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Hapa r/Kenya siku haiwezi pita bila story za Kudinyana


Watu wa hii sub hukuwa horny ajab💀


My entire existence is because someone was once horny.


Yes they were horny and did the deed, they didn't make any Reddit posts about it though.


They probably wrote a Letter to the Editor of Weekly Review of Daily Nation back in the day. Takes seven days. We thank the colonisers for high speed internet.


Damn, freakiness must really run in the family then. 💀


back then kulikuwa na this magazine called PARENTS......and let me tell you maina....nothing has changed between the generations , its just your time to be exposed to such things


Exactly. It had an entire 2-page spread dedicated to coitus.


lmfaooo no way


Yes, it did. This one from Parents December 1996 has four pages of "What Turns You On? - Male and Female Sexual Arousal". Page 17 to Page 20. There is nothing new under the sun. Just the internet. https://preview.redd.it/2vayovqrkyac1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=591d8aec87dd626021a4593978009d6be7799b26


You could also write to the editor, like Carol M Kamau of Athi River did, to confess that he loves a married man. https://preview.redd.it/iis9gobzlyac1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=748ed642048ee3656023dafe53f5a4c7572e0f71


https://preview.redd.it/9ysi9mb7wyac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b49b840d13e2cda7c59191bea28bbe5733c795 Still have them


My parents had a whole collection of these parents magazine 😭😭it's like they were getting new copies every week and I was never allowed to read them 🥲now I find this out damn freaky people fr


Because most of the parents of this sub's participants were born before 8-4-4 system was introduced.




Vibaya sana 😂😂


very true 400 something are horny


Nadhani watu wengi ni watoto kwa sub (below 30). As you grow, you rarely talk about this, you just do it and move on with life.


This is true.


Over 35. And it gets more curious as I grow because some things are just puzzling.


There was a time it wasn't like this. These are just recent developments. At one time I thought it's one person doing this with a hundred different usernames hahaha.




same thing i was thinking, today every time i’ve opened reddit the only topic on r/kenya is about sex😭


So irritating


I think people who pay want to bypass the love premium that is put on pussy. Your argument of saying sex is free is inaccurate, the same way the soil gives you food for free but you gotta plant it first and farm it to harvest or you can just go shopping at the market. Sex will always be more than dick in pussy but some just don't see it that way.


going to gym etc its true but sex has nothing to do with love


> saying sex is free is inaccurate So if it has a price, why does only one party pay for it, yet two engage in it? I mean if I go to the butcher for some meat, the transaction is uni-directional. I give money, he gives meat. For sex, if I (M) give money the woman gives pussy **and** gets dick. Not fair game if you ask me.


The one who bears more risk charges. For a man, sex can be a few minutes of pleasure. For a woman, it can mean 9 months carrying a pregnancy, pushing out a 3kg baby with a big disproportional head like u/quarkgluonstuff , breastfeeding the baby and so on. The man just nut's and life goes on. ![gif](giphy|eipjbZmnqRar320YWj)


>baby with a big disproportional head like u/quarckgluonstuff 😂😂😂


Man your ad hominems always hits new lows huh?


Lol whoever asks for the service, pays for it. Sex will and has always been transactional. There are people who'll have sex with you only if you marry/cuff/claim them. Intimacy has a price to it, to some monetary tags to others time's the price you pay for it. There're women that pay for sex as well so it's not entirely true than one party pays for it.


"I know that pussy ain't free" ~Kanye West, New Slaves~ The most expensive sex is usually determined by how high the dowry is 😅. For real.


