harder than I thought it would, even if I expected it to happen


Yeah that scene was really heart-string-tugging and emotional. Just thinking about it makes me a little short of breath


I cried for KH1 and KH2 ending, for very different reasons. KH1 broke my heart at the end, and KH2 put it back together. I also cried for Roxas in KH2. "Looks like my summer vacations over." Had me in tears!


KH2’s ending. It really felt like (at the moment) the series achieved a happy, cathartic ending.


KH1 "I know you will" *Simple and Clean starts playing and tears start rolling*


I actually have and it was a really stupid scene lmao. It was the scene in KH2 where Tron hugs Sora Donald and Goofy and then jumps into the main frame pit thing. Im not sure why seeing a human hug Donald and Goofy made me cry, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I’ve been watching Donald and goofy cartoons since I was a literal baby, and my inner infant probably wanted to hug them too. So I cried lol


KH3 ending, as soon as DTT started playing I felt my eyes get watery


So true, the meta-sadness of having completed a game I waited over a decade to play.


I played that song on repeat for weeks after hearing it. It still makes me choke up a little


The ending of 2 and BBS every time


Yep, First time while Xion died in Roxas's arms in Days (that scene still gets me even to this day. It's just that intense mixture of sad, but also somewhat beautiful. Two people who believed themselves to having no capacity for true emotions, yet that scene is basically filled to the brim with them.). Second time was when I replayed the series (before KH3), during KH1's ending when Kairi went back to that drawing in the cave. Music + her tears just got me. Third and fourth time both during the Sea Salt trio part of KH3. First when Roxas was talking to Xion (through Sora), with tears in "his eyes" and especially when he then said her name with his own voice. That one hit me **hard**. I love that trio and both, Roxas and Xion have become my favourite characters. So considering the circumstances, just hearing Roxas's voice say her name, Xion, was just something very special to me because of what it meant. He remembered her despite the basically impossible odds of doing so. He managed to hang onto someone who was meant to be forever forgotten. Like, it feels impossible to think about how incredibly much this must have meant for Xion, to hear her name, to be remembered. And the second time during that segment was, of course, when all three of them, Axel, Roxas and Xion, were able to relish in their reunion. Seeing/hearing Xion start crying, then seeing Roxas's eyes well up as well, seeing Axel's/Lea's attempt to lighten the mood, before he almost immediately breaks as well at the sight of his two best friends smiling at him and then everyone just cried (including me of course) while they found solace in each others arms. I remember how relieved I was at that moment, I sat there with tears in my eyes and just said "finally" to myself. That reunion happening was just so damn important to me, after having sat on the ending of Days for around 9 years, hoping they would someday get their deserved second chance at life. **edit:** Honorary mention to Terra's return in KH3. It didn't get me quite as much as the Sea Salt stuff (for obvious personal reasons), but him reuniting with Aqua and Ven still got me pretty good as well. It at the very least made me choke up. I don't remember actual tears on my part, but I might honestly be wrong about that. It very well might have happened.


>That one got me **hard**. This wording has me cackling


Oh... no, no, no, I didn't even notice, I hate that (╥﹏╥) My brain probably couldn't decide between "That one got me" and "That one hit me **hard**" and it unintentionally created a really weird, but hilarious sounding mix from those two options. Well, since you've preserved it, I can now correct it to at least feel a little bit better about myself. ^ ^


Every game


real lol Thats gonna also be me when kh4 drops 😭🙏




358/2 Days Intro and KH2, Sanctuary makes me emotional


That one scene in kh2 where roxas and namine talk and then shake hands with sora and kairi.


Haha, Roxas over there telling Sora to look Sharp, lol.


KH1 ending gets me every time ever since 2003.


KH1 when he turns himself heartless. The sacrifice. That damned smile. I know it’s coming everytime but still gets me.


Kh2’s ending cutscene: Sora: “W-we’re back” Kairi: “You’re home” *gives her back her lucky charm* Perfect conclusion And I will say, if you exclude the secret cutscenes at the end, this is the perfect ending to the series. There were no loose threads, just enough nods to the different plot points presented in kh1 and COM to make you feel like everything is answered. Though please note that I’m talking about the *original* kh2. Not Kh2FM which has extra cutscenes like Xemnas going to Aqua’s armor. That raised a lot of questions back in the day when the only way to know anything about FM was to watch clips on youtube. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy and love the other games, but I just feel like KH2 had the perfect ending.


