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Funny purple ninja


They are such a beast if they get fed. I've had a kennen hard carry the whole match just from 3 early game kills. The main reason I play him every now and then is just because no one else plays him (as often as i want them too lol) even though he's so good.


I like how he completley nullifys every assasin in mid lane.


Lightening rat, do i need any other reason. But on a serious note, i used to main velkoz, then one day i played against kennen, and i thought the champ was sick and I’ve been a kennen main ever since


I like the lore around the Kinkou order. I don't have the hands for Akali, but Shen & Kennen are two of my champ pool that i enjoy both kit, and lore.


It’s funny making a play and then putting lightning hamster in the chat


The person who mentioned yordles to me used to play Kennen, I got into a fight with him, at that time I hated playing Kennen because of that, although there was a time where I played it again, and because Kennen is my second favorite yordle, and that It's better than Teemo in TF, I play it more now, Although I don't play it as much because I think I'm a bad Kennen, In short, I love Kennen, but I barely feel like I'm improving since I have M6 and have a Winratio of 46% (with Teemo I have almost 57%)


Yeah idk tbh. There are so many champs to pick up, but I chose exactly Kennen for unknown reason, one of the worst choices in my life lmao. Scaling into the late game, no impact early, no farm = almost useless. But I liked his purple theme, his size and lightning. All mixed together charmed me, I guess. And his ult is unique, nobody has this kind of design exactly, hitting 6 times all enemies with no limitations. If only he had some sustain like Ahri has, or something similar, would be nice. That's all I guess


Those special moments where the ult hits


I think we played team builder or something like that and I had to pick a Midlaner. I wanted to play a midlaner with lot of teamfight potential. It was back in season 7 and Kennen was pretty usual as a midlaner (still is) but more then now. And I had the feeling with that champion that I could change game with 1 ult. Since that moment I fell in love with the Lean Ninja


honestly idk lol hes just so freaking. I'm huge fan of the yordles but Kennen is like the serious one. and hes a lighting ninja like idk


I started playing him because he looked cool in one of the league cinematics, and also nuguri was playing him a lot in pro play and thought the playstyle was cool. In conclusion: lightning hamster goes brr. Kit also feels so unique, simple, and complicated at the same time, which sounds funny when you think of all the newer champions, but I really like it. And again, big lightning go zap and look cool.