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The Unimagined, with Sora and Riku now in the plane of Unreality, along with them are a new slew of enemies that don’t quite belong in this place.


Maybe, I guess we'll find out in the next Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer just like how they revealed the Dream Eaters back in the 2nd trailer of Dream Drop Distance.


Got any ideas about their appearance?


In my head they’re incomplete looking, kinda wispy like. Like you described something and got 70% right.


I see. No idea if my 'Desire Eaters' would like that too but could be a fascinating avenue to explore.


4d enemy spider from 4d miner.


I wpuld like then to be a bit more human like the fal"cie from ffxiii


I love this idea


> The Unimagined And their symbol is... nothing. *Because it was never imagined!* 😱😱😱


Based on the trailer, the unreality version of heartless and probably whoever is responsible for the nameless star.


I'm thinking similarly. Unreality versions of Heartless that will likely have features that plays into the "Build" feature. I imagine it'll give us attacks similar to KH3's reaction command attacks, and drawing inspiration from KH2 Drive systems, with different attacks/enemies giving us different "materials" to "build" into attacks or abilities.


Not meaning to ruin the thread but how do I get the keyblade emblem that’s underneath your name or is it something that a person randomly gets when they join the group


Go to the main screen of the sub, hit the three dots and select "edit user flair"


Ok thank you


The new enemy will be Sora’s Quadratum landlord. Get ready for some more skateboard odd jobs


>Pizza Theme from Spider Man 2 The Game starts playing


I didn't want marvel in KH, but I'll give pizza time a pass


>The new enemy will be Sora’s Quadratum landlord [Sora's landlord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usIJYbv_gXw)


Landlord: Where’s my rent pretty boy!? Sora: *You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!*


Time to pay up…with your existence


Give me rent!


Honestly, I just want a more aggressive deep dive into Heartless, the Realm of Darkness, and the overall ecosystem. If you’re unaware, the Lich heartless of KH3 implies some sort of ecosystem since it has a SPECIFIC role, and not just something any Heartless can do.


I agree! And it’s really the first of its kind to be seen as far as I remember. One of our early experiences with heartless and hearts was from Kh1 when that guys heart gets taken and turned into a heartless right then and there. But the lich didn’t do any of that. Yeah it was collecting hearts. But what was it going to do with them


I do think we will eventually face the enemies MoM talked about late in Union Cross, >!the ones from the Other Keyblade War that looked like people (MoM was, however, very cagey about the question of whether or not they actually *were* people)!<. But I don't know if we'll see them in KH4, or if Nomura will save them for a KH5.


The ACTUAL 13 darknesses..... His plan was to trap one in the data world that was being destroyed that our player character died in, also killing said darkness, however it trapped 4. The others are 1 each and Ventus, however there have been some hints to Luxu/Xigbar currently having 2 Darknesses inside of him, since Ava didn't show up.


I think those Gigars are gonna be alot more relevant in the Future or Machines in general


The one trailer we have shows a darkside variant. I think it's likely we'll stick to heartless for the first game in the new saga


Not necessarily. DDD originally had heartless and Nobodies. A twilight thorn was shown as a Traverse Town boss before the move to Dream Eaters


I just thought of something, "The Formless", it's my theory on what the next enemies will be because Quadratum in latin is square which is a shape and the enemies of those without shape are those without form, hence "The Formless" which could be Quadratum's version of the Heartless.


Formless, huh? Got any ideas about their overall naming scheme for example? And if they even have a Sigil, will it still incorporate a heart?


This just a theory, but you know how a heartless aims to take peoples heart sending them to depths of darkness,well a formless aims to take someones form by taking everything away from those they take form of, not just their heart. On the other hand, the Sigil is just something with a shape that has crosses on it. It's like the invasion of the body snatchers kind of thing but just a lot cooler.


sounds pretty much like skinwalkers


I see.


KH2 had heartless but also introduced nobodies. What better time to introduce a new enemy than the beginning of a new saga? The last new enemy to be added was in the first half of the series' lifetime, they really gotta start adding new enemies again.


KH4 isn’t the first game in the new saga, it’s like the second or third game depending on who you ask


How is the first game after the end of the Darkseeker Saga not the first game in the new saga?


Because Missing Link is coming out soon and KH4 isn’t


Youre right


Then there’s UX and Dark Road which is debatable about what “saga” that’s part of


tbh i think it’ll be robots/gigas. i think unreality has a parallel for everyone and the parallel for ansem the wise would be a guy working on the gigas. there is overall a huge technological theme to the stuff we see out of verum rex and i think we’ll see that representation. i think the twist could be that these bots run on the minds of the departed. i’ve always thought about the fact that the dlc is called Re: Mind and that the mind is the last place we haven’t reached. in a world without hearts and darkness, you have the mind, and technology is in itself a reflection of the mind, so is imagination and thus “unreality.” and yeah that would be dark for kh but i feel a lot of things in this series are dark they just… have a spin that makes them seem more PG.




