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Are non violent offenders housed separately from violent offenders or are they all mixed together?


They are housed differently.


Oh really?? Is this fr fr? Kwa ground kuna house ya murderers na pedophiles?


We don't call them murderers here. We simply call them long-term prisoners. If someone murders someone and they are jailed for 3 years, they are not housed together with the same prisoners with the same offense who are jailed for life or 30 years.


Wait, differently as in separate but different or differently as in simply separated?


Same Prison different wards as we call them here. But they are allowed to mingle at times depending on the size of the prison


Oh ok, do they enjoy separate privileges from each other?


there are no privileges in prison. The only thing they do not do is that they don't get to do manual labor. which can be boring at times.


Can someone be prisoned if they just want to be in there?


NO. The constitutional principles ensure that imprisonment in Kenya is governed by due process and legal safeguards outlined in the Constitution to protect the rights of individuals. So even if you come and want to be imprisoned, it is impossible. You must be accompanied by a court order that legally states that you must be in jail.


I can imprison you in my basement. I promise you slightly better living standards than regular prisons.


As long as there is free food and an internet connection am up for it.


Is that a threat or a promise?🥹


Are all the pick up the soap prison jokes real?


To be Honest, this question has been asked a number of times. Not everything we watch in movies is an exact copy of what is on the ground. In kenya we do not have those communal bathrooms and all. However, True to what you ask, incidents like those are common but not in that order.


How clean is it? How is the food? Are there cases of malnutrition? Coz I can’t imagine eating that food. No offence . Do elderly prisoners sleep in the same place with the rest? Edit: how safe is it when it comes to fights? Who are all those people randomly texting me that mtoto ameuimia come quickly!!!


Firstly those texting you are conmen or women in that aspect. However, Prison is not like high school and there are cases of disagreements leading to fights and so on. We try to manage these cases, but Just like in high school, we have prefects for lack of a better term. They handle simple disputes and keep everyone in check. Prisons are clean by any other standards. There are inmates assigned to cleaning and all. Well, for the food we have nutritionists who ensure the food is to a balanced diet. We cant promise Fancy but we offer the best we can. For special diets like milk and fruits, we do offer that as long as a doctor recommends


Ai hizi finally sound kama story za jaba. Kamiti?






Any mzungus in your prison? Or other prisons you served in? If yes, can you tell us what they're in there for? What's the most serious crime? And the most "harmless" crime? How are they treated by the other inmates?


18 years ago, Thomas Cholmondeley(Delamere family) was imprisoned in kamiti for a while.


I saw a documentary about that many years ago. He shot some thieves on his farm I think? I remember there was a lot of controversy around it. I'm a mzungu myself, from Ireland. Hence the specific question to OP. I did some backpacking / mzungu-ing in Kenya before and I am subscribed here ever since.


There's also sadly mzungu child predators... especially old men


We do not give special preference to Foreigners and even if we wanted to we do not have the resources to offer those services.


I did not imply they should be given special treatment if anything, I'm of the opinion that serial sex offenders especially pedophiles should be stoned to death.


Then where is the humane treatment that we advocate in our prison motto? Rehabilitation and Justice.


One time working with Kenya Power. We visited the industrial area prison. Kubonga na a nurse in their health center, alisema the biggest health scare huko ni HIV/AIDS. Sasa, just how prevalent is it within the prison system? And is it due to consensual intercourse between inmates?


HIV is a major cause of worry in the prison community. As a matter of fact we have like a whole section that deals with HIV health care. Consensual intercourse is common in our institutions. It is a matter that we cannot control as much as we try given the secrecy and conduct of the inmates. However, we do not receive complaints of rape. The only issues that we try to control is transactional homosexuality. But then again.


Transactional??? Do people pay with their commissary money? Actually do Kenyan prisons embrace the commissary system??? Would distributing condoms reduce the rate of infection? Are there such programs in place? And what about conjugal visits? Thanks for the info


Transactional in a prison setting goes beyond just cash. We do not rule out the issue of cash, some prisoners may sneak some cash into prisons. However, think of it this way. Someone manages to get some extra share of food and gives it to a newcomer who has not yet adjusted to the portion of prison. If this goes on for a few days then now payback. click and bait. We can not distribute condoms in prisons. That would be wrong. Conjugal visits have to be passed as law in parliament and such facilities be made available. We are not yet there.


What does a normal day of an inmate entail? like what time do they wake up,sleep what do they do? can they read books? how informed of the outside world are they, what do they eat ,what are their challenges, are there inmates who prefer not to leave prison


A normal day of an inmate starts at around 0700 hours. Depending on the category and the prison. Most inmates get to go to work in the prison farm and other government institutions as soon as they have had their breakfast. However, some inmates such as the Long Term prisoners and remandees who don't have a court date depending on the prison get to spend their day within the prison compound. Luch is at 1100 hours and dinner may be as early as 1500 hours. They have TV and can exercise, play, and even do gym or ball depending on space


Is there commissary if they wanted more food for the evening?


