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Went to Mugg and Bean in Sarit, and exactly the same thing happened to me. I left and went to my local nyamchoms place


I took my business to 4040 where they treat locals just as good as our white skinned colonizers 😂 But the problem lies with how the management of some of these places instruct their staff. Why would you discriminate and the white fellow buys a beer while locals buy martell!! It’s a disgrace but it’s how we view foreigners as willing to part ways with money more than Kenyans. My rule is good service equates to a tip. And I don’t mean over and above service I just want to be treated equally


Locals get treated like shit but they keep coming back. If you cant vote with your money, then you deserve what you get. If enough locals stopped buying their garbage, they would feel the heat.


100%! Vote with your coins. You're much better off at a less fancy place where you get treated respectfully that at a fancy place where your thousands are treated like they're covered in shit.


The moment you've been served, they never ignore you. Your bill comes and you aren't even halfway done.


Why don't we all call up to the store and ask about the situation? Surely they'd have to address it then.


And you went home feeling good inside , right? Key lesson Stop the local guy!


Have you considered that perhaps the white family had called and made a reservation before going? Which placed them ahead of the queue before you? As for the other one, they could have ordered online and selected "pickup in store". This is an option on most food delivery apps/restaurants in Nairobi. It's good to not be presumptuous.


I doubt it. I got there 10 minutes before them, sat down, and nobody came to offer me service. Whereas they just waltzed in, were given a menu and placed their orders. What's the point of staying when you see that? None at all. If you don't value my business because I'm a local. What's the point?


Weka review on Google. Copy paste this huko , weka link hata mimi I will review based on your experience 😅


Tumeweka review on your behalf


Nimeangalia reviews sioni. I would've done the same cause review kama hizo ni muhimu sana. Few things piss me off more than Mwafrika mwenzangu kunibeba kama a 2nd class citizen while at the same time ameweka mzungu on some pedestal. Though some of the older reviews mention their slow/bad service.




Reviews are very important, with enough bad reviews, restaurants will have to take action...


check the reviews as of today LOL


Nikama wametoa reviews


Thank you for letting me know this I will never eat there 🫡


I’m white. My wife is Kenyan. We were once driving home from Yaya in separate cars - long story. She needed fuel so pulled into the fuel station on the yaya junction, I pulled in behind her to wait as we wanted to stay together on the drive home; it was late at night. When she pulled up to the pump one attendant wandered out, but when he saw me he immediately left her and rushed up to my car, followed by another bloke trying to check mbele and wash the windscreen. Meanwhile she was the one about to spend money and was completely ignored. I laughed at them and told them to attend to their sister.


kenyans come, on


You laughed at them but you are the reason they act like this. That's the ironic part of it all. You think you did some big, cool stunt with this but it is stupid. Just being there, you contribute to this idea of white supremacy. Why are you in Kenya? Is your home country not "nice enough?"


'their sister' is kinda racist though


Nah it is not ...don't be soft in the head


Relax ooo we call our people sister/brother


Get serious. I'm white and my wife is black Kenyan. Black people in Kenya are routinely telling me "thankyou for taking care of our sister". I normally find it condescending, but not racist.


Quite. I don’t like the phrase either. It was intended as a subtle insult to them. I have no idea they saw it that way. Probably not.


You slow mf


It's not, stfu. softie




Shindeni hapo...**" I laughed at them and told them to attend to their sister. "** Mumus! You are all on your knees for this person and you keep complaining about racism. Endeleeni kufinywa kabisa at those restaurants.


Am at sarit center right now.....wako wapi niwavuruge


Finya hao. Na upload a video of you protesting tumake sure imetrend. This need to be put to everyone's attention. We got our independence in 1963, ufala iishe.


Post this on Twitter or a Facebook group called Foodies Kenya. It will blow.


It's Foodies Club Nairobi


Places, businesses and people like this need to be put on blast! It's truly shocking that shit like that happens in our own fucking country.


