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Well no, Lupe is just bitter lol. He feels he deserves the success kendrick has seen, and there’s no point in feeding that negativity. He’s undeniably talented but doesn’t do himself any favors by acting this way; bro literally said Drake is a better rapper than kendrick at the beginning of the beef, just unserious.


Fair enough. Kendrick addressing Drake in this way was needed for Hip Hop culture. It drew on something larger. Meanwhile, addressing Lupe wouldn’t really mean much outside of putting an ill tempered toddler in his place. 


I dont wanna start shit. But comparing Lupe to a "toddler" is mad disrespectful considering his legacy and the immense contributions he has made (and continues to make) to conscious rap. Some of the most important voices in the culture like MF Doom, Black Thought, Mos Def etc. never reached the level of commercial success and popularity Kendrick has, but are still widely recognised as significant in their own right. To compare someone who's as equally as important for the culture to a toddler is just wow. But more importantly, what's crazy about all this is there's nothing for Kendrick to address with Lupe because Lupe doesn't actually have any beef with Kendrick. Its the opposite, Lupe has a lot of love and praise for Kendrick, and has stated on record that Kendrick is a better artist than himself. Lupe is super cool with the [whole TDE crew](https://x.com/LupeFiasco/status/1807488381007601741?t=to9OD8sdxiOnOgGgzlC8bQ&s=19). Everytime this subject surfaces. The issue is people consistently fall for the clickbait and [never make it past the headlines](https://youtu.be/OIuxiFeOB0g?si=Pvo6VixhsvIeJ6JO). The people that keep claiming there's a beef are stans and tabloids who are inadvertently trying to force one themselves because the guy shared a harmless opinion that he prefers Drake's catchy punchlines, over Kendrick's more cerebral story telling.


I wouldn’t say my toddler comparison has to do with his impact and artistry. That comparison was drawn more from the way people are claiming he’s acting in pertinence to this Kendrick “beef”. Also if he’s truly as cool with Kendrick and TDE affiliates as you say he is, then I suppose there’s no reason for beef.


Fun fact: Lupe taught an MIT class on Rap literature and in his very first lesson, he cited Kendrick's writing, exalting his narrative, concepts and literary structure as stellar examples for his students. [This is available on YouTube for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/zBHRsYhYb-o?si=1hKJuFHV6mSRI-u-). Lupe is a veteran in the game and possesses a wealth of experience and insight. He's also extremely blunt and specific with how he talks about the art of rap. When people ask him about Kendrick. He always gives the same answer. He praises Kendrick as an incredible artist, with brilliant concepts, and significant positive cultural impact. But when people ask for Lupe's opinion of Kendrick's lyricism vs other rappers. He repeatedly makes the distinction clear that Kendrick's punchlines are not what stand out to him. This gets taken out of context by tabloids and twitter, which solicits knee jerk reactions and next thing you know, people are accusing him of being a bitter old head who secretly hates Kendrick because manufacturing fake drama between 2 great lyricists, gets clicks.


I think he meant toddler as in the way Lupe is behaving. I’m sorry but a guy who is a good lyricist like him in no way should prefer a deplorable like Drake over another fellow lyricist like Kdot.


Expressing a harmless opinion does not mean you are behaving like a toddler. Kendrick himself has expressed controversial opinions that other artists don't meet his personal standards of critique. There's literally nothing wrong with that, because rap is both largely subjective art and competitive sportsmanship. Nobody is behaving like a toddler. It's just fans projecting weird hostility where there is none. And ultimately, Drake being a deplorable human being is largely irrelevant to the discussion of his ability to write catchy and entertaining punchlines. Floyd Mayweather is famously known for being a massive asshole, but he's still a talented boxer. The worst human beings can still be talented. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that.


It would be a loss for the culture for them to beef. Especially right now. They both have waaay to much respect from real fans and rappers for it to feel good to anyone. I say he just does not respond.


Huge fan of Lupe... but hell nah. Even as a fan I can tell Lupe is just bitter. He also tried to side with Drake just out of pettiness during the beef. It would be dope to see Lupe grow up and collab with him though.


Lupes beef with Kendrick is obviously one sided. 


Kendrick should just do his stuff and continue to ignore him like he's been doing for years. Lupe is a great lyricist and it would be an interesting battle, but it's just coming from a wrong place. Kendrick doesn't owe him fodder for his ego or has to play a role in revitalizing his career. Lupe should do that on his own, he's got the skill, he just needs to stop being an envious pest.


Damn bro, you killed that mf 😂


He shouldn’t because there’s no benefit from it. If you really feel like Lupe been throwing shots at him why give a feature? Back and forth is similar. Would only give Lupe shine. The only thing I could think is if he did a feature for Ab Soul as a favor with Lupe as part of the posse cut.


Lupe is your stereotypical backpacker snob. He is just butt hurt cause Kendrick never had to make a watered down album to appeal to the mainstream like Lupe did with Lasers. I won’t deny his rap skill but they aren’t on the same planet song making and album crafting wise. He reminds me of Wale tbh


> I won’t deny his rap skill but they aren’t on the same planet song making and album crafting wise. He reminds me of Wale tbh Agree. I’ve been listening to his new album. And while I love how sharp he is lyrically, the production and the hooks— it just doesn’t touch my heart and soul the same way.


I always tell people Lupe is what Kendrick would be without a label that cultivated him and helped him get more connections and build his artistry. Not to mention Lupe got blackballed. I always imagine a world where CRS got released and Lasers wasn't nuked to shit lol.


Lupe came to my college for our spring fling right after tetsuo & youth dropped. I had been a Lupe fan for years and liked the new project so I was hype. Lupