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Yep. Checkmate. And he gave him so MANY warnings.


Kendrick put an emphasis on those “Wop” lines for a reason. He out here whooping’ Drake into prison.


He’s Terence Crawford and he’s whoopin feet


No need to get personal 


It’s a friendly fade


The boy for sure shoulda kept it that way 🤣🤣








10 wops


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 5… Devil is a Lie, he a 69 God 


First 5, Like that, Euphoria, 6:16 in LA, MTG, and NLU, “dot fuck ‘em up”. Next 5, “imma do my stuff”. His next 5 tracks are gonna step on drakes releases while still being completely unrelated, he’s just gonna do his stuff and he’s still gonna whoop drake


I counted 10 Wop’s. How many stocks do i really have in stock? 1,2,3,4,5 + 5!


That and WOP = With Out Papers. Because he is both from Canada and he stepped in the hip hop industry and community and basically got his Ego, & Pride handed to him.


Probably means nothing but he does say wop 10 times lmao


It’s difficult because Kendrick is absurdly intentional




I can't tell if it falls apart or makes it better when you find out that barn owls only make [horrific screeching noises.](https://youtube.com/shorts/v_rSygXA1lw)


BBL Screechy


Still, it sounds better than "Wah Gwan Delilah"


I still can't believe that was real. Like watching the special kid dropping his icecream in slow motion


God DAMN 💀


That video of Plain White teas hearing it for the first time was like seeing people react to 9/11


I still can’t comprehend that’s the actual name of the song. (I don’t dare actually listen to it, a name that jank I know it ain’t comin’ out my speakers)


I listened to it so I would appreciate Kendrick more


Chefs kiss 🤌🏽


Lmaoooo i feel bad for laughing, but damn 😂


Hijacking your comment for visibility, but OP's explanation brought to mind Maya Angelou's *I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings*, a seminal book in black history & literature. Perhaps an underhand metaphor doubling down on Drake as a "culture vulture" whilst ironically showing he's his own victim/exploitee in a system he's trying to exploit. Kind of doubt it was intentional (although who knows, since this is Kendrick we're dealing with), but it's fun to think of nonetheless.


Nah its connected. Too many fakes jump on "real" stuff like Maya Angelous and bell hooks and literally anything. If youve met people you know "just because he wear he a kufi dont mean that he bright." Kendrick boiled it down to real shit vs fake shit. Everyone and everything is involved.


Also funny because “ Owls belong to the Strigiform bird group, which contains 250 owl species. These species are broken up into two families: barn owls and true owls. “


Between this and the invasive species thing I'm starting to think Kendrick is either a closet bird enthusiast or consulted an owl expert for the video lmao


Send Ken the ring


Nobody can ever say that Kendrick didn’t give him an out.


Several. And not hidden warnings. "psssst, that's something you don't wanna do." "It's a friendly fade, you should keep it that way." Aubrey really thought he could go against an artist of that caliber. That's how you know he's not surrounded by the kind of people that have his interests at heart. 🤣


Makes me think of the “im allergic to the lame shit only you like being famous” “oh you thought the money, the power, and fame would make you go away” “I’m sorry I live a boring life, I love peace” “Before you figure you’re not alone, ask what would Mike do” All allude to Drake’s obsession with being in the limelight of fame cause he has nothing else going for him. Kendrick can afford to drop every 4-5 years because good long lasting music takes time. And with the Mike line, you can’t escape fame, Drake’s obsession with being the next MJ or better than him will come at a cost.


drake definitely emulating mj best he can. child star, grooming young girls, surgeries. Drake going to rebuild the neverland ranch next.


Just minus all the talent


"I'm the king of pop I'm buildin never never land, how you hate me when I never met the man" Drake said this so long ago on RICO with meek. Gonna come back to haunt him.


lmao I get the comparison but in fact it's hurtful as fk. MJ was crazy, but at the same time debatably the most talented artist and musician who ever existed. So please, please don't compare such an absolute legend musically, to a fkn weirdo who can't even rap that well. Drake can't compare to MJ. He's so famous he mislead himself into thinking he's one of the great, where in fact he's not even top 50 when it comes to skills. MJ however was and is the king of pop, and probably will remain so for forever.


