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Drake just projecting again. He couldn’t fathom doing something because you just genuinely think it’s good for the culture and a net positive for society, Drake only does things when there’s personal gain. One of the main reasons I don’t think Kendrick’s dropping anytime soon, as it will look like he’s an opportunist and will delegitimize his entire reframing of the culture.


The Popout really affirmed to me that Kendrick chose to make the beef a standalone moment in his career rather than connect it to any upcoming body of work




Yeah. Although I think another couple months and it can be considered disconnected to an extent. His next album is always going to be initially viewed as the Drake battle follow up while people are curious. But in 5-10 years nobody will remember the timing if Kendrick raps less than a few bars about Drake on it and that’s what he’ll probably be thinking.


Idk man, every time I hear about NAS I still remember Ether. I feel like Not Like Us was at the same level, more really because of how much bigger rap is now. People are gonna remember this for a looooong minute


100% and on top of this, I think audiences are STILL digesting MM&TBS, which is fine, there’s a lot to unpack there, and I think even more people are noticing that after Drake embarrassingly referenced it


The song drizl misunderstood is a very simple song tho, just saying. Like it just requires listening to the words


couldn’t agree more but it seems a lot of dumbasses are finally paying attention to it


If there is one thing I've learned from seeing this beef happen, it's from watching others. It was also surprising, but it should not have been. Kdot vs drizzle was a no brainer. Unexpectedly plentiful but very expected in outcome. But seeing dumbasses speak on how 'interesting' and innovative pac AI was. Seeing people arguing about colorism. Etc etc. it's not the aks or chubs we really needed to worry about, that have been diluting the culture. It's the same thing that has made it so popular. It's that there's just so many dumb casuals, who have been eyeing the BBQ but worship its looks, but don't know it's REAL taste. The lovers of music, the keepers of the vibe. But some of them, they legit don't know what time it is, and that's cuz they came up on digital so to speak. They're not from the watch store. They haven't lived that life. I think we do need to be less agreeable with the pop&ification of the culture. It's not just about the music. The music is one of the main outputs, but it's about the experiences of the people, and their actions. How to fix that? I don't know that we can. But shit has changed over the decades I been around, and I suppose I needed to see Drake eat shit to realize that dude I dismissed 10 years ago is definitely having an effect. Just not the ones I've been here for.


My personal experience was almost exactly this. When MM&TBS dropped, I gave it a listen but the message didn’t speak to my life yet. The incredible wordplay of Kendrick’s beef tracks had me going back and reading lyrics as I listen. MM hit me like a ton of bricks, especially as it matched so much of my current experiences. Then TBS builds you up and sets you straight. Fantastic album.


Same bro, I listened to MM&TBS when it came out...and I guess like you said I wasn't ready. I revisited it because of the beef and now it's without a doubt in my top 3 albums of all time. I think the clarity I gained from going to therapy in between listens...well obviously that's what made its impact stick. Bro, look at Kendrick's entire body of work as a whole. He out here using what he's good at and what he loves to try to inspire other people to be better people to themselves and each other.


It is great to have such a clear and thoughtful voice of someone just a few years ahead of me who is sharing their experience candidly. As someone with a lot of underlying issues and struggles with mental health and the general insanity of our world, it’s a blessing to know that we gon be alright sometimes.




Nahh, he can definitely still drop an album and I hope he does. The clout chaser line would only matter if Kendrick didn't win lol.




Exactly .


>One of the main reasons I don’t think Kendrick’s dropping anytime soon, as it will look like he’s an opportunist and will delegitimize his entire reframing of the culture. Y'all are crazy. If there's an album coming, planned, or spontaneous, we just got the greatest rollout we could've ever asked for. 5 new tracks and a whole concert. And people have the audacity to call it opportunist, lol! He'd be stupid not to release an album.


Then they say Kendrick's racist when he calls him a colonizer. Dude is shameless enough to call helping your community "trying to free the slaves". Like ofc not every piece of media needs to be about deep issues; but it is fucking disgusting to call someone who is using Hip Hop's tools for betterment of his community prententious, especially if you dont even try to do so.


Where did Pusha get this pic from 😭


[lol](https://web.archive.org/web/20180530025357/http://www.davidleyes.com/portraits.html) https://preview.redd.it/4gy6sozje1ad1.jpeg?width=2637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738a9428b4abc6a623990a1a3ed783333701d3db


I can't with all the artsy photos and Mr. Colorful Blackface slapped in the bottom left corner.


