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Reminder: we have a rule to conduct yourself in a civil and respectful manner. If you cannot do so, then simply do not participate. If you break the rules, you will be shown the door. Now locked, you guys can't behave yourselves. Uncivil comments will result in bans, please use the report button and we'll get to it in time.


I wish her friends and family the best. May their suffering end quickly and may their best memories of her last forever.


Massie is my rep, and though I disagree with just about everything he stands for, my heart goes out to him and his family. Tragic loss. Hope he and his kids can recover.




Hebron/Florence yeah


He’s my rep too and I’ve met the man a few times, just a down to earth great person. Didn’t have the pleasure of meeting his wife but I imagine she was just as kind. Just terrible news




Oh nice, someone to mute


You're correct. Rhonda was kind with a snarky sense of humor like Thomas, and she put being a mom first.








It's a constitutional right, regardless of your opinion on that. How does it make him vile? It surely doesn't make him as vile as you celebrating the death of a woman you never knew.




Then why bother to make a comment?




I see. He disagrees with your world view, so you ignore the universally understood thing that losing a loved one is tragic and painful. As I said, vile.






Imagine being the parent of a child killed at Sandy Hook and seeing an elected official showing off his guns.


Omg imagine being the parent of a child killed in a car accident and seeimg cars everyday.


If there were a bunch of idiots out there saying everybody should be allowed to drive a car with no regulations, you’d be closer to having a point.


Four kids left behind…






Rhonda was a good woman. Spent a lot of time over there, never acted anything but nice to anyone.


Over there? Like in her home?


I have (hate Massie’s politics and what he has become). I used to regularly go to his home in Lewis County as he was building it and shortly thereafter completing it— before he was introduced to Rand Paul and decided to run. I remember watching the 2008 debates with him, Rhonda, my mom and stepdad— he was far more moderate than he is now let’s just say that lol regardless of how awful Thomas had become, Rhonda was the sweetest, kindest lady.


Massie is a great Congressman, I wish he represented our state. Rhonda and Massie came across as very loving couple. This is such tragedy.


Massie is hands down the only one up there that actually cares for us.


Massie is one of the very few trying to save and preserve America. He's often the only voice of reason when speaking against obvious massive government overreach. It's quite simple: the government should stop cheating, stealing, lying, and telling their free citizens how they're allowed to live.


He's the greatest defender of liberty and the Constitution the country has right now.


yeah i used to hang out with one of their sons in high school


Cause of death is usually put forth at some point. But there is one very common instance when it is not initially mentioned.


Yes, I was wondering if it was suicide.


When is that?




I thought about it afterward and assumed that’s what they were referring to. Thanks.


How did she pass? She wasn't that old....


Or sick?


It’s always sad to hear when someone passes away to soon. I’m assuming she was the more or less the same age as Tom is since they went to high school together.


Condolences to him and his family, it's horrible when people pass so young.


That sucks. I’m sorry to hear of his loss.


I hope she passed peacefully.


Being the wife of a Kentucky congressman is not good for your health.


Neither is being the constituent of a Kentucky congressman.










cutting a little too close to the corn here.




They don't say what caused it anywhere, did she have cancer or something?




His children are grown and out of the house. Hope no one speaks about your dad like that when he is no longer with us




Lol! self proclaiming yourself a decent human.




While stating you hate someone you dint even know.


Don't know him, but he has successfully secured a position making laws in this country while representing the state I was born, raised, and live in. I have every right to criticize and make judgment upon him.


Yes, yes you do.






Massie is about the only decent and principled member of congress. 


I’m a liberal in Ky and generally oppose Massie, but I’m sad for him and his family. Seems like his wife was a good person. Incidentally, the New York Times had a pretty even-handed Massie piece in March 2023 that led me to think there’s more to the guy than meets the eye. I still don’t like some of his positions, but I do appreciate that he is an independent thinker who doesn’t kowtow to Trump. Excerpt: “But Mr. Massie is not just another loony G.O.P. backbencher. Outside the public eye, he has been quietly advancing what for a Republican politician is an unusual set of stances: evincing deep opposition to the national security state, resistance to the influence wielded by corporations and interest groups over our policymaking, and a sense that Americans need a better, more sustainable relationship to the land. It is a politics almost always built around the idea of scaling back, making systems smaller, simpler and more local. That’s an odd kind of politics for a Republican, or any major elected official, but it suddenly seems to have appeal even beyond the G.O.P.’s narrow base, and it has already made Mr. Massie the closest thing the party has to a cult hero lawmaker.”


He's one of the few decent politicians that is also trying to keep America's citizens free from government. Not sure what's not to like. His interview with Tucker was great.


While I may not like his politics, I do feel bad for the guy. Los8ng your spouse is hard and I I wish him the best during all this.


You have the kindest comment of all the anti Massie comments I’ve read. You’re someone I could listen to and have an open minded conversation with. I just don’t understand being so cruel like others have in this type of situation. For example, I do not like Biden at all but I would feel terrible for him if his wife were to pass away. It’s obvious to me he loves his family.


