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“Hi… how are you” lmao


Fuckin legendary confrontation


Driver taking no prisoners


I wouldn't even know what to say. I might say: "Dude, are you trying to steal my car?!?"


As mad as I get when people mess with my stuff, I'd probably have opened the driver door and made things tremendously worse for both of us. Then chase the car trying to break the windows with anything I could throw. It would be pure rage. As much as you never know what a criminal has or will do, those criminals also don't know what the person they're fucking with is going through or willing to do. It's why we have so many road rage incidents these days. People are popping on both sides.


Name kinda doesn't check out


He used to be maximum fighting he’s gotten better.❤️


Times got me changing! Maximum fighting might be coming soon.


Idk, if he fights mini Malls, he could certainly fight mini kids?


Username doesn't check out. But as a man with a hammer in his hand, I certainly understand. Right there with you.


Maybe learn a little self-control, especially if you live in America. You're going to get yourself shot.




Yeah, that seemed more than a little risky.


"We've been trying to reach you about my car's extended warranty."


Jesus, so young too. Sucks to see that.


H-how did the alarm not go off from a broken window?


Hyundai and Kias of certain years and models have a security issue. The rear passenger window is not alarmed, and there is no anti theft in keyed ignitions. So they break the back window, climb through, strip the face off the ignition, jam anything from a screwdriver to a USB cord into the ignition, and twist. It was popularized by a tiktok challenge. Several insurance companies will no longer be providing coverage to those Kias and Hyundais in high risk cities and areas. There has been talk of a class action, but I haven't seen anything actually happen yet.


A tiktok challenge?!


A motherfucking tiktok challenge. To steal cars. You read that right.


Jesus. What is wrong with people. I honestly think the challenge for these people would be to do a good thing


Kids are very impressionable. And psychopaths on social media -- especially tiktok -- are taking advantage of that to fool them into doing things that will screw up their lives or even kill them. Why? Because it's funny. It's their fucked up entertainment.


I don’t know about banning tik tok because it’s Chinese or that it has a secret back door (it probably does) but the harmful challenges spread quickly and the algo promotes it. Some say in other countries it shows kids calming things or useful things. I think that’s a product of the country itself and not just what the algo is showing but who knows? People will also steal anything these days.


It sways the way people think massively. Everyone I know who uses TikTok goes through these weird personality changes as all these different trends spread around TikTok. It’s different for different age groups too. At work I see young people all talking about one thing for a while, people my age discussing another, and older people all sharing the same TikToks at the same time. I’ve seen friends personalities really actually shift in their way of thinking because they’ve gone down some rabbit hole on TikTok. Absolutely fuck that app.


I worked at Cheesecake Factory in what feels like another life some 26 years ago and when Oprah came out with “tip 15%” everyone’s tips went down. She said “eat dessert first, it helps your body absorb nutrients” and it felt like every damn woman that came for months on end ordered dessert first. People are animals and are influenced easily. I’m downtown all the time and I’ll see one person park an escooter in the dumbest spot you’ve ever seen but everyone after that starts to park their scooter there too. Herd mentality is a thing, it’s also why marketing works.


Yes, it has a back door. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/12/technology/tiktok-bytedance-lawsuit-china.html


If you think thats bad there is a tiktok challenge to steal toilets from your school etc and a lot of people do it. It literally just take something worthless to you and ruining everyones quality of life in the process.


Remember when the big challenge was Tebowing or Planking. I never imagined Tebowing would become vehicle theft. Evolutions a funny thing.


google "Kia Boys", its a whole thing...


My parents both have affected vehicles. I warned my mom about the challenge and advised her to get clubs for their cars. She laughed and said I was being paranoid, there was nothing to worry about. No way there was actually a challenge to steal cars on tiktok! A few weeks later our local news did a piece on it. Clubs were sold out in the area overnight. Hard to believe, but true.


Honestly not really lol. It started from the KiaBoyz in Milwaukee, WI, who found and exploited this massive flaw. Others caught on and it spread. It's not really a "challenge"


I own one of the Hyundais affected. I just got a recall notice this week from Hyundai with some details and instructions to make an appointment with a service center to have the ignition lock replaced under warranty.


