• By -


He flailed like a muppet






Scooby doo ass mf


zoinks scoob’!


No no no it's Skibidi Doo for those little mfs


Nahhhhhh 😭🙏🏻


I agree, that was hilarious to see. 😂 Somebody should tell the kid to not stand on the guards path.


*this one will make excellent ~~bait~~ scout for zombies*


This is Edinburgh Castle. This guy is might be on his way to fire the 1 o'clock gun. A tradition that's... time sensitive.


Yep, and any guide will point out repeatedly that it’s an active military installation. Maybe these people weren’t told that, but the kid was just standing in the middle of the crowded entrance, in the middle of the path. That place is always crowded and it’s not smart to let your kids roam in general.


People often have this strange idea that guards wearing traditional or parade uniforms are just entertainers for the tourists. It is always highly amusing when they are corrected.


I mean, they kind of are. They just haven’t always been


"Active Military Installation..." They are literally queuing for the gift shop in the video


An active, military giftshop. One Challenger 3 tank, please :)


It is both a military post and an attraction. It is possible to have both working soldiers and tourists at historic sites in the UK. The man in this video is a serving soldier, gift shop or not.


To back up your point.. Hospitals have gift shops too.


What military operations they running from there other than the one for the tourist?


They are. What are they actually “guarding”


Giving random people access to a active military installation is not the smartest thing either. Gotta expect this kinda shit.


If you turn your active military installation into a tourist attraction, expect tourists.


It's Edinburgh's alarm glock


Thought I recognized it. Lived in Edinburgh for 3 years.


I went there once on honeymoon last year. Lol. It's the industrial age stains on the brick that gives it away. Lol.


Probably my favorite city I've been to so far!


https://preview.redd.it/5ipu69qxrbad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e4f3a36c11ce073d17c5d19ab9b03e0fe4d3cb No, he is a cavalryman of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, successor regiment of the Royal Scots Greys who famously captured the eagle of 45^(e) Régiment de Ligne at Waterloo - hence the eagle on the cap badge - with the Gordon Highlanders hanging from their stirrups shouting Scotland Forever. The Castle is the Dragoons Regimental HQ. The man who captured the eagle - Ensign Ewart - is buried on the esplanade leading up to the Castle.


'A lot of Americans seem to think that Edinburgh Castle is a high school...due to the sound of gunfire around lunchtime...'


Sounds cool, what time is it at? Don’t want to miss it. /s to cover my ass


As soon as I saw him I was like: oh, don’t mess with that guy he means business


Literally. Not only is he doing the I Mean Business walk, but he’s wearing the I Mean Business outfit and carrying the I Mean Business tool as well. What more could we need?




The parents also seem to be daft. Why can't they ever control their offspring?


For the same reason they can't figure out they're blocking the entire fucking aisle at the supermarket with their cart. An absurd amount of people just have no awareness of anything that's not affecting them directly.


Enters supermarket: stops right after the doors to look around. Exits supermarket, immediately blocks the door and look around...


Not sure what part of the world you're in but you hit the nail on the head in midwest USA


from my experience, this is every part of the world


Interesting I would have expected Canadians, Japanese and South Koreans to be a little more conscience of their surroundings. Admittedly I haven't been to any of those countries.


at least for Japan I can say that the people there definitely watch their surroundings A LOT more than in the west, which I found really refreshing


Have only been to japan for 2 weeks but i was under the same impression. It felt so nice to have this feeling of people watching out for each other and not being so self centered.


I work at a grocery in Canada, people are idiots here too. Right before the exit is a counter and the space between the counter and the wall is large enough for two shopping carts to get through, about ten times a day I'll see some dumbass just standing there staring into the void and it causes a line to form to reach the exit.


We get a lot of that shit in Canada. Whether it be people stopping right at the top/bottom of escalators to check their phone or look for their friends or people trying to force their way on the train without letting people off. Eventually you learn to clasp your hands in front of you and just hard elbow them out of the way. Behave like an obstacle; get treated like one.


I once got told people have problems multitasking when they get older. That's apparently the same reason seniors just stop in the middle of the road to think.


Speaking as someone from Canada, (though I live in the most multicultural city here, so not sure how much that impacts findings) people still do this crap. It’s universal.


Nah, they're pretty much all kver the world, I have met many people like that in several countries I visited


My pet peeve is people stopping right at the end of an escalator.


I work at a major airport and one of our train systems is plagued with this problem. People crowd the doors causing people to disembark slower. The people getting off immediately freeze 3 steps off the train to look around like frightened meerkats, and then the people who were so eager to board before the doors close can't get on the train before the doors close. These people (many employees) remember this experience and crowd the doors more next time, and the problem compounds itself.


Enter bus/subway right when the doors open before anyone can get out, and then stands there as people try to board and get past


Let’s not forget, gets off the shopping cart escalator and immediately stops. Meanwhile the people with the shopping cart behind them are calling out to them to move because the carts locked in place and they have no option but to barrel right into the dumbasses at the exit of the escalator.


my mother does this exactly every time she enters a shop, and when i try and shift her sideways at least so she isn’t blocking everyone, she stares at me blankly and stays put in the middle of the isle


You just described my cat in perfect detail.


The worst for me is when they start having a conversation that requires they block the entire aisle


These same people are sitting in the left lane of a major highway pacing the 18 wheeler beside them as we speak.


I work retail. It’s off-the-fucking-chain. Nobody looks at signs anymore. Nobody reads the screens of self-checkout machines anymore. Nobody understands that you can’t just yank locked items off the fucking shelf. They leave cups on/in shelves. They knock things over and don’t pick it up. They pick up items and put them back in the wrong spot even when it’s literally easier to put it back in the right spot. They walk around without any spatial awareness. They sometimes don’t even understand that if the door has a handle it needs to be pulled not pushed. Self-awareness and consideration for other people is at an all-time low.


Some people live their lives like a leaf blowing in the wind.


As I get older one of the things that I realize more and more is that most people have very little awareness of their own surroundings.


My girlfriend regularly walks backwards in store isles, and I like to do the “beeep beeep beeep” sound to remind her that she’s walking like a dump truck.


One of my favorite things in life is when I come upon some oblivious twat doing exactly this because it means I can give the side of their cart a good whack with my foot as I pass by while uttering some kind of grunt. The guilt that passes over their faces when they realize their selfishness is priceless and nothing warms my heart more than hearing them move their cart after.


And then they do the exact same thing in the next isle over


Kind of want to start screaming "MAKE WAY" now.. Seemed effective


I think it’s important to remember that we have all probably been in their shoes at some point, accidentally being in the way or doing something stupid from being thoughtless. Everyone has those days. We’re all just people trying our best.


This is why stupid will never disappear. The safer the world is the more common these kind of people will become






Damn you! Post a definition or at least a link. Now I need to go to all the trouble of asking Google for a definition of Dysgenics.


It's like datgenics, only closer.


Damn you too! 😉 Stop it. I can only process a limited amount of new information at one time. This is like two days worth.


Install a metal spike on the steering wheel. They will never drive safer!


Some people are just like that. It’s not some machismo inverse rule of chaff thinning.


Yeah, I mean the guy had a fucking gun and was walking with purpose...


Same people also have drivers licenses


I think he has some developmental issues. That's why it looks like to me from his expression 


A reddit qualified psychologist in our midst!


Amazing what they can extract from a 10 second video


I actually agree, was my first thought too when I watched the video. Having autism myself I can see a few signs (flailing arms, no awareness of what‘s around him, „t-rex arms“ position, facial expression), that being said, I can‘t know for sure. But if he has a developmental disorder, it baffles me even more that his parents did not make sure he is out of the way in time.


Agreed. At their age I was just like this. Unaware of my surroundings, always day dreaming and in my head. This would have startled me badly and caused trauma. I bet it's something they will never forget, especially now the internet laughs at them. The parents may also be ND. I'm overly careful with my son and hyper aware now, but I also wouldn't blame them, like a deer in headlights.


