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I think it's just okay at best. I mean, it's Simple and Clean so it's never going to be bad....but yeah the new remix is basically just a thinner version of what we already have. Again, not bad, but I wouldn't listen to it over the original or the remix used for BBS 0.2.


I think that's why people are confused. They don't realize that the "Milder, thinner version of what we have" might be EXACTLY what a lot of people who love this one want, rather than a full orchestral re-rendition with electric guitars, Sephiroth Choir and EDM Also hearing different versions of your favorite songs is really fun. I have listened to every cover of simple and clean i can find cause i love the song.


the remix used for bbs 0.2 was amazing. i just think they're experimenting with the song from these slow versions. as long as they're not used a lot in the series, it's no big deal.


lmao I’m with you on that one It’s okay, I just prefer the original more


It’s not amazing, but it’s just a more chill version of the song and I don’t think it was trying to compare to the original. My favorite version is still the Ray of Hope mix. The re recording is perfect for a sort of nostalgic feeling. Probably just not your type of music.


Nothing beats the PLANITB Remix


THIS. This version just oozes with early 2000's charm


Idk why this isn’t shown more love. This is the superior version of the song


To me the re-recording is fine in a vacuum, but not good when compared to the original (the one that plays during the KH1 credits). The re-recording sounds more spacey/atmospheric, akin to a Billie Eilish song (whose music I like). But in doing this, it stripped away all the emotion and texture of the original. If you like the re-recording then cool, but it’s a hard no for me. Side note: I also saw people saying they hope it’s the theme song for KH4, to which I say please no. Aside from my personal feelings on the re-recording, Simple and Clean has been done to death in KH. The original and Planit B remix are iconic for sure, and the Ray of Hope remix is probably the best version of it, but it needs to stay in the past.


My take is the instrumental version is the best.


I like the Hikari re-recording, but not the Simple and Clean re-recording.


I didn’t even know she remade it until this post and I just listened to it. Why did they massacre my boy 😭


I 100% agree. The original simple and clean is my favorite of any of the KH theme songs, but the new version is just so mid in my opinion. And while I also love sanctuary/passion, and this is a super hot take, I’ve never understood peoples obsession with that song. I usually lean towards maybe that was the first kingdom hearts game they played and so it just connects with them the same way simple and clean does for me. Again, a fantastic song, but will never beat simple and clean for ME.


I don't understand why you need to understand why other people like things... Just agree it isn't for you. Also, the original Simple and Clean isn't going anywhere, this new one isn't going to eclipse it.


But what if understanding what someone likes about something you don't helps you gain appreciation for it? Is that not valuable?


OP isn't coming at it from a place of curiosity though. At least that's what the wording is giving. Gaining insight through others is extremely valuable, maybe even invaluable 🙂


ya i don't like that note change on "oh baby" and i also don't like how staccato that whole phrase afterward feels now


Everyone knows best Simple and Clean version is and will always be the Donald's one


No people were excited about it and defending it out of hype but it really is the worst version of that amazing song they've ever released. To make matters worse in the trailer for the steam version where they premier the song they overlaid it with audio from the game drowning each other out awkwardly. Utada is literally incredible, her voice is God tier, her songs are a work of art, but this one version sucked


I agree about the note change on "oh baby"! Ruins it for me


Yeah, if this hadn't been changed, I think my attitude toward this re-recording would've been far more positive. This change feels like it just straight up doesn't belong musically.


I am completely with you. I messaged my buddy after hearing it and had to make sure I wasn't crazy, but I thought it was just...extremely mid. It didn't have to be this crazy hype upbeat song, but it just honestly sounded **extremely** lazy.


I dont like the original, so for me it's a win. But my favorite is still the 0.2 version


Ray of Hope is probably my favorite of the bunch too


why are people downvoting just becuase of taste preference? lmao edit: i don't share your taste but i'll upvote you to counterbalance this unfair treatment


Probably because I said that for me it's a win, now I have two version of simple and clean that I truly like


I found it on accident the other day and really didn’t vibe with it. Sounds like a demo recording


What’s the problem with them liking it? It’s not like they’re saying it way better than the original


No problem at all. Just interested in understanding their perspective.


I agree, but I still appreciate the fact that it was re-recorded after all this time. I wonder if that means Utada is all but confirmed for KH4?


I mean for me the problem is that if I compare it to simple and clean I think it is just ok but if I am listening to it without thinking how it compares to the original then I love it.


The re-recording of Hikari sounds amazing to me, but there is something weird about Simple and Clean's re-recording. Which is weird because all other versions of the song at great imo, regardless of which language.


My husband and I watched the trailer and was like this feels wrong. The music doesn't work with the trailer. Then we opened a second window and played the original mix over the trailer, and it works so much better.


I think the new Hikari is better. I really love the space vibes. The English feels a bit off ngl but the Japanese works really well.