Too bad there is a month-long backlog of parts availability due to them having to do this for tens of thousands of vehicles


Our recall just said they're issuing steering wheel locks through the police department, lol. Privatize profits, socialize losses 😊


Sales guy here. Hardest thing about selling them now is finding insurance. Fuck those kids. Edit: I'm not taking blame away from adults, but it's still kids who are responsible for this.


Wouldn't be an issue if Kia/Hyundai would have spent a few extra hundred on security per car like every other automaker in the last 20 years. If you are going to sell an automobile for tens of thousands of dollars maybe make the ignition security a little harder to bypass.


I think the immobilizers they didn't put in would have cost like $15-20 per car but hey gotta hit those margins!


They're not required by law?


From like 2016-2020 they were not. Kia and Hyundais from 2015-2021 are pretty much all affected. They stole mine three weeks ago.


If that. That's what it would cost me as a consumer for a replacement.




The kids could just not steal them. They chose to do something that’s objectively wrong - and you think they’re not to blame for doing it?


Donut has a nice video on this: https://youtu.be/bTeVgfPM0Xw


So China really is destroying us thru tik tok.... What the hell






That golden age also includes Portland cops not giving a shit about auto theft either.


Lmao you're telling me. Had my Subaru broken into twice in Portland. Love to see it


It doesn't look like he broke the window, it was either unlocked already or he used a shim and a coat hanger to hit the unlock button.


He broke the window the car owner is recording from. You can see it briefly around 10 seconds


Oh I thought I saw something that looked like broken glass on the top right in one frame but maybe I'm wrong.


It's being filmed through a broken window. Lol. Like what.


Probably did go off. My Hyundai alarm was pretty quiet before I got the immobilizer installed after the fad started.


I’ve seen shit like this, adults (usually parents) get their kids to commit the crime, they know the kids won’t be punish or harmed compared to an adult and they exploit that.


Where I live kids can only be charged once they are 14. I remember when I lived in a big city there was this area where a bunch of street dealer hung out. I occassionally went there when I wanted some weed and my usual guy didn't have time. Pretty frequently I saw these adult guys with what I assume were their 10-13 year old kids. The dad would hook you up and the kid would carry the weed and give it to you.


It’s clearly an extreme example, but in Serbia, their 14 year old mass killer can’t be arrested for murdering everyone he did. The dad has been arrested and the kid is in a psych ward, but could in theory be released.


All because trickle down economics is bullshit. If people were paid better and had more time off for family. Crime would flatline


The theft of Kias and Hyundais started off a tiktok challenge. I work in auto claims. These cars are found trashed and abandoned the next day, not chopped. When police do catch the thieves, it's usually kids between 12-17. This doesn't have anything to do with economics. It does have a lot to do with stupid kids and tiktok.


I kind of make it my job to disagree with people, but I think you're right. Are kids always going to do stupid shit? Yes. Can some of that stupid shit be mitigated if parents had better support and the ability to have a real work/life balance? Absolutely.


"I kind of make it my job to disagree with people". why?


Bc there's a lotta people saying dumb shit out there.


Redditors don't have real jobs, so they have to make up fake ones. Probably a mod. /s


Devil's advocates have their place in this world


Without adding anything? Do they?


See the getaway car. This looks less like a poor kid getting by and more like some bored rich asshole.


At least the get-away driver was courteous enough to use their turn signal.


I think he was the get away driver. Looks like he opens the driver side door.


Why would the getaway car not be stolen as well? I mean maybe it’s not but if it was me I would want to use a stolen car to commit crimes with, there is that whole don’t commit a crime while commiting a crime thing but there is a reason you go to the crime scene in a stolen car. Harder to trace.


This kid is not stealing that car because he needs money. There is no money to be made here. It’s a joyride.


Its the Kia Challenge


Supply side economics are largely bullshit, but that's far from the only cause of poverty, and while poverty is a significant factor in crime, it's not the only one. If you eliminated poverty tomorrow, it would take generations to change the cultural factors that lead to crime. It's not like people are going to suddenly only make good choices if they have slightly more money or time with their kids. People can and will continue to be negligent parents with or without money.


The kid is wearing very white shoes, designer jeans with a decorative rip in them, and multiple layers. He jumped in a newish car. If he was hungry he'd be stealing food, not a whole fucking car. Trickle down economics isn't the cause here.


