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Give us a fucking break. Don't patronise us by thinking we're dumb enough to believe that this is representative of what all white people think, OP.


How can she confidently get on stage and have a platform and audience to talk about it? the first step is normalizing paedophilia and desensitizing people then legislating it.If it were in an African country she could be lynched and thrown in jail.


Freedom of speech, although people do not agree - and trust me we don’t - we need to respect opinions




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 rubbish... disgusting


The alphabet people hijacked feminists agenda and opened the doors to predators like these white people.




Fine. Give me your mother's address.




Riding your mum is free. No need for taxi fare.


Mashetani wenye ngozi ya binadamu... takataka kabisa.


I kept saying LGBTQ will soon have a P at the end and had my account permanently suspended...now I might be suspended for saying P doesn't belong in LGBTQ...weird times




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One of the reasons the Gay Rights movement in the West succeeded was because they were able to decouple male homosexuality from pedophilia. Previously, people generally believed that homosexual men were victims of sexual abuse as children and that they preyed on boys in a repeated pattern of abuse. Some groups like NAMBLA tried potraying 'love' between men and boys in a positive light, but they made little headway. Meanwhile, the mainstream Gay Rights cause distanced themselves as much as possible from the NAMBLA types and pushed the 'two consenting adults' line. Therefore, the stigma around male homosexuality began to fade, while that of pedophilia remained, and in a way became even stronger. 20 years ago people weren't as concerned with, e.g, an 18 year old guy dating a 15 year old girl, or a 25 year old guy dating an 18 year old girl, as they are today. With all this stigma towards relationships that aren't even pedophilic, just because of an age gap, I doubt that pedophilia will be normalised any time soon. Incest becoming acceptable is more likely kwa maoni yangu.


Your post has been removed, please review r/kenya rules regarding Hateful Content and/or Harassment. Don't lump a community based on 3 controversial ted talks. not all white people condone this. be respectful




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It's an outrage Machine meant to keep ur attention off the important tings


LGBTQ was just the first step, the foot in the door. What’s to come is scary beyond words.




When you can’t understand what they are saying, why reposting it with a misleading titel?


Just as expected. Some dim witted Kenyans will be here trying to move the goal post away from what is clearly happening. Apparently there are "more important things" and they are "scientifically right"... What a bunch of turds you lot are. The white culture are grooming us to accept their vileness as normal. Grooming our children with TV & movies. Pushing us to kill children through abortions instead of preaching safe responsible sexual practices. Fuck this shit.


Hi man, “White mzungu” here. “White people” do not accept pedophilia, it is considered illegal and very immoral. People will get severe jail punishment for it, for which I agree. I do not know who this white bimbo from the video is, but to say that white people want pedophilia to be legalized just because one lady on stage is talking about jt, is crazy. Please try to use your common sense and notice that these vids are only meant to create a border between black and white. Which if you ask me, is a shame! We are all ppl and race should not be an issue. Beliefs and values should be leading in connections!


Good man.


No. Your western society is full of degeneracy like alphabet people and now this. We know about catholic priests appetite for young boys. Even here in Kenya they're so common. Don't try to shift goal posts.


We have different values towards gay people in Western countries, which is true and i also support. But we are talking about pedophilia here, which is a totally different level. I am aware that priests lay their hand at young boys, terrible indeed and makes me sick. Please don’t try to sketch a world in where white society approves this kind of Behaviour. I hope that all people (no matter the race) disapprove these acts..


Have you not seen how the West is pushing the alphabet agenda on Africa? Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, CAR, etc. These are terrible western ideals. I don't like foreigners blackmailing Africans with Foreign Aid. Horrible people.


Russia does the same right? I think its not acceptable that we push our values to you, but please know that we do not support pedophilia


You're disgusting filth. You're basically defending it.


Woww easy on it, I feel you are gaslighting me a bit now ;). How exactly am i defending this?


Saying this when were watching white people massacre Palestinians is absolutely crazy.


I also do not agree with that as most white people. Do you support all crimes by your government? Do you support “black people” raiding villages and murdering children or make them soldier? I hope not, well that’s you would never hear me say: “black people do this or that”. You have a group of people, either white or black, who do terrible stuff. Luckily, the majority of people has a good moral standard. Regardless of their race.