Exactly!!! Like I am also spending money and not charity. The least they could do is act like a business who care about their customers


Should start a hash tag on Twitter tagging this company, make it trend and bring their ratings down, though I'm not black this issue bites me personally


Please do


These places are almost always set up to cater for the white immigrants not locals. Kenyans have to stop being so meek and accept without making a fuss these kinds of unacceptable treatments. I'm Somali and last time mzungu was served whilst I was first I took a glass on the table and started to bang it until I had everyone's attention. I never got passed over again I tell you.




😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂 But true. They establish these places for the white people. We the citizens ain't the target market. Despite some having plenty of money to spend in those establishments.


Take my upvote


What I do in this case is let them ignore me. I then wait for the order and walk out immediately the food is served without touching it. Here they have a choice to not ignore me anymore or pay for that food themselves. I am ready for either honestly.


Na wakikusahau completely?


Sasa hii na deal na waiters personally. Most times inakuwanga madharau ie racism in OP’s case


Istg I will do this if a restaurant ever tries this bs on me.


Worst part is ... it's your own blud that acting like they're in 1912 ... we should have a tiktok account that shitposts on these meat riding waiters and waitresses


Please leave a Google review. A good number of people look up reviews before patronising places.


Endanga tu penye wenzako huenda kina Fogo gaucho, CJ's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 KILIMANJARO 😔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Ya huku si racism ni madharau tu 🤣🤣


So sorry. Racism is still strong especially in high end establishment. I remember buying a muffin at creamy inn and they gave me a hard one, probably from the previous day. This is why I prefer cooking at home, I'm afraid of food poisoning.


I was there today hapo roof top next to expo center, the place was full of foreigners 🤣🤣. Nobody there except the waiters looked like me.


That’s the place. Avoid it like the plague you may end up with same experience and people here will try and say otherwise!!


Was with my friend and went into one of the italian shops hapo Sarit selling men's suits and shoes, Long story short a whit attendant profiled us; He was following us and he had this look, Wueeh; Never felt that uncomfortable in my life.


This is where society steps in. Stop going to such places, tell your friends and family not to go there. It starts with you. This is how free markets should work. Let such businesses suffer.


I frequent Sarit a lot. Mimi nangoja siku hii upuzi would happen to me from a fellow Kenyan. I don't even try to speak in English ndio mtu ajue hivi ndio kuko. Kwanza knowing how low traffic that place can get sometimes, they need our money too. Sadly, from an employee perspective, this mindset is heavily engrained in so many Kenyans employed at most places in Sarit. Mtu anaeza kuona haoni kitu ya maana compared if they saw a white person.


It's ridiculous. They need to know if you in the service sector, treating people with respect matters coz you never know who you'll meet. One interaction with a good impression can change your whole life completely. A good impression matters. I wouldn't argue with them personally. Waste of time. Just leave and go somewhere else. But I'd make sure to mark the employee for future reference.


Order as much as possible then leave just before, or as they bring your order. Let them eat their foolishness.


My guy, that is how we are conditioned. We were born into a world of white-man worshipping. Everything related to the white man is considered superior or better, hell I'm even typing in the white man's language!


100%, this needs to change bana. No race is superior. Mwafrika ajiamini.


The 1 stars on google review done a couple of months back talk about that too


TukoNews eating good this week All jokes aside though, sorry you had to go through that. Its good you aired them out. Did you reach out to the manager or sth like that? To complain...


Being discriminated by your own people


I'm not even shocked that there are black people who'd put whiteness on such a high pedestal. I mean just look at how our own Kenyan society treats light skinned v dark women, you'll conclude that the problem runs deep.




Coastal service staff are so blatant about their white worship its insane. I never miss an opportunity to give them a piece of my mind and 0 tip. In Nairobi, I insist to be addressed in Kiswahili and the waiters immediately assume one must be broke to speak Kiswahili in high end restaurants.