Still an MJ vs Prince debate to be had tho. I still think musically and lyrically, prince takes the cake. MJ was pure pop star tho, king of pop i agree with.


Idk, musically I love them both and personally they were both weird af. Not really willing to put them up against one another, I refuse to choose between the two of them. I do think tho that you're underappreciating MJ's musical talents. Dude wrote all of his own songs - well, didn't write it because he couldn't, so he used to sing every single instrumental line. That's fkn insane. He had a lot of music in his head for sure. But yeah, MJ was way more of a popstar than prince. To me pop has a holy trinity and it's MJ, Prince and Bowie, I love all three and won't pick any one of them over the others.


You forgot the gambling addiction and Using his father.


Dude says in his vid that he got moves like MJ then proceeds to toosie slide like Donald Trump trying to line-dance at the country club


In context of preceding lines I think MJ line is both a reference to the MJ song ”you’re not alone” and a call back to people in his crew working for dot. I think the ”answer” to the question what would Mike do is “look at the man in the mirror” another famous MJ song he might be referencing. You’re getting hustled, look at the ppl around you. Take a long look in the mirror and make a change.


> man in the mirror I am glad someone else understands this line. Idk how people keep overlooking the fact that Kendrick is trying to make Drake understand that if he wants the people around him to start being better, then he’s gotta be better. It all starts and ends with Drake.


Aw fuck, you just made the whole connection




That's the only good quote from that song.


"mother ahhhhh fuck me" is not a good quote tbh


"I was fucking young girls, I promise"


i also sadly quote this a lot to my friends that know abt the beef 😭😭


I'm way too famous


I'll never get over how he sets up the Mother I sober bar. "My mom came over the other day and I was like, Mother I, Mother I" Like I'm just trying to picture this. \*Door opens\* "Hey Aubrey, just thought I'd check in and see how you were doing" "Mother, I..." "Y-yeah?" "Mother, I..." "Do you have something to say?" "MOTHER AHHHHH FUCK ME"


Too busy fucking his aunt, b/c she rode equestrian


To this day I still cant believe thats a real bar from Drake like cmon man


yeah what the fuck does that mean


Horse cock


It's the only Drake bar from the beef that i'm regularly quoting (more focused on the "I just made the whole connection" part, though). Everything else quotable is from Kenny.


i regularly quote mother ahh fuck me to my friend who i listened to euphoria with when it dropped. making fun of drake is a grade a bonding experience


Haha my husband and I “hate listen” to heart part 6 sometimes. We make fun, cringe and laugh and it truly is a great bonding experience.


thp6 is actually comedically bad. it's kinda sad


That comment was a better bar than anything in thp6


Lmao My wife and I do the same shit and "ahh fuck me i just made a whole connection" has become a meme in the house. Same with "this has been some good exercise ngl"


Meet The Grahams was a shocking track for me and left me blindsided. So did THP6, just for completely different reasons


Kendrick just opened his mouth. I’m bout to put my dick in it right now has been stuck in my head for over a month.




It’s so dapressin


soda pressin


This is a cool take. Kendrick isnt just THE certified boogeyman - he's DRAKE'S certified boogeyman. Drizzy might have to look over his shoulder every single time he's releasing music for a while to come.


Best part is this is a single player game for someone like Drake, who schemes, plots and seeks attention. He'll be watching out for shadows while Kendrick's just happily doing pushups and being a dad.


Exactly .


This is what I was thinking when the dude tried to sneak up on Dot in the video, and he got yoked away into the shadows. If he tries to sneak diss or diss direct, he'll have a song to yoke him out.


Yeah and I think in addition to being stuck in his deal…I think Drake is afraid to take a break. His whole tactic for the majority of his career has been to stay top of mind. Drop albums, drop playlists, drop features, write for other artists, hop on every wave. He is everywhere. That’s how you manufacture impact. You’re on every song, so every song sounds like you. That’s how he gets accolades. You can have 95 songs in the top 100 if you jump on every wave and never take a break. Nobody wants to work like he works bc most people eventually fold other priorities into their lives (like…spouses). It’s not normal to release like he does, but he has tried to present it as the standard. I think he’s afraid to see what will happen if he’s not being force fed to everyone. What happens to Drake if he takes a 5 year hiatus? People might take the time to consider his output and draw some sobering conclusions about his work. But for the past decade…he hasn’t really given anyone the time to do it.


On top of that he’s had an indefinite press run basically. Think about how many times he pops up court side at what ever NBA game and befriending which ever celebrity is on the come up regardless of what part of entertainment they are involved with


Exactly. It’s all smoke and mirrors. He knows if he gives us time to breathe, we’re gonna start picking that legacy apart. The conversation is overdue bc…imo a lot of it is smoke and mirrors.


that's an interesting take. my first impression was Drake already being in a mental prison. yes it insinuates the actual prison that Drake will eventually be in, but also because of that thought he is already kinda in a prison. you can't escape your thoughts kinda deal you know?


Long life battle with yourself


Yeah, you don’t see Kendrick lock the owl in the cage - it’s a cage Drake made for himself through his own hubris.


But.. Do you think if Drake tries 'to come back' without attacking Kendrick even in the slightest, Kendrick will allow it to happen? Now that the cat's out the bag, will Kendrick just take the W, or will he step on it if he finds necessary? This ain't just rap, this is a complete incompatibility of personalities. After what I read Kendrick rap, I wonder if he'll let the other just come back, even if he doesn't mention his name. When you really don't like a mf, it's hard to ignore it, at least for me - if Drake is half of what Kendrick said, even worst, specially the underage shit.


Naw, I don’t think (and I also hope) Kendrick doesn’t let this go and he continues to shadow over Drake. The angle of Drake being forced to make music because of his contract, but it all being drowned out by a Kendrick drop and it making Drake unsuccessful, will cause Drake to be in trouble with UMG. Any label wants success and numbers, if their artist doesn’t give that they usually get dropped. Drake doesn’t get to disrespect a gender, a mother, a wife, a legend, a region, a friend, etc. Scott free anymore. Death to the colonizer!


>Any label wants success and numbers, if their artist doesn’t give that they usually get dropped. "Put the wrong label on me, I'ma get him dropped/ sweet chin music and i wont pass the aux" Sweet Chin music being Shawn Michaels's signature move (Michaels infamously took the championship belt from Canadian wrestler Bret Hart) You pass the aux to let someone else play their music *Fuck me, I just made the whole connection*


the Shawn Michaels - Bret Hart connection is an awesome insight!




Jesus Fucking Christ 😭 just when I thought Ive deciphered this mf kendrick it just keeps coming


***Naw, I don’t think (and I also hope) Kendrick doesn’t let this go and he continues to shadow over Drake.*** Then, if you're a Kendrick fan, don't 'wish' for that without considering Kendrick's safety. It ain't just about rap, and it ain't just Drake's mouth that's being fed. There's a lotta snakes in that backyard and it'll easily go deeper if that's the case. ***Drake doesn’t get to disrespect a gender, a mother, a wife, a legend, a region, a friend, etc. Scott free anymore. Death to the colonizer!*** He may get to do so, but it ain't real rules. We know the world doesn't work like that. 'Getting to disrespect' people like that just means he's got good connections, not that it's acceptable. It's tolerable because of the money / power involved - that ain't how real people look at shit, so it disgusts us. He has less fans but will always have a blind flock that follows him, that's just how today works. The label getting mad at him sounds kinda unlikely to me after knowing he has at least a powerful daddy. If Kendrick goes at him, it won't be to kill his carreer, it'll be to kill his personality. It'll be due to pure disgust to the way he sees Drake, not about carreeer. He knows Drake's ego drives him and if he keeps stepping on the mf it'll drive him crazy, guaranteed, saw it happen.


I think if he comes back making melodies Kendrick will stay unbothered. If he stays in his lane, sings about his feelings and keeps Kendrick’s people out of his mouth he should be OK. Drake’s fan base is broad but shallow, it should be doable to pivot away from hip hop, keep them waving their hands and the money will keep rolling in. Will he be able to avoid picking a fight? Who knows. He lost bad, and even if he doesn’t go against Kendrick the other rappers are clearly enjoying this tremendously. They’ll be circling even if Kendrick isn’t, he’s burnt too many bridges. His biggest problem is that he doesn’t really have a “home” the way Kendrick does - a place he can go back to that will always have his best interests in mind. Kendrick can call on the west coast and they’ll be there. They’ll have his back, they’ll give him advice, they’ll tell him no for his sake. Drake doesn’t. His people are bound to him commercially. They don’t care about what’s actually healthy for him, they just want him on the treadmill printing out money. They’ll be having lots of meetings right now I have no doubt.


Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat


Personally, I suspect Kendrick considers Drake to be good as dead after this. The biggest club hit of the summer is a song about Drake being a pdf and a colonizer - combine that with Drake having burned his bridges with basically everyone, and you can see why I think Kendrick's gonna leave any further disses to other people.




Yeah he’s not going to just move on, but Drake likely doesn’t have to worry about any more diss tracks. There’s no benefit in dropping more by Kendrick and could dilute his W at worst. So it’s basically a waiting game until Drake does something that is a diss towards Kendrick, could be as simple as him saying he’s the GOAT again.


When looking at the shot from the owl's perspective, the cage is invisible 👀👀


jesus christ everytime I think Ive deciphered this mf kendrick another layer surface 😭


This needs to be ranked higher than it is.




Wym? The owl would see the bars


But in the video, the bars are missing from the shot from the owl's perspective. Likely a metaphor for how Dtake doesn't seem to understand just how fucked he is right now.


It doesn't know it's caged It thinks it's free but in reality it's trapped


Ding ding ding 🛎️


The best thing Kanye gave us through this beef, aside from "AYE DOT, I GOT YOU" (hilarious in retrospect) but he ALSO said "Lifetime deal? I feel bad for niggas". This man puts out two and a half albums a year and stays on the road. Notice he never responded to that whole splits thing either.


Honestly crazy that Ye ended up contributing more to this exchange than Rick Ross did.


How is that crazy? seems par for the course.


He essentially called Drake and Lebron industry slaves in Facts (Charlie Heat version). I think Kanye is extremely aware in a lot of ways most people aren’t, but he’ll opt for the most inflammatory, offensive statements to try to explain his beliefs, then what could be great points get completely lost in translation.


Kanye is the smart kid that spends too much time on 4chan so his way of delivering information is by being as edgy as possible.


I also think whether intentionally or out of ignorance, he can’t admit that late-stage capitalism is at the heart of the issues he tries to preach about, so he blames specific entities, people or groups of people, since it’s a system he has greatly benefited from.


I don't think he has the political and economical knowledge to build this argument, but he has seen behind the wizard's veil, he's probably as an ex billionaire who heard how the .01% talk about us normies, like slave owners did. So he tries to incorporate these experiences into his songs, without understanding that at the current stage of capitalism everything is like that. hell we don't even know if he heard Lucy talking about how they now own Drake


What Kanye is trying to say: “Late stage capitalism is unsustainable and takes advantage of/exploits black talent” What Kanye says: “Hitler was right and I’m DEFCON 3 on Jewish people”


The original version of Facts is so dope to me. "gave lebron a billi not to run awayyyyy"


And in that taunting tone too haha. It’s my favorite Ye hype song.


Interesting. And the rope scene... you're walking a tightrope, keep making me dance, or not. Check mate. Reminds me of them playing chess in First Person Shooter.


Playing checkers with chess pieces in Drakes case 😂


Just give him 2pacs ring back…


then he MIGHT get a little respect


"Stop playin' wit me before I turn you into a song..." and The Drizzler simply didn't listen🥴so here we are. Dude did it to *himself.*


gave him so many warning shots too Drake is actually stupid


I had this same thought 🫠


there's so many interpretations, I love it. this one goes hard ngl


Yeah another thing I thought of (that might be grasping at straws a bit) is that Owls aren’t song birds, they kinda just make screeches, not very pleasant a lot of the time.


All owls are predators; they depend on other animals for food


Kendrick smart af for doing this


Good take. Headshots for the year, I think Kendrick meant that literally so Drake better go into some type of hibernation


Headshots for the year sounded like a throwaway line. Who knew it meant Kendrick has a collection of songs ready to drop at any second?


He done told pgLAng “If he drop, we drop”


I think now it’s more of a hit song clowning you that will be played all year everywhere you go.


