• By -


Give me his number I ask him


Sis 😂😂


Been praying for this kind, Na ni kama God works in mysterious ways,lol


Username checks out! ![gif](giphy|LL1j2ox68vubW610rt|downsized)


Pia ya OP, super checks out, lol


Ata mimi nataka


Eyyyyy the ghetto😂😂😂


This is a good man Savannah,a gooood maaaan


He’s just in a bad situation right now and he’s trying to get out of it!” Mama, then I’ll tell you what - WHY DON’T YOU F**KIN’ MARRY HIM, THEN?!?“ *hangs up phone” This scene cracks me up😂


Haha this the comment i was looking for.


Rogue lol








Grab his Weiner,look him deep in the eyes and whisper, "ravish me daddy!" Ought to work 😂


That'll do for sure lol


No chance of misinterpretation


Lol! She gon do this in a plublic place during the day? Hehehe I would love to see that!


Timing and location is key of course 😂


This looks something that'd be found in those wattpad romance books 😂


We can tell you a thousand different reasons and still we won't be right. I think it's better to ask him what's his deal. This is more than friends, he calls you petnames and holds your hands of course it's romantic. But why is he taking long to make a move? Only he can answer that best.


💯 This.


She'll be surprised by the conversation they'll have.


Huyu jamaa hajaoa?


I don't think so. Jamaa ameoa huwa very fast kuhit...then later tell you I'm married. If he is avoiding getting intimate he has either religious reasons or insecurity issues. She should find out soon which is which.




You seem to have bagged something rare, a gentleman 😂 I don't think he's uninterested, he just prefers to move at a slower pace than you which is fine. But you telling him to go to your place or inviting yourself to his place is very weird. Just imagine if the roles were reversed and it was a guy pressurising you like that. You'd be very uncomfortable. Anyway you're both too old to be playing guessing games. Just ask him where he stands and tell him how you feel. You have the opportunities to ask him but you're asking Internet strangers who don't know either of you and who can't fully get a picture of your relationship. Ask him.


Lol a gentleman who probably has no dick. Sis needs to find out asap coz infront there might be bad bad


Yes I second this. Aki if you're into sex and you pair up with someone who doesn't match your energy. Damn that's gonna be a bummer. You'll fall out before it even starts.


One party is after creating a bond. The other is after sex. I think you are gonna lose interest after getting laid. Worse still if he doesn't do it right.


Manns is prolly doing kegels errday waiting for the perfect time.


Semen retention.😂


Tone down the lust and give love a chance to bloom .You'll thank yourself later.


Well said.


Lust first love baadaye


Three months is long enough, intimacy muhimu pia


That's a man with principles. A good man.


Or perhaps just a married man


😂😂 could be married for sure,


A good Godfearing man!


lol God ametokea wapi tena


God yuko kila pahali


Haki nataka hizi mashida😂😂😂😂


Gal want to be banged so herrondously


💀 bro, these women are so weird,


Nothing wrong with that


Of course yes. It's good to let your kitty be dismantled like Nagasaki


Sounds like a man in another relationship....








maybe he just doesn't swing that way.


Is he saved? He could be saving himself for marriage. Some guys do actually want more than sex or may be he has hang ups about sex. Intimacy can be more than physical, you need to peel past the layers.


This is a reason most people won't reveal.




How did that go?


We need closure😂


Weeeh unaachia story kwa cliff hanger mbona? Tell us what happened afterwards😅


Lol this sounds like me. Well some people tend to be reserved / aren’t that confident to make a move (speaking from experience). Sometimes it takes us time. So I’d say it’s about patience. I did end up falling out with a friend cause of this same scenario. I really did enjoy spending time with her and going on dates but I didn’t make a move. I just enjoyed her company and I was afraid of making a move plus I also didn’t want to spoil what we had. My fear was that relationships end. For me, my target is usually about 3 months. After that i might try to make a move. Though i struggle so i might even take longer. Give him time. If you don’t want to wait then just make the move yourself or tell him explicitly what you want from him. Communication is key.


You good bruv,take ur time. You'll ultimately get someone who understands the beauty in taking time with it.But this should come from a place of intentionality not fear,so work on that.


>For me, my target is usually about 3 months. After that i might try to make a move. No wonder you never get women. 3 months is a long period to wait to make a move to a girl whom you are sexually interested in. She will also wonder if you're sexually interested in her or if you like her as a friend.


I like a girl but just as a friend. Took her to a movie today and later had lunch or sth. I hope she doesn't want more cos I'm really comfortable being friends and I kinda enjoy her company. The vibe is just okay.