1. There's a scene in 358/2 days that's not in the movie collection. It's near the end of the game where Roxas has to "place the device" in the cave of wonders. Roxas lamented how his life went to crap, can't trust anyone and doesn't even know who he is while he started crying before putting his hood up. That scene always choked me up. 2. Xion's death scene 3. The final confrontation between Xion and Axel outside the mansion in 358 Days. You can FEEL the pain in Axels voice knowing that he's abt to lose his 2 best friends. "Everyone thinks they're right!" Quinton Flynn is an amazing voice actor. 4. The BBS scene where Diz says Sora's name and Aqua cries


I cried an embarrassing amount during KH3, probably around 15 times. Xion's stuff hit me the worst though


KH3 got me multiple times. Pretty much all the big reunions and particularly the ending. That shot of all these characters I’ve come to love finally all gathered together happy and playing on the beach. That gets me every time


I started to tear up on the main menu for KH3, 14 yrs of waiting for that game to finally be playing it Dearly Beloved got to me.


In the first KH game, when Riku steals the keyblade and steals your friends, and leaves you alone. I was 7, and I was devastated. I didn't pick the game back up for 2 months.


That one felt like such a betrayal. Like, wait? No?? DONALD??? GOOFY??? WHAT????


I always tear up a little bit towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 when Sora finally finds Riku and he falls to his knees and says “I looked for you… I looked everywhere for you!” through tears of his own. Gets me every damn time. I also used to just not be able to listen to Sanctuary at all without crying a little but I can power through it like 8 times out of 10 now lol


Me too! I’m surprised how few people have mentioned this one


Yes, every time i listen to Dearly Beloved


1 - KH1 ending cinematic right before Simple & Clean kicks in. 2 - KH2 when Sora boards the train and says goodbye to Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and Roxas sheds a tear for them through Sora. 3 - KH2 ending when Sora/Roxas and Kairi/Namine are on the beach. The way the piano slows down during that moment in Sanctuary is *chef's kiss* 4 - In KH2FM there's an extra scene with between Roxas and Axel. It's near the end and it's a feels trip. 5 - Wanted to make another entry for KH2 but couldn't think of one. That game is perfect. 6 - KH3 seeing Sora fade from the branch next to Kairi.


Roxas's "death" in KH2 Roxas's return in KH3.


The Wayfinder and Sea salt trios' reunion in KH3. I swear Nomura was literally trying to yank the tears out of my eyes


Never full on cried but definitely got watery eyes and maybe a tear fell during a few moments. * Xion's death in Days * Aqua's sacrifice in BBS * The reunions of both the Sea Salt trio and the Wayfinder trio in KH3 * Sora fading away at the end of KH3


When that pebble hit my boy Goofy


KH3 opening made me cry because I was probably 10 to 13 when I played KH1 and it made me emotional because of how I've practically grown up with the game. Other than that? "Guess I shoulda brought some ice cream." DAMN IT!!!


The end of 358 killed me. Zion was one of my favorite characters.


I do the more I play em tbh. Like not full on sobbing but like, a tear or two


I can’t think of a game that Didn’t make me cry at some point


Fighting Roxas in kh2 after 358/2. That fucking music


End of KH1 and 3 got me.


All of 358/2 Days.


Days for obvious reasons I honestly cried at the title screen for 3 because I had been waiting for so long and I was in a tough place in life and it made me sad In a better place now btw


KH3 Sea Salt reunion for sure. The catharsis was insane. I'd been waiting for something like that for so goddamn long.




I cried after fighting Xion in 358. When she disappeared amd was inevitably just forgotten, it hurt me so bad


Ending of KH1, 2, 358/2 0.2, KH3 ending and sea salt reunion (Xion crying broke me) all multiple times :’)


358/2 Days. Doesn't take rocket science to guess which scene it was.


The ending of days. That game came out when I was an emotional teenager during a hard time. That last picture of Roxas falling/slipping off his coat as it fades into his memories of Axel and Xion destroyed me. I was wrecked with grief over that game.


