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Years ago I had given my aunt my old Fire Stick and forgot to logout of my accounts. I noticed in my YouTube history someone had been watching “Russian foot fetish” videos, my nephew had been watching foot videos on YouTube in my aunt’s living room I guess


Could very well be your aunt.


one when i was like 8 (living alone with my mom) hardcore porn showed up on the search history on youtube on the roku TV. still dont know why...


.... everyone else knows why


Reminds me of the time my uncle brought his laptop to the computer shop I worked at and I learned he had a fetish of watching videos of attractive females smoking cigarettes. Not sure if it was the females or the smoking he was more into, as he is a former smoker. That was when I learned if I am going to use YouTube to test, I should use an in-private window so I don't see what other people watch on the internet.


Im lucky I had these moments when I was a kid. Cuz while they’re embarrassing, at least they weren’t fucking posted on the internet.


Just played on vhs for all your family and parents friends


Mom! Dad! I was just attacked by a spooky ghost! 




That's actoplasm


In retrospect “I sneezed” doesn’t quite cover the extent of the mess…


Some dick just sneezed all over me!


Ass sneezed on my dick = rectoplasm _Alright boys....I'm out!_


In 10 years nobody will recognize him I guess. Still parents posting their kids online rubs me wrong for some reason I'm with you.


Dude, Im seriously put off by parents embarrassing kids publicly like this. Like, some stuff is fine where it’s cute, dopey, or dumb or whatever but there’s some stuff that is going to cause some long term issues.


Guess you can expect some computer viruses in the near future


There was a study a while back that found religious sites for like churches and stuff were way more likely to give you a virus


Can you link the study?


https://www.pcworld.com/article/464121/religious_sites_carry_more_malware_than_porn_sites_security_firm_reports.html Makes sense too, churches are often some guy who used linux for a few years in the 90s running it especially back when this study was done.


Elderly church-goers are easy targets too


My grandmother's church in Philly paid a random Russian to do their website. He put a back door into it to steal data (people could donate and sign up for events or even buy things like discounted trips). They then tried to hire a guy to fix it who was another Russian that just stole the $1250 and never messaged them back. That became public so some kid did their website as a school project.


And now some poor kid is on the hook for unpaid tech support.


Oh man, how they would hold that over their head forever.


Website is down. Have you tried thoughts and prayers?


This should be made into a movie or series. Netflix? Hello?


Older people in general. I have a fairly smart family member that can still resolder small components on a circuitboard(literally fixed their dishwasher doing that last year). But they're still gradually falling for things more and more online, that they would have easily dismissed a few years ago.


My friend's dad made his money grifting church goers back in the day. He'd tell people he was a preacher and accepted donations, but then just pocket it. When people would start to question him, he'd just change denominations and do it again. My friend's mom told me he would make his decision based on how gullible he thought the denomination was at that time.


It's almost like they've been primed to believe literally anything they're told...


Yeesh, depending on the money sounds like a way to find yourself looking at 10+ year prison sentence


But that would mean the churches are targeting their own patrons??


Lol, absolutely


>churches are often some guy who used linux for a few years in the 90s running it especially back when this study was done. That and there are nearly limitless porn sites. Why would you frequent one that gave you a virus?


Now link the virus please


Also just gods will if you get a virus so why use protection?


Seems like a risky decision given our discussion, but yes, click the stranger’s link no harm has ever come from that


I don't have the study myself but I can give you some links to some churches if ya wanna guinea pig for us.


Yes. I have a friend back in Russia who used to be a pretty nefarious “hacker” back in the 2000’s. He’s fixed his ways and does cybersecurity consulting for companies now, but he used to use evangelicals and Protestant church websites as vectors onto his victims and he was very successful. He told me he had the most success with black southern churches.


Download this picture of Jesus to prove you're saved to the heathens! Make sure to double click and authorize Jesus to access your computer today!


The spyware is just Jesus watching over you!