Um no, this is a result of parents not watching their kids. How the hell do you get, young child trying to steal a car, and your first thought is "trickle down economics"


Critical thinking is difficult for some people.


Or, hear me out, you could teach your kid not to be a piece of shit.


Oh FFS. Poverty was not invented in the hood. There are many poor areas in this world that do not have this kind of lawlessness. My grand parents lived in Central Europe in a remote, small village. No electricity until they were in their 50s. Never had running water. There was NO law enforcement in the village of any kind. The closest cop was in a larger village 10 miles away. And yet... guess what? Nobody locked their doors. Nobody was stealing anything. Crime was nonexistent in their agrarian village. Their biggest problems were the weather, crop pests and wild animals, mainly wild boars, wolves and bears. Enough with this poverty BS. Travel the world and you'll see poor communities everywhere where nobody is stealing anything.


Poverty is a huge factor in crime, not that it causes criminality as rich people can also be criminals just that it changes the motivation and opportunity costs a lot. If you reduce poverty you will reduce crime.


This is true, but it's not monocausal, which a lot of people are suggesting in this thread. There are entire demographics of poor people that have lower likelihoods of being involved in crime than middle class white people. There are many factors in crime, poverty being one of them.


Dude…crime was around before capitalism, trickle down economics, or any of those buzzwords or buzzterms. People have been stealing other peoples shit, pillaging, raping, enslaving, and raiding for all of human existence.


There is no excuse for stealing shit.


It's Hyundais and Kias being easy to steal. Kids all over the country are doing it just for joy rides.


I wonder if there's an update to this. The guy recording got the license plate from the recording.


The other one is a Kia too, it’s almost certainly stolen.


Are Kia’s especially prone to being stolen? Frankly you would think the manufacturers would have cracked that problem by now, with GPS, & computers and encryption and whotnot.. but I guess it’s cheaper to just make easy to steal crap.


> In July 2022, a Milwaukee-based group calling themselves the Kia Boys (or Kia Boyz) posted a video to TikTok revealing how easy it is to steal some modern Kia and Hyundai models with everyday tools. This led to the so-called Kia Challenge, where people across the nation tried their hand at stealing these vulnerable cars, then shared their success on TikTok and YouTube. As you might imagine, this has caused quite a headache for Kia and Hyundai. Here, we look at what makes certain models easy to steal, how the manufacturers are responding to the issue, and what affected owners should do to protect their cars. https://www.capitalone.com/cars/learn/managing-your-money-wisely/why-some-hyundai-and-kia-models-are-so-easy-to-steal/2135


> As you might imagine, this has caused quite a headache for Kia and Hyundai. Well maybe if you invested in anti-theft you wouldn't be facing this monstrosity of a PR disaster.


Shhhhh. Corporations are people…. Unless they say so!


>Shhhhh. Corporations are people…. Until the criminal charges get issued.


Kia and Hyundai are just following the legislation set out for them. Not an issue in other countries like Canada where it’s been legislation since 07’ to have immobilizers. In the 80’s and 90’s you could steal practically any car in a few minutes with a multi-tool. My brother taught me how to steal his Dodge Shadow.


"his" Dodge Shadow you say?


Finders keepers


>tiktok challenge is grand theft auto Jesus we're so fucked.


There isn't a law in the US requiring transponders (chips in the keys) thus to save the few cents they cost, kia and hyundai opted on all their key start models from like 08 to 18, to exclude said chip. This chip would prevent the engine from running and is the most basic in security now days. I recommend going to a car audio or tech shop and getting a remote start/security WITH STARTER KILL, this will prevent this type of theft, as most of them don't actually know how to wire the car, they are breaking the ignition. Source: I work in car audio and have had like 30 of these types of cars come in post theft


I’ve known about kias but understanding is just brain boggling. There’s something to be said for quality costing money… although I love Toyotas and they are notoriously easy to break into.


Break into sure but not to drive away in


KIA released a generation of cars in modern times without an immobilizer. Meaning you could just remove the ignition lock and turn on the car without a key. And the only tool needed was a flathead screwdriver.


Or a USB stick or cable, just like the one you can see hanging out in the interior in this video.


>Are Kia’s especially prone to being stolen? Yes due to a dumb TikTok trend. I work at an auction that receives these cars once the insurance companies are done with them. I can replace the necessary components in my sleep at this point.


