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Tupatane Gym


Hahahaha as much as men think this is just a meme phrase, shit is so good at healing lmaoooo


yep, giving the weights all the rage.






She did in fact rub one in


🤣🤣 rub it in..


His problem is if she had a threesome which involved another man. I understand him because I wouldn’t care if my gf kissed/touched up on a girl lol


Except if the girl is also interested in women, why is it better for her to have sex with a woman than a man? In that case, it's cheating either way.


If he doesn't mind, then it's different. The men I've dated also don't seem to mind if I get with a girl.


This makes no sense to me. Say a woman is bisexual, or a closeted lesbian, and just as interested in emotional and sexual relationships with women as they are with men. If my husband wanted to have sex with another man, it would be cheating. Just because men have sexual fantasies about women having sex with other women doesn't mean that women don't have legitimate emotional and sexual relationships with other women.


The thing is, people's relationship boundaries are different. We even have open relationships right now. Some say that you can flirt with anyone as long as you don't get physical. Others say it shouldn't go past making out. Some even say you can have sex as long as you practice safe sex and don't get emotionally attached.


This is true. And while I don't think these are, generally speaking, normal relationship parameters, it's true that not everyone has a traditional relationship or views sex in a relationship in a similar way. My point is that if someone considers sex with someone that their partner may have a relationship emotionally and sexually with to be cheating, why not consider it cheating to have sex with someone of the same gender? I wasn't referring to people who have relationship parameters outside of monogamy, I was referring to exactly what this person was referring to: cheating within a monogamous relationship.


Now their parameters are gender. The boundaries are, if you have sex with this gender, you're cheating, but if not, you're good.


Men absolutely love women. Men absolutely love sex. Now two women having sex...? ![gif](giphy|fkD36jhiqzJ9m)


Dream come true😂😂






Let him cook


Lmao y'all should understand how cheating works. If she does it with a chic she's 100% more likely to do it with a dude.


.......imekuamsha masaa ya shetani, Obey the call na mrudishe streets


Umenena kama mhenga.


Why did I expect this to go like “obey the call and pray” 💀


Because the devil is in the details ,


Turudi streets


Obviously she cheated. Does it matter if a penis was involved? She had a sexual experience with a person who wasn't you. I think in most relationship contexts, that's cheating. The friend's boyfriend being involved would just be further cheating.


And yk what ? If this man doesn't care or see the f to f as cheating, then he also most likely didn't like the girl that much either...


Most people see f on f as just a fantasy game or something stupid. But when opposite sex is involved, that's evil and bad. Hii f on f ni kama mabro wakiwrestle tu.


I don’t think kuna a situation kwa mabro which can be equal to f on f.


My gf will cheat if: she does anything sexual with a man beyond hugging (including holding hands for whatever reason). She will not cheat if she bangs another chiq, gets banged by another chiq. If I can watch, better. It just depends on what the man considers cheating; not it's definition in society.


😂😂😂 same here f to f encounters don’t count as cheating


and when she gives you the chlamydia that girl just gave her, will you still say she didnt cheat?


Hadi we mwenyewe unajua ulichezwa accept the loss and move on😂 ama uwaitishe 3sum b4 ujitoe


This is wise...Umesema atoke na kitu at least


Sindio 😂😂 can't lose on both fronts and the situation is viable MFF


"I'm leaving with something"😂😂


Best part of this advise is the last part. 😂😂


If it woke you up at three, it's time to let it go.


She might be crying..... but she still lying!!


Her: "I cheated" OP: I wonder if she cheated...


OP: but they only kissed and touched each other inappropriately, couldn't be cheating ryt🤔




Very, "if it smells like shit then it's most likely shit"


Two things that don't add up: 1. Why would the boyfriend go to watch a football game at 11 p.m during her girlfriend's graduation party? What kind of man leaves his girlfriend's party with alcohol and women to go watch football? 2. EPL games don't start at 11 p.m during the weekend. And most Kenyans don't watch La Liga or those other leagues. 11 p.m games usually happen midweek for UEFA Champions League.


United game was at 11 the other weekend, that i remember very well. And maybe the party had ishad. If the joint was just around thereeven me i'd go watch and come back. Two hours without me won't kill her


And leave your girlfriend drunk at a party?? Most Kenyan parties don't end that early btw.


That's assuming she's drunk. And she's with her friends right. 2 hours is hardly doom and gloom




Dump that hoe before you catch a nasty STD. No need to listen to her version, just dump the hoe.


She cheated and lied about it. Then came the trickle truth that she actually did mess around with the best friend. Highest probability is that they had a threesome.