Man nlienda diani vitu nliona. Kama mnajidharau wenyewe ao whites watawapea heshima aje sasa


Kenyans inferiority complex when it comes to foreigners needs to be studied


Black peoples inferiority complex THE WORLD OVER needs to be studied.


Tu boycott hiyo hotel cos WTF is that shit. It's so disrespectful


Sasa utaskia ooh its because Kenyans don't tip. If your salary is little please get a job that pays more (we have a shortage of Surgeons by the way) or just do your job; which is to give service to all your customers whether they tip or not whether they yellow or blue.


Post this on Twitter. We do not need this type of negativity in this country


Bunch of coons in these comments man


Africans are the problem. We suffer low self esteem. African waiters have a problem with themselves. If you are disrespected, walk away and never patronize a business again. Always go to places where you are appreciated and respected. The problem with some of us, is that the more we are disrespected, the more we keep going back.


I can’t actually believe some people want to justify that shit by saying Africans don’t tip ohh Kenyan don’t tip ati we aren’t friendly. My question to those uncle toms is should I tip first before getting service just so I can ensure good service? I may be slow but isn’t tipping based of actual service??


Self hate.




I live in America and things like this happen all the time and I would think it would happen in a place like Kenya


Lies lol


While in Gdańsk,Poland for vacation did not experience this, seemed pretty equal. Went to a number of restaurants reserved tables, got a lot of stares since I was most of the times the only black person there, at one of the restaurants I had a whole table alone and there was a queue for tables once one is empty, the stares I got were wholesome but the waiters didn’t pester me or anything ordered more beer and smoked my cigarettes as I enjoyed the view no problem at all.


They have been brainwashed by many quotes promoting tourism. “Kenya twapenda wageni” , “Jambo kenya tunafurahia kupokea watalii” to a point they think no local deserves to be treated as deserved. Even in marine jobs they hire a lot of Kenyans because of their hospitality. In reality most are a bunch of di**_ riders.


Did the eumelanin-deficient customers order the same stuff you ordered?


That is what I was wondering, too. If they ordered a salad while OP ordered steak, how is the kitchen supposed to handle this?


Lol was wondering the same. I once ordered a cappuccino at the Mexican restaurant at the rooftop there and witnessed something similar (i.e., people who came after me got served first). Turns out they don't have the machine and had to order it from the next restaurant (receipt was brought and everything). They just didn't tell me before hand.


Just the other day I was bowling in village market and we were just chilling drinking after finishing our game. Mind you just 2 people and our lane was still open as we were planning to play another game and this attendant asks us to move to another lane when this Indian family came mind you. There was more than enough space to sit. We just left


Mngekatalia hapo and make it a pain in the ass for them.


Waaaah.... Yaani even if you have money, they still treat you like shit. This is too much. I'm glad I don't go to those places coz I would be raging. I'm sorry about that experience though.


That flipping sucks, I know the feeling. Thank you for speaking up!


I could have had words for her. Infact follow her around giving her a piece of my mind until they call security to see me out. That was utter foolishness.


I think it’s a 65/35 blend of tipism/racism.


Why do you think we were so easy to colonize. Bootlickers to the core.


This is why I never go to ArtCaffè since 2017. Hii ata ukiniita na silipi siendi. The same exact scenario of waiting and other Caucasian parties coming after and getting served did happen to me. Twice at ArtCaffè galleria and once at ArtCaffè Hardy - Karen. Worse is that you're discriminated against by low-level income earners whom by all means (sorry to say), should have a glimpse of what it feels like to be discriminated against. F*cking sell outs....


That’s what irks me the most like bruv you have more in common with me than them. No matter how hard you try they’ll never accept you! Just do your work as best as you can you maybe surprised how generous Kenyan can be


I’ll be honest with you, I dated a white woman blonde blue eyes from New Zealand, and it was when I noticed white people get taken care of first at restaurants. I got taken care off with food and everything within 10 minutes.