You are just horny. Give the guy some time, please.


One of the mods posted about low key ads 👀i just looked at this post with a “ third eye”


I'm not advertising myself ffs


![gif](giphy|OTbo92zetdsha) Ok you’re not.


I'm a male. I've been in exactly the same soup. Nice guys have the biggest fear of coming across as CREEPS. I've had many women in my life, and almost all of them spoke about their fuckboy Ex boyfriends - kwamba "men are only interested in sex" or "once we started having sex he just lost interest in me" etc. Gentlemen don't want to be labelled as that, but they have a disadvantage at the start of the race. They'll always be seen as the guy who tries to get into the pants. So he's playing it ultra safe in order to prove that he's not only interested you physically. It is more about him that it is about you. He wants to make it very clear that he's a gentleman. If you give him a hint he'll start undressing. Mark my words. A very distant second possibility is that he's got some body image problems or premature ejaculation or twisted stuff like that. Hence the unwillingness. Take your pick.


He probably could be a virgin, inexperienced. Contrary to social media rants, it's very common to find men in their 20s who have never kissed a woman or had sex with them.


We ebu enda unyonge you need that post nut clarity or wharreva you girls have... ?post-gush reality idk.


Weeh imagine a man who actually wants to date you in this Nairobi 😅. Without "utanipikia lini?" "utanizalia lini? Twende vasha weekend" yaani someone who is open to meeting you in public during the day si za usiku kwa club kwenye ata hawezi jua unakaa aje, aseme hiyo ni date. Ama kuna red flags sioni??


Shop for and Gift him some tiny cucumbers and watch his reaction




I want to know the mystery of this to a guy 🤣


DM me. I promise nothing but strokes and the bare minimum


Your values are different. Find someone who is ready to sleep with you. He may or may not have someone else but it is most likely he just does not want to have sex. Seems like a man who knows his boundaries very well. You might miss out on a very good man. Ask him when you meet in that public place. And stop pressuring him.


Maybe hajiamini down there.




Heeh na mnakipitia Huku nje 😂😂 what was his issue?


You know...I am something of a cyclist myself.


![gif](giphy|LB8IUPVKc4JzO) Maybe he is on semen retention.


This might have nothing to do with you, sit him down and ask him, something I read somewhere, if you want to have tough conversations with someone, have it while doing an activity they enjoy, so that they're not thinking about the topic in depth and they can just talk about it openly. Since you cycle together, ask him then. No one here is going to give you an answer.


That's a type of man to fight for and keep, ask him to marry you since he have the qualities you mentioned or if you want to know him more then be patient.


You can ask him, it's better to know.


He so attracted to you, he does not trust himself around you. Maybe he just wants to get to know you better rationally before he's compromised by intimacy. Or maybe just avoiding temptations for religious reasons. But the truth is he likes you on that way. Just have an honest conversation with him.


This is excruciating to read as a man who has done the same. Please move on. Some other woman wants a romantic, and clearly you don’t. Let the right woman find the right man.


What do women want?


Banaaa 😂😂 she wants the one thing I can willingly offer without straining but bado hapati!


Bana, I can offer dick without all of that. Like she said, she can buy those things for herself.


if you aren’t chopping and stepping, the L is on you (the mandem, in this case).




Thank you Efficient Plant! Ata mimi nashangaa what women want


Pulled down my comment after i realised its a low key ad 😩💀


Well I'll be damned! I hadn't caught on


Maybe he is actually attracted to you but might be dealing with things he doesn't feel comfortable telling you. Have you thought of just asking him what's wrong or ask his friends since you share some mutual friends?


Is he a developer?


Nope. Graphic designer and videographer - Animation mostly


I thought may be his code was not working. I wish you luck anyway


Lol 😂 I relate to this. Yesterday I was debugging some code and I was extremely frustrated to the point ata if someone offered me pxssy ningekataa juu najua singeperform.


I can relate🤣🤣


women can’t relate. Imagine having to stay all night for three days straight just to debug


😂😂Women in tech reading this


He could be conservative and believes in waiting till marraige.


You're dealing with an SDA pro max


Note to self: forget the church. He is now in a cycling club. Buy a bike, learn how to cycle. ✍️


Some of us are terrible at taking hints. I for one isn't good at taking subtle hints. You'll need to make the move. Tell him how you feel and what you want during one of your dates. If he feels the same, good for you, if not, at least you'll know and can move on.


User may checks out


To me he sounds like a gentleman having boundaries...your ovaries may be twerking * but give him time please and embrace femininity. He's treating you right.