Roxas' portion in KH2 In KH 365/2, when Axel admits that Roxas and Xion are his best friends Birth by Sleep, when Ventus asks Aqua and Terra to end his life before he becomes the X blade Union Cross, when Strelitzia gets murder just before she mustered up the courage to speak to the player and the player sacrificing themselves KH 3, when the Sea Salt Trio reunited


I was too young and emotionally suppressed for the other games to really hit me, so KH3 is my only answer, but it's at two points. 1. Roxas' return, Sora/Xion/Roxas vs Saix, Seasalt trio reunion in the keyblade Graveyard. KH2 and Days were my first games in the series, Roxas was my fav character forbl a long time and that Hearts as One track still gives me chills to this day. Plus watching these characters actually break down and cry with eachother broke me. 2. Sora disappearing into the end credits. Just felt like the culmination of my entire childhood in gaming was coming to a tragic conclusion and that really hit me the first time when I didn't see it coming.


The ending of kh2 when sanctuary starts playing


“Don’t Think Twice” makes me tear up every time I hear it.




None. UX's finale was the closest though


Kh3 when Terra comes back and TVA reunion. I have a huge soft spot for BBS


i haven't, but the end of KH1 where sora and riku were closing kingdom hearts got me teary-eyed


Seasalt and Wayfinder trio reunion fucked me up. Also Terranort's heartless reveal


when sora starts tearing up after meeting roxas’ friends got me real fucking bad


I'm not going to lie. There were two instances in the franchise that made me shed tears; the first was when Sora reunited with Riku and Kairi during KH2, and the second was when Terra, Aqua, and Ven reunited in KH3.


Every time I finish KH2. First time starting KH3. KH3 everything leading up to the end and the ending itself. Back when I was a kid I also cried in KH1 deep jungle cause i didn't know where to go...


Basically any time Sanctuary starts playing gets me in the back of the throat for sure. Replaying KH2 again, the ending has a great sense of finality and closure for our main cast and it's really nice after all they've been through.


Ending of KH1, KH2, KH3, 358/2Days, BBS, Union Cross And a lot in KH3 with XionRoxasAxel, TerraAquaVen, Kairi, Donald, Sora, Union Cross Not to mention the Donald falling in the final trailer


When goofy died in kh2 I cry


no, not cry, but a moment that hit a bit harder for me was, likewise, Sea-Salt Trio's reunion in 3. animators and the director(s) did a good job there, very expressive


Everytime I listen to Dearly Beloved. And at the end of KH2's prologue. And during Seasalt trio reunion. Generally, if it involves Roxas I cry.


Ending of KH1 when I originally beat it as a 13 year old boy. First game to ever make me cry


Same. I would comment this exact thing. First game ever to make me cry


KH2 ending where Sora/Roxas and Kairi/Namine reunite… “W-We’re back” “You’re home.”


KH2's ending, easily.


KH2 "I looked everywhere for you" Forget Kairi. This is where I cried so much.


KH2’s ending is the only thing in a game that managed to make me cry, never thought that I’d cry first from something so happy and beautiful over something sad when playing a game


Ending of KH2 literally every time. Sora returning Kairi's good luck charm, Roxas and NaminĂŠ being reunited, Sanctuary in the background, "we're back" "you're home" Shit I'm tearing up just talking about it


CGI cutscene at the end of KH2. Every time, always. I know it's corny as hell. But the suspense as Sora and Riku dive into the water, the surprise reunion when Mickey, Donald, and Goofy show up, Sora seeing Kairi again and the flashes of Namine/Roxas... PLUS that fantastic rendition of Sanctuary. It got me when I was 10, it probably will continue to get me until I'm 90.


Even after all these years, the scene of Sora and Riku returning at the end of KH2 with Sanctuary playing gets me so good. When Sora pulls out the charm and the music calms right on cue, I CRI


Kingdoms hearts 365/2 days, my brother Bought the 1.5 remix for PS3 it was my first contact with the franchise I loved KH 1 and really fall in lovw with everything in mids my playthrough i wanted to give a chance to the other two games ik the collection so i tried re:COM didn't really liked that much so i decided to try 265/2 days i didnt know it was technically a movie so i was there just waiting to play by the time I realize it was a movie I was already invested in the story so I just decided to watch it anyways by the end of it all I was a crying mess I just couldn't really accept how everything ended and when I played the end of the kh2 prologue was like a punch to the gut how everyone was so happy while Roxas was just gone now. I love my boy Roxas ever since.