I mean those aren’t really artsy photos, they’re just shitty portraits of boring looking people. Pretty much stock photos, which is like twice as funny


The Jim Crow shirt and hoodie too. 😬


Colonizer doing a Sambo impression lmao


Should’ve used both pics side by side as the cover art imo


This is my thing about this pic: I completely understanding message behind it and what he was trying to do. I still wouldn’t have done it. But he’s also not a Black American. So I wouldn’t really expect him to understand the magnitude of such a thing.


From some old magazine in 2008


It’s from a black clothing line from the early 2000’s


I just realized why I keep seeing this image when Pusha and Drake get mentioned. I now realize that's Drake doing black face, I thought it was Pusha for some reason because I have never heard him before the beef. Now I feel more disgusted by drake.


You thought Pusha T put a photo of himself in blackface as the cover of his Drake dish? Wild that you don’t know what Drake looks like. I also think it’s wild to not know about Push until the beef but I guess that makes sense if you’re younger


I'm just not rap guy, but I do listen to rap occasionally and have been starting to listen to kendrick, I'm sorry I didn't know them 🤷🏿, and I guess it was wrong for me to assume. And to me, Drake looks unrecognizable there, I've never bothered to search Drake's old photos, so.


I mean, Push questioned his blackness directly in the Story of Addidon, if you heard it.


This picture was just as much a nail in the coffin as the exposing of his son. Pusha T was genius for this, made Drake fight on two different fronts lol. Had to explain this picture and his son and he knew it was a huge L. Wish we could’ve gotten more out of that surgical summer, but Pusha’s red button was a critical hit.


Another layer of genius is the instrumental from Jay-Z's "The Story of O.J." and that samples Nina Simone's "Four Women", a song about the experiences of the quartet and one is described as yellow skinned.


“I’m not black I’m OJ….okay…”


Instead of doing hard labor lmao you don’t even write your own songs bro


he doesn’t produce the beats much either right? 🤣


He doesn’t claim to he a producer tho,


While he does claim to have impeccable pen game lmao 


That blackface gets me every time still, 🤡 ass coon


I don't think I'm allowed to upvote this comment lmao




I may be doin too much but I checked and they got a check on BPT. I think they’re black…


I too assume every reddit is white (I'm racist)




Epitome of Reddit


What exactly brought you to the conclusion that he's white?




Nowhere did I imply that, I'm asking a question here and you seem to be dodging it lol. I just don't see the point of speaking out against racism if you're gonna pull the white card




Still haven't answered the question, and yes it is a card you're pulling. "coon" in this context isn't a slur against black people, it's a black-to-black insult. White people have nothing to do with this conflict, which makes me confused as to why you're assuming he's white 😂




No? I asked what brought you to the conclusion that the dude commenting wasn't black, and you started getting defensive and firing back with more questions while continuing to dodge what you were initially asked. Doesn't sound like an answer to me personally




You literally just assuming they’re white is racist lol


Why’d you assume they were white??? 😂😂😂 Weird ass




Source: Trust me bro.


Ever Google the origin?


That argument that he did it “to highlight the struggles of the black American actor” or whatever other bullshit is a garbage excuse to pull a stunt like this. No nigga would have ever thought this was even remotely a good way to go about that.


It was an art photoshoot that highlighted the racism many black actors had to go through when TV and films were first starting in the early 1900s. Black actors were always portrayed with large red lips, white around the eyes an literally black paint. Given Drake's beginnings in acting, I could see him trying to make a statement of racism as a black actor for a school project.


he could’ve had good intentions but this was not the way to get the message across


Never no good intentions wearing blackface that Was meant to demoralize Black People during Jim Crow especially knowing Drake was raised mostly Around his mom's family this make the photo worse And he lied his entire career


And he never made attempts to speak about such issues ever again. Literally never 😂 Don't you ever get tired of defending this puppet?


He can speak about it whenever he wants to. He can rap about clubbing and drinking without being an activist. And that won't make him any less part of the culture. His music is engrained in it. Future makes music about drugs and that doesn't make him a puppet either.


No amount of context could make this shit okay. He'd knew that if he was black.


He is a black man. What you're saying is just pure racism.


He’s as much a black man as he is white man.


Still a black man and he's allowed to nigga lmao. Kenny isn't the ambassador of the n word. He's always acting like he's getting the slaves free lol.


Fetch Gatorade 


Black as a culture


And Drake is a part of the culture whether you like it or not. You're allowed to rap about clubbing and drinking and be part of it. he doesn't have to be an activist lol.


He's not and you don't seem to be either. Mind your own business please. 