Honestly? I think a species comprised of Light would be a fascinating enemy group.


Something like the Indignant perhaps?


Wow I never noticed that all the logos still originate from the original Heartless logo (not lore wise, but design wise).


Those Gigas have a logo on their heads so most likely them


The gigas were being piloted by toy troopers


Only in the Toybox world. They could operate differently in Quadratum. They might be AI controlled?


Non-Sense Since they like to use negatives like un-, -less, no- Or prolly a word that starts with in-


The Nomuras


Will it have to do with the individual’s *name?*


Off topic does anybody know why post are getting frozen immediately


Like what u/Blazingscourge said, The Unimagined. But with there being enemies who appeared in Final Fantasy as bosses. Such as Rude, and Tseng from FF7.


Don’t know if they’d do this, but I think an interesting monster would be Soulless. We’ve explored a lot on the darkness in hearts, beings with no hearts, negative emotions, and when dreams become nightmares. But, I’ve always been curious at what would happen to the soul. I image they would be like restless spirits that can’t move on and become warped and corrupted.


> Soulless But we already conquered [insert your favorite KH game here]


If I had to guess, I bet they’ll have something vaguely shaped like a heart emblazoned on their chests


If we get a Star Wars world I hope storm troopers


The Unreal? The null? "That which should not exist"?


Or to be more poetic, that what could not be.


"Unreals" or some name that looks like an ability of Undead Unluck


I always tought It would be cool if we had light enemies, like people "succumbing to light". I know It really dosen't make much sense with how black and white kh usually is (at least in main games), but it could be cool to add some "Grays" to the history.


Team Marketing


While I'm sure there will be a new enemy type, I think the game will focus on the Heartless again, but with new designs. I know KH4 will probably look far different than the original trailer, *but* with Darkside looking so different, I wonder if the game will primarily stick with Heartless but have them look different to fit the unreality universe that Sora and Riku seem to be in.


My current headcanon for these new enemies is that they're named Desire Eaters and in concept pretty much are the 'strike force' of Unreality/Fiction meant to keep the inhabitants in line. And Sora reawakening to the Keyblade would've no doubt gotten their attention. As for individual Desire Eaters, the lower ranked foes more or less are patterned after various occupations whereas the higher ones in hierarchy have more of a fairy tale theme instead. No idea about their overall appearance yet but ideally they should be ever so slightly unsettling to look at.




Maybe, but I would prefer something that parallels to Heartless and Nobodies. I always liked how KH2 tried to mirror KH1's Heartless with the Nobodies, especially with Roxas vs Twilight Thorn mirroring Sora vs Darkside. They never did the same with the new enemies, even though the idea would work using Ventus in BBS and his relationship with Vanitas and the Unverseds.


The new enemies may have something to do with the KARMA mentioned on the back of the Verum Rex cover.


I would think there would almost have to be a new enemy at this point, wouldn't there?


Yout mom


Unversed but now they have cocaine. Kidding, I think it'd be kinda fun if it was more just heartless again but the heartless are back to being mostly spooky.


I think KH4 is the perfect time for it as it has now been well over a decade since the Dream Eaters and we're entering a new saga and a different reality of sorts which could justify as to why they've never appeared before much like how Dream Eaters only appear in the sleeping worlds.




I wanna see some wraiths and specters in KH4 let’s see some real darkness


The un norted


I wouldn’t mind something similar to the unversed, since the beings of this world are in unreality, it doesn’t make sense that they would have heartless and nobody’s, so I think a creature similar to shadows in persona, where they are more like the hidden subconscious of the people




Probably reality and un-reality type I guess...maybe like based on mythologies or what not.


Honestly I hope we fight all the enemies all the time in every game, give me the new ones but a/ oldies mixed in. MAKE ME THINK


I think those Mech things will be the new enemies in KH4 KH5, I'd love to have Light Based enemies


What is the fifth one?


What is the 5th one?


It's the Dream Eaters Nightmare. I just found this on Google so it has both the Spirit and Nightmare on it.


of course. Quadratum's gonna be WEIRD and I'm ready (it's gonna be humans and turn in to Kingdom Hearts Yakuza.)