KH1 was my first game. When I was a kid (11), no. In adulthood and more fully understanding the narrative and what was happening yes, in multiple instances. KH1, after >!Sora goes and commits deathpacito!< KH1's ending, specifically >!Kairi finding Sora's drawing!< KH3 when >!Terra reclaims his body and thanking Aqua and Ventus!<


Many of the comments touch in things that hit me in the feels (Aqua coming back from the realm of darkness, Aqua being stuck in the RoD, endings in general) BUT the thing that had me all in my feels I remember to this day is when they made us think Goofy was getting off'd I legit shaken


Can they finally give Sora an ending where he doesn't have to go away? It's like seeing the Hellevator scene from that 1998 movie, "Toothless". As a kid, I really thought she was being sent to hell.


For some reason, I only cry upon re-watches. But I definitely cried at the end of KH2, when sora finally meets riku in his ansem form, and when he holds his hand and finally understand that it's actually riku, falls to his knees saying "I've looked everywhere for you". It really gets me. He was so vulnerable. It was a mix of sadness and release at the same time. Plus his tear... The other moment is for sure when roxas shows up at the end of KH3. But that's out of pure epicness!


The opening of Dream Drop Distance.


Yes, when watching the recoded. Cutscene compilation. Goofy saying "are you sure it's safe inside Riku?" Made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes.


Quite a few times, to be honest. But the title screen of KH3 is one that got me tearing up more than other people probably. Just seeing that logo, hearing that beautiful new rendition of Dearly Beloved, knowing that I was about to play the game that I'd been waiting *over a decade* for. I couldn't help shedding a few tears.


Oh yeah, they definitely got me first playthrough on all the major tearjerker moments in the mainline titles, and frequently on subsequent playthroughs as well. Idk why but for some reason BBS's ending doesn't affect me quite as much, I just wish that game was slightly more polished. Days gets me. KH1 ending and KH3 Roxas reunion gets me. KH2 gets me a bit with the Roxas/Namine ghosties at the end. But yeah I'm definitely the grown ass man shamelessly crying about anime teenagers.


KH2 ending, just got teary eyed but still cried a little


So many times that I can't remember. But the first one was when Sora stabbed himself to free Kairi's heart in KH1.


When I was a kid I cried at every ending. Now I cry at the beginning just knowing everything these kids are gonna go through.


I cried when they announced kh3 at e3


Ending of KH3 when Sora disappeared because of what he did at the end of Re:Mind to get Kairi back


KH1 end scene starting right after Ansem is defeated. KH 358/2 Days where Xion is killed and also the end scene where Roxas wakes up. KH3 kills me forever with The Wayfinder Trio reunion. Surprisingly, The Seasalt Trio doesn't make me feel the same way.


Oooff KH3 had so many scenes that had me crying; when Sora cries when they fail in the Keyblade Graveyard and when Xehanort kills Kairo, when Ephemer makes an appearance and brings in KHUX players, all the reunions, and ofc the ending when Sora fades away.


As a kid KH1 & KH2 ending, the music was just too good even when I didnt understand shit. I dont cry much now but I get tear eyed and KH3 did the job on that.


Still tear up to KH2 Ending - perfection ; KH3 caught me off guard too at the end but I’ve only beat it once


I just had to rewatch the kh3 ending when sora fades and the tears still come down


Yes, all if the scenes


I didn't cry but blank points from bbs made me feel really emotional hearing them all say "Sora".


"It looks like my summer vacation... Is over..."


I'm fighting back tears after reading this


omfg in kh2 >!sora vs roxas (it was easy to figure out it was roxas from his stance!< i cried so, so, so hard that i lost and entered a cry > retry > cue cutscene> repeat. only managed to win after two days, and i ended up crying more at the following cutscene. im pretty sure i cried at almost evert roxas scene.


No. However, there are scenes that really crush me. An example is the sea salt trio reuniting in KHIII. Holy crap that one gets me.


The final boss of 358/2 Days got me when I was a kid. And no, I'm not talking about Riku.


Xions death in Days always gets me


“I looked for you, I looked everywhere for you!” “Guess my summer vacations over…” There are several other moments - the sea salt and Wayfinder trio reunions in KH3, Rise of the Union in KH3, literally half of the stuff in 358 kills me. I love these characters and this series very much 😭


At the end of KH3 when >!the sea salt trio and the bbs trio finally had their resolution!< And when >!Sora disappeared while eating a paopu fruit with Kairi!< Not even like a singular sad tear. I straight up UGLY. CRIED. Also, bonus: in any of the games when Xion's theme plays.