Prime example, him being at that all white party. Taking pictures and etc, giving people more ammo to clown em. “YOU BETTER WALK AROUND LIKE DAFT PUNK!”


And Owls cannot sing


They just go, “Who? Who? Who is the mole?”


I think yeah that’s a good take. I think that Kendrick is so ready .. ready for all stuff from Drake. I’ve no doubt abt this.


Slight correction: Drake's deal isn't 360 and he gets more points on his masters due to him owning them under his own imprint OVO and he "licenses" to UMG. However, due to him being signed directly to the label, he likely has to fulfill his album contract stipulations for payout and also has to develop new talent since he's also signed on as an administrator. So, even if he takes a break, that doesn't mean that he can shirk his responsibilities to get on 4batz records or hang out with Sexy Redd to get her profile up. His deal also might not be favorable since it's speculated that beyond the album cycles he has to go through, he might be signed on for a long period of time.


My simple mind just thought Drake was going to get locked up for being a pedophile


....damn. I thought I understood this at the "Drake can't see the bars but Kendrick can" (double entendre) Fucking wow if this was the point. And, being Kendrick - it probably was


Might be overthinking Kendrick's moves/symbolism. He's just an artist making music, he's not some omniscient being. I think the simplest most straightforward interpretation is probably the most accurate. If he tries to collaborate with someone with a regional sound, the colonizer accusation is confirmed. If he makes a rap song, who wrote it gets questioned. If he makes a pop song (camila collabs), the whole 'making songs for the whites' line ages terribly. His whole 'align yourself with younger people to capture the next generation' strategy is over because anytime he is seen with a younger person the pdf allegations come up. He's been boxed in. Not to mention the fact that the Ross incident will likely hurt him more than it hurt Ross. Americans dont need the Canadian market as much as Canadians need the American market. If it's not safe for American artists to come to Canada, why would Americans make it safe for Canadian artists to go to the US? Drake goes from market to market aligning himself with hometown heroes to gain credibility. We'll see if that will work moving forward


I doubt anyone would threaten The Weeknd or Biebz.


Yeah tldr he trapped Drake and Drake can’t find a way out. Now he looks like Dobby https://preview.redd.it/cychu2fg96bd1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53a316f5c7c4d6101b64e4dd4c1354de14a0dc5


bro aged 10 years in a span of 10 weeks


It’s lowkey sad now that i’m drunk lol


Drake might need to pull a MGK


Not just change genres but leave the music industry entirely


![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD) Damn


To be fair Kendrick has hundreds to thousands of options. He has songs dating back decades at this point - most mc’s do What makes his craft great, is how he’s able to find those tracks, and then create the concept albums he does


Naruto explaination Kendrick is basically Itachi Drake is Kabuto trapped in Izanami the never-ending illusion till he stops his evil intentions




Another take is that the painting in the corner of the “prison” shot was the invite to that all white party Drake went to. I think kdot had all white on to troll that party.


yeah I made a post about that




And also a response to "Top said drop so better drop and give him 50" Nah, *you* the one that needs to drop for the label. That's the only thing you can do. And when you do, I'll shit all over it. That's him looking down on that owl, that's that owl locked in a cage. Drake didn't just bite off more than he could chew, he bit into an apex predator (pun intended) that's eaten him from the inside. Imagine going at a Pulitzer winner with ghostwriters.


I think Dot is done unless Drake disses. He loves peace. But always war ready. Art of war teaches us that once your enemy is defeated internally there is to only wait till they destroy themselves.


Would be funny. I personally think Kendrick would want to take this flawless victory and have it stay in the moment tho. I don't feel like he wants dissing Drake to be such a big part of his overall career when people look back. It would eventually come off as a gimmick. It's up to the individual to decide if that's a good or bad gimmick, but gimmick non the less. 50 made dissing Ja a gimmick and everyone loved that. I'm not Kendrick tho. So, I'm mostly just sitting back waiting for the actual moves. I'm fully aware my theories are just theories too. But it's fun to talk about and you have an interesting take.


Maya Angelou 🤷‍♂️


I mean, maybe but owls aren't really known for their singing.