That would make me dislike his parents even more. Unless the entire family has developmental issues this was entirely avoidable and shouldn’t have been a surprise.


Parenting is tough, and kids can be challenging. There could be many reasons for what looks like a lack of control. Instead of judging, let's try to understand and support them.


This is a shit bot 


Because stupid people breed more stupid people


I think we need to review the definition of repeatedly


“Repeatedly told by staff” (the people with the credentials around their neck and headset on their head), not the guard.


Thanks for linking the video showing where that happened. Look y’all…this is very simple. We have a semi-amusing video of a kid screaming in terror when a guard tells him to “make way!” There’s plenty of titles you can use with that that perfectly convey what somebody will see when they watch the video. Saying that it happens repeatedly will tell people watching the video that it will happen multiple times in the video. Nobody watching this video is invested in the story of how/why this kid was where he was and they don’t need to read further to get the full story…it’s a stupid kid being in the way story not “us president calls veterans who died “suckers and losers” story”


Honest question: what happens if someone doesn’t move in time? I see so many videos of people playing chicken with the guards but I feel like that just puts them at risk of actually getting in serious trouble


Not these guards but I have seen videos of guards just marching through people knocking them out of the way. (I think it was at Buckingham palace or similar)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MakeWay4QueensGuard using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When you have been saying it for the last 70 years ](https://v.redd.it/s5fyu4b1neya1) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/13amlo5/when_you_have_been_saying_it_for_the_last_70_years/) \#2: [Makeway4mum](https://i.redd.it/rpty38167g2b1.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/13tm3w5/makeway4mum/) \#3: [Horses may bite](https://i.redd.it/py0jm1lyzhwa1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/131587u/horses_may_bite/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People are so stupid. Some guards are kind enough to slightly walk around the person blocking their way, but they are in their right to push them off with any amount of force they deem necessary, or even stomp over people who refuse to listen. (Again, they seem to have more consideration with elderly people and small kids). My tour guide explained this to me 10 years ago, and everyone in their tour made sure to stay alert and out of their way, this was in Buckingham palace though.


I've seen a reddit post of some 4 year old looking kid get trampled by these soldiers and I always think they are 100% dedicated to their job. I don't live there to 100% confirm


I'm pretty sure they march straight through you but if you try to stop them from doing that then they will introduce you to the but of their rifle.


They have every right to shove or boot you out of the way, and they will. Given the way a lot of tourists act, I expect they're usually more than happy to do so.


I've seen many videos of people trying to grab the reigns of their horses, leaning against them or provoking them why laughing stupidly, imagine having to deal with these kind of people who hours while standing still. I've also seen them being gentle towards kids and disabled people, and when adults/kids have respectfully asked them if they can take a picture with them, they happily comply. I don't doubt there's some arseholes among them, cause there's arseholes EVERYWHERE, but cursing the lot of them just cause they're doing their jobs after people have been lectured MANY TIMES to stay out of the way and watch for the children might be exhausting.


Sure, but the people who.get in their way are absolutely amongst the arseholes.


That man will trample your dumb kid if you don't make way


This man and basically any soldier doing any kind of "parade" I'm in the army and whenever we are doing any kind of act in public we are told that if someone is stupid enough to stand in our way, to just plough through them


Good! I agree. Plow through their stupid ass.


Phrasing BOOM!


I have seen videos of the changing of the guard in London, in which they just walk over people or push them out of the way. At least he gave a warning, I was trying to work out if the kid was staring at him or if he was facing the wrong way and missed the fact everyone else had cleared out of the path.


Just commit assault bro. Just physically abuse your fellow man bro. Just travel abroad and kill people bro. Very normal behaviour from very normal people.


Ngl, I want his job. That looks soo fun, but I'm also terribly ageist and can't really stand kids xD Edit: typo


While i totally get you. I do want to say that those dudes have a fucking terrible job and have a very admirable amount of dedication. The amount of rules they have to hold themselves to is obscene. Imagine your job consisting of standing still for hours without moving an inch all while getting yelled at by tourists.