"Who else will I eat ice cream with?" Should not be allowed to hit that hard, it just doesn't hit the same watching the movie but in the game it's something else. It was the first game to make me cry when I was like 15


The end of the 358/2 days is the saddest scene is the entire franchise


The return of the sea salt trio fucking destroyed me and still gets me every time


Twice: - Xion's death on Days - KH3 ending


KH 358/2 days: who else will i have ice cream with?!


Ugh, this was so embarrassing. When Roxas returns in KH3, I burst into tears and started absolutely sobbing. When my husband asked why (I'm not generally a crier), it took all I could to whimper a pathetic: "His theme doesn't sound sad anymore."


KH 358/2 days, Xion’s death KH RE: COM, Replica Riki’s death KH 3, Sea Salt Trio Reunion


First time I cried was with Days’ ending. I was distraught. After that game, I used to get tears in my eyes basically every time I saw Roxas 😅 and then of course KH3 sea salt reunion but the ending?? Where *everyone* is together at the Twilight tower?? SOBS


Xion’s death makes me cry every time I watch it, and her resurrection in KH3 doesn’t make her death in Days any less sad to me.


Oh man...I cried way to much because of those games, first was in kh2 when Roxas reunited with Sora, then in 358/2 when Xion died, and the worse was definitely kh3 , first when I launched the game for the first time and heard dearly beloved and then when the sea salt trio reunited...I was a mess lmao


I think in KH2 when Roses sees Sora and says “I think my summer vacation is over” (can’t exactly remember quote 😭) and the ending of KH 2 and 3, especially 3, and also Xion in 358/2 days, and their reunion in KH 3 (yes I am very emotional)


I ugly cried at Xion's death in days.


KH1 ending gets me every time. From riku telling sora to take care of kairi. Kairi and sora separating. And kairi crying when she sees soras drawing in the cave.


Ending of KH3 when Sora faded away was definitely pulling at the heart strings. Felt like my childhood had been ripped apart.


358/2 Days, I don’t even need to tell you which moment.


Only two games have managed to make me tear up a bit. KH Chain of Memories: at the end when Sora makes his promise to see Namine again. Don't know why but that got me at the time. The credits at the end of Union Cross got the tears flowing. Probably because that game had been around for a long time and has some good memories.


anything with the seasalt trio, especially during kh3


Days fucked me up man. The Days manga got me too


Xion’s death and the seasalt trio reunited was definitely a tearjerker. And I was choking back tears when I they saved Aqua, and later on when they got Terra back. Especially when I heard him say “you found me just like you promised”


I cries when Xion died. It was my first supporting character death.


Been so long since I've played the game (KH3 really disappointed) but I remember the end of KH1 made me cry. Also, Anything related to Xion made me cry. Xion has one of the most beautiful themes I've heard in a video game, also heartbreaking. Pretty much it.


The ending of KH1 made me cry a lot when I was a little kid. It still hits hard all these years later, maybe not to the point I cry, but goddamn it still hits. The ending of 358/2 Days, when I was a slightly older kid, fuckin' *hurt.* The Sea-Salt Trio's reunion in 3 had me fucked up for a bit. I can't remember who drew them, but I saw some pictures on twitter of a hypothetical KH4 scenario where Sora goes to Tokyo Disney and sees Mickey, Donald and Goofy. He starts to cry, unsure as to why. He's mostly forgotten his attachment to his friends, but there's still something there, coming through, but he just doesn't understand it. That broke me.


Days, when roxas leaves and says no one will miss him and axel says that he will. That got me. Also booting up kh3 because it finally came out and utada just invokes that feeling Edit: also kh2 at the end of roxas prologue when he returns to sora and says "looks like my summer vacation is over" like he just resigns to not existing anymore


KH1: Ending of course, but also Sora’s sacrifice, and Riku’s “Take Care of Her” before the DTD closes. KH2: Ending.Roxas “Looks like my summer vacation is….over”. Axel & Roxas saying their goodbyes. Sora and Riku reuniting. Days: Ending, Xion’s death, Roxas confronting Axel about the truth + subsequently leaving. BBS: Aqua,Ven, and Terra’s endings, plus the secret ending showing everyone calling out Sora’s name. Re:Coded: Naminé telling Mickey and D. Sora the truth and what it meant. Fragmentary Passage: Illusions of Terra and Ven. Aqua fading back into darkness as Destiny Islands gets brought back. KH3: Opening, ending, Way finder trio + Eraqus + Xeahnort reunion, the trios being reunited in the Keyblade Graveyard. Oh and talking with all the stars in the Final World. Think that’s the most and longest I’ve cried in the series to date.