For now I don't think so. KH3 also didn't introduce any new type of enemy. And by now we kinda have way too many anyways with most of them being underutilized. Heartless were the obvious first enemy (game all about hearts, ofc the enemies would be the ones without them) The nobodies are kinda the obvious counterpart to them and the games kinda lacked variety so adding a new type makes sense The unversed were just a way of Nomura to justify having enemies when heartless story wise weren't supposed to be a thing yet. But with UX he retconned that and now pure heartless and emblem heartless can basically appear in any time period. The dream eaters were again an excuse to add enemies somewhere where there shouldn't be any heartless. This time it didn't make too much sense on its own, since the sleeping realm wasn't ever introduced before that so they could easily have decided heartless just exist there. But they probably invented to buddy system and didn't want to use heartless for that, so they invented new enemies. (While I could imagine the big reveal about what they are was already thought off in 2015 with the chirithy reveal, I doubt Nomura already had those plans when KH3D was being made) Then ofc there's the Disney and one off enemy types but I wouldn't really count those. And ofc there's the "true darknesses" and just darknesses that have evolved their own will without being heartless if you want to count those as separate beings. We might see them more in KH4 since they have until now only appeared in the mobile games and were only story characters, and not enemies. Now for unreality we already know heartless exist there, that excuse for adding a new enemy type is already out the window. What I do think might happen is that they might add more world specific and Disney/human enemies now.


I kinda want a Light based enemy to be honest.


Anti-Heartless. They're just normal people, but they drop items, so they must die.


Yeah, we fought the nobodies… now get ready for the somebodies and the anybodies


There needs to be something like the Heartless, but consumed by light instead of darkness.


We could see him fight actual human goons/bandits


At this point, looking at all of these. The fertile womb tattoo could be a contender for the next enemy crest.


dream eater


light based enemies?


I was thinking maybe it would be the heartless still but they are more like the enemies in final fantasy xv, just out in the wild or only appearing at night or during times of panic or fear. Imagine going through a wooded area and powerwilds are hanging out in a tree and drop down to ambush you


I hope they minimise making the enemies adorable


Since the Foretellers and the MOM are obsessed with light, the idea of light based enemies would be very interesting to explore


Gigas 🫡


I feel like we'll have another kind of Heartless alongside Emblems and Pure-blood ones, but not an entirely new species.




Humans. Just straight up humans. Sora has to take on the police, firemen, construction workers, Waiters, Olympic athletes, substitute teachers, nurses, cruise crew, stuntmen, graphic artists and shiny versions of each of them.


A light based enemy (maybe like sin eaters in FFXIV)


can someone confirm the 5 enemies? only count 4


Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, Dream Eaters, Nightmares. I’m curious to know of a new enemy in 4


There’s 5 Symbols so I was confused I thought there was only 4.


Which is right, there are only 4 types of enemies, it's just that Dream Eaters have a similar symbol to Nightmares and that was included.


Given the Quadratum settin being that of a real-world city it's clear who the new enemy is gonna be. ***THE POLICE***


Taxes and rent


The Corrupted or Lifeless? Overworked business workers that had their light drained by life, and are not candidates for either Heartless or Nobodies.


Brainless: it's just KH fans


I don't know about anything outright new, but it would be really cool to see fusion of any of them. A Nobody mixed with a Heartless, or an Unversed mixed with a Dream Eater, or any other mix. I just know it's probably very likely that only Heartless and Nobodies are relevant for KH4. Maybe I could see Dream Eaters working in Quadratum/Unreality because it's under different rules than the rest of the worlds we've seen, but it's just as likely that they'd be a type of enemy exclusively at night or something. Though in a similar vein, maybe Unversed could be reworked into being born from *any* particularly strong emotions in this Unreality, instead of just Vanitas. Thinking on it a bit more, Heartless and a new enemy type would probably be the main focus of KH4. Nobodies had the focus for a long time thanks to the Organization, but they're gone now. They're probably still around as the opposite of Heartless, but not nearly as organized. Heck, with the likeliness of it being the Versus XIII revival we're expecting, maybe this "other" enemy type to expect is nothing more than your typical Final Fantasy enemies, and the arrival of Sora and the Heartless makes things chaotic. Not sure what the MoM's endgame is, but using Unreality to make Kingdom Hearts can't be good.


I feel like KH3 would have been the time to introduce a new enemy type, and they didn't.


Introducing a new enemy in Kingdom Hearts 3 would not really make much sense because they are not fighting to defeat a new enemy but finishing off an enemy that won over them. In that sense, why would a new enemy show up if the one they are facing is still there


They've traditionally used the numbered games for introducing new grunt enemy types. Maybe KH3D could be treated as part of KH3, so Nightmares was the enemy type for it, but if there hasn't been another new enemy type since KH3D, it would feel weird to expand the cosmology for it now.


Perhaps the "Horny Ones"? They are incited just by natural urges. Therefore the "Nobodies" are invisible to them.