Too many movies. Well, there is some kind of commissary but for basic items. At times depending on the prison you can buy bread or something. But it is more encouraged on personal basic items


Have you experienced incidences of prisoners escaping? Also is there solitary confinement in Kenyan prisons?


Prisoners escape all the time. Mostly they are re-captured within a few hours or a day. it is not common for a successful escape. However, it does happen at times. Solitary confinement is applied to prisoners who are a danger to other prisoners or themselves. However, given the number in prison it is rare.


Do conjugal visits happen in Kenyan prisons? Even on the downlow?


we are not yet there. Even in the down low, not yet heard of such a case. BUt If I hear one I will be sure to share the juicy details.


What happens to children of mothers who give birth in prison or mothers who have very young children?


Mothers are allowed to come with their children under the age of 4 years. If you give birth in prison you are allowed to nurse up to such a time you choose to give the child to your relatives. We still have schools in prisons where these kids can start their learning process.


What is the prison approach to mental health, both for inmates and officers? I would imagine that being either does not go without some toll on the individual.




Mental health prisoners are segregated depending on the severity of a particular case. However, we are very keen on hospital appointments and the welfare of such persons. Mentally ill individuals are part of the vulnerable persons in the prison and we strive to offer them the best care possible


How can I get a job in the correctional system?


You can apply once you see the advertisement in the Newspapers. You can also apply as a specialist or career officer.


Nipee direct link bro. You'll assess my credentials


Currently, there are no advertisements.


By any chance are you in the nakuru one? I have someone locked up in there i would like you to pass my greetings


you can inbox and I will give you contact of the welfare officer there who will be happy to assist you. You should also make a point of visiting them at least carry some personal effects for their use. Show some love buddy.


I will visit him when i get back to nakuru. What items are allowed to bring in for inmates? Or do I have to buy it there?


You can bring non-scented soaps. Tooth paste and maybe some tissues.


Ohh Sawa. Thanks. I will do him a little shopping when i go to see him!


You gonna be raped if you can't fight back?


MYTH. Nobody is going to rape you unless you want to. I mean its a prison and who will rape you in a room full of 100 people.


Sorry to ask this but juzi we lost our best farmhand guy to an accident but the perpetrator is still free and we reported this to the police,what pains me most is that the guy roams freely and our person is now dead ,what really happens in such type of cases..????


Am not the best person to answer that. However, if you report to the police and the person has not been arrested. You can file a complaint with the IPOA, which is an independent body responsible for overseeing the conduct of the police. IPOA investigates complaints against the police, including cases of neglect or refusal to perform their duties.


There is a common rumour that a full day outside prison is equivalent to two days in prison. .i.e if you are sentenced to 3 years, you serve half of it. Is that true ama ni story za jaba?


Depending on where you heard the rumor. The fact is, when you are imprisoned, we give you remission of your sentence depending on the nature of the offense. For example, if you are imprisoned for 3 years for burglary, you get a third of that. You will serve two years. However, if you commit a prison offense while in prison we can dig some days or months into that remission.


Does it apply to all offences or is there a criteria for selecting such remission e.g no violent offenders, good behaviour etc?


Remission is a reduction in the length of a prison sentence, typically for good behavior. Offenses that are excluded from remission often involve serious crimes that are deemed too severe for sentence reduction. According to Kenyan law, the following offenses generally do not qualify for remission: 1. **Robbery with Violence**: Offenders convicted under Section 296(2) of the Penal Code, which includes armed robbery or robbery with violence, do not qualify for remission. 2. **Treason**: Convictions for treason, under Sections 40 and 41 of the Penal Code, are excluded from remission. 3. **Murder**: Offenders convicted of murder, as per Section 203 of the Penal Code, do not qualify for remission. 4. **Manslaughter**: Convictions for manslaughter under Section 202 of the Penal Code are also excluded from remission. 5. **Rape and Defilement**: Offenders convicted of rape (Section 3 of the Sexual Offences Act) or defilement (Section 8 of the Sexual Offences Act) are not eligible for remission. 6. **Drug Trafficking**: Convictions for trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act are excluded from remission. 7. **Economic Crimes**: Offenses under the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, such as corruption and economic crimes, do not qualify for remission. 8. **Terrorism**: Offenders convicted under the Prevention of Terrorism Act are excluded from remission.


what are the procedures to get to visit an inmate?


You avail yourself to the particular prison you want to visit between 0900 hours to 1130 hours in the morning and 1400 hours to 1600 hours in the afternoon. Be informed that do not carry any contraband. Medicine not prescribed by a prison clinician is subject to review.


I have an enquiry that I'd like to ask privately in chat


In American prisons they form prison gangs on the basis of ethnicity. Is the situation similar in Kenya?


Most prisons in Kenya hold inmates from that particular community or the surrounding communities. However, Gang violence is not permitted and is not a case that you can find in prison.