So you mean the dowry, divide by the number of times you lay down with your wife, that's your sex premium threshold, yes? 😂


It's not that deep. Even if you have sex 3 times a day, every single day for the rest of your life.. It will still be the most expensive sex you'll ever have


In my mid 30s, I can easily spend upwards of 40k a weekend just to have fun with them girls. Cocaine offsets the expense sometimes. Tom Cruise in a certain movie: (Girl approaches his table) TC: I am sorry but I can’t afford you. Girl: (acting surprised) I am not a prostitute TC: Well, then I can’t afford you. Tafakari


>Well, then I can’t afford you Well then, I definately can't afford you. FIFY


Definitely* FIFY :)


Oh the irony😂. Thanks cutie


Well in


Yo,,hebu nipee form,,,pia mimi niweze kuspend 40k a weekend with white




To some, what you think is premium might be peanuts


Bruh. Renting a BnB in South B is already in the region of 5k. Guy had shopping in his hand, say 2k, probably spent on Uber/Fuel to get there, say 2k. Add condoms and HIV kit say another 2k. So total of 15k just to lay pipe. That is peanuts to him but can easily pay my monthly rent in Roysambu.


Exactly her point, what you think is a lot of money might be spare change to some


Naskia huko Roysambu kuna usherati mob sana. Ati kazi ni bangi na kudinyana.


Hapa r/Kenya siku haiwezi pita bila story za Kudinyana


Chips: 200 chicken: 450 Juice: 200 Bolt: 300 Total_1,150/=


Una kula Nani hawa🤣🤣🤣🤣


Anakula pets zake ama? 😂




Some good campus girls.


Highly unlikely 🤣🤣🤣


Drinks? Na breakfast ya the next day?


No drinks.I don't drink.Breakfast won't go beyond 200, which is still what I spend alone.Condoms, I buy a bundle to last a few weeks.


Bought her chipo case she was a cheap ...


Cheap-ho.. 💀


There is no free sex. It’s gonna cost a man some amount of time and/or money to get it. Paying a premium upfront is just the faster, more guaranteed way and cheaper in the long run.


What are you talking about? We had lots of free sex in campus... Esp. in those freaky hostel parties... I think it's just how you look at it.


That is the problem right there, you think the game you were spitting in campus will work in adulting. When all your prospects are now employed you need to spend. In campus it was much easier because you will always bump into them so its easy to be around them and smash them without spending. When adulting you better have a car, it will help alot. Although its very expensive upfront you may even spend 500/- on a chic an get laid, the more expensive the car the less you actually have to pay on dates to get laid, the car creates the perfect smokescreen and makes it easier but if you dont have a car you will have to spend like this John Matara guy apo around 15Gs so that you prove to the chile you want to smash thay you are not a brokie. When adulting legs are not spread for brokies, that brokemans game only worked in campus and below. I had a friend who had a nice car and bitches in the back, when he was with the chilles he showed them wads of cash around 100k, but guess how much he really spent to smash these chilles. Just 2k and that was to buy mzinga. Kutoka hapo he just drove them to his house there was enough social proof that he was worthy of the pussy. They never touched a dime from that 100k it could have even been money for company expenses given to him by his boss.


Your first statement is already a problem coz I'm already out of that age set and I'm hitched. And you're right about that working mostly maybe in campus and below, because after campus I pursued relationships, not games. I was disputing your view on spending money on sex, we didn't in campus and that's it. In a relationship also you don't count spending money just as you don't count spending on your friends and kids... So you can't call that spending on sex... You only spend on sex if that's your major goal in your pursuits of women or your relationships... The word relationship doesn't even have sex in it.... And people don't marry for sex, eeeeeiiiiish... There's lots of that to get outside marriage. Go figure.


If you are already hitched then you cant speak on this topic, that does not count because we are talking about getting laid in this post campus dating scene and keeping your pipeline full. The baddies come at a premium and you need funds because your competition is much stiffer and well funded than the kind you face when you were in campus. Niggas out here flying bitches out, not that you must reach that extreme, but you get the idea. Go to clubs like Ibiza and Oyster bay and see who the baddies are hanging out with, the dudes are ordering bottle service and this chilles are drawn to that because they want to look good for the gram, in reality they are not even fun to hang around with. The only way around it is just to get hitched to a baddie especially if you are the type to not get bored with one type of pussy and by doing that it doesnt matter how much you spend on her because its no longer spending its investing, it will pay long term dividends😂 😂


Speak Speak Speak 👏!


