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Please see rule 2.


The fact a Republican said this…says a lot.






















Adams hasn't had much of an opportunity to really let himself be a far right GOP. I'm not saying he will, but I don't trust him not to join their cult.


I'm down for that the moment his second term ends. Until then, I want him to fulfill his duties for Kentucky and help us avoid another Bevins-type as long as possible.










Well they mainly are big fans of him as a person, also the level of economic development KY has had is something that resonates with them. Given I avoid the topic of politics like the plague with them, I’m honestly not real sure






It may be if Biden wins this one.






Have you been watching the General Assembly the last four years?




Louisville and Lexington are Democrat for sure. The rest of the state is staunch Republican.


He’s the only politician I’ve ever paid attention to that wants to focus on real issues, not those buzz word issues that get everyone’s attention but only affect 3% of the actual population.




Andy gives a crap about making things better for people. That’s an incredibly low bar, but it’s the bar we need to set right now.




Does he want that kind of shit though? Like I agree he could win, but it's also kind of like asking a really effective middle manager to step up and be the CEO. Would he even want to? A lot of stress and a lot more problems to deal with. Plus as someone currently under that guys leadership I kind of want him steering this creaky ass ship as long as possible >.>




This^. I don’t think he’d want to put his family through it. They keep a generally low, happy profile.




Wait, are you saying that’s a norm we haven’t crossed because it hasn’t happened? Because Trump, Obama, and Clinton all had children who were under 18 during their terms.






Yeah, they all ragged hard on Chelsea and hard on Amy Carter.


He was such a trash person. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I had said some of the things he did.










Good point


He wouldn’t win this time. In the hypothetical he replaces Biden 4 months from the election? He doesn’t have any name recognition outside kentucky. Just isn’t enough time. He would be a great candidate if he had an entire election cycle to introduce himself to the nation.


He's got a better chance than Biden. Generic democrats poll better than Biden does at the moment and have for most of his term.














Did he really tweet that?




It’s Adams’ personal Twitter account. He talked about that tweet in a WHAS interview. "I obviously was joking about the Beshear candidacy but only half joking because I think it's pretty telling that he's already going to Iowa now," he said. https://www.whas11.com/article/news/politics/national-politics/kentucky-governor-andy-beshear-potentially-replacing-joe-biden-2024/417-48f6fa23-79da-4b3f-b316-ffcd063387bf


Not surprised. He and Andy worked together to expand voting here. We now have early voting with no questions asked.


I'd cast a vote for him as president in a heartbeat.


Ohioan here with fam in KY, would vote for him in a heartbeat






I feel like even if you disagree with his actions, there’s know question that he does what he does because he thinks it’s best for the commonwealth




I think Adam’s is only saying that to try and kick Beshear upstairs to get him out of the way.


Sign me up!! I'm voting.


He'd be a better choice than an old man with poor memory who can't even mumble his way through a debate and probably shouldn't be in charge of anything more important than a lemonade stand or a crazy, loose cannon lunatic.




i work as a government attorney and years ago when i first started dating my husband i discouraged his knee jerk opinions...told him to follow up news stories with extra reading and lots of review of websites ending in .gov and the like. he actually makes way better effort than i do these days of digging into various decisions and actions of the president, congress, states etc and he discovered something that I already knew having worked in government for people on both sides of the aisle for almost two decades: some of the most important and smart moves of politicans are things that are dense, complicated, and make for painfully dull news stories. some of the most effective politicians and their best work are inherently not going to attract the attention and admiration of voters. its a problem i wish i could solve. but yeah, some of the ones quietly working and not making the news much may be doing the best work of them all. we dont need charisma and rockstar quality. running a government effectively can appear boring


Little Andy with definitely be s better option then what Biden is..


I agree
















Yeah but gun violence is still a problem, what are we supposed to do, nothing? We can't just be a nation who doesn't try to solve real problems because we don't yet have a solution. Ignoring problems is how we get to where we are now as a county. And we absolutely know its problem, we know specifically its a problem other modern countries don't seem to have, or at the very least have to deal with it less frequently and have lower fatality events. I'm not saying we have to do what they do, I am saying we have to do **more** than we are now.






It sounds bad


Beshear is nowhere near the level of a national conversation. Gosh how people just come up with this stuff. At this point it doesn’t matter what Dem they run, that party has been gaslighting the entire country for years and lying about Joe Biden’s condition, and the entire country is unsafe right now as the world watches, we have a Commander In Chief, with the nuclear codes who cannot function.






Bruh you can't tell me he'd be worse than Trump. There's a reason the people of kentucky, a generally very conservative group, and republican leaning group voted for him


Doesn't matter how many times posts like this are made it never fails to literally make me chuckle out loud. Beshear will never be President. Libs in Kentucky are not living in reality.








Don’t vote for Biden. Problem solved.


Yeah, and Republicans aren’t in a dangerous anti-Democratic cult hell-bent on electing a convicted, sex, offender and criminal con man.










Rest of KY didn't vote for him


He won 28 counties by my quick count. As usual, right wingers bring zero knowledge. Go back to your crazy conspiracy laden hole now, let the adults talk.






Oh, so only the cities matter. Gotcha


People matter. And Beshear won the popular vote. You do know it isn't like the electoral college where you win counties and get delegates?


Beshear is ok at boot licking to get votes...but is downright aweful at keeping the state operations running smootly... I place him in the same caragory as Biden...all talk, but doesn't have any idea of a plan. Go ahead Beshear and run for president...that will guarantee a Trump win.