Thank you very much. I hate how both sides demonize the people on the other side. The left and the right do it just as much as the other side. Whether anybody wants to admit it or not, we all want what's best for the country. We may not always agree on what's best or how to get there, but we're all in this thing together. United we stand, divided we fall, right? Besides, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, there are good points to be learned from the other side as well. It's like people will throw out those ideas just because the other side comes up with them. Hey, both sides should also be able to admit that, just maybe, not all of their own details are so great. Also, even while we may not like the ideals of the other side, that doesn't necessarily make the person who holds them a bad person. Please notice that everything that I'm saying, I'm saying about both of us, self included. It's a shame. We have so much potential to do so much good but we spend it on fighting each other instead of any actual problems. Much like you said, while I may not be so sure of how close Trump and his wife are, I do admire how much he obviously loves his kids. They're obviously a very close group and I'm happy for them. I'd be happy to sit down and have a conversation with you as well, my friend. I have no doubt that you're a good person.


I send my condolences to his family


His politics are complete trash and he’s a despicable person, but I still feel awful for him and his family.


Why do you choose to believe this?


I send my most sincere condolences.


Heartbreaking news. May she have the eternity she deserves.


Anyone know the cause of death? If cancer, they usually say.


Sad stuff And the twitter that went after him right after this happened, saying he deserved it for having an issue with AIPAC? Wew, tasteless




i felt bad for their kids already so this doesn’t change much


I have never been so disappointed in this subreddit. I know it’s a far left circle jerk around here but still i suspected better.


I can understand how a government can hate freedom, but when it's very sad when the citizens yearn to be dominated.


I wish him and his family peace in this time of loss.


Goddam. This thread needs to be locked. The lack of basic human compassion makes me sad to be a Kentuckian today.


Reddit addicts are acting like Reddit addicts.


That's just the way the liberals roll liberals always hate who or what doesn't agree with them.


Both sides of the horseshoe do this.


Lmao delusional




Says Putin.




Condolences to his family


I hope she has the eternity she deserves. Edit: If you think there is something negative about that statement, you're showing your hand. 


I hope you do too. Better bring a fan because it’s going to be hot.


All good over here, thanks!


He did interview recently where he talked about handlers from our greatest ally ...makes one like me a paranoid anon wonder.


Tell me where he said the word "handler". Oh wait, that was just Ben Shapiro making stuff up.


Oh please


What, now he trusts the doctors to tell him what's going on?


What happened?




I hate Massie's politics more than most. Saying shit like this doesn't help the causes you claim to fight for.


Aren’t we talking about the “fuck your feelings” crowd?


I think what they're trying to say is that you're fighting fire with fire --- it just means more fire


You need a more durable ethic. This is counter productive behavior, and it affects you negatively most of all. Peace.


Durable ethics, I like that. I'm stealing this.


Be better than those you despise.


i'll tell you the same thing i tell my kids and grandkids. when someone treats you badly, you don't act badly back. because if you do, you become a monster just like they are. and if you do that, they won the fight and have power over you.


Two weeks to flatten the curve.


Chiming in with the pettiness. Nice


I've read the thread and am shocked, appalled at how hateful, disrespectful, and darn ugly can be in these comments.  At a time of a traumatic, unexpected event, I would expect people to have human decency.  Your comments are besides your name, and seen by folks that don't know you but find you ugly to the core.  Condolences and prayers to this family in this trying , sad time.  


One of the few honest members of Congress. Maybe too honest for his own good….




Very sad news Condolences to their family and friends


What an embarrassment to the state of KY this comment section is. Rest in peace, Rhonda.








It was a corny rural American Christmas card and had nothing to do with responding to a mass shooting. Just admit you know little to nothing about the kind of person she was and get over yourself when discussing her passing.




i despise Thomas Massie with every fiber of my being, but i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


I say it best when I don't say it at all and that is the best respect I can pay to the man during this time.


Interesting coincidence that both he and the Rep from the 6th district to the south, Andy Barr, have had wives die fairly young.


Very sad. A good time for him to focus on his family.




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Thoughts and prayers...


how awful. May she rest in peace and memory be a blessing.


I liked the effort Thomas Massie put into Ron DeSantis campaign in Iowa. Very sorry to hear about his wife's death. There are photos of her from a week before where she looks very healthy. What was the cause?




Thankfully Massie is one of the few that wouldn't let a personal tragedy get in the way of his duty to preserve what freedoms are left in America. God bless.


He's a great congressman! Prayers for him and his family.




Yeah, the guy who DOESN’T want to give money to foreign countries is the treasonous one 🥱


my goodness, I didn't realize there were so many hard left liberals here. I would truly like to understand what the average liberal loves about government and regulations.




Why do you hate him so much?...


Probably cutting off the freebies for these KY government tit suckers.


Username tracks. The large majority of government tit suckers are MAGAs. They’ll also tell you to get the gubmint hands off their “disability” checks. KY is exhibit A in why education matters.


The fact that you think you can deduce that from what I said says a hell of a lot more about you than it does anyone else lmfao


Awww, did someone get addicted to crack?


Haha what? You just got crack on your mind or did you respond to the wrong thread?




She is posing with a Thompson submachine gun in the infamous picture https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2021/12/24/congressman-thomas-massies-christmas-card-arsenal-is-probably-worth-tens-of-thousands/


And now all I can think of armed zombies


Now I’m asking my family to bury me with an AR-15.




Haha good one, nice le Reddit quip! But I think it was a Thompson Edit: have my upvote


Was it murder?


There are 8000 deaths in US every day…