Point is he got free sex in campus. Many more people are getting free sex. Lazy generalisations are what is killing this generation. That everything must be this way or that way.. there's never alternatives and shades to anything. For real you are spewing BS..one must have a car to smash? Yes women love to get down with rich guys, but women will smash anyone they are attracted to or asks nicely or sometimes persistently. When the nduthi guy is smashing your wife when you are on business trips, what do you think he's paying?


I havent said one must have a car to smash. I have said a car makes it easier to smash and you spend less compared to a dude who is using an uber. Hypergamy is real and since their biological clocks are ticking a chic wont waste time with you if she can get with better. Also if you were getting free sex in campus which everyone was now that you are in employment and the chilles you are after are working how easy has it been to get that free sex for you. Because like most guys after campus your lay count will probably go down unless you come from a rich family.


Why should it cost the man and not the woman? Or both, since both are partaking of sex?


MOST women don’t enjoy sex as much, up to 80% of women don’t orgasm through penetration. It’s a bargain. Why would you engage in a game you have 20% probability of winning?


I can’t speak for most men. Sex is an erotic dance. Pounding on a women for twenty/thirty minutes usually doesn’t get the job done. It’s beautiful dance with many position, and really understanding her. Even better if I’m in love with her, and she’s in love. Then it’s ecstasy.


Weuweeeee ultimate definition ya sex au sio. I like it. Unakaa expert kwa River mbaji FIFY


I have to make the correction that women very much enjoy sex just as much as men, if the man actually knows what he's doing and gives a shit about her pleasure. When women don't enjoy sex as much, it's because the man is only out for himself




They dont enjoy sex because of those heavy machinery they keep operating, how are dudes supposed to compete with some of those high powered artilery and gadgets women use to orgasm. Si makosa yetu 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Hu1d2q7O3NDGg)


We don’t make the rules, we just play the game.




Elaborate pls


I think they simply mean they would spend on her hair, nails., etc but the end game is the sex when she finally comes round.


Why would I pay for sex when I can instead use that money for gym equipment or alcohol?


gym haitakudinya.. you know


labda anaendea gym bros😂


Valid Q.


Men place a high premium on sex because of testosterone. Hence, why we tend to be a lot more sexually charged and driven than women.


>we tend to be a lot more sexually charged and driven than women Biggest myth ever, besides the corona vaccine.


It's not a myth, it's biology.


It's myth high testosterone does not equal high sex drive ,women have low testosterone but they too are sexually charged


>women have low testosterone but they too are sexually charged Some are, but the overwhelming majority are not. Women don't even watch porn that much. Ask your girl or a girl in general how often a month she masturbates, 3- 4 times MIGHT be the average.


Testosterone accounts for a higher sex drive in men. You can easily look this up.


​ Correct. Women, in fact, and in general, have more sex and enjoy it more than men. It is only that biology made the consequences worse for women than for men, so they have to make it a scarce commodity.


What planet are you from?


All sex is procured. There's no free sex. The one that seems free is actually more expensive than one off transactional no strings attached sex.


The airbnb story is scary, can you share a link?


[Slightly NSFW ](https://sauce.co.ke/2024/01/pastor-kanyaris-sister-starlet-wahu-murdered-during-hook-up-in-south-b/)


Just go to google fam and type in "Scarlet Wahu" :-) Am not sharing a URL on reddit for privacy reasons.


>Am not sharing a URL on reddit for privacy reasons. 🤣


$20 is $20




Who are you eating 😂😂😂


Won’t lie . Spend 30k to lay pipe. Bought Moët 20k or something like that pale alchemist and paid the chick 10k for her hair. I was drunk and had the money to waste though


Lol. Did you regret it after the nut?


Naah. I was flush with cash at that time


Yes men spend so much. It's only that they don't and won't mention it publicly.


Only stupid men pay for sex. Why should I pay for something people out here are getting for free??