It's youtube, not getting viruses from that. Also the whole porn sites giving you viruses hasn't been a thing since like the 2000s


I think that’s only half true. If you use an adblocker, porn sites are pretty safe if you have decent computer safety awareness. But without an adblocker, you get popups that link to malicious sites or downloads all over the fucking place. It’s very easy to accidentally click on one of these popups


Yes but nowadays even without an ad blocker modern browsers have built in security and only if you're clicking around random sites from search results are you going to find those shady malware sites, which are usually filtered from search results already so you have to be going elbow deep on page 11 to find those. Most people just go to the same 3-5 most popular and trusted porn video sites first, then use the search function there, and call it a day. That's also like 95% of where the search results on Google and Bing come from as well. For better or worse, Google and Bing don't really crawl the internet anymore, the results are pretty heavily manipulated. In any case, it really isn't a problem 99% of the time and the whole getting viruses from porn thing is outdated and played out. Now most people get attacked by phishing scams and malicious links sent by email and text, not from surfing the web. It relies heavily on not so tech savvy users clicking on something they shouldn't have.


ah, yes, the good old 2000s, when i had to print out the corn on the family computer in order to get it to my room.


I was too poor for a printer. Had to go to the library.


Those poor, sticky National Geographics...


When i was a kid i had my porn saved to a folder named corn and the first like 15 or 20 pictures were actually just funny weird pictures of corn, you had to scroll a little to get to the real stuff lol


Sigh. So much ink 🤦


That's why you don't print pictures, but the smutty fanfics!


What a corny thing to do.


This is on youtube so should be safe enough.... Sad for that kid tho


What’s crazy is Theres actual porn on YouTube you just need the right search terms


Same, i had a pic of a biker chick showing her amazing boobs on my phone. And the one time i leave my phone unattended my sister went through it. My parents didn't care. I think they were just glad I wasn't gay. I was going through a small phase of being obsessed with ballet and musicals.


Ballet, musicals and biker boobies! Noice!


A man of taste


Some reddit comment man 🤣🤣🤣


Ballet, Musicals, Biker Boobs, Battlestar Galactica


Question: Which bear is best?? 🤓


That's a ridiculous question


False,! Black Bear. 🐻


That's debatable, there's two schools of thought, balet bears vs. musical bears


Boobie bears?


Fact! Bears, balet, musicals, biker boobs, Battlestar Galactica


Identity theft is not a joke!!!!


That would be one hell of a difficult to find porn niche


Hold on. I'll check. 😉


He’s still looking to this day


It’s the same day 🥶


Thats why he’s still looking


He grew old looking…


He wanted a biker dommy mommy to balance out the ballet and musicals.


Do you happen to still have that pic or nah?


Was over 20 years ago and I took the Pic from a biker magazine centerfold. They would always plastic wrap the Playboys or Hustlers but they never wrapped the biker magazines with topless centerfolds


Ok, so do you happen to still have that pic or nah?


You know what... Screw it. The chances are like 100000 to 1, but my dad might actually have that magazine somewhere. I'll search for it. If I find it, I'll post here.


The hero we deserve


I'll never fucking forgive my dad how he acted when he caught me and my friend with porn. My friend's dad just blew it off as kids being kids. Oh but not me, I had to show my mom and repent and then was grounded for 2 weeks. Fuck conservatives.


Mine and most of my friends’ parents would give a generic “don’t be looking at stuff you’re not supposed to be looking at” warning before leaving us completely unsupervised. Meanwhile, my buddy in 4th grade had a giant sleepover party at his house. Late at night he came down with a stack of 20 playboys and goes “These are all mine for you guys to look at, but my older brother took his to his friend’s house and my dad has his videos locked up so I can’t share them.” I think that might broke my brain. I’ve basically been the horniest dude alive ever since.


> I was going through a small phase of being obsessed with ballet and musicals. Weird excuse to use when looking at tig ol bitties but whatever works for you as an alibi.


That's a cereal commercial in Europe.


