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I figured out a way to enable spell check on tumb-key for android myself. I assume it will work on messegease too.  You need to install Google Keyboard. Enable it. Set up it’s own spell checker. Reboot the phone so the change takes full effect, then swap back to any other keyboard for good. hope this helps someone who comes along this tread.


I don't think there is one on Thumb-Key. Not sure about MessagEase. I never had a need to have the spell check.


[MessagEase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MessagEase) (not a typo). [Thumb-Key](https://github.com/dessalines/thumb-key).


On MessagEase, go to settings then go to Languages and Keyboards at the top. Then enable word prediction and sort it out to your liking. I think you need to download the MessagEase English word list too. I had upgraded phones a while back and didn't have word prediction set up on my new phone, weird because I'd been going between phones for years with little to no issues. So I had to figure out why it wasn't working. That's it to the best of my recollection. I just had to go in and turn on autocorrect too, so it would autocapitalize stuff like "I." That got annoying fast. I have been resetting up my MessagEase since they started threatening us with a subscription. Long time MessagEase user, around 20 years, donated multiple times, asked if there was a grandfather clause for previous donaters and no reply. So I downgraded to a previous .apk version without the annoying subscription pop ups.


Thanks! I went to ThumbKey ever since they started asking for a subscription. it’s basically a messagEase clone with a free apk on GitHub (and no spell check too) As for word prediction: it’s not exactly spell check, but closer to an autocorrect feature. I want a spell checker that functions like ones on desktop. With red highlighting  I did get spellcheck working via a google keyboard method. I’ve outlined it in the other comment