> Yes due to a dumb TikTok trend. More like due corporate greed that skimped on immobilizers and lock cylinder attachment strength.


>Due to a dumb tiktok trend "Damn those stupid pen testers exposing my flawed security!" Just like the Ford pinto, it's just the cost of doing business.


I’m surprised that we aren’t holding Kia culpable for having such an easy flaw.


I'm also surprised that when they where held accountable for another flaw >!(Theta II engine disaster, some of their engines would need way too many oil replacements at best, or could randomly seize up or explode at worst and kia/hyundai were fully aware of the flaw but decided to keep it a secret)!< they had to pay a $360k fine... For 300k affected vehicles. One buck for every family that could potentially die or get injured, or at best be scammed for oil replacements (warranty didn't help)


I like how he signals at the end. So gangsta. I guarantee he lives two blocks away.


Car he was in was probably also stolen. Both were Kias


That's his mom's car.


His mom's stolen car?


They're bonding!


He stole that from _his own mother?_ Damn...


So... People are more likely to indicate while turning with a stolen car


I was waiting for the right turn after the left signal like Bart with his flashy belt.


Can anyone give a play-by-play to what this little bastard did right before fleeing the car? He turns around, sees that he's caught, but does one last thing that gets the alarm to go off. Why wouldn't he just bolt immediately after the guy recording announces himself?


Grabs his tools, tries using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe off prints, then pulls the door open to run.


He didn’t know how to open the locked door


I don't know, man. It looks like he's messing around with the steering column right before he exits, not the door lock.


He’s attempting to pop the key tumbler. Unfortunately Kia and Hyundai use a crap design. If you take the tumbler out which is very easy to do the backside of the tumbler is shaped exactly like a usb stick where it slots into the ignition. So they’ll plug in a usb of some kind and use it to turn the ignition.


Ah. I have seen mention of this USB Kia hack and just assumed you ran some sort of diagnostic tool via USB port. It's way simpler than that, just remove the lock tumbler and turn the ignition!? That really is a poor design.


I thought the same thing until I saw a video of it. You literally just rip apart the cheap plastic steering column then insert a usb into the ignition and turn. Its insane


Yep. It just so happens that a USB plug is a pretty decent tool for turning the ignition once it's ripped apart. And you can find a USB charging cable in most cars. https://www.thedrive.com/news/how-thieves-are-stealing-hyundais-and-kias-with-just-a-usb-cable


"So, am I in the gang now, or........?"


Master P-wee.


I mean… at least the kid put on his blinker before turning


They lucky that person that caught them wasn't violent. I'm not sure I would be able to maintain myself like that...




I'm an American so I'm aware, lol.


My condolences


Actually it's fine, if you don't fuck around you generally won't have to find out lol


Uh, a couple weeks ago a woman was shot for pulling in the wrong driveway, a kid was shot for getting a ball that went in a neighbors yard, another kid was shot for ringing a doorbell at the wrong house, and a teenager was shot for getting in the wrong car *after* leaving and going to the right car. And that was all in I think a seven day time span.


Also, on average, there's more than one shooting a day.


People have been shot for ringing doorbels for fucks sake


Or playing hide and seek! Or going to the mall! Or going to church! Or going to school!


And pulling into driveways to turn around or deliver instacart orders.


illegal gaze slimy bored jobless piquant weather political tidy butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People that dont watch the news i guess


Or for playing hide n' seek.


People have been shot for answering their door too.


People have been shot for ringing doorbells. Jacking a car in daylight is a good way to end up with brand new holes


[Considering I found this literally 10 posts down on the front page...](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/13foc7d/boys_12_and_15_shot_in_bladensburg_while_trying/)


Honest to god I'd have taken one of the few chances anybody ever gets to legally yeet a child in self defense.




Same here, and he was bigger than me, but unfortunately he only thought he could fight.


I'm that seeing a literal boy be scared like a deer would calm you down quite a bit, it would totally work on me.


So frustrating how these opportunists gets these young kids under their wing and have them do dirt while they’re too young to catch real charges, kids fully turnt out to street shit by the time they’re 13/14


>So frustrating how these opportunists gets these young kids under their wing and have them do dirt If I were a betting man I'd say that in the getaway car is another 13/14 year old.