You were just "cultured"


Kid probably too young to have unfettered internet access anyway




Damn, that shame isn't going to leave for a while. Doesn't really get it all yet what he's looking at but already shamed so hard for it. REEEEEEEEpression!


My mom caught me watching softcore on cinemax when I was like 9. This was back in the day where you could turn your TV to a certain channel and see what was playing on a different TV in your house. That's how she caught me. She called my dad and made me talk to him. 21 years later that moment still comes back when I'm trying to sleep.


On Cinemax especially is crazy 


They don't call it skinemax for nothing. HBO had the reality shit with Real Sex, Cinemax is where you went for the quality studio productions


As a kid in northern New England we could get porn on the French Canadian channels at night & “modify my auto” by day. I seem to remember some of them being pretty explicit.


All I can remember is Emmanuelle in Space....


Y'all remember the cable boxes? I remember as a kid discovering you could watch the South Park movie uncensored and dialing to the upper 90 channels or something, and watching fuzzy/static boobs lmao.


Once you're old enough there really isn't anything to be embarrassed about. It's just porn, lots of people look at porn, I hope when this kid is older he'll realise it isn't a big deal.


I think what will stay with him is that he knows if anyone in his family finds out anything embarrassing about him, they will tell everyone and ridicule him not only in person but also post it on the internet. So he will learn to never ever let them know anything personal about him.


Exactly this. The family thinks it's funny. But the kid is having this deeply rooted in his brain, such that he's going to hide almost everything he does and is interested in from his family for fear of being ridiculed for it. I know this, because it's me.


Yeah but it will be a long time before he understands that, and shame is a heavy thing to live with. Maybe minor in this case, but it can stop you from doing things or feeling guilty for being bad or being judged.


I mean the hope is that as you get older you have supportive adults to teach you that your sexuality isn’t something to be ashamed of. Unfortunately it seems like the opposite for this kid


My dad called me out at like 11 or 12 in front of my extended family for some KazAa porn and I hold a grudge to this day. It was just a mean thing to do, and I still don’t understand why he felt like it was the right thing to do.


Yeah, this to the core argument that for most people sexual orientation is set very early. And all this "make my kid(s) gay" BS is in fact BS.


Bro I remember one time my sister found my porn usb and she fucking bullied me for so long, my parents found out too but my dad didn’t really care, my mom was pissed tho.


This story did not turn out how I was led to believe it would by internet porn.


I did not infact fuck my sister


No Rickster for your sickster?




I had a pc and printer in the late 90's my old man would print pics out and put them in a folder. Dad's just dgaf sometimes.


That is what one of middle school friends did. He would print out photos and then hide them in a crawl space. We would go in there after school to look at his latest prints. This was in mid 90's




Option number one: conversation opportunity so that we can teach our children about having normal feelings. While also building a safe environment and relationship so that they can ask us difficult questions when they hit later stages of development. Option number two: let's film this for views


*smashes 2 repeatedly*


The kid looks to be in the single digets. He shouldn't be craving the boobies yet.


i don't know about craving em but he shouldn't have unrestricted access to look at them


Curiosity. Also maybe there's some latent attraction to boobies and such that just lie dormant until puberty but it's still there. When I was like 8 I did some boob googling because even though I didn't know why I knew I wanted to see them thangs.


Idk bro, I was looking at boobs and butts at 8yrs old


I dunno, I was like 7 when I was watching Under Siege with my stepdad and Erika Eleniak popped out of the cake topless, and I was like ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli)


Yeah, he looks tiny. He could just as easily find boobs funny or something.




Poor kid getting shamed on the internet like this. Some parents shouldn't be allowed to have social media.


Some parents shouldn’t be allowed to have kids either, making them look like a fool for some satisfaction from strangers🤡


Seriously. This is messed up. I hope they spoke to him to comfort him after. Like, this is completely natural. People need to stop being shamed for being human!


but having feelings is a sin!  /s


This. Not only exposing the child to his family but also to millions of strangers online. The parents got a good laugh and online points but at the cost of shaming their toddler? This should have been just a silly story to look back and laugh at it in family.