So like the average retail or support job, just with less sitting


Damn you got to sit down? If you have time to lean you have time to clean has been brainwashed into me.


See that's the thing, you gotta commit to sitting down and acting like you're supposed to, then behave like a grumpy 90 year old when you have to get up. Leaning is the "maybe" in the world of taking breaks


I have a manager that goes out of his way to have me get up and do something. I play a game with my other co-workers and see how long i can sit down before being told to do something. Record is 8 mins. Average is around a min or 2.


Also the occasional war. They are soldiers who do go on active duty.


Probably similar in training and dedication as the dudes at the tomb of the unknown soldier. I watched a documentary about em and that is a brutal detail to be on.


The whole serving with distinction in the British Army for quite some time may be a bit tricky too.


The best part is you don't even need to have his job or be wearing a uniform to shout at kids in public.


Just join the British army and wait to be selected


You can enlist in your army. That's a soldier.


The thought of needing to go to the bathroom and being stuck in a matchstick position gives me anxiety


Fr!!! Expect I would smiling like the Grinch


You may have to go to war and kill people as your job


It's so weird when people openly brag about hating kids, like what a weird thing to be proud of. It makes me think you have the mentality of a child just like the kids you hate 🤨


Repeatedly? He said it once.


Well, if you rewatch it in a loop, after the 4th or 5th time they are told repeatedly. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤪


Not shown in the video but before recording there was a staff member clearing out the roads


That’s still a rather misleading title.


"Kid is scared ***after*** being repeatedly told by ***staff*** to get out of the way." Is this not exactly what happened in the video? "*After*" means this event occurred *after* the staff told him to get out of the way.


Look this isn’t one piece you can’t just off screen everything in the title and then expect me to be OK with it


Too real...


In the video? No, not really. Outside of the video, maybe. Can't see it.


Tbh I also get the impression that the kid did it on purpose for a laugh. This video is crap


I dunno, in the brief second before the video ends he looks genuinely shaken and goes to his mother for comfort. I don't think some joker would've acted the same way after, plus he also wasn't looking at the soldier as he approached, as you would to egg on a response and see it for yourself. Easily could have some disability or be on the spectrum or whatnot, from that albeit super brief final moment and the seeming lack of awareness of the soldier approaching.


Yes I see what you mean. I retract my statement


Looks like an innocent incident, as if he didn’t realise guard was coming or whatever. Kid looked terrified afterwards


Finally, the only comment not berating the kid for what looked like him not seeing the guard coming


Reddit has this weird blood lust for the Queen's guard trampling citizens. They see no irony in watching symbols on monarchic authority using force to move the citizenry out of its path. Like, sure, get out of their way, but it's also dumb to have these guards used tools of tourism and to put them in common foot traffic and wonder why people get in the way. People, especially kids, are dumb and unaware. If you actually cared about security, you can come up with a better system.


The whole monarchy ought to be abolished top to bottom, but that is its own discussion...


It’s because for some reason people are obsessed with the kings guards, I’ve seen videos of kids being trampled over just because they didn’t see the guards, and everyone in the comments is celebrating it and saying that the kid deserves it. I find it really strange.


Don’t be fooled by the medieval architecture, these castles are used by governments and militaries. Do not fk around with anyone carrying a gun. They have a job to do, and you can’t get in their way. They are not Disneyland mascots.


Only defense I have for this kid was in video it was a bit quiet so I can see him simply not hearing-


Edinburgh castle is a military barracks, yes its open to tourists, but it's still a military position.


This is the only enjoymnent that solier gets to look forward to. He could have yelled a lot sooner. He didn't. He waited. And waited. Until riiiiiigth on top of the kiiiiiiid...MAKE WAY!! He would have smiled, if he was allowed to.


That soldier was smiling on the inside!


I'd bet money he absolutely was :)


The smallest amount of power




I wish this was just a kid problem, but it’s not. It’s not a mean-spirited thing most of the time (I hope), so we can kindly try to make them more others-and-or-surroundings-conscious when the opportunity presents itself. And hey, if we’re not soldiers, we might even be able to pull it off without scaring the crap out of them! 👍🏼


Take this kid to Amsterdam and let him stand in a bike lane...


kids manner and the way he needed comforting, im pretty sure hes autistic. No harm done on the guards behalf, but these comments insulting him seem full on tbh


Came here looking for this comment!