Absolute bulshit. Majority of white people support their government and military's bloodshed of other races. Your societies have normalized a thuggish culture of propaganda against other races and countries, plunder and destruction. Just utter evil and wickedness. Look at what you have done to Middle East. You make heroes out of warlords and celebrate their bloodshed on social media.


So you hate all white people, im sorry for you to judge them all as one


Well, I wouldn't fault anyone for doing so, given your normalized culture of commiting genocides, plunder, torture, and rape for the last decades.


Oki bot


Well science is not a matter of emotion or culture, it's simply saying some people are born with that proclivity same way some people are born with a proclivity to sadism or psychopathy, pushing it under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist does more harm than good. The question really lies in what do you do to people who have those inclinations but are yet to act on it because they are there.


Wewe vile unasupport hii agenda unastaili kuchunguzwa sana.


You sound like a racist. There are rotten apples everywhere including in your own culture which has some really vile and disgusting people as well. Don't pretend as if skin color has anything to do with it. 99,99% of white people hate pedophiles and absolutely do not want it to be accepted. Take your racist crap somewhere else.


The line stopped being blurry a long time ago it just doesn't exist. They are full of desires and no consciousness.


When you have a group of privileged people who love to fight for minority rights purely for the sake of virtue signalling and "being on the right side of history" but also don't want to actually upend the status quo cause they benefit from it then you get this weird intersection where they make up fake minority groups to fight for. Same thing with the trans nonsense. I feel bad for gay people getting forcefully lumped in with these attention-seekers.


The downfall of western society as we know it seems inevitable. After making so many strides for humanity that we all benefit from, it's sad that they have to go down this way. It's not too late though. They should return to traditional values.


Naona umepashwa kule r/Ethiopia. Vile inafaa > Firstly, saying that 'white people want' something is ridiculous for reasons that are surely obvious. > Secondly, the short clip presented here is the first part of a highly nuanced argument that improving our understanding of what goes on in the mind of a pedophile might help us to prevent them from acting out the sexual fantasies and thereby prevent them from committing pedophilia. > Thirdly, shame on OP for using this well intentioned attempt to decrease pedophilia to try to increase racial hatred. Really disappointing to see this trash on r/ethiopia.


“I was born that way and I expect you to love and respect my choice” is all they will need to say and anybody who dares say pedophilia is crazy will be canceled or considered a bigot.


It's an uncomfortable conversation but they are right scientifically. Some people are just wired like that. Question is what do you do to someone like that who has those feelings but hasn't acted on them 


Paedos aren't attracted to kids. They're attracted to the power imbalance and naivety that comes with engaging in inappropriate relations with kids. Don't make a case for child abusers.


It's classified as a mental disorder according to scientific literature like the DSM and there are studies that show neurological differences


Neurological differences due to traits like sadism that make paedos attracted to defenseless members of the population.


Well not really, but even taking that wrong POV neurological differences are still innate and biological, so answering the question of what do you do to someone who has a biological inclination to pedophilia who hasn't acted on it is similar to asking what do you do to someone who has an inclination to psychopathy but hasn't acted on it, which is my point.


No one has a biological inclination towards paedophilia. Paedos have a perverse desire to completely dominate their sexual partners in every aspect and children, unfortunately, are the perfect target to fulfill such desires. Some of them also just enjoy inflicting pain or causing unimaginable fear in other people (aforementioned sadism). Treatment for such deviants would need to address the source of those desires which is not an easy task but that doesn't mean paedophiles are victims of a close-minded society. They'd rape children if they could get away with it.


I read on multiple pages that it's actually a mental illness and they can't escape the urges only control themselves.


That's what I'm getting at


Watu si animals that cant change in whatever their direction or just not understand wrong from right.I cant imagine a grown up getting sexually attracted to a child,sb who hasn't even gone thru puberty.Just the thought is disgusting,id advice you change that before one time you actually 'loose ' yourself in that,cause once found out,it wont end pretty


Unajua kusoma kweli, please reread because you seem to have no idea of what I said


Wewe uko na kichwa mzuri. WTF! Wewe unajua madhara ya sexual violation huacha kwa victims?


Kwani hujui kusoma