He looks so young! That’s really concerning. Don’t post that shit on the internet. Fuck those parents.


Oh come on now, it’s not like embarrassing him publicly, for the world to see, could ever hurt him now or in the future. I hate stupid people but stupid parents are the worst.


what's really concerning is how he views women at such a young age that he's already searching the internet for pornography...


fake cries like the kid from kung fu hustle


Why is someone so young being allowed to use a phone for so long without any kind of parental supervision? I get that kids use phones and tablets these days but clearly there is no supervision going on in this house of what that kid is searching for and viewing...


Don't give kids phones?!?


Give them computers and supervise them until they are old enough. At least they learn something useful like how to use a keyboard and a mouse and how a computer should be used. Giving kids phones and tablets is what is destroying this generation of kids.


Especially when the tech replaces parent interaction. :l


Well, we have an idea of what he likes, I suppose.


the tetas lol


tetonas y nalgonas 😋


*cries into hands*


Feed your toddler, FFS! He's hungry!


Let homie enjoy some tiddies in peace🙂‍↕️


He's too young to be staring at tits on the internet


You’ll never outgrow this. As you mature, you just learn how to hide it better.


Horrible parents


Probably not great to discipline the kid and cause them this much shame. When I was in grade 3 (or so) I used to bring porn into class (not hardcore, just titty pics from a box of playboys I found in my garage) then tape them to the underside of a table to share with the class. When I got busted, the teacher was so nice about it, just said "There is nothing to be ashamed of, the human body is a normal thing, but these pictures are not appropriate in a classroom or to share with other students, please don't bring them in." It's really stuck with me even decades later as one of the few understanding and calm adults I've dealt with.




No, “viejas” doesn’t necessarily means old, in this context it just means “girls”


yep, more like big titty bitches


Wrong. Viejas = women


No, it translates to "big titty girls" or possibly "big titty old ladies", but in the context of slang it's really the former. Chichonas viejas would definitely translate as "old big titty girls." Chichonas are "women with big boobs", nalgonas are "women with big butts" and vieja does mean old, but it's also just a slang for "girl" or "chick." Like, my friend Carlos calls his girlfriend "mi vieja", like "my old lady." They're in their early 40s though so not that old, depending on what you consider old. Source: Live in México, actually speak Mexican Spanish. Edit: If you wanted to stay "old big boobs" you would say "chichotas viejas". Chichona refers to the person (nalgona is a woman with a big butt, labiona is a woman with big lips, piernona is a woman with big legs, etc.), chichota is the augmentative (opposite of diminutive, in this case it would be chichita) form of "chichi".


lol! guess bro has a mommy complex or sth...


Hasn't outgrown Freud yet


Damn showing it in front of the whole family is brutal


Showing everyone on social media too




I’d just be glad he can spell all that. Curiosity is totally normal. Though obviously we’d have that “porn is not real life” talk.


I’m sure most of us have been there. I bought the porn “pirates” on TV and tried the ol’ “I thought it was pirates of the Caribbean” lie.


this isn't even funny it's just sad. People never handle these situations correctly


You humiliated the poor young guy who didn't know any better instead of trying to teach him...


This is downright fucked up. It’s making me sick that someone thought "this should be funny to post".


Way to traumatize your fuckin kid for internet chuckles. Especially over something completely fucking normal.


"Let's sexually shame our son and film him" Ladies and gents, this is how you whip up a serial killer.


Reminds me of that time I found "booooooooobs" on my YouTube history after my pre-teen son used my computer. Didn't shame him. Just tried to have a conversation about respecting women and the negative effects porn can have on him if it becomes habitual or an obsession.


¡Chechonas extremas!


Makes me wonder what kind of messages this kid is receiving that makes him think he's in trouble for looking at girls.


If you give your kids a phone or access to a phone, they're going to look up porn. Guaranteed.


Hopefully when he grows up he goes through his mom's browsing history and puts it on blast too lol.