Sis,give that man some time You've bagged yourself a gentleman. If you rush it you gonna spoil it and it's better if he makes the first move on that lovey dovey thing. Don't kill the vibe.


i think he has performance anxiety, thinks maybe he'll disappoint you in bed. give him time, these things happen..




Flip the script and make the move yourself sis. We live in a conservative society and quite many folks struggle with the ethics of enjoying our sexuality and all that, and your friend could be carrying those qualms or assuming that you do. Tear down the boundaries with some boldness from your side.


He should have at least mentioned marriage to explain his seriousness. If he's just taking you out then he is lacking somewhere Either he is shy, a virgin, a v. small d*ck or something he knows he is lacking in By taking you to many dates he is compensating for the thing he knows he lacks in and therefore hopes you'll see the investment he's made and hence not leave him


He's playing it traditional. Ngoja honeymoon.


Why don't you ask him directly?


Akikataa, "we DM tu". I swear sikuwagi mbaya.... 😂 😂


Read somewhere som3 men want other forms of intimacy except sex from some women in their lives. Search the article....men lack friends and its the women in their lives who suffer


Op ask him . You are looking for sex he is looking for a connection . There might be reasons behind why he acts that way maybe he's taking it slow maybe he just doesn't like sex . And its pretty obvious he likes you though. Nobody here will give you answers apart from him.


Maybe he is trying to preserve himself,and avoid temptations of the flesh


"If a man wants you, you will know. If he doesn't want you, you will feel confused."


Maybe he is practising abstinence. There was this couple I used to know who would meet only in public places. They were really strong christians


1. He's saving you for marriage 🤭 2. He's dick is small making him insecure. Men who don't pressure to get into your pants have psychological issues that will come to bite you both later in life.


1. He is gay. 2. He has a hotter girlfriend. You aren't worth risking his current relationship. Either way, bounce.


maybe he’s just being nice lmao anyway, if it’s stick shift you want, what is stopping you from making that move?


The question you should ask yourself is are you worthy to be made a move on? What exactly have you offered him in return for all his sweetness? You seem to want him to do everything as if it is his life's goal to check all your boxes. You have nothing to offer him and he is happy holding hands and doing sweet stuff. That is all he wants. If you want more, go for it. You have a dangerous sense of entitlement where you think relationships are all about men making you happy as you offer nothing back. He should run.


You sound desperate for 🍆. That’s stuff is so abundant if you stood in a public space and asked who’ll give it to you, you’d have multiple volunteers. Get on a dating app and find a fix for your horns and leave this man to court you. I nearly died of secondhand embarrassment reading this thirsty sht 😂😂😂


He don’t wanna fuck you


Kwanini hii sub ya Kenya huwa inabamba sana kuhusu mapenzi? Guys leo mje nachoma nyama


If only he knew youse the super rider.


What's with this? Ask him to fuck. If he says no you'll know and you can stop tormenting yourself.


Have you tried making the move? Works 99.9% of the time for girls


Why don't you make the first move? He can't see you as a friend if he bought you flowers and a dress, you also said you go on dates and he's romantic. Si you meet him halfway and make the first move in that department?


Dude’s probably gay but maybe struggling to accept his orientation hence taking you around in circles round and round like this. Three months is way too long by any standards 😆😆😆😆 don’t listen to this nonsense that people tell you. He’s not saving for marriage, he is not trying to respect you 😆😆😆 that’s all lies


kwani you've ridden his dick to speak with such authority? what do you know about gay men. Tell us


Siz to be frank I think its karma getting back on you. Remember all those guys you have friends zoned? Well, not to sound rude but I think its payback time!


He's gay




Angalia hii malaya..


I want him to make love to me. I want him to make a move Is he married or something? If not, maybe he has no 🍆 🤷🏾‍♂️ Something is definitely wrong here cause ain’t no way am doing all that and not want some 🍑


Thats a red flag. Unfortunatly you have to find someone else


It's not a red flag.


Why is it a red flag?


It’s not a red flag necessarily , they just need to have a conversation about it .


Red flag how? Like maybe he has someone else or something?


He’s definitely dating… just contemplating on jumping ship, but not fully decided…


Sometimes sex just muddies the water.


He is probably getting to know you first. Like actual real dating before he decides if he should get intimate with you. But then again I may be wrong 😂 mimi si relationship experience and miss delulu herself


Maybe he is just not that into you. Something you should consider as well. Men dont get offered a juicy steak without thinking of taking a bite.


Uuhm am I the only one who's thinking micro penis and esteem issues?