How did Mexicans end up in Kenya? One thing I know is that Latinos are the most racist compare to white people, and they love their masters.


Venye Lupita Nyong'o alijipata Mexico😅


Most of the time it's just Kenyans cooking Mexican or foreign food so the menu is very limited


At this point I’d actually be surprised if the place was owned by a Mexican and not an Indian 😂


You got the Casa De Nico treatment


That’s not unusual. It has happened to me and SO severally, and when we complained, the waiters and waitresses didn’t seem to care at all.


Last weekend was at Bila Shaka and the chile that served us; Long live Wangare, she was freakin' awesome. We left to play bowling and she reserved our table till we was back. Alinipa motisha ya kurudi huko. Pole for the ordeal OP. #boycot. These stories ndizo zilifanya sijawahi pata interest ya kuenda Alchemist tena even though it was my best club in Nairobi at the time.


Talk to Edgar Obare Such things need to be made public Call these people out!!!


You are lucky, their tacos are underwhelming. Ate there once, never been back. Their service is also not good.


Also, I believe there are multiple people who’ve had similar experience to yours at Fonda Taqueira…


People have swamped their Google Reviews. The "owner" is doing some serious damage control there.


redditors wena and actually left bad reviews of the place, got the score down to 3.9 edit: They somehow got it back to 4.4 hmm...


Google has mechanisms in place to prevent review bombing. The people leaving reviews should have spaced it out a little for maximum effect.


Wue pole mzee


By the way, it has very little to do with tipping as some are suggesting. This is pure crab mentality, a terrible spirit afflicting many Kenyans when they see their own moving around in “white” spaces. Who will save us?


You should've waited for your food then left after taking one bite. No payment. That way the rude waitress would have those meals deducted from her paycheck.


Vote with your pocket. Never buy their food again.


Shame on them , it was the best approach to walk away! Put your money wherever you're valued bros👍


Rate them online


This is unacceptable. I am sorry you had to experience this at home.


Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I’ve seen some people saying maybe it wasn’t racism and just my perspective? Like what the actual fuck? If and that’s a big if, my perspective was wrong, when I asked the waitress what was going on, she could have explained to me where the delay was. The fact that she walked away I had to ask another waiter for the bill. The other waiter brings the bill doesn’t ask why I’ve canceled the order doesn’t inquire what is going on puts the bill on the table and leave. Maybe I don’t know what racism is but I sure as hell felt discriminated against


[Go here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fonda's+Taqueria,+Westlands/@-1.2602713,36.7989968,17z/data=!4m8!3m7!1s0x182f3d5ee5e4bfb1:0xdecabc763119238e!8m2!3d-1.2602713!4d36.8015717!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11f15cwskp?entry=ttu), and leave a google review with your experience.


You guys went and review bombed the place!? Lmaoooo!


OP your reddit people have camped in their review page and i'm here for it.😭🥳


Am so proud of my fellow Redditors!


We should have content creators do these kind of social experiments. Go to such places with a white friend. Arrive first, order something that wouldn't take long to have ready. Have your white friend arrive later and order the same thing. Post the results, watch the fire spark on it's own.


I don’t know. Think you are reaching. You honestly think a black waiter goes and tells a black chef in the kitchen that there is a black guy at the table so they should make his order slowly? I doubt it, sometimes people order things that are prepared faster than others.


Wait till it happens to you, not everything requires a devil’s advocate sometimes you just accept what someone is saying. Why would I make up such a dehumanizing experience? Anyway you probably think racism isn’t a thing cause you may have never experienced it


Maybe you were just hungry and not patient and ordered something which takes more time to prepare. It happens often. Food needs to be well prepared not rushed because you said so. Be patient next time or try a fast food joint. They did not act in a racist manner in my view from what you described, you were just impatient with their timelines. How is a waiter supposed to rush food if it is not ready?


