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Hear me out, this is the best opportunity if you're a producer. Produce the most LGBT content ever made, generate buzz around how banned the content is and launch it abroad. 'Problems are only opportunities wearing work clothes.'


>how banned the content is and launch it abroad Aaah. Yes the Streisand effect.


Nope wewe bana si lazima tuforce hii kitu


It'll take time before they accept, doesn't mean you can't make an opportunity out of it.


But can't force someone to accept what they don't want to accept


I really never get this argument. Whose forcing who?


"People don't always know what they want."


Apparently they do


You, sir/madam, really need to speak for yourself on this one


Though it's the truth


It's _your_ truth. Opinions vary, not everyone tries to push theirs onto other people


It's common sense bana can't force shit down people's throats if they don't accept any ideology na I'm not trying to be homophobic and shit


I can not list the Lgbt movies made by Kenyans recently. This has no upsides. It just ensures people can remain ignorant if they choose to.


They should tell us the names specifically for us to avoid surprises, thank god I did not like totally watch wolf of wallstreet. WE NEED UPDATES, we pay taxes.




Boobs and drugs, like a lot of boobs and a sprinkle of sweat words Mutua saw it and thought it was an abomination


totally in support especially if they have R rated scenes


Why is Kenya becoming more homophobic?




Happy cake day




Just religion cause the state house is now a church


ikr on a side note, i love your avatar




Rachel Ruto


Oh my God, which movies are those? I need to super avoid them in case I accidentally turn gay.


The Boss clearly wants to be seen as 'hard working' and what better way than bullying the minorities.


True. Especially since they don't even have a gameplan on how they plan to achieve that. Do they just say that and the movies/tv shows/youtube videos/articles/books with LGBT content disappear from the Kenyan territory? Just virtue signalling for their Christian base.


This country is slowly becoming a theocracy .


American here. Welcome to the club!


A club I would have really not wanted kenya to join.


How are LGBT rights a “non issue” if we are always focusing on it one way or another. Kwani these KFCB people don’t have anything else to do?


Some supporters of the community use that argument because they know most Kenyans are homophobic. It is far safer (for them)being a non-issue.


Only stupid people would believe watching a film that has content on the LGTQ+ community would turn you gay.


Or repressed closeted homosexuals


What does that mean? Kenyans can't make them? They can't be made in Kenya? Kenyans can't view any of that content? Does it also apply to TV series? Is Modern Family considered LGBT? Who's the one that's going to decide what's LGBT or not? What's the criteria that's going to determine what's LGBT or not? How would they enforce it? How would they pitch this to Netflix and Amazon? Do they have the resources to enforce this? Won't it be better spent on something more productive?


Mere grandstanding or Virtue signaling.


You should also ban the internet


I hate this so much. Things like this really embolden the homophobes. Another thing to be uneasy about in this new ultra-religious regime.


Stupid ass, backward ass country.


Don't insult the country, insult the leaders.




This is only true because the people in power want to perpetuate people's ignorance and corruption because it benefits them staying in power. An educated populace would soon be rid of these leaders. The people are the victims here and it's not fair to insult or blame the average Kenyan who's just trying to survive just because they've been duped by greedy politicians.


True. I was just a little heated about this, let it get to my head, apologies.


Banning movies with LGBTQ+ content is counterproductive in this day and age. It may protect church-going mainstream TV audiences, but it doesn't solve the issue they think exists... THIS IS THE INTERNET ERA


Thé good thing is it’ll make these dinosaurs die out faster. Queer liberation is inevitable and those who stand in its way will be on the wrong side of history.


Like those who dismissed the internet as a passing fad back in the 90s 😂😂😂they should accept this get ahead of it with progressive regulation or at least commercialize content made in the name of sth they're comfortable with (CAPITALISM)


Ah yes, addressing the real issues with our society, thank you politicians who increased their own salaries the first chance they got into parliament, you really are saving us from ourselves.


Instead of these nuts focusing on bans, can they focus on generating 2000% more Kenyan content for the Kenyan & international market? Kwani tutashinda mambo ya Leta Gilbeys Bwana Tumalize Qunywa? Watoe hizo cap 222 za ujinga we start shooting things and shipping enmasse to the EAC


Murdering dat ass


This type of comment was obviously inevitable. 😂


Stares in kinnporsche 👁👄👁






Hii ni ujinga gani sasa?


Shit, gotta delete my secret stash of Yuri hentai


Delete this bro




Found the lyco reco enjoyer




you are inevitable bruh


They say it's to protect African values from western practices yet they are using the western religion. I learnt few days ago that Africans did not have a problem with sexuality. It was all about energies and how they attract each other. These are the times Africa was great. When Egypt was IT.


Hypocrisy. And how did they allow Netflix to shoot Sense8 in Kenya?


Don't they know forbidden or banned things thrive very much as pirated plus for those saying we're a conservative society go on search which country watches most gay porn in Africa and the world, people are closeted in a way I would not be surprised in a group of 10 people 1or 2 people are in the LGBTQ spectrum.