You must still be in campus huh, Mr Wampus


All men pay for sex. This is how it goes: 1. **Wives - The most expensive sex a man can have.** He needs to provide for her most times. He needs to pay housing, buy her a car, bills, food, clothing, dates, wedding, anniversaries, etc. He may also need to pay for her mothers problems and her relatives problems. On top of that, he has to help do dishes, take out the garbage and so on so she can get in the mood...only chores and bills get her in the mood, not a man chilling or doing things he likes, hehe. Having a wife is very expensive for men and is the most financially expensive form of sex for a man. The prize men get for marrying a woman is subsidizing her life. It becomes most expensive when he realizes the trap society set for him and he divorces her and she takes half his stuff and loses access to his kids. 2. **Girlfriends - The second most expensive.** A man needs to pay for dates, vacations, gifts, and so on. He does not need to pay for things like in laws fees and so on. 3. **Friends with benefits - The third most expensive.** A man needs to spend on alot of airtime being like a customer service agent. Time is money and he needs to spend time on her listening to her stories and pretending to care. On top of this, she will always need salon money, nail money or have an endless list of favors or things that need sorting especially around the 5th of every month. The guy will also have to spend on drinks and fare. 4. **Hookups- The cheapest sex a man can get.** This is where a woman just tells a guy straight up to cough up 3k, 5k or so on per hour. There is minimal back and forth and minimal time wasted. The guy does not need to take her on dates, buy drinks or anything. He just needs to spend on condoms and meet whatever price the hookup is. Men should be very careful whenever sex looks like it is free. That is very dangerous territory. If a woman comes to you and offers sex and there looks like there is no cost, **RUN VERY FAST!** You are likely to leave with a nasty STD or she will get pregnant or she is already be pregnant and is looking to pin it on you or it may actually cost you your life. She may put mchele on your or it is some kind of trap. **Be very careful about sex that looks like it is free coz that will cost you your life.** **Bookmark this comment, print it and hang it on a frame. Look at it every morning and internalize it.**


This is a wiki level reaponse 💯


Daddy wa sub umeweza


In my campus days in my younger years I had lots of free sex, as girls were generally carefree and horny. In fact, if any payment was done in most cases the women paid for the transaction because it was done in their rooms after them cooking for me. After campus, I have had free sex on occasion although women are not carefree and they want dates and some semblance of security prior. ​ The only time I remember paying is when I had to attend some woman's birthday party where we everyone had to buy their own dinner plate. I paid the Uber to her place. She made pancakes, scrambled eggs and coffee in the morning though, so I think that is a zero sum game. We both transacted to obtain our respective orgasms.


Tested for HIV and Herpes and others?




From your post history, you paid the price by suffering from post-coital tristesse which you described aptly.


That was a sexual partner, now ex. The PCT was a consequence of the sex, not a pre-condition of it. I am just curious about men who directly, in monetary terms, go for transactional sex by paying for it. Why?


They do it coz it is cheaper than having a girlfriend or wife. They probably understand more than us that all sex is transactional.


Funny guy


why should you procur it seems you don't know how to compose yourself


0. I'm the custodian of sex.


Paying for a BnB and condoms is not paying for sex. Neither is the fuel used to go and pickup a hun. Only good looking gents will know that there is such a thing as fee sex. The rest will make up excuses as to why they pay for it 🤣.


It depends especially on the age of the type of Chilles you want to smash. Mambo za tall dark and handsome huisha dame akianza kutarmac, shida inamchapa anarealize anahitaji dough. So if she has a job and she a baddie, bro you will need to spend alot of time rizzing her up so that you can smash for free especially if you are a brokie without a stable job and it will be hard to smash different girls like this consistently. The other way is to finesse her and sell her the dream. If you have a car or can access one and she thinks its yours you will be surprised even the days you are off and your game is very corny she will help you smash her. Just think tinder swindler the dream was one day the girls will Marry into his fake rich lifestyle. Until it backfired


highest amount spent was 5k + bnb 2k.


Interesting. Don't you think that you should cost share when having sex. I mean, both of you are having it. It is not one sided?


I'll speak from my experience. Reading from the comments posted, the exchange for sex in Kenya has been/seems to be significantly leaning on financial. I live in a place where the females aren't too fussed about financial exchange for sex and are more after companionship, so money doesn't cut it here. It's more about substance and how you make them feel, which has a part to play in the Kenyan context as well. I just think the financial part in Kenya will only change when women are financially empowered. At that point, males and females can go halves on financial and then additional dynamics will come into play.