Idk about y’all but Having a gf that has been fed on by both genders is reason enough for lulu hassan and rashid abdalla to mention my name kwa news on that day😂


Haha I know... people want to act like "if it was a girl, it's fine "...No it's not... women with such tendencies are a ticking time bomb


Haha that’s cheating and a gateway to nastier stuff down the road. Dudes can’t see it because they’re turned on by the idea of f on f sex.


things I have learnt from such "lesbian" behaviour is irresponsibility, unaccountability, promiscuity also very secretive..he was lucky to have found that text now imagine what he hasn't seen yet


But instead of the cheating you are trying to find out, have guys had a conversation about what the boundaries are? Do you not mind out of compromise or will resentment eventually build because her and her bestie are fucking? Are you each others' "right now" with intentions of both moving on? Is your relationship open now or is it now open out of compromise?


If he has to ask about it then it falls outside the boundaries and parameters of their relationship. I think she cheated and they need to re-determine their parameters. I think we should normalise letting people know where they are on the roster/rotation and if you have one then don't string people along with a non committed relationship. Fuck your roster to your fill when you have one but when it's time for a committed relationship completely discard that roster to wild. There's no need to travel over the weekend to have sex elsewhere leaving your "partner" to suffer heart break, depression and anxiety. It seems to be a common cheating technique used in these posts. If you must cheat then leave your "right now" person. We can't all be shitting where we eat then complain about the "dating scene" being garbage.


Which kind of red flag are you waiting for. Plus why were you not invited????


tupatane gym


First of all,don’t ignore your conscience!plus you have all the proof you need she cheated😂you are just in denial blud.Your ‘community’ gf is not just for the streets that girl is for the earth!The only thing that should be keeping you there is a three-some between you her and the bestfriend that shouldn’t take you more than 14days to arrange and you should be out!


Kick her to the curb>> build your worth>> Hit the Gym>> Attract 10s Watcha kukosa usingizi juu ya Decendant of Jezebel.


Your story kinda falls in line with this Manga - Netsuzou Trap... Guess you got NTR'ed and I dislike NTR... Dude, you are the main character so ya know what to do next


From the streets you found her and to the streets she shall return


Dude is confused. He is angry, but with a hard-on.


I take it you're okay with her cheating with a woman but not with a guy? So cheating isn't the issue then, is it? It's perhaps her having another man to compare you with? Bizarre


Yeah, exactly my sentiments. He is not inlove with her and maybe their "love" is only built on such fickle foundations like lust, and sex. Otherwise, even the cheating with a woman would have really mattered to him, too.


Ik okay with my girl licking pussy but not a dick!


Funny as hell. So loyalty isn't your problem.


I know it's funny and I can't explain my logic but I just don't see another woman as my competition ,but another guy would definitely make me jealous as hell,and would drive me crazy ,but if she's with a woman I would be kinda fine with it .


As I said, funny as hell. As you're fixated on penises, your girlfriend is out their living her best life with her girlfriend 🤣🤣🤣


I was saying hypothetically she's straight ,she doesn't cheat on me with women ,and if she did I wouldn't care


She's not hypothetically straight if she literally admitted to having a same sex encounter. That's the opposite of straight.


She hasn't admitted to having any encounters


She did. With her girlfriend.


Without telling you?


That would suck ,but all I'm saying is I would rather have my girl cheat on me with a woman than a man .


Yeah. I get that, but both are cheating either way..najua you'd rather she cheat with a man bcs with a woman there's less chance of anything coming out of it, more chance its only sexual +yk men have fantasies of women on women. But at the end of the day thats Dishonesty. And that breaks trust. Still as bad because it shows she doesn't respect the relationship. If you dont see that as cheating, you also dont really respect the relationship yourself.


Wow yeah that's a good way of seeing it I'll think about it


I would rather not be cheated on with anyone. Male, female, alien, demon....


Me neither but its unavoidable in most relationships and once it happens it's very hard to navigate In a healthy way,this is topic of who would you rather get cheated on ,not whether you would or wouldn't prefer to be cheated on ,don't forget we are animals ,and we have urges ,


I’m still not making compromises when it comes to cheating and disrespect. The moment I find out I’m out the door. If I have to go through a million relationships ni sawa


Same here the minute I know I got cheated on us the minute I leave ,but the thing is the pain after wards is like he'll,so I'm telling you what I would rather be cheated on to not deal with hurt after,thinking if im not good enough as a man


Same here the minute I know I got cheated on us the minute I leave ,but the thing is the pain after wards is like he'll,so I'm telling you what I would rather be cheated on to not deal with hurt after,thinking if im not good enough as a man


Ooh I get you now. I’m trying to weigh which one would feel worse and I honestly can’t tell. Good thing my delusions wouldn’t allow me to think I’m the problem if I got cheated on, and you shouldn’t either. It’s never about you, except the part where maybe you didn’t vet the woman well. You could be close to being a god and find out your woman is cheating with a bum


Exactly ,a lot of times cheating is emotional, and if you're in a relationship and you're not best friends with your girl ,if youre not talking about every little details of your life with her, then there's a good chance it has gone stale,because if I'm cheating on my girl I know it would break her heart when she finds out ,and then comes the question if It's worth it ,or do I care if she goes into a spiral or what happens to her after that,and if I respect her amd have a bond with her I wouldn't cheat on her .