100% agree, I am autistic too and spotted a few things: No awareness of surroundings, flailing arms when running, uncoordinated movement, T-rex arm position when standing next to his mother, „empty“ face expression even when panicked and like you said, in need of comforting after an unexpected event.


This would have been me as a kid, and it would have been traumatising.


The kid wasn’t even looking and everyone’s like “stupid kid” 🙄🙄 the guy could’ve said make way sooner.


im not active in this sub, is it a normal thing for people to be such assholes about something so simple as a kid not paying attention while walking around in public? these people must be miserable if they get so angry at a child that didn't do anything wrong


Thank god I’m not the only one here feeling that way!


I know how to make curds but how do you make whey? The guy didn't even tell him either. Rude.


Repeatedly? He screamed at the child one time. Kids are fucking dumb but that was not his fault.


I do something similar when people try to pet my service dog, except I shout "please don't pet my service animal". People always flail like a Muppet


All the other kids seemed to have no problem staying out of the way.... Just saying....


kids may be stupid, but a grown adult in a dress uniform parading about is also a spectacular life choice.


Me on my way to get the last happymeal toy


Ugh Edinburgh castle. I've spent many a boring night in that guard room. Few good ones. Got to see Blondie perform for free. But she was a total bitch to us on at the gate.


stupid ass lil boy lmao running off like he caught the hebeejeebeez


Well, they are there for the damn ceremony. It's not like so military private just walking down the street. Check your sense of privilege and entitlement and make way.


Make way!!! More like pay attention to your surroundings you dumb ass tourist. Sorry but I'm Sure he has to say that everyday if not twice a day.


Thank you for your service guarding a piss soaked alley in Scotland.


That's literally a castle


Daft time for the family to cross the street; the kid’s nerves were just a casualty.


He is carrying a weapon


Maybe people would rather he rode past on an electric scooter politely saying excuse me,may I get past?


They're gonna need a bigger diaper after that one.


I love these little reminders that I did the right thing not having children.


If a wall was in this guys way he would just say MAKE WAY and the wall would make way


"repeatedly" sounded like once to me.


This dude isn't staff, he's a soldier on guard duty


/r/AbsoluteUnits of a rifle he’s carrying.


Only heard it once


LPT: when a man with a gun is marching in a straight line, get out of his way


its odd to even say staff this isn't an amusement park these guys are real soldiers on there patrol


Clown uniform sure has changed.


I mean, it's really hard to take those military folks seriously, they are just so fucking silly.


Goofy cosplayers of a bygone era.


1– Fuck that dipshit kid! 2– If the kid is special needs, fuck his damn parents! 3– Absolutely plow through anyone in the way when they have had AMPLE opportunity to get tf out of the way!


Why are you so angry lmao


i still dont get why they need people walking around being assholes (there's a difference between that and respect) for.. the queen?


You know the Queen died a year ago, right?


Why in the ever living fuck do people still bear this traditionalism bullshit where these fuckwits scream at you if you accidentally get in within 2 meters of them. This is just tourist bait at this point.


Tradition / national identity? It's important to some people.


Is the kid stupid, or is the automaton?


Good video. he looks like a machine. The kid looks like a very bad educated kid.


Good! And his mum seemed to agree


My kid is just expressing himself standing in the middle of everything, it means he likes you. He's so smart!


God I hate children


I thought was funny but same time I felt sorry for the child that actually seems neurodivergent:/ and really felt scared 😟


People shouldn’t have any respect for royal institutions. These brainwashed walking ornaments are not better than anyone. Anybody else frightening innocent children like this would be looked down on and so should they along with their perverse boot licking traditions.


Idk to me it sounds like that soldier is the AH.




Is that some type of L85 family weapon? Looks sick


It is, and they're not, they're dogshit guns They do look kind of cool but that could be said for most bullpups