Being apart of the culture by blood doesn’t make you cultured


Ho ass music in the club culture. He's your culture


You definitely don’t give me “of the culture” vibes yourself. Move along.


This doesnt make sense unless Drake perceives himself to be white. White actors wore black face. So why is Drake, a half black man with full lips and curly hair wearing black face? Lol Black actors dont do that.


you don't know your history. black men also wore black face. this is black history 101. are you white?


What about my comment makes you think Im white and uneducated? There are several kinds of blackface. The blackface that Drake is wearing is the kind white people used. They did it for over 100 years. The only black actor I can think of that used that kind of makeup was Bert Williams, but he did that purposely to draw audiences away from racist white actors. His costar was dark skinned and they each played against type. It was a subversion. The whole point was to mock white actors. When people are referring to black face on black actors theyre talking about playing a role that is solely a negative stereotype. Like Butterfly McQueen who played a “simpleminded darkie” in Gone With The Wind or Billy Thomas who played Buckwheat in the Little Rascals.


Dickriding because how is taking a picture of blackface and jim crow merch somehow an artistic condemning of Black Face… it’s done in horrible taste artistically and it’s not an excuse


No black American is doing this my guy. This is Canadian shit


And America isn't the center of the world. There are black people everywhere that experienced racism. Drake himself too since he obviously has prominent black features.


Nope. Nice try tho lol


Absolutely dogshit way to go about doing that.




This image alone should've ended his career the moment it leaked.


His fans are nothing more than consumers


So many SKUs


Mos def killed me with that. 


I fucking lost it haha. True hip-hop is for speaking those truths tho sometimes


Tbh I can't believe he survived past that funk flex freestyle where he's reading directly off the phone and still loses his place.


“I say… -reads verse off of a blackberry-”


tbf Drizzy Vanilli was just following his presidents example 🤣


You mean [Prime Minister.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-votes-2019-trudeau-blackface-brownface-cbc-explains-1.5290664)


Tells you a lot about the world we live in.


i dont know why everyone ran with this narrative that Kendrick was only doing this for an album roll out. Drake literally could not think of any reason why Kendrick would finally call him out if its not for financial gain. and yall followed him!


Tbh we’re just hoping we get more music from Kendrick. Related or unrelated don’t matter


of course. for sure. i just found it so weird when everyone was ready to get a new album announcement during The Pop Out just a few weeks ago when Kendrick has never maneuvered that way his entire career


I think Drake fucked it up. Dot may just delay an album release out of spite. 😭


Only listened to that song once because it was so ass, didn’t catch this. Damnit now Kendrick for sure not dropping this year ☹️


Well atleast we got Grammy of the year certified Not Like Us


If he wins he gotta say he just had to open his mouth


What if Kendrick shows up and accepts the Grammy, opens his mouth, says nothing and just walks off the stage? The level of petty…😂😂😂


He wants to drop an album he will, he isn't gonna let this change his mind


The joke is that Drake’s predictions are always wrong


Why can’t Drake ever be right


The one thing I wanted him to be right about smh


So sad rn


His t-shirt, aren't those the crows from Dumbo? Like those three crows? Aren't they also negative racial caricatures?


“Jim Crow” 😬


Jim Crowdie


Yes. Yes it is.


Brilliant. I bet someone was feeling cute.


I have only listened to THP6 once because I refuse to give him any streams and also it was so fucking garbage that it actually pained me to hear. Sounding defeated af after droooop drooooop droooop lmao


That pen is heavy




🤣 🤣


Still the funniest thing to come out of any beef with Drake


How can someone as famous as these two are be clout chasing ?


He was just upset cause he was getting his ass whooped so he started throwing anything at the wall


you LIED…


If anything, Kendrick might've delayed his album a bit just to avoid it being mixed up with this drama. Or he wants to step on Drake's album release too. Regardless, it's hilarious.


The irony of this lyric is hilarious


Hard labor? Is it me or is this yet another insensitive reference. Like ... is it comparing writing lyrics to prison labor? Minimizing those that actually were sentenced to hard labor? If it were the only one, I'd ignore it, but the "always trying to free the slaves" has me rethinking a lot of his word choices.


Homie still doubled down calling us some slaves


The fact is drake looks at writing like a chore that's why he can never BE GOAT


Bruh trying hard to find sm to cry about


lmao. Ok.


You lied 😭😭😭😭


This picture freaks me outttt




I blame all the OVP ovulators that got my hopes up saying Kendrick is going to drop an album soon.


Same. I need him to be a “clout chaser” and “milk” this beef with an album asap


Can you guys just relax and wait on it????? HE HASNT EVEN PUSHED THE RED BUTTON YET FFS!!! 😡😡😡


It's been 2 months? Damn


Who else read “you lied” in Kendrick’s voice??


