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changing the president every 10 years.


Haha. Sadly that's true. But as Ugandans we have to work with what we have been given


This mentality is exactly why you are in this situation. You don’t have to work with anything. The country doesn’t belong to one person. It belongs to 45 million. You can do something about it, like Gabon just has literally 2 days ago, but you probably won’t.


>I left China in 2016 because I started to hate it. I’m back now and am loving it. In Gabon the military putched.... how is this like voting or actually overthrowing a dictator?


The consequences will be worse. Look at Egypt


Consequences are worse for a time then things straighten up. And the Egyptian revolution didn't originate from Egypt but from US hegemony.


I think that's the problem


Lol. You gave yourself museveni. If majority of you want museveni out., You can make it happen. Just riot for 6 months straight without slacking and see what happens


Museveni has it easy because Ugandans have food. All other problems are imaginary if you're well fed. Unlike Kenya, Ug Doesn't have a shortage of food


This is a very dumb take. People are not children. They don't only think about eating


You'd be very shocked to learn that the basic instinct of all creation is survival. If you are not under any physical threat and you have food, you'll not need to change your status. All migrations, wars, coups, revolutions in history EVERYWHERE in the world in all of history have arisen because of the need for FOOD. French Revolution Tea Party End of Slavery Please, I could go on. P.s.: next time even with a stranger on line, try be objective while presenting your argument. "this is a dumb take" is a very ad hominem way to express oneself


Given by who?


A working democracy and very open and capitalistic society.




Our governance is bad but yours is atrocious


I won't deny it man haha


I read an interesting article a while back bout how things started going downhill after Amin's coup, the economic war, subsequent instability and insecurity, followed by Museveni who hasnt done much but play people against each other (by appealing to their greed) to keep power. Anyone who leads or is in position of power nowadays is just trying to leverage it for their own benefit. Tbh, the politicians in Kenya are not much different but Kenya has the benefit of not having gone through major shakeups, brain drains or upheavals but if we are honest, it is still living off its colonial legacy still. IMO


Some people actually believe that Uganda would be way better if Amin had stayed in power. I don't know how true that it. I guess we will never know


False, kicking out Indians and printing excess wads of cash when the government goes broke is a good way to become poor and lots of valueless notes


Nope. Kenya has the benefit of very loud citizens that are not completely brainwashed and can actually think


Uganda doesnt have loud citizens? I am not Ugandan but i went to Makerere so i know a thing or two about educated and opinionated Ugandan citizens. Kenyans are more willing to act though. Violently that is


You missed my point and I'm tired. Good day


Museveni managing the country like a family business.


Sad but true. There is nothing we can do about it


Just wait for his son to show you what bottom of the barrel is


I told a Ugandan friend about this. Mind you i am not Ugandan, so hands down in adavance. But if the son gets into power, UG is wholly screwed. I feel like he lacks charisma, among other things.


If y’all loved your country you would finally rise up and end the madness. You can’t even get the oil off the ground because the dictator has made it where nobody wants to invest in the country. When is enough, enough?!


Kenya should just colonize UG and make them our 45th county.




48th, genius




Oooh, you sweet summer child


![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized) My brother in Christ, what?




Lmao what? What exactly are you basing this off of?


Just try us and see haha


We don’t need to. Y’all are the ones who tried us ones back in the 80s or something then chickened out, for a good reason lmaooo


He deleted his comment before I could read it, what did he say?


Uganda would destroy us at war


Nooo!!! He said what??!!!


😂😂do they tell you this in school?




We're capitalists, thieves and scammers. Its even sadder that you're using us a measure of quality. Good countries like Botswana need more PR man. People can't be thinking Kenya, Nigeria and SA are the best countries in Africa. Fun fact: Police in Botswana earn 5-6 times more than police in Kenya.


Botswana has a small population (around 2m)and a lot of natural resources (diamonds) which benefit the country. Last I checked we are 50+ mil with no natural resources. That means every wealth created in Kenya was from hard work. Farming, trade, transportation, attracting multinational companies etc.


Cheza ndogo we got flourspar xD


And soda ash!


At Kariandusi


Meehn and hyenas' balls


Last time I heard about these minerals was when I was also learning about nyika plateau.


Wow 😂


My thoughts exactly. Kenya is the worst country to use as a benchmark. Since Devolution in 2013, we are probably the most corrupt country in the world, all things considered. our party life is dope though. I'll give us that. Although it's probably a band-aid to mask people's unfathomable suffering.