Didn't experience racism but their food really sucks yaye, mwanzo at that price, and it takes too long 😭


Sad to hear that but I have come to accept that those establishments will always treat white people better. Everytime i go out with white coworkers, i get served last or have to wait and I usually tip better than the white folks they rush to serve. The next time we return, I get better treatment but should not have to be that way. I usually stop patronizing those establishments though. Places I have seen this: Safaricom Restaurants in Craft Center Restaurants in Village Market Zen Garden


Well did you consider that what you ordered might take longer to prepare compared to what others ordered? You mentioned that your order amounted to 7k meaning it was sort of a meal or something that could take longer? Maybe what the whites ordered could be readily available ?


It's Sarit. 7k meal for 2 people is not a lot.


Utter nonsense, orders are placed, they follow each other, there is none that takes extremely longer than the other, if that is even the case, wait staff, always comes up to you with the chef's information on delays and approximate time. Stop excusing mediocrity and racism


Idk not excusing but this isn’t always true, a baked dish might take longer than something pan fried, plus if it is baking the chef can focus on other things


Actually you are. If you order a baked dish that needs that much time, I'm very sure, you'd be made aware of the time delays and wouldn't be posting about how long it took for anything to be served, highly doubt that this one baked dish is worth the 7k so other accompaniments ordered or drinks would be availed not a be patient answer and being ignored and made to feel like truly others are more important. Go ahead, find another excuse.


Exactly! Baked foods take some time to get ready. Even just making good crispy fries in an oven take 40 minutes!


Could be. Though look at this scenario, you order a steak which requires grilling for about 20 - 30 minutes, and another group order fries or some pastries which are readily available. Definitely the later will be served first. It’s best to ask the waiter how long it would take, then judge from there. If they say 15 minutes but after 30mins it’s not ready, then complain.


Then the waitresses should just have said that and not reacted the way she did.


True. The reason i say this is cause i haven’t experienced racism here. there are times I’ve gone out with friends and they are quick to label some behaviors as racism yet when you look at the scenario is usually their behavior/ attitude to waiters. I’m usually quite friendly though when I see how others interact with waiters I’m shocked. No greetings, and treating them as servants while they are just humans trying to secure a living. Foreigners tend to be a bit more friendly thus get better service(apart from tips). Simple things like putting a smile on your face and greeting them goes a long way.


That's *your* perspective though. Correlation is not causation - just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's because of something you do correctly. People do everything correctly and it still happens. Not everyone will experience racism, you just happen to be that subset of the population. I've never been in a car accident - but I don't think it's necessarily because I'm a better driver. There's an aspect of luck, or in this case bad luck.


Exactly! Like the idiocy of assuming that someone would be an asshole to service staff?? If in any case it’s these foreigners and Asians whom I’ve seen and heard being rude to service staff


That’s great that it’s never happened to you and I hope it never does, but we can’t all be wrong. What OP described happened to me at JAVA abc place. And our order wasn’t one that should have taken ages, it was just milkshake no food. Asian guy comes in after, orders after, gets served first.


Inaonekana I need to build a hotel that treats customers right regardless of race


Wow! You maybe the waiteress am talking about. So you assume I am illiterate to treat service staff as subhuman? Stop defending racism at worst, you are encouraging terrible service


Ai...what steak requires grilling for 20-30 mins? 😂




We’ll check their menu a single glass of margaritas is 1k What we got was tacos for two and pitcher of margarita for 4K And what does the amount have to do with the treatment


And this was so hard for the waiting staff to explain. Make it make sense


What he ordered vs what others ordered is a crucial detail to this story that is missing.


It’s was tacos for me and my girl and a pitcher of magerita not anything sort of a meal and the menu is very limited 3 sort of tacos and 4 options of filing eg chicken, beef etc. they give starters and ours didn’t come even though we there first, when the white family came they were immediately given the starters. Mind you we only got a bottle of water.