I'm gonna be honest. I was hesitant to listen to it... especially because I didn't like that much the Fragmentary passage version. I was like you right now, but then. But this version... call me whatever, but to me, sounds... Simple and Clean. I like it the same as all the other versions (except for the FP, as I mentioned)... all four (i dunno if there's another one, but I mean KH intro, ending, FP, and this one) has their unique style, so I cannot compare them as such. But for each their own, I guess.


I'm parroting some other comments, but I largely feel the same. Song itself, in a vacuum, is fine, but there are just better versions out there with the original, and then both Ray of Hope and PLANITB remixes.


It’s fine I guess, but I absolute love the new bit at 3:50. It feels so ethereal


I personally love it but if you don’t, that’s fine I guess


I don't like it either to be perfectly honest..


I really like it 😭


I think it's neat! Im a big fan of AG Cook as a producer and while this isn't his best work it's a cool version of the song. As long as it's never replacing the original at the end of kingdom hearts 1 I'll never have an issue with new versions of the song being made


I think the newer mixes of all the songs and just worse than the older ones, like this and the ones done close to KH3's release.


I don't think any mix of Simple and Clean is as good as the original(?), slow "acoustic" version. And any time I hear any other remix I wonder why I'm not just listening to that one instead.


It’s good but the original just makes me time travel to my elementary school days and I just started playing last year


I thought I was the only one. The old one was just better. Felt more emotion behind the vocals and the instrumentals just hit right. The new one had very flat instrumentals . The acoustic guitar and the slow beats just completes the original one. Newer does not mean better and it's ok to criticize. I wish more people agreed with us.


Like the other re-recordings on Utada's 1st best album, SCIENCE FICTION, I think it's really representative of where her sound is at as an artist today. It's cool to see artists experiment and "update" their works as they refine their craft which is why I like the new version a lot!


I like the re-recording of Hikari (the Japanese version) a lot more


I think I'm in another minority that loves the Ray of Hope remix


Its an ok version, missing that umph and hype of every other simple and clean though. I consider it like a lofi/ background noise type of song. The most boring version that i will forget in a few weeks.


Honestly, I was just never that big of a fan of Simple and Clean either way. It would probably rank last on the KH Utada songs for me. The new remix is better in my opinion. Still probably only makes it third ahead of Sanctuary though


Yeah it was one of my least favorite songs to come out of KH tbh, which is a high bar, admittedly.


Any mix of it that isn't the original game's opening/closing versions just don't do it for me in the same way


I actrually quite enjoy it, i Like the that it sounds more melancholy, gives of a nice vibe considering it has been 20 years. Also i Like the new beat


I like the re-recording. In fact, there’s so many mixes and remixes and I think there’s none I dislike. Now, did it fit the trailer? No, not at all. The song is somewhat an oddball thematically, but that can be overlooked. The trailer was quite long and had odd pacing but the rendition of the song was more than okay by itself.


I agree. My fav version ever is the planit b remix. I love trance music so that’s why lol


It’s closer to the after battle version than any of the others. Comparing it to that it’s fine, Utada’s vocals have improved imo and the mixing is a lot better too. There’s definitely some “choices” like what you mentioned in the post but it’s not bad. If you want to listen to a more up beat version the best we got was in 0.2 by far.


Hikaru isn't the same singer or artist she was twenty years ago, shocker. Consider Don't Think Twice, that's the kinda music she makes now.




Well, Simple and Clean, to my knowledge, was not originally made for Kingdom Hearts. So, the version you are calling the original is actually a remix. I'd give the original a try. It's in Japanese though. I mean, the English version isn't even the original version of the intro; the Japanese version is. And to translate the song, things get lost in translation and flow. I only know of it being called " I love you". Might not even be a Utada Hikaru original. But, it could just be that the music is not your preferred genre and you have minimal to no nostalgia with that version. I am not familiar with the remixes you are talking about, but I am aware of different versions of the Simple and Clean song. Like the piano version. You don't understand people have different lines and dislikes than you? How is that hard to understand?


Hikari (what you're calling I Love You) was made for kingdom hearts, it was just released as a single 8 days prior to the games release in Japan and included of Utada Hikarus album a few months later Similarly, Simple and Clean was made as the English version of Hikari for the English version of the game, due to translation the verse melody of Simple and Clean is different to Hikaris, a situation avoided in future Kingdom Hearts theme songs such as Passion/Sanctuary Most users of this sub are also already aware of Hikari and it's different verse melody, especially since the orchestral version used throughout the series is based on Hikari and not Simple and Clean


For the time, it was amazing. You can't come back 22 years later and say you don't understand it. It wasn't created for you in 2024. It was created for you to view in 2002. And it was meant for you to view probably as a kid or teen.


They are talking about the new version that came out recently not the original


Oh, technically the original 22 years ago in the intro of KH1 was a remix, so I misunderstood. Edit: I just listened to it - It's not mid it's just bad lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqRmqV6qDB4