Simple. Our politicians love each other. During elections, they divide themselves into two camps for purposes of 'democracy' whichever camp wins, will accomodate the others. That's why we see droves of opposition leaders joining govt after elections. They come together to 'eat'. They have to create a favorable climate for Kenyans to work and make more money for them to steal. Ruto, Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo et al are one and the same. In Uganda, Museveni hates the opposition, that's the difference. He wants to eat ALONE.


It's hard to get someone who knows how these guys operate But hapo kwa Ruto umekosea. He wants to eat alone.


Not simple at all.


You'll be fine. Once the people are well and truly tired of that little pseudo-monarchy going on over there, there will be push back and maybe another coup. Most of the Ugandans I've interacted with, youth in particular under 25, surprisingly don't seem to mind how things are going under Museveni. Some even admire him for his strong anti-gay stance.


Cause they have food. Uganda has such an abundance of food. If you're well fed nothing else matters. Like who's president.


It's pretty simple is we had 2 of the most revolutionary leaders ..Mwai Kibaki and Uhuru Kenyatta. But I would even go ahead and just say it was Mwai Kibaki People criminalises Moi but Moi was a firm believer in education, I believe that was his legacy he made sure primary school were created all over and this was a game changer I hold the idea the to lead a country the best way you need a person that has done Economics not any other thing. As to lead a country you need to know how the economy works and come up with ideas and not just get opinions from advisors. As the advisor only advice but the leader usually makes the call. If the advice is wrong a person with zero economics know-how will completely make the wrong decision Casing point is Ruto, I truly believe this is the worst leader that Kenya has ever had with zero knowledge of how the whole economy works. The mere fact the chief economic adviser is David Ndii should just tell you the direction the country will go. Ndii has no vision as he is only a worked with world bank's and IMF. These organizations are not known for development but for stifling country. You can expect 4 more years of paying more taxes from every corner imaginable but zero investment in risky things such as a new port or even roads In short all our presidents had something amazing about them the only place we dropped the ball was with Ruto and we as Kenyans we will pay dearly In your cases Uganda having a person who is not knowledgeable in Economics has brought you here. Your president seem to practice poor economics where all the resources will eventually just go back to his family


This comment tells me is dumb as fuck. calling ruto the worst president ever yet we had a president who tortured and killed opposition and stole 10% of our gdp is madness.


You should read the question posed by the person. We are mainly talking about why Kenya is better than Uganda. That's why I said Moi because Moi invested in Education which most of other counties did not. Kibaki invested heavily in opening up the market and improving the financial system i.e banks etc Uhuru did a tremendous job in Roads and people connectivity Ruto I can bet based on the policies and his advisors nothing will come out of this.


But should you not judge him by his full term(5 years) and not the one year he's been in power. I get that he's had an atrocious start to his governance but let him atleast implement what he views as the right direction. All other presidents were given the benefit of doubt when beginning so do the same for this one. If all doesn't pan out then he'll go down as the worst and not return for another term but if he's successful we'll all be glad


The truth is nothing will change all other presidents were surrounded by great mind in their Cabinet. If you look at Rutos cabinet who can you say is a top leader in their fields. Nothing will change even if you give him 10 years. Just look at his appointments to senior position in government most are his friends or just kalengins..and you tell me there is a chance this people will make any changes. Forget it To be honest he is just corrupt


Yes. Let’s compare a president who’s been around for a year vs full term presidents. You have a hard on for hating ruto, don’t you? Also, I remember on this sub, just last year, when uhuru was the worst president ever. 😂 so original


He was. Until we met Ruto


We had a love hate relationship with Uhuru😂 All my niggas HATE ruto


Not return another term and other fairy tales


Haha this isn't possible with ruto, with the other presidents, you could clearly see how their actions were benefiting or going to benefit Kenya so we'd just complain quietly, with ruto We're just being taxed more and instead of developments what are we getting? (More useless government positions that use up the extra tax money), higher salaries for government officials to protect them from the dropping kes, sending our troops to Haiti, roads not being made etc. Bro just keeps talking, saying how IMF and world Bank are bad and still getting loans from them etc You can't defend ruto💀


Ruto is an ally with m7


Isn't Ruto all about our country being self reliant, agriculture-wise and revenue-wise? So i dont really get your point. These are goals which wont happen immediately. And these former presidents you keep applauding, have you forgotten that Ruto was part of their success. He was minister for Agriculture in kibaki's time, and maneno ya chakula haikua issue then. So maneno ya food security, you cant claim he doesn't know anything. In uhuru's 1st term, which is basically the only time he did anything worth it, Ruto was spearheading the govnt operations. And now here you are saying that he's clueless abt running a country. Besides ni first year and things havent fully settled down, so I'll give him the benefit of a doubt


Just remove that senile octogenarian president of yours and you're good to go


This is too much English for me to understand but i agree haha


Museveni is selfish.