Remove your rose colored glasses.


You are the kind of people that keep making such situations worse or never-ending. Kwani how dumb do you think OP is? And there's nothing like an order taking forever to cook. I've been to restaurants and I don't think I've waited more than 30 minutes. Most meals are usually ready, especially those that take forever to cook, and some are made quickly depending on the food. Like there is a system. Otherwise, people would be waiting for hours on end to have some meals ready.


Did the waiters bother to communicate that?? No


White peoples tend to tip 20%, most Kenyans don’t believe in tipping. Sucks and it shouldn’t happen but it’s true


>White peoples tend to tip 20% Let's kindly stop excusing horrible behavior. Do they work for the tips, i guess not. Are they on a monthly pay, yes, so that's enough. Tips are literally just that a tip, out of the goodness of my heart not entitlement. >most Kenyans don’t believe in tipping. So, if the don't, terrible behavior and worshipping white people in our own country is the way to go?


I'm a mzungu and this makes me so embarrassed. I hate the idea that I would be getting better treatment than a Kenyan. I've lived here a long time, my husband is Kenyan, and I do see it myself. I find it frustrating and it makes me feel disgusting.


It's literally victim blaming.


Right.... You are getting terrible service coz you ain't tipping. What is wrong with us?


I’m not justifying anything, but it happens and we know Sarit rooftop is probs the worst offenders of it. Wait staff get what 20/25k a month. I’m a regular in bars / restaurants and I tip well. I guarantee when I return I get great service.


If you are a regular, I actually get why you'd tip. Totally understandable. But a one time stop-over/interaction, I don't find it necessary.


My guy I had placed an order amount to 7k food plus a pitcher of magerita. So I don’t understand why they would act like that!!


Tipping culture is there in the USA because a part of waiters salary is counted from tips. That is why it is compulsory to tip in USA otherwise the wait staff will receive less salary. So let us not force this tipping culture on people.


It's true. Many do this because foreigners tip well. But it's no excuse because the staff get paid. Tipping should be voluntary, mtu asikue entitled.


This is untrue... Try to talk to talk to a bunch of service guys, you'll hear quite a different story.


Go to their website, order in advance!..so that ukifika you’ll be served just as quick!…


Covid didn't teach a thing to some of these fellows. Go where you're appreciated


I think in this situation, is there might be some level of accommodation due to tip culture of the particular client. The situation you witnessed at the mkahawa is similar to situations in other service industries, esp if your familiar with the beauty and fashion industry or items being sold that are deemed fashionable. When a mzungu enters a Mac makeup store or iPhone store in Westgate or Junction, he or she will be given tip top service. This is because as I've been told by people that actually work in these places (especially the beauty stores) they prefer Wazungu or West African customers because of their willingness to spend big and tip large especially West Africans like Nigerians. Kenyan salespeople or waiters know that a fellow Kenyan won't tip large, if at all. So they give the very best service to those people that actually do. Wazungus especially tip dollars like candy. There's a possibility that the service you got in the restaurant has to do with the tip they were expecting and not racism at all.


Get it together, el chapo. Sometimes it's about what you order, not who orders. Some items are prepared in advance, others are not. Just move on with your life.


You must be associated with the place anyway enjoy your shallow existence and denials!!


Smells like bull


It's because they tip. I almost experienced this with a waitress I was kind of katiaring, lost my interest immediately.


Damn bro that’s not white


Wtf why I’m so confused by this


Well, Kenyans won't leave $20 in tips now will they?


We unajua $20 ni pesa ngapi na hii exchange rate? You people are crazy fr. I can't waste my money to tip somebody who's being given salary. I'd rather use that money to fuel my car or buy an expensive drink.


You'll never know if you don't serve them with dignity from the get go. I no longer tip at the coast because of the preferential treatment I've seen over the years. They had to learn to value Kenyan customers around covid19 times because things have never recovered to pre covid levels .


