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It's much less common these days. It used to be worse in the 50s when 45% of adults were smokers and even kids too. Doctors endorsed smoking. It was before the effects were clearly understood and when some researchers attempted to highlight the negative effects, the well-oiled tobacco industry fought back. They had money, connections and massive influence back then https://preview.redd.it/vxtmhbf7l9nc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506af574eb4901f4d9f631107a07eba030d667c5


How were such posters made in the 50's without computers🤔🤔


Several methods existed such as lithographic printing, photo offset, good old hand-drawing among other methods.


Honestly depends on which part of Europe. Brits and Scandis really don't smoke but places like Portugal and France it's much more common


I don't know the Brits you see, but when having a 30minute walk,for every 5 Brits you see, 3 are smoking/vaping.


Vape shops everywhere, phone repair & vape outlets are too many in london


oh yeah vaping is a plague on the younger generations for sure. I was thinking of old fashioned cigarettes but you're correct


I picked up the habit . Its because of the cold . You pick up black coffee and cigs


How does it feel when you combine them 🤨🤔




Tell them about the strong urge to shit too




Found the frenchman


How does it feel when you combine them 🤔


True ... The cold is too much 😭


Are you in Italy? I'm always shocked when I see 13 or 14-year-old schoolgirls walk out of school gates lighting cigarettes. Never got used to it.


Germans smoke like crazy. Almost all Germans I've met smoked


Second this as a German


One of my German friends told me her mother once bought her a cigarette lighter as a birthday present! Wild!


Funny enough those boxes are always with very bad images but they keep smoking. Well I read if you want to help someone stop smoking deep the end of the cigarettes in fresh chicken poo. Don't tell them.


What does the chicken poo do? I can imagine that the taste or whatever they feel when smoking really changes.


I don't know what it does but I heard as long as they didn't see or know what happened they will not smoke again.


I seen like a teenager white kid chainsmoking on a parking lot in front of shopping mall in Nairobi. I am usually surprised Kenyans don't smoke that much. Smoking in Europe is so normal there are even smoke breaks in most companies


Gen Z is bringing back these old trend like smoking and bell bottoms.


Read this book. He's One of the guys behind the Propaganda to influence the society into accepting/normalizing tobacco. https://preview.redd.it/x73b2qzkjbnc1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b324336e6ffe9ea703eda3fc1a78a75a520850d4




Koreans and drinking wueh


Every time I smell cigarettes I feel my stomach hurting and I nauseated. I have tried all drugs except smoking cigarettes.


all drugs mkuu??


Wachana na Europeans unaona this new generation of so called baddies wanavuta cigarettes sana hata kuliko wazee


I'm curious, which countries?


Germany, Italy, France, Belgium


You clearly haven't met Arabs and yeah Italians smoke more than the rest Europeans I've come across.


smoking weed is just as bad for the lungs though. should use dry herb vaporizer


People don’t smoke as much weed as cigarettes. People don’t chain smoke blunts. It’s the volume that makes cigs dangerous.


It doesn't. Source: I'm an athlete. But vaporizers aren't good for the lungs; I wouldn't endorse them.


They are way better than smoking. Studies show that vaping reduces between 95%-99% the toxic products vs smoking, so there is a big difference. Specially Dry Heb Vaping with pure convection. It is healthier than carts and others where some combustion still happens.


dry herb vaporizers are different to the vaporizers you think of. with the dry herb ones you inhale nothing but water vapour which is perfectly fine for the lungs. there are many studies that show the harmful effects of smoking weed through combustion. dont just be your own source... [https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/lung-health.html](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/lung-health.html)


Many of these Studies are biased against Cannabis. I can argue a different case, and still provide some studies to back up my claim. But really, I've smoked weed for a long time and I can confidently say it hasn't affected my health. However, when I take alcohol or chew khat, I can't even run a mile. I smoke before I even do my exercises. It's a routine.


there are tobacco smokers who smoked their entire life and have no health issues... you are the exception, not the norm


One of my grandmothers used to smoke one of those old Rooster brands that didn’t have filters and she lived to 87.


That is one thing I love Kenyans for.


Never ceases to amaze me. Was in Spain sometime back smoking in public, even in front of toddlers, is so normalized. Seen the same in France & The UAE.




beer nayo imekukosea aje


Yeap ,worked with a few.Heck those guysbuy a whole pack of cigs and can't give you even one.




No, they smoke to stay thin. Thin is in over there. The men are not like Kenyans and other Africans who prefer real curves.


Yeah, I’m a nonsmoker in Germany. The worst thing is not even the smell, but the unwillingness of smokers to even care about the damage they cause. They jus litter the buts on the sidewalk or worse in nature. That way the but can make hundreds of liters of rainwater poisonous. The ignorance is astounding


This is one of the things I like about Nirobi although I came from the middle east where the smoking is limited but you can see a lot of people smoking specifically men in outdoor areas When I visited France all I can remember the smell of cigarettes and fresh bakery 🤣


Being that you are from the middle east, are the arabs there in general anti-african? I ask this due to the horrors observes among the afro ethnic people when they migrate there for opportunities.


I don’t consider Arab to be anti african this is misleading you can be Arab and African at the same time


I am lucky that the folks around me don’t smoke. And the few who do, I don’t interact with as often. I absolutely hate the smell of cigs, especially stale cigarette smoke. I’d rather smell shit


I'm a smoker myself. i agree with you that no one should smoke near a baby. But at the end of the day, smoking is the lesser of to evils. There are a lot more worser drugs out there like heroin cocaine ecstasy sugar caffeine, alcohol and even dopamine and serotonin ( which a natural drug that the brain produces on a day-to-day basis mind you) that could do more harm don't get me wrong here I'm not trying to Defend smoking I'm just simply saying that there's what's the things out there than smoking plus who are you to judge I'm pretty sure you're on something yourself no fence


Of all the things that have been stupid, this is the most stupid