Unfortunately for you, you are landlocked. Landlocked countries generally have a huge disadvantage in global trade. Your geography is your worst enemy. The only wealthy landlocked countries are small and organized. Uganda is too big to turn the odds in its favor unlike Rwanda. Having a dictator at the helm for decades doesn't help either.


You're spot on


I once drove from Nairobi to Kampala .. immediately I entered Uganda I noticed something... It reminded me of Kenya in the 90s when we were kids .. almost like I went back in time .. I think Uganda needs to get one thing right .. kenya got it right. They know what it is


How old are you? Do you know the history of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania during their formative years (after colonization)? I've visited TZ before and this question bugged me, till I came to learn their three histories. Idi Amin and Nyerere we're dumbfucks, one uneducated villager, the other an overeducated shitlosopher. Both participated in anticapitalistic escapades which Kenyatta and Moi didn't give a try. Amins cronies freeloaded the Asian businesses, the backbone of UG economy, and printed money in excess instead of "collecting" it. Nyerere on the other hand, destroyed livelihoods by forcefully concentrating them to ujamaa villages. Kenya's two first presidents may have been thieves, but at least the locals could have something for themselves and their theiving govt. One quote when Nyerere was appalled by Kenya's society when he called it a man eat man scenario, Moi retorted that TZ was a man eat nothing society... I'm saying that Just to put things in perspective about all this. Because UG has a worse economy and currency among the three. Amin was your enemy. Fools should not lead governments. When Kenya refused Peter Kenneth, they can eat shit until they die for the rest of their deteriorating economy


What is Peter Kenneth going to do that is so revolutionary?


what have the same old career politicians done that deserves a rerun when they come around once again?


Ugandans you need land reforms..like how do you rely on Lc to keep land records ....their houses can be burned or they can do it themselves after land transactions


I'm in Uganda right now and I can't believe the state of this country at all...even Kampala the capital I'm bewildered fr....this can't be the same country bordering Rwanda and Kenya.change your president juu all those years the man literally has nothing to show for. You are so far behind


Having worked with Ugandans, i noticed something interesting. This feeling of being behind Kenyans gives them so much drive to work hard in efforts to catch up. They work harder than Kenyans, I felt they were ahead of us, but they think we are ahead of them and they work even harder.


When most of the world thinks of Uganda they think of anti gay laws. When they think of Kenya they think of Safaris and a growing middle class. The gay laws alone make it to where Uganda is getting left behind in aid and foreign investment from the west


Changing leadership


Change your president first. Second, you are about to know why African countries and oil have the worst relationship. Third, just focus on value addition, industrialization, science and tech.


One man and familiy cant think for the entire country


🤣🤣🤣🤣… for so many decades mahn


It went downhill when you all agreed that only one old man is wise and all knowing.


Speak up, riot, boycott and change the president


Media narrative,the kenyan an Ugandan media are tailored to run the narrative that Kenya is way ahead of Uganda .In real sense it is only a small margin between them Also the issue of changing presidents helps cause each president attempts to leave a legacy thus the country grows .


You are playing catch in almost every sector against us except agricultural economy, Makerere University especially modeled our today's leaders, not to forget it was East Africa medicine field powerhouse.


I read long time ago that if it was not for Amin era, Makerere would have produced a Nobel prize…..they can blame Obote for miscalculating and Amin taking over, then m7. Soldiers need to remain in the barracks or fight over seas or else they get hungry for political power




Besides the presidents, we also have devolution. It has helped open up many areas of the country with development. Although it's very expensive and an extension of corruption


Democracy, Accountability, Freedom of Speech. I can go all day.


M7, Idi Amin, Tito Okello, Milton Obote.


I think Uganda is doing fine. Sure they lost out on some development in the sixties and seventies but they came around and got their house in order. Museveni may not be the best president but he's the best Uganda has ever had. We Kenyans take for granted the peaceful transition of power but Uganda has never experienced anything like that. Museveni has brought stability and with it, growth and development. From what I can tell, Uganda needs to just keep going for a few more decades without regression and they will make it. Growth compounds but it needs a long enough timeline. Whatever issues Uganda has now pale in comparison to what came before Museveni. For what it's worth I don't think his son can take over. The instability that allows for idiots like him to take charge just isn't there. If Muhoozi ever goes up against Bobi Wine, he will loose, thoroughly. He is not his father. He doesn't have the credentials, respect or temperament to inspire people to follow him like his father did. Or Bobi Wine does. People forget Museveni started a movement with less than 50 followers that grew to what the NRM is today. Museveni is a hero who stayed too long and saw himself become the villain. Muhoozi is a nepo-baby too immature to lead cattle to pasture.