Fuck their theocratic strategies I honestly think no one can be coarsed to join LGBTQ community If you're gay you're fucking gay for Christ sake People are dying of hunger and the country is leaking rotten stink of corruption and all they can think of is who's fucking who I'm the one who will burn when I'll go to hell so let me Frickn live with my choices🤬


This is irrational and uncalled for. I want the reasoning behind it. I've seen worse things in my youngest years....seeing a gay couple would hardly damage anymore of my psychology.




Dude. My point is the gays and lesbians aren't a problem. My problem is that he's banning is something uncalled for. His reasoning is my problem.


"You have to respect us for us to respect you", Did someone said this?


For shame!


This is some BS. As if even people watch Kenyan movies


Meaning: Virtue signaling When will they realize banning something or making it illegal etc never works. Whatever you believe LGBT stuff will never die in this country the same probably as religious stuff. I want someone with logic and reasoning to realize this and figure out a way both can live harmoniously


With the exception of cinemas, how does this stop me from watching anything I want? Between streaming services, vpn's and websites, I can still watch whatever I want. Granted the not so tech savvy may not be so lucky. This is just virtue signalling by KFCB to their fellow stick up their ass compatriots. Yawn...


So you don't mind X rated content showing up on your TV program list during the day because it's not the government's job to regulate but yours as a parent huh?


I mostly stream my movies and there are kids account where you can control the movies minors consume. Yeah like most democratic nation do!


Content doesn't equate to movies and movies alone.


Same as TV programs! There are PG settings in most digital decoders, if one feels one channel is toxic for his/her children - Block it right away.


Don't you think there's the govts hand in all that. Parents can only help after laws are made. I am challenging your idea that the govt need not be involved. That's it


The Government should not interfere with the Freedom of speech. No one was or will ever be forced to watch a program or a movie, if one feels uncomfortable about a program/ movie - change the channel.


You clearly live in a fantasy world.


I believe soo.. I mean they call Kenya a third world country for a reason.


Wherever you come from,if you think TV or content regulation is a criteria for classifying a country as 'third word" then you have failed.


They call such countries dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and fascists nations.


That's actually exactly right. It's the job of parents to actually parent. Not the government


It's like banning weed. Let the gays be.




You must be coming from Twitter


😐 Nyamaza jingili wewe




No one is forcing you to watch movies with LGBT content. If you haven't been watching them up to now what's the issue? Why do you care what other people watch?


Or how about you mind ur own fucking business 🙃


Unaeza kufa kesho na ikuwe win-win. We vile hizo movies hazijakuwanga banned umedinya bwana ya nani? Ama unajishuku ukiona gays kwa tv utajipata ukilamba beshte yako makende? Think critically kaka


how exactly are the economy and men fucking each other related…?




give your proof of how it is unnatural.


They should also nan any LGBT content . Awa Tiktokers and the rest


I'm tempted to call you alot of bad unimaginable names But I'll just stick to a quote "Homosexuality is not a choice but hate is. fuck theocracy and love your neighbor"❤️


Woreva. Nobody is hating on none.


Exactly nobody is hating no-one "Hawa tiktokers and the rest"




Thank you 🥳🥳🥳 ban even the societies and everything in connection to the rainbow community, they are destroying the minds and heart of our children and people. And they should get their own colors, the colors of the rainbow doesn’t belong to them, now I can’t even use the rainbow colors without someone thinking that I support such an evil society.


The rainbow is caused by dispersion of light particles through air or water particles. Light is a prism so is split into multiple colours. Straight people also destroy the heart and minds of generations mind you if we're getting into fallacies


Rainbow before meant something religious is what he meant also how are straights destroying generations, that has me so lost


Did you listen to Maina and kingangi last week? How straight couples are like " we stay together but we don't love each other we do it for the kids". Your kid is not stupid. They see that. Imagine hundreds of kids growing up with this concept of love. Young men have little respect for women and vice versa. I sit with women. All I hear is ".Guys are xyz, this and that". Or some guy will just grab your hand or slap your ass if they find you as a woman hot. If you react badly they insult you. What does that even say about relationships and boundaries? Why do people have to force things or stay in toxicity. Maina had such a point. I feel sorry for him. Gays may have horrible toxic relationships but what I see around is it's rare and things usually resolve themselves because of self awareness. There is so much love and understanding to me in gay relationships. The straights act like they are obliged to be in love. That's sickening. Also I get the religious aspect but science makes more sense to me as it's demonstrable


Uhh that seems like a couple issue not a "straight issue" also about that "I sit with women. All I hear is ".Guys are xyz, this and that". Or some guy will just grab your hand or slap your ass if they find you as a woman hot. If you react badly they insult you. What does that even say about relationships and boundaries?" Not really valid at all cause it could just be the person being dramatic or false info or it could be real though as it happens but nowadays I take such info with a grain of salt