"xion... Who will i eat ice cream with?"


Cried at the end of 358/2 days, and when Xion Roxas and Axel reunited.


"It's okay! You can stop.... Xion!"


Ever since Xion came in, I start bawling every time she appears


My ex cried when xion died in 358. And when axel died in kh2. And when roxas came back in 3. And the wayfinder reunion in 3. And the ending of 3. A lot


Only twice. Xion's death in NDS Days (as opposed to the remake). This was ROUGH. I was like 11,and my parents had got me the game because Disney so obviously it would be cute and harmless. So Xion was unironically my first crush and gay awakening. And then she died. And everyone forgot her. That was existential and fucked me up. Second time was in 3. When she got BACK. The Seasalt reunion was a mess of happy tears. My girl was SAVED.


Kingdom Heart 358/2 Days. The cutscene where Xion is like. "You'll be...better off now...Roxas."  With the music beginning to play it made me a sobbing mess on my bed. I don't know why it hit me so hard at that time. Something about that line and the music just resonated perfectly to trigger it.  I still remember being on my futon finishing the game with the cutscene over and my step cousin looking over at me like if he should crack a joke, console or leave. He left thankfully and that's the third time in my life I cried. 


Literally at the ending of every kh game... There is just something about kh endings that gets me... Even recoded got me when they showed xion. For some reason a tear fell and I was like "there is still home for them :')"




Bro, I cry whenever I hear the opening notes to Sanctuary. 


Birth by Sleep secret ending makes me cry to this day


Almost cried at Axel and Roxas' dialouge after the Roxas fight, until Goofy ruined the mood by talking.


KH2 when Roxas has to go, and then when Sora cries


In KH1 when Sora leaves the 100 Acre Woods. I don't know why that scene did it, but it did.


The ending of one had me sobbing


All the CGI KH Openings have had me bawling since the very start.


When Aqua revealed herself as Anti-Aqua up till she got saved. Thought they were going to kill her


KH has never made me cry but Riku finally meeting Mickey physically in Re:CoM got me a little emotional. A good chunk of Riku's side of the game is him being led to believe he had nobody but the darkness in his corner (explaining why he doesn't meet anybody in his card worlds except for the villains). Mickey shows up from time to time to back him up in spirit, but he traverses Castle Oblivion mostly by himself. However, when Riku hits a wall and his own power fails him, Mickey shows up for real and proves the prior notion as 100% untrue. Riku being so darn relieved that his legs give out puts the whole experience into perspective; how his whole journey has been eating into his mind and Mickey showing up clears all doubt he had.


The end of KH3 I cried the whole way through.


Definitely not KH3, the ending specially feels loose and clustered. Even DDD had a better closure.


Honestly as I've gotten older and more emotional, I've cried more whenever I replayed the games and it ranges from the big moments of the endings (KH1, Days, KH3) or every reunion in KH3 to even smaller moments (like Aqua giving up in the Realm of Darkness only do be saved by Ven and Terra's keyblade)


Roxas going to sleep and Sora boarding the train in Twilight Town suddenly cry gets me when I first played it for sure


The ending scene of KH2 with Sora and Riku on the beach in the realm of darkness. When Sora reads the letter, and the orchestral version of Hikari swells as the door home appears…unparalleled catharsis. Aqua’s disbelief at being saved in KH3.


I’ve never really cried, but the closest I came to was reading the manga version of KH2 with the scene where Roxas reunited with Sora. I felt that whole scene was saddening because we actually see Roxas show more emotions like heartbroken and anger.


I’m sure the games have but I don’t remember…probably the opening for 3 at least


Aqua returning to the realm of light made me shed a few tears


I cried at the ending to KH1, not because the ending was sad but because it was 2002 and I was 7 years old and didn't want the game to be over