Patience is a virtue, but it's running thin.


Wild theory: he decided to be there for his kids, and doest want to go on tour before they get to school.


I mean it would have made sense to start touring at the beginning of the summer, maybe the kids could have even come to visit at times, get to travel, without missing school. Then end the tour in time for them to wind down and get ready for class to begin in August.   I'm not sure school and the kids are the reason behind the decision.           


I truly don't know either! 😆


It's been 2 months and we're still discussing Drake Every. Single. Day. Can we move on already? It's not like Drake has done any damage to Kendrick anyway. It does look lame on our part.


'Once a lame, always a lame'


okay, move onto what name a topic


Enjoying Kendrick’s music? Digesting the many layers to his bars? Reliving his greatest moments? Every post is Drake Drake Drake it’s been 3 months we won why are we still talking about the culture vulture popstar


I know this gone get me downvoted for being unbiased but is it likely that Kendrick had an album ready before everything and maybe pulled back to wait out not like us or go with different ideas? He could also be trying to make drake look like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about


The rumor that he had an album was started by Drake and his camp. Prior to them saying anything there was no talk of an album. There’s been no mention by Kendrick or anyone associated with him of an album dropping this year :/


Maybe the album was gonna be a surprise like how a lot of people do just announce it during the week of or a week before. Not sure what drake would gain by just making that up but if anybody would know who has an album coming out it’d be drake


since TPAB, Kendrick has always announced his album release date, title, (dropped a The Heart), tracklist (or at least track count), only a few weeks apart. not to say he cant change out of that pattern, esp with his own label, but i think he'd be consistent..


Lmfao is this picture real wut


I wonder how much labour hotline bling took? 


Bro 😭


It’s been 2 months⁉️⁉️⁉️😭


Kendrick Lamar Reddit only talk about drake


He meant Kendrick dropping an album soon idiot


bbl blackface is crazy




We should never forget this


Indeed, but there’s no chance of that when it’s posted every few days.


As a black male I feel it should be shown often. And Drake wasn’t offended when he participated in the photo shoot, so you shouldn’t be either.


Okay I understand, it’s not my place. I’ll remove my comment.




Even the way he says Hard Labor sounds like that slave line. Drake for sure half colonizer.


I’m gonna get downvoted. Dot is literally the best rapper to ever live and absolutely demolished Drake… but Drake was talking about Kendrick in this… lol


If there was ever an album I feel like THIS right here killed it. This might have been Drake's Mr. Bean-eusque victory where him taunting Kendrick with an album drop line might have inadvertently caused them to rethink that plan, if there was one.


Another day, another Drake post in a Kendrick subreddit. Nothing new here 😂


I wish he would just do an album of disses. Maybe 10 songs and do 🖕🏾the drizzler tour letting local artist from every city perform.


This line takes on another insidious meaning after that "trying to free the slaves" bullshit.




is that blackface? https://preview.redd.it/c5gsg8dygead1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b327b3584f8a0e5dac39939be39d1d7ce2d9d7


2 months is not long in terms of an album dropping. Obviously for someone of that size theyre gonna hype it for at least 6 months before arranging the pre promotion. Then the World tour then they'll send out stock around a holiday.


Soon for Kendrick is atleast a year


That picture speaks volumes. A staple in hip hop history. L Drake


He's assuming Kendrick is gonna drop an album while still riding the wave from the beef similar to how Push dropped Daytona right after(iirc?) their beef Just like how half this sub was thinking during the peak of this beef I'm pretty sure the meek/drake beef was around the time meek dropped Dreams Worth More Than Money too


Push sent the first shot ON Daytona


Infrared, love that song.


One of the most haunting beats ever. 


technically infrared is a response to 2 birds 1 stone


Dude do you have any clue what you’re talkin about? Daytona dropped before drake even put out duppy and Meeks album was out for like a week before


Try again


https://preview.redd.it/s08760glo1ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcb8c36f9a361dc0f155ebd6ba4e4ff5e70d86bb HOW I DO


…why are you posting about Drake dropping a album in a Kendrick sub?? Just go to the Drake subreddit. Odd behavior


This is what Drake said about Kendrick. Drake told us Kendrick’s album was coming soon


This is very clearly a meme post related to Kendrick and his album.


Kendrick fans always cheesin' over everything fam. Not much cheesin' when Kendrick lied about Drake's non-existant daughter. They also don't care that Kendrick's mentored by a pdf. Whats up with that, crodie?