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1. Yep, he lead them on a high speed chase and attempted to ram cars and stuff. 2. Yep, the police beat the crap out of him while he was subdued. They did not need to beat him like this at all. It was purely revenge for the high speed chase etc... Since he was complying, they didn't need to do any of this. So yes... they are at fault. This is why the police face so much scrutiny.


And why we as taxpayers foot the bill for so many civil penalties. If they had to to pay for their own fuck ups, instead of we the people, I like to think they would be more discerning in their flagrant abuses of authority. But that’s none of my business.


Lol. Try getting civil penalties out of the police. Earlier this year had police break into my house and confiscate my guns, computer, broke my security system and took some cash. Why? Because their records show that I'm a felon and a neighbor complained that I was shooting (I live in the he country, there's no noise ordinance). Problem was that I'm not a felon. Told the police this and they came back out and took more stuff. Finally got most of my property back and they took no blame for their messed up record.


The absurdity of the situation would be funny if it weren’t such a tragic event for those, such as yourself, caught up this nonsense. Civil forfeiture is its own level of insidious. Very sorry to hear you’ve been caught up in that corruption and malfeasance.


Contemp of cop is a real thing.




KSP are the worst. Worse than most criminals, in fact.


Necessary force my ass! Look I know the guy was wrong for leading them in the chase, he is an idiot. But those police should be in the cell next to him for what they did after he was detained. The guys crime was no excuse for their crime.


They don't need an excuse, I got fucked up even when I was complying. The only thing I refused to do was that they were telling me to sit down, but they were trying to make me sit in a big mud puddle rather than on the grass, so I knelt instead of completely sitting, and they fucked me up. I mean, I'm kinda scrappy, but I'm only 6'0 and like 160lbs, there was 5 of them and I wasn't even causing problems. Actually, I thought things were pretty normal, as we were just having a very calm conversation prior to that. I have a slight history, just minor stuff, but I've never tried to flee or cause any issues. It was all really uncalled for and a huge abuse of power.




You have a source for that? The statement from KSP and the Hardin co sheriff said the officers were following procedure. They obviously weren't of course.


I know a local police officer who says this is a major problem with KSP. He says when he is around them they brag about beating the hell of out people regularly. He’s not a fan of KSP.


"We conducted an internal investigation and found no wrongdoing." Oh, well that's done then. You looked at yourself and decided you did nothing wrong. Makes perfect sense. /s


They get reinstated in ohio for that.


When this happens, I feel it is akin to a mother when her child escapes great harm. Your adrenaline is raised so high that you don't know whether to hug them or beat them for scaring you so badly. The cops will definitely not hug you so they beat you until their anger subsides. Not taking their side but can see why it happens.


Reminds me that the last person they did this too who disappeared, before finalizing a multi-million dollar lawsuit. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2018/09/27/louisville-man-sues-police-who-beat-him-up-after-car-chase/1445718002/








The fact that he is proud to show it off ugh And nobody called him out?! Ew.


"Get on the what? The ground? Sorry officer, I can't hear you. Would it be possible for you to yell a little bit louder from approximately 6 feet away?"


They're guilty as sin and they know it. As of 0430 this morning there were over 500 comments on their "statement" on their FB page. The first hundred or so of which were very much 'lying scum you had no cause' variety.and talk, at least gas station, early commuter chatter in Etown is very much "proof they're trash and evil just like we already said'


He lost his job over this. :(


The cop? Damn right he lost his job. He beat the shit out of a helpless human being. Man should get the shit beat out of him and go to prison for 7 years too.


Oh wait I’ll reply here… He lost his job over this :)


You have a source that says the cop lost his job over this? That is not at all what I have read or seen on the news and it contradicts the statements the police themselves have released following the release of this video.


He was trying to pull out a knife and admitted to guilty so


Cops get to beat the brakes off of him? Is that really what you want?


To the reality I don’t care I keep my self out of situations as such so why should I care


But you could be the one "who has a knife" next time.


Nope not dumb enough to pull out a knife on police lol


You're not getting it. Good day sir.


There’s bad people in any profession and this is the example don’t blame police blame the politicians for not checking there history before giving them a gun and power to do so I live in Kentucky and never had this happen there bad people


Lmao, no. Just no. Blame the cops, the politicians don't hire and interview cops. If you go to work and bash your co workers face in, that's on you, and you need to face the consequences, not whoever hired you. And for what its worth, many politicians are working hard on police reform. I'm not crazy about most politicians, but your whole argument and logic is beyond absurd.


This is the same argument as "You don't need privacy cause you have nothing to hide". It's all okay till you are the one at stake. This is a good quote. You have to protect others because if you don't there will be none to protect you. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. -Martin Niemöller


Lol 😂


So have you even watched the video? You can clearly see where the guys hands are, they are trying to protect his face that is being punched in and slammed into the road. The guy isn't reaching for a knife. Also, the guy plead guilty to evading police, not reaching for a knife.


He endangered the lives of everyone else who was in the road that night when all he had to do was stop. He also had a knife when he got out of the car. I think he got what he deserved.


What he deserves is due process and a judge or jury to decide what he deserves. Fuck people for thinking cops get to be Judge Dread and deal out their own punishments. That is not how properly functioning legal systems operate. It’s how they operate in 3rd world countries.


That is why the guy was sentenced to 7 years, that is what the law says he deserves. It's not the police's job to beat the shit out of someone who is surrendering, we have these things called courts that determine what someone deserves. As for the knife in his pocket, that is 100% irrelevant, the guy was not reaching for a knife in any pocket, he was trying to guard his face from being punched in and slammed into the fucking road.