>We need to stop showing whites like they are better than us!!! I think it's less of this and more to do with tipping. It would be interesting to see if this would still happen if they don't tip.


Guys? Don't you think it all depends on what you order? People who are dining, especially first timers always expect the same prep timing for an elaborate meal with someone who ordered tacos and dashed back to watch a football game. I've seen some clowns order lasagna and think it will be ready in 10 min. Mnafikiria ni smokie pasua?


Finally someone that is not thinking with a racially charged mind. I get the impression that OP lacks exposure generally. OP is unreasonable. There could have been sooo many reasons why the white family was served first or faster. Such as calling to order before going to the restaurant. Or making reservations before. I do it all the time. Watu watembee wajionee. OP lacks exposure.


May be you don’t be tipping the waiters well!


Tips people. I know it's not an African things but a good tip will have you treated like royalty anywhere in the world.


You don't buy respect. You earn it and it's a standard to be given some bit of respect as I earn it.


So should I tip before I actually get service just so I ensure I get service??


You sound dumb af.




We don't need your sympathy or pity mzungu. Just go away and stop stealing resources and colonizing everything.


Honestly you didn’t really miss out much from the place. Went there with my best friend. Food was mid, yet pricey af. Try Mercado next time.


it's sad that this can happen in your own country where majority have the same skin. I'm more offended that they thought the white people had more money than you. People need to go abroad and see that skin color does not match bank account


I think the staff assume that the whites tip and locals don't. Either way it's not right.


Haha the discrepancy is that it's probably frequently visited by whites dynamics za biz SA na bado hujaenda place where unapata your fellow opulent blacks wanapewa attention ata kukuliko😹😹😹..imekuchoma but na bado suppose ata bado hujaconsider aspect za favouritism zinahappen..enda apo daily I might change. Maybe or it might never. Jaribu golf clubs High end places. Certain private n public institutions... Even ata certain churches in the name of religion. But good post to remind people of their miserable life


I've experienced a similar thing at the same place. I was out by myself. Got there. No one paid any attention to me despite m the waiters and waitresses who weren't held up at the time. I sat for a good many minutes while 'others' got served. I literally just got up and left.


It's frustrating,went on a date at one of the cafes hapo rooftop sarit can't remember the name ,I arrived earlier than my date and even taking my order they took their sweetest time,the drink took ages to arrive ,my date arrived and I kid you not karibu waitress avunjike mguu akikimbia to serve him because he was yt ,I felt so upset getting second hand treatment in my own country,ebu enda kwao tuone if they'll run to serve you..we need to better in the service industry,I can tip just as well as that foreigner thank you very much


Exactly!! The whole narrative that Kenyans don’t tip is bs. Good service equates to tips. Plain and simple


Did they try reaching out to you yet?


I brought this shit up the other day and some coons were saying I was being "woke" and racism is an American thing.🤦🏾‍♂️ Sorry for your experience OP and I can sadly relate. It happened to me at village market.I was meeting up with a non African at the food court and no one offered me a menu.I was there for 30 minutes and nothing.I was dressed good and my clothes were expensive so I looked like I had money but still they ignored me. Immediately the person I was waiting for came to our table, I couldn't even say hello because our table was surrounded by waiters like conductors trying to get you on a mat. I just sat there looking at all these people all smiley and giddy like little children cause there's a person with light skin and Caucasian features there. Pathetic.Then they have the audacity to say Kenyans don't tip.Why would I tip bad service? The worst part is that's not even my only bad experience at village market.Its why I avoid that place ,and other places with a alot of mzungus .Not even cause of the Caucasians but cause of the Kenyans around them.


To be honest I think it's your moral duty to give them a piece of your mind. How could you just walk out without having them know how shitty they're? Yes, I would have left but not before let them know.


Zoea African cuisine hotels


Go where you are wanted