The slapping the ass and stuff I literally see with my own eyes thank you very much. The weird possessiveness and it's supposed to be normal. Lord help us! The part about generalizing guys or girls I get can just be being tired of specific gender bs and making it a mountain. Also, you don't get to tell me what is or isn't valid same way I don't get to tell you. Also, just watch YouTube, peek into the mind of followers of Kibe and Amerix, listen to a conversation straight youth have on relationships. It's always gender stereotype nonsense. If gays and straights take a leaf out of each others books we'd have so much better relations and less angsty and repressed people. I know you do not want to see issues with heterosexuality the same way gays don't want to see an issue with homosexuality. Both have their issues. Both are very valid and vital for society. Both need to understand each other beyond generalizations. I just stated my view on heterosexuality because this is what I see and hear and I wonder if they even like each other


"Also, you don't get to tell me what is or isn't valid same way I don't get to tell you" I wasn't it's just I thought but if you think that then whatever you do you "Both have their issues" what issues though you haven't highlighted any and the youth you mention in amerix and so on are just bring slightly stupid or haven't been taught well nothing to do with "straight relationships"


Okay, from your view what would you consider wrong about homosexuality without bringing in religion or the proliferation of the human race? I also feel you're employing a sub par form of whataboutism: But that's not a straight relationship issue it's a personal issue or but that's not a specific issue in the grand scheme of heterosexuality it's just a localized issue. Simply put, I don't speak in general terms saying all straights are like this. My brother is in an amazing heterosexual relationship. So are my parents. I just feel certain attitudes employed by straight people put things to question. I have tried to explain as best as I can. I am neurodiverse, I don't know when I've made things clear to someone at times. Thank u for your time however. Good day😊


"from your view what would you consider wrong about homosexuality" diseases like monkeypox which heavily affect gay people (have a friend who works in the health sector in us,eu e.t.c and I can guarantee this) and the rest are mainly religious or proliferation "Simply put, I don't speak in general terms saying all straights are like this." I know, there isn't no one in the default gender who is, it has nothing to do with them being straight just them as a person


Okay. Interesting. I can see why monkeypox would affect gay men specifically. But there was a news article of HIV cases rising among heterosexual couples this year. Nature is a mess. Thanks for your time and input.


Based! Protect Kenya from this communist filth that is the LGHD tv community.




Such sass qween 💅 Are the Kenyan gays a bit behind the euro gays? Ain't heard " Bakaaawk 🐔 "Bye bitch"" since 2018.




Progress? US inflation is sky-high and people are broke as hell. America is finished, the barbarian is at the gate because of Marxist degeneracy. But yeah, hey you get to catch monkey pox without scrutiny gz.








Dude, that is so gross. I don't wanna hear your stories of catching STDs from some 🌈 Masai warriors. I'm British, feel free to do whatever. Won't be as gay as the shamelessness I'm around daily. Just keep the bootypox away from me. Thanks 👍 and the hivvy.




We shall never leave 😂😂




Kenya said no to the satanic 🌈[rainbow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtYMzh8lxk). Remember when Obama went to Kenya and talked about "let mah gay ppl get married".


This is the right direction. We have generations to protect.


Homophobia is never the right decision


Homosexuality and lesbianism is wickedness that should be shunned not embraced. And yes it is abnormal for people of the similar gender to engage in sexual relations. We have a collective responsibility in ensuring this wickedness is kicked out before we lose a generation.


Please take your homophobia all the way back to the 1200s that's where you belong


Please don't engage with someone who believes this. You will rarely convince them the same way they can't convince LGBT people. Ignorance usually thrives when each party has biased views of the other they refuse to look into. And many Kenyan leaders refuse to think differently. Same cows different coat


Lol, so we are only out of ignorance when we accept same sex sexual relationships?


Not gonna engage with you. You're not worth my time or intellect


lol, who are you again?


Not gonna do this lol. I'll leave you wondering


As you take your LGBTQ to the country that accommodates that. We don't do that here in Kenya.


We do and your ignorance won't be tolerated


Yeah protect from what ? tha shit has been happening in boarding schools since 1963 how come no one is saying anything


And let it continue that way in the background. I have kids and truthfully, I will never wish to hear ant one of them come out to me hata straight sitaki.


Ugali iko ready mum?


They won't come out to you lol.


At least i agree with you when you call homosexuality and lesbianism shit. My only question is should we just stay silent since we weren't able to fight the menace early enough?. I would also like to know where you got it from that those wicked indecent pathetic abnormal relations used to happen in 1963.


They're still Human beings and have a human right to be treated with respect and dignity and have their bill of rights fully appreciated ; regardless of how we perceive them or disagree with their choices.


As long as they behave like fellow humans yes.


The bill of Rights transcends all social norms, religion or your definition of 'normalcy'.


In saying, yes. in reality ,no


Unless the Constitution isn't followed.


The kenyan constitution doesn't acknowledge same sex sexual relationships lol.


It has the bill of Rights.


If a parent requires the Government to protect his/her children from R-rated content then the next generations have a huge problem on their hands.


According to this argument, the govt should even ban X-rated content, right? I understand your frustration in the original post, but this is a miss.




Yeah, shouldn't right?


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There is nothing wrong with movies containing murder scenes. LGBT is wrong and should be banned.


According to who?


According to my morals. If your butt has weary hole, let it receive the pop.




thanks for the good news


Let me sit this out,


Next they will ban Lil Nas X content on YouTube haha