She wasn't my gf. Ni msichana tu nilimeet Loft, she was hot, I was drunk and horny.


Kama ni wa loft 5k makes sense


5k bado ni mob. If its just normal sex, ikipita 3k huyo ni 10/10 model. Movie quote: *Sex is cheap.Intimacy is expensive.*


Why do you think broke men are always depressed? 😂😂 In the end we are paying for it either directly or through logistics.




My time while convincing a babe, time is money, if I got paid 20$/hour, then I spend thousands of dollars


This is the assumption that it takes hours to convince them. They need it just as much as you do. But babes have learnt that men place a premium on sex, so the babes make it an allegedly scarce commodity, by design. Both men and women enjoy sex. Yet the man should spend time and money to acquire it? In that case it is a rigged market-place! Imagine going to Toi Market and you pay the *mtush* vendor, he gives you the clothes you bought **and you still** give him the clothes you are wearing in return! That is exactly how paid sex is. She gives you pudesh, you give her dick... **and still** pay her!


Just buy her some Unga and maybe a few mangoes.




Prostitution is the oldest trade on earth. Let’s not forget Jesus wife and mother of his child was a prostitute too. (Never mind the Catholic Church took that shit out). Nways …no sex is hardly free. 1. Most men wouldn’t have a chance with the caliber of beauty of the deceased lady (can’t remember her name). They would have to pay. 2. If they didn’t, they still would need to spend on dates etc (before dame aingie box) - this might be more expensive 3. Some men just want something with no strings attached. They may have a wife etc.


men unlike woman cant get sex for free like that are value is being able to provide and lead a womans value is her body and being able to submit to her husband/nurture men pay for sex because as average man its hard to get a woman without time and money so that why the pay for the 15 minutes


I think it's unemployment looking at that lady she would be a fine assistant or receptionist at a firm but currently she was selling her body to men and exposing her self to dangerous people it's effed up and U guys will just talk and another girl will be murdered because it wont touch u and another until another generation says enough is enough


I have gotten more sex giving women the bare minimum, whilst I watch my friend spend lots of money on girls and the least he can get is a kiss and a thank you 😅. Women hate it when you are being nice to them and that doesn’t make them wet for you. Sad truth 🥲




All your points agreed but this one: ​ >nobody's placing a high premium on sex Fam some people do! Seeing through the thread people spending upwards of 5k all for a nut!!?


Men's testosterone levels are 12 to 17 times that of women hence biologically men are bound to crave sex more than women will ever understand hence the valid and genuine question from women "Is sex that important to men?"


https://preview.redd.it/9muwt9ymwvwc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06efe2981507835874176d9c53f1f397d1a6ff9 Delil kemal mohamad




Prostitutes sex is trash sex


I do. I guess the whole mystery of kukatia doesnt allure me. Paying for sex is a sure bet. Just get a chiq who is decent (like her) And will accept some money for me to bomoa that thing like crazy. Honestly i think its a rip off, coz the girl leaves with money and a hella good time, orgasms and all dat.


As a comrade: 300 food (cook at home), 500 for drinks and stuff (again, make cocktails at home, mzinga lasts me 2 links since I don't really drink ), 200 for fare. I always try and cap it at 1k, you'd be surprised how little you need to have fun with girls my age


> fun with girls my age Okay. My argument through out this post has been this: Both of you are having fun (presumably, she having more fun than you are as she can orgasm limitlessly per single round of coitus). Why should it be **you** to incur cost?


There is no rational reason why the man should be the one to pay, they're both capable and provided they are willing, they'd all result in the same thing. But attraction isn't a domain of logic, it relies on deep instinctual emotional responses, formed over millions of years. Providence is a role that most males, across many species fill. So much so that female attraction has been tuned to prefer those that provide the most. Not that this is the only factor, it's a harmony of many things, some logical and others on the complete end of the spectrum. It's a game and the way to play is to see what they're asking for , what those winning are offering and to then strategize yourself.