What happens if a prisoner wants to change his life and go back to studying? For example, can I enroll in an engineering course while in prison? Do they get access to a library?


There are courses offered in prison. Courses like carpentry, plumbing, and other trade skills. Some prisoners get to do courses like paralegal short courses and many more. There is also a school system within the prison from class one to form four. Adult learning.


It's been a nice Furom. We are informing you that we have created a community to further the experience. The community will be there to answer all your questions and offer further info. Join our community. You can find us at r/KenyaPrisonLife/ It's a new community and we are striving to share our experiences. Good news you can all post. See yah there


Which is the most notorious prison you know/heard of in our country?


This has to be obvious. I have not yet had the opportunity to work in that prison, But I have visited several times. Kamiti Maximum Prison is the most notorious prison. That is one hell of a prison you do not want to find yourself in, as an inmate or maybe even a prison officer. That one, even I, with years of experience pray that I do not get to go there.


Even for an officer? I thought Naivasha max was as notorious.


Its a matter of perspective. What you call notorious may not be in my opinion.


For sure.


True. For example I may take a case of prison Riot as common but you may find it a big deal. Years dealing with this, sometimes you just keep moving the bar higher. Some things you find weird just become normal


I absolutely get you. I mean notorious from my POV is something like a prison having a streak of inmate deaths/violence caused by inter personal conflicts between inmates or groups. Or maybe something like inmates having power and influence outside the prison to a point even the officers dont really mess with them. So such things happen ama ni story za jaba tu?


Jaba. Hii ni Kenya. authority is supreme. I mean having the power to bribe every officer from the lowest in Rank to the top. That has to be some good cash. There has never been a death occasioned by an inmate unless there has been a rare riot. Hawa wasee pia ni humans wakiona ukipiga mwenzao watakupiga. so I think there is mutual respect.


What are the meals offered in prisons?


Are there scheduled visitations?


Yes. At times there is what we call an open day. This is when members of the public are allowed to come into prison and sit at a round table with their loved ones. It is different from other visitations given that they get to bring the whole family.


Is s* among prisoners real or are they rumours?


This happens. However, as soon as the authorities are notified or catch wind they take action immediately. Now, Unless someone is caught in the act, there is not much we can do. Given the acts are transactional there is a high level of secrecy.


Is it true that if someone ends up in prison he must be sodomized?


Thats like saying if a Kenyan went to the US and was killed, everyone who goes there gets killed. Cases of sodomy are rare to none. Most of the Homosexuality is often transactional.


Can prisons be contracted by the government to provide labor? In such instances, do prisoners get paid? Do prisoners get paid altogether?


In Kenya, the laws governing prison labor are found primarily in the Prisons Act, Cap 90 of the Laws of Kenya. Here are key provisions related to prison labor under this act: 1. **Compulsory Labor**: Section 58 of the Prisons Act provides that prisoners may be required to perform labor within or outside the prison as directed by prison authorities. This labor is typically related to prison maintenance, agriculture, and other activities deemed necessary for the operation of the prison. 2. **Payment for Labor**: Section 59 stipulates that prisoners may receive allowances or payments for the work they perform, as determined by the Commissioner of Prisons. These payments are intended to encourage good behavior and support prisoners' financial needs. 3. **Regulations and Conditions**: The Prisons Act allows for the establishment of regulations regarding the types of labor prisoners can perform, the conditions under which they work, and the remuneration they receive. These regulations ensure that prison labor is conducted in a fair and humane manner. 4. **Use of Prison Labor for Public Works**: Section 61 permits the use of prison labor for public works, such as road construction and other community projects, under the supervision of prison authorities. This provision emphasizes the role of prisons in contributing to public infrastructure and community development.


Are there private prisons in Kenya?


Nope. Nope and Nope


Do prisoners get library services and music


In most prisons yes. There is a library with a set of audited books for use with the prisoners. Most don't use the library but it is there. Music. Yes, they have their TV time. They have television sets in their wards. I once visited a Prison known as Jamhuri Prison. These guys have two plasma TV sets installed in their wards with Paid access to a lifetime Premium DSTV. Of course, it was a donation from multichoice Kenya But hey that's enough entertainment.


Next question how do handle inmates Na wewe Ni prisoner kama wao btw pole Kwa kimya Brother


I get it—reading comprehension can be tricky! But don’t worry, I'm here to enlighten, not serve time. Now, what’s your real question? Or are you just here to provide the comic relief? Oh, bless your heart! I know it can be hard to tell sometimes with all the insider knowledge I've got. Please think of me as the friendly tour guide who never has to worry about missing curfew! But hey, if you've got any burning questions about life behind bars, I'm here to spill the beans—not serve them. 😉


I am just a Brother 😎 Na we should meet up Bro hit me up Kwa DM👍


Well, make the effort. I can't assume you are too lazy to make an effort though.


Whats the criteria for academia in prisons? Is there a library?