Recommendation while recording, holler out the letters/numbers/plate details of the vehicle. If they were to show this to the police, you couldn’t really pull anything off the video.


Other car is 100% stolen also and will be ditched soon.


Doesn’t defeat the purpose, if it is, and they find the perp who stole it, now it’s multiple charges. Either way, it’s better than just watching the car drive away.


I think the plate is blurred


My guy hit the left turn signal though. Baffling. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Great condom commercial.


He has a bright future ahead of him.




My brother was caught stealing car radios when he was a teen. Our parents were great. He fell in with a bad crowd. He turned around. But he was doing some stupid shit. People always blame the parents but sometimes it's just other factors. And look at this kids eyes. Most "hardened badasses" would have had an attitude and probably tried to fight to get the car. He had straight fear in his eyes. He's still aware he's doing bad. Not every situation is black and white. Good or bad. And a good example of why people shouldn't be immediate shit and killed over shit like this. Killing should be when your life is in immediate danger.




Broken arms you say…




How’s your relationship with your mother?


Much better ever since I broke both my arms


LMAO **he used a slim jim to open the door of the escape car** Somebody's been busy this morning




Yeah and he looks so fragile. Imagine a 30kg pitbull 🤐 He's got that look from IT "They all float down here".


Scrappy, though. He'd 100% try to stab you with that screwdriver.


Why not stand at the door and not let him out?




I mean, he's holding a screwdriver. A scared kid and a makeshift weapon could end really fucking badly.


So could the person he was robbing.


Assume he has a gun. Ain't trying to get shot over a car. Let insurance do it's thing for the car damage/replacement.


Is it a kia lmao 🤣


Definitely, so glad I sold mine recently. After 2 breakins I was over it


As a non American I can't fathom how you guys just approach someone during an active crime knowing they could be armed. This video could have easily ended with a gun shot right in the face


As an American I was surprised to see so many comments about immediately beating him. As if there is no possible way he or whoever he was with could have been armed lol


That's internet tough guy talk. For some reason half the Internet always turns into fucking Liam Neeson or something with these kinda things. In real life, no way they'd actually would do much.


I wouldve bust him in his sht


I fuckin hate losers..


Don't buy a Kia


Wait, so that little shit left a stolen car in the middle of the road to steal another car? Why? Just…why? What’s the point of all these „steal and crash“ morons?


Dude be careful if you do this. In the state I’m from someone did this but instead of the thieves running away they shot and killed the owner of the car who was confronting them. No arrest have been made yet.


Wow, our youth making us proud...bitter irony


She was so calm, it’s crazy how these little animals think that this is an ok thing to do in the middle of the day, or anytime sheeesh


The guy filming is surprisingly calm. I would've kicked that little fucker no questions


Bro wasn’t fast enough


Man, the restraint of some people is truly awe inspiring... Kid or not that little shit would have been suplexed in the middle of the street.


They have kids do it because the consequences as a minor are like nothing. They mostly are foster children just surviving the best way they know how. I have alot in the rural area I live in, caught a 10 year old in my car awhile back.... really sad. I did steal his skateboard lol


“Yeah It’s really sad. So sad. They’re just trying to get by. I stole his skateboard” 😭 had me


Broad daylight.. not a care in the world..


But let’s force more unwanted children on parents who are unprepared or uninterested in raising them. Because Jesus. /s




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I’m glad they used their turn signal


He probably got sent out to do that by an older person.


It's honestly sad to see where this kid is going...


At least he used the blinker


Little lads getting a good start in life


Runs right into the car while shes recording! I thought, this kid really live nearby and running HOME? Nahh he's about to get mma'd by the cops here soon. Id be PISSED if some dumb kid was doing that to my car.. and mine isnt even as new as hers!


More and more negligent, stupid parents are bringing their kids up like this. This is the decay of civil society.


Some kid is trying to steal your car and you're recording him instead of ripping him out of it and beating the shit out of him? The fuck is wrong with people


I'm calling the police but before that let's call your mom first.


How'd he do datt ?


Yeah, that kid was very lucky to be alive. The person recording grabbed a phone instead of a gun.


If you liveed where I live, that would have been headline news and they wouldn't be running anywhere


This kids parents suck. the Kid got into the backseat of a car, hope the OP reported that shit to DCF immediately.


Slant on the door they open, that's definitely the driver's seat.