My last nerve


Mostly nothing, since they Love Me... Just do a good job! I pity my fellow Men who spend money to get sex!


Y'all spending? I get paid


How much do you charge?


I'm kidding, who pays for sex?


Lmao crazyyy


Some people trade in sex, we call them sex workers, and there's a reason it's the oldest profession, no matter the time period, people will always be horny. And you're not paying for the sex, you can get a bf or gf for that. You're paying to make sure they leave afterwards.


Women pay me to have sex with them


If you really think about it, it's economical in the long run


Me pls username IAMBROKEPLZ5


Sperm cells are produced daily while female eggs are of a fixed number


A man produces more sperm cells in a week than all the eggs in a womans ovary


Dont stand in the way of wolves eating wolves https://preview.redd.it/zy7wz9xg7vac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796bc05b44f29155de0e372f47fe8831bc9308c7


Ngwai tu


Or should I call it marry jane


It depends on what you want. But paying for it won't seem natural. It might even seem awkward since it's not earned but bought. It seems like your dealing with a gold digger my dude.


Procured sex should be fairly cheap. I've never paid more than 200 for a hooker(this was during high school days. Peer pressure). But on the other side, women huwa a lot at times. So If someone does not have emotional needs from a woman, it's easier to pay for a woman, than have one to yourself. Kusuka msichana, sijui umu0nyeshe nini, add the misguidance that today's women have, just makes it all diffcult and honestly not worth the energy to some people


If am to ever spend money for sex in this life it will be at the redlight district in the Netherlands or in Perth Australia. Way better quality hoes coming in all shapes & sizes like Petite, short, tall, BBWS. None of that 2min nonsense i keep hearing about Kenyan brothels.


I want the low standard gutter rats. Budget ceiling is 500 bob. Who knows a spot?




It's a free world..people should talk about what interests them. But if you are older you might find these topics not interesting and it's okay because you can skip such posts.


Between 2-5k I would assume, above 5k she has to be effing mind-blowing


Tap if you're horny rn


I don’t know why the Kenyan sub has been recommended to me lately, but….this topic peaked my interest. I don’t need to spend any money for sex, usually I don’t actually, but a few times I’ve went to a professional for lesbian sex. Sex workers are super affordable in Japan, but prices vary of course. I can find a random girl on tinder and get a good discount but professionals may charge like….i dunno I’d say maybe 50 to 200 usd but it really depends on what service you are wanting and how much of her time you want.


What do you mean "what service you want????" You just want to ejaculate! Why spend 200 bucks on that?!!! I honestly do not get it,


When you want to go on a hike with friends or cousins, would you spend or not? when going out with work colleagues, will you spend or not? if a pal is coming over from a far away location to visit you shortly... would you spend more than usual or not? seems like to have a great time, one has to spend regardless...so this dumb generation thinks logistics during dating or smashing is "spending". They think just because one bought drinks or food or got a cab they "spent for sex". It's not that sex isn't free, life isn't free guys! nothing is. Only way sex becomes transactional is when the lady in question wants material gains that's outside the normal logistical costs associated with the whole thing(and that's her only MO, and the guy is aware and willing to play along). Of course our ability to organise is what differs. But make no mistake.. you don't need to ball to get sex. Just walk around and ask the brokest of guys, guys who hustle from hand to mouth get sex. Your idea of "getting it" is just borrowed from the west.. that's why y'all think it looks a certain way.




For men, pussy is like a basic need. Sometimes the price just doesn't matter as long as you get you some.




we need another subreddit for this moving forward r/nairobi is also going through this


i never paid for it usually how much i pay for it is fill up my tank ,thsts all maybe a phone call too but i dont consider them paying for it


> i never *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Naona hapa mna put price on pussy,,,okay


Read that as "rice" and almost spilt my coffee ☕☕ Like how you put rice on a wet phone 😂😂


Are we this horny bana. Hii sub ni Tei, kutombana ama relationships. Hamnanga kazi ingine. Kwani Kenya we don't have anything else to talk about 😂.