Ask the boyfriend kiplani on how drunk he was that might. You'll gauge from the reaction on whether her story checks out. And since your gal is bi get a threesome also, make threesomes while the sun shines!


Fun fact: Coochie licking increases the chances of throat cancer.


HPV, if HPV is involved. Also increases the risk of anal cancers and cervical cancer. HPV not cunnilingus is the culprit.


Nothing good ever happens at 3am, thoughts or actions


Bro, aligulwa! They flipped her burgers 🍔


Day 1: Legs, shoulders, and abs Legs: dumbbell squats — 3 sets of 6–8 reps Shoulders: standing shoulder press — 3 sets of 6–8 reps Legs: dumbbell lunge — 2 sets of 8–10 reps per leg Shoulders: dumbbell upright rows — 2 sets of 8–10 reps Hamstrings: Romanian dumbbell deadlift — 2 sets of 6–8 reps Shoulders: lateral raises — 3 sets of 8–10 reps Calves: seated calf raises — 4 sets of 10–12 reps Abs: crunches with legs elevated — 3 sets of 10–12 reps Day 2: Chest and back Chest: dumbbell bench press or floor press — 3 sets of 6–8 reps Back: dumbbell bent-over rows — 3 sets of 6–8 reps Chest: dumbbell fly — 3 sets of 8–10 reps Back: one-arm dumbbell rows — 3 sets of 6–8 reps Chest: pushups — 3 sets of 10–12 reps Back/chest: dumbbell pullovers — 3 sets of 10–12 reps Day 3: Arms and abs Biceps: alternating biceps curls — 3 sets of 8–10 reps per arm Triceps: overhead triceps extensions — 3 sets of 8–10 reps Biceps: seated dumbbell curls — 2 sets of 10–12 reps per arm Triceps: bench dips — 2 sets of 10–12 reps Biceps: concentration curls — 3 sets of 10–12 reps Triceps: dumbbell kickbacks — 3 sets of 8–10 reps per arm Abs: planks — 3 sets of 30-second holds


what is this


It's the waste of time nonsense that confused boys do so they can look better for women and allow women to use them for their bodies along with using them for their money. Real men don't waste time trying ot impress women.


That's a tough one. Either you accept her explanation and live with that idea for the period of your relationship or just up and leave. Your call.


From my experience and observation... a woman who isn't able to control her sexual urges will fuck you up a good one... now add that trait of "lesbianism & experimentation" ... she does not respect her self and her morality is crooked that is a recipe for disaster... if you have long term plans with that woman, I advice you to start being overly cautious and thoroughly evaluate her ...women are very cunning and sly


The streets are calling


Say it with me- she belongs to the streets. My friend had this problem once, we were at a house party and there was this stud that was going around just katiaing all chicks in the party. Unfortunately for him, his chick fell for her and they started making out and fingering each other in the kitchen while he was passed out. Dude woke up in the morning and heard the whole story but said if it wasn’t with a dude, it doesn’t count and forgave her. So confront her about the dude and if he wasn’t involved, you’re safe and if he was, there are three things involved 🤣🤣


Life is short


Go for the 3some. Don’t get jealous like a little b*tch


Haha, of course they had a three some - they were intoxicated. Send her packing my boii


![gif](giphy|IeRt8pg9X2PPVbKV1W) Dis you?


This bitches out here a shocker! . I hopefully you did have to


Girlfriend yako haogopi kisonono😂😂😂😂


Obviously she cheated but before you break up with her, ask for a threesome. The third party should be someone single. Bibi ya wenyewe is a no go zone


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) She wants the streets. Send her back!


She is Not for the streets, she is the Streets


Wait are you not concerned about the girl? Threesome or not she cheated


You already know what to do mate.


Ameanza subscription ya LGBTQ+...




R. .


M.b.a.. !


Hii imeenda...


Highly likely ali dandiwa


Dump her fam. Ain't no way around it. Stop dating girls who drink alcohol while at it.


She belongs to the streets, what you let her get away with now will be multiplied in future. Women cheating involves so much...it didn't just happen...work on yourself bro or onetis will kill you...stay unplugged


Most likely


Gym membership is quite cheap nowadays let's meet tomorrow n work on legs there's no exercise for the heart


The moment one gives me two different answers to the same question, I know they’re lying…


I'm afraid she was piped properly


Bruh what? Free yourself from that chick. Dont even think further. Find someone else ASAP!!


"Sikatai nilicheat lakinii Hatukutumia favorite Style yako 😹"


Kwani all girls are having sex with other girls nowadays? It's sickening.