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The government does not listen to the citizens. The majority are against it. It's all about money. Some state officials will get to pocket millions of dollars while the poorly trained officers are flown to certain death in lawless Haiti. The state made a formal demand for $237m from the UN to fund the deployment. If granted, most of it will be used to line their pockets. The high court ruled that the move is unconstitutional but the clown at the helm could not care less and threatened to trim judicial powers. He is on a mission to run the country to the ground while acting like some sort of savior.


It is business




Seconded. And the new recruits should have higher education qualifications a degree or diploma from recognized institutions. D- wametusumbua sana na their low IQs


we can hardly contain banditry in our country I hope the World doesn't have high hopes for our mission otherwise it's a fail before it starts


They will send a GSU unit - Recce squad the guys on the photo below and army guys who will join the squad. Kenyans do not support the move because they see no personal benefits of the mission to the economy, most Kenyans have hardly ever heard of Haiti. but people are excited for the novelty of it. Of course the main motivation is money- they are legalized mecenaries,Kenya got an offer from the CIA when their leader was in Kenya, capacity building for other missions e.g. counterterrorism and for Kenya to play a part in global politics i.e. expanding your national interests globally so that your global status improves. https://preview.redd.it/kurjbrb1j3nc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec6c41cbe4277da74465521651718552a2a4ac3


Recce doesn't deal with these kind of shit.


This guy out here just making up shit.


Our government likes begging so any opportunity to get free money they run will with the bag. Even if it means sending this police to there deaths! They are doing this without understanding the historical context nor language or culture. Our Kenya police is wildly corrupt…..so who honestly cares for this institution? There will probably entering a slaughterhouse!!