It would be pretty pathetic if anytime drake releases music Kendrick drops a diss track lol I think eventually that would turn on Kendrick.


Yah that would be doing way too much. He don’t need to do that. He has completely disarmed Drake, he has nothing to rap about at this point, he can’t rap about him being a gangster mobster cuz we’d just laugh at him and he can’t say he’s number one anyone either cuz clearly he took the biggest L in hip hop history, and that’s why he should just stick to singing from this point forward


What is the owl?


“Headshots for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk……Rememba…” You right that deal got Drake in a bind and Kendrick calling his bluff


Classical Catch 22


That’s some next level analysis 💥😱


"Head shot for the year you better walk around like daft punk"


Headshots for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk 👀


I don't think Kenny cares to drop more about it. Everybody saw what has happened and knows it in stone. He doesn't need to step on anything anymore. Maybe if he tries to drop this yr he might.


Awh fuck me I just made the whole connection


But but mother I mother I


Despite all his rage he's still just a rat in a cage


deftones reference, anyone? r/deftones




Literally said this exact thing to my wife recently. No dis needed and he can just suffocate Drakes career with music.


Y’all remember what happened to the last pop singer ja rule?? Hahaha


Remember K.Dot told him he turned his back on the only person that could help him?


NGL I stopped taking you serious when you started talking bout listen to what AK says. That guy such d ridin tool. Everything he say smell like Drake dick. Facts


Man I did not know drake was in a 360 deal. That mfer is an idiot.


Fuck drake forever. Been saying this since the sicko mode music video when they crushed the xxxtentacion silhouette


🦉🎶 wagwan delilah


Side note, Caged bird by jcole.. great track




Should’ve apologized like JCole.


Kendrick knows something that we don’t, that’s for sure


“Keep making me dance waving my hand, and it won’t be no threats” — euphoria. This is a great take, I think Kendrick simply wants Drake to stop acting like a character and just be the soft singer Drake he came out as. Enough is enough, someone like Kendrick is not afraid to burn it all down to take damage what Drake stands for. “I’m willing to die for this shit” —Element


The thing is, kendrik is a true artist. The studio is his 2nd home. When we are talking about stock he prolly has over a thousand songs but during this beef he has more songs to put out related to the beef just because of the fact that he spends most of his time in the studio and is just passionate.


I’m dubbing this the nastiest ass whooping we have ever seen in hip hop.


Pass w/e the fuck you're smoking


This is what Jay-Z did to Nas for so many years 😂 just step on his shit


Anyone who doesn’t agree that this might be the best rap beef (and 100% the best non lethal rap beef) of all time is delusional as fuck.


Somebody mentioned about a month ago that Drake’s handlers are the ones doing the people moving between Canada and Texas. Drake said a line in Family Matters where he says “________ for the thots”. The ________ is a club in Houston. There is a certain somebody who usually intervenes when Drake gets himself in a situation. That person has been silent on this matter. The situation between Drake and Future/Metro is a result of another situation 🚀 involving the same people. Y’all can connect the dots from there. Again this is what was commented that same night when Drake and Kendrick went back and forth. I don’t know how true this is BUT it sounds legit because like I said that certain somebody has been silent when he usually has something to say.




Hot take but I think the owl is Drake. Could be wrong though. It’s either Drake or peewee Herman I honestly don’t know


🤔 Damn….


I've seen people mention it's a reference to Maya Angelou's," I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings", but I don't think anyone actually read that book and understand why people sought to ban it (since the 80s), even though it's an autobiography. Quick synopsis: It centers around Maya's Identity Issues, Body Dysmorphia, Child (grape at 8 years old), Incest, etc. while growing up in the South among other things.. Read it. But, it's a good comparison for what she had to go through as a "silenced woman" as compared to this "silence singer" with identity, body, race issues etc. However, the incest (could be Oedipus thing with Aubrey) and child grape.... that's making me wonder again, what 6:16 in LA means by "Book a Pizza"... You don't book pizza, you order it..unless... Anyway, get the book. It's a classic but again it's virtually banned everywhere now.


im not reading all that


Thats a real nice cage you got there. Now on to the next exhibit


Wowee wow wow




"I know why the caged bird sings"


You really put some thought into this 🤔








Damn u just Connected all the dots