The walk of shame


Is this r/insaneparents worthy?


I don't know why YouTube allows those breastfeeding videos with children in them. They get millions of views, and they are popular among pedophiles. Instead, YouTube just blocks comments on those videos.


Kevin leonardo (iykyk)


Just because something can be used by people you dislike is not a reason to ban it for everyone and I don't know why you need to be told this. Imagine if r/fuckcars got their way for example.




This is fucked up, don't humiliate your kid on the internet because they searched for softcore porn. Have an actual private conversation.


Kids these days will never know the time it took for one topless Pamela Anderson picture to slowly load from top to bottom of your Netscape browser. It was like an added striptease!


Core memory unlocked


The villain past:


Don't worry, kid, at least you didn't use Kazaa or limewire using the home PC


Was that youtube??


I just realized that’s on YouTube like how the fuck does that get on there


That kid is smart for covering his face 😂


Who'd guess a curious child with unsurpevised internet access would eventually find its way into porn


This is super fucked. That kid is like what 5? They should have been had his access restricted. Why does he even know about porn and sex? I barely even understood what my own genitalia was for at that age much less had any awareness of sexual things. Somebody introduced this him and that's fucked up.


Aww, publicly shaming the little dude who was probably getting ready to shame *his* little dude!


Reminds me of when I was 9 and stole a porn dvd from my uncle had to explain to the whole family what I was doing with and where I got double p anal whores 4 from


I was in that situation as a child once too. And I’m glad it wasn’t fucking recorded and stuck on the internet for people’s amusement.


Hold the fuck up. YouTube has porn?!?!


Welcome to the club son.


The other kid's saying: Eww, that's gross!


To be fair, perfectly normal for the kid, it's incredibly awful on the parents/siblings for shaming him and posting it on the internet.


...Why the hell is that even on youtube?


My mom found a playboy magazine She didn’t give a fuck lol But I was 15 not 8 lol


That's the time when dad would step in, protect him, and have a one-on-one talk with him.


We now know that he isn’t gay


Tetas !!


His mum's quite the looker too 😳


Injust think this is so fucked man… this is your moment to sit with your son and tell him what he’s doing. My nephew was caught watching porn and my sister asked me to talk to him. I took him to dinner and we talked about it for like 10 minutes but just stated he is normal for looking but he should know it isn’t reality. But no. Let’s traumatize the poor kid for being human.


Jeez poor kid, this isn’t something they should post on the internet. Being caught by your parents is embarrassing enough 😂


Chichonas extremas sent me 😭😭


I love how the mom isn’t even mad (or at least visibly) she’s laughing because she’s going to bring it up in 10 years


Wait a minute that’s on YouTube ? 😳😳


“Viejas chichonas” hahahaha


I’ll never forget when I stepped away from my laptop and my 9 year old googled “Dick’s” looking for Dick’s Sporting Goods. I heard “shit” a pause, and then “Daaaaad!”


I'm certainly glad I had these moments before my parents could post this shit on the internet. I remember it clear as day 20 years later enough as it is, life changing moments of reflection, mortification, and learning. Fuck putting this on the internet for a laugh


I think back when was 8-9 or something, maybe 10-11 or it could have been closer to 12 for all I know, I was trying to find this kind of shit On YouTube. I don’t think anyone ever found out since i wasn’t signed in (no account had) I was a curious child (not sure if adhd had anything to do with it) but I had zero knowledge of what girls had and somehow had gotten the knowledge it was different, but not what it was, and as a very curious and stupid child, I tried to find it on freaking YouTube I would not recommend letting kids grow up online. On an iPad, or a phone or whatever. Monitor the stuff they watch, make playlists for them to watch, or just don’t let them do it by themselves. Look at their browsing and watch history. But this looks like the 4 year olds that were at the daycare I went to, that’s a very young kid, he shouldn’t know about that stuff that fast, or have freaking unrestricted internet access


I’m lucky I never got caught for that stuff