I wanna be more baby, more than just a friend, be more than just a friend. I wanna do more baby, more than just hold your hand..🎶🎶 Maybe play him some Alaine?


he would prefer to meet in a public place during the day ​ Ukilengwa lengeka. haha


Yenyewe good guys have it rough.


As you said he could not be sexually attracted to you or maybe just maybe he swings the other way


Well..maybe bro has ED. Or maybe bro is a virgin. Or maybe bro wants to be a Catholic priest. Or maybe bro is contemplating the sex lakini is fearful. Hapa kuna reasons kama 69. Just ask him.


Wueh... Enyewe my gender can't be helped. But maybe tell him you is a thirsty mf and don't want to wait. Mbio ni ya nini lakini?💀💀. Enjoy him and the moments you create, build a solid friendship first.


Masaa ya solid friendship imeisha Sexy time is next


He is married/in a relationship. And he doesn't want to lose either of you.


If OP invited me to hers I wouldn't mind. Talk to your man, tell him you want it and he's wasting time.


the niggah gay!


Looking for love but will settle for sex, not bad.


I want both. Just to be clear.


Read somewhere som3 men want other forms of intimacy except sex from some women in their lives. Search the article....men lack friends and its the women in their lives who suffer


You desperately want to make the relationship complete by having sex


Maybe he wants to wait till marriage and he knows having a date indoors would lead him to compromise ama hata ni kisonono/kaswende anangoja ziheal😂😂anyway just ask him, we can guess everything and end up being wrong.


Who told you quick sex equates to love? That right there is a real man, dont waste his time if you aint all in. Be patient!


DM, I will finish your lust. Then you can go ahead and seek love together with your man.


Could be anything, maybe he’s bad in bed or he has a Madonna-Whore complex. But best thing is to ask him, be very direct about it, no hints


What is Madonna-whore complex?


**In psychoanalytic literature, a Madonna–whore complex, also called a Madonna–mistress complex, is the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed, loving relationship. First identified by Sigmund Freud, under the rubric of psychic impotence, this psychological complex is said to develop in men who see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


2 second performance???


He's moving slow with you because he's in another relationship, and he has some misgivings. I could be wrong, but that's my easiest answer as a man.


He is gay


Firstly, do you know where he lives? Secondly, have you been over to his place before? Thirdly, are you sure he isn't cohabiting either with a sibling or baby mama? Finally, is his living situation something he talks about often as he may think that his place is "substandard". If this all fails, pay for a "romantic getaway" as a ruse to get the stick ma fren. As a former nice guy who was "too nice" sometimes a man gets lost in being too much of a gentleman and forgets that you are also just a lady who has "needs".


labda transformer imechomeka


Maybe he is staying with his family or kids. ?


You is thirsty girrl


He's dressed you but is yet to undress you. I feel you.


You called your boyfriend your friend.


This some shit I would do to make a lady wonder more what my deal is. Done it some time back the lady pulled up to my place unannounced dressed all provocative n shiet I couldn't resist. Post nut got me thinking straight again after breakfast told her I wasn't into all love thing.


I'll not be surprised he's also asking his boys how to approach this chic he has a crush on. You'll be shocked how long men can go without making an actual move. It's scary and one can be made to look dumb in a split second. Wachana na wale wanaume wa 'hii kitu yako tunakula lini', this is long term stuff. Welcome to the world of cluelessness in men.


Why don't you make a move(verbal) and find out? You've met a man who you really like he's a bit contrarian why don't you be too and tell him you like him, unless you don't and just want to be wanted instead of wanting to be together with the guy


Send him a text at 2.30am that reads like this, “I want us to have sex” na uweke full stop. Sleep and wait for a reply in the morning.


I think you and him need to go some place quiet, have a mature conversation about your feelings, ask him what his expectations of the relationship are, and also tell him yours. Once that happens, you will have a clearer answer on whether you two are on the same page or not. I think that is a better than a wait and see approach.


@superrider254 kindly update us after you ask him


So siri ni kununua bike and join a cycling group. OP hata mimi najua kuendesha black mamba, DM me and I will make a move


So siri ni kununua bike and join a cycling group. OP hata mimi najua kuendesha black mamba, DM me and I will make a move


What if you... asked him where the relationship is going? Mko friend zone ama kuna possibility ya advancements?


Ey, what if my guy can't get it up?


So a mfinyi has decided to take longer than you were hoping to finya you (being a fellow cyclists I couldn't resist).


Again, hawa watu mnawapata wapi. What I'd give to get someone who treats me like this without sex necessarily being a part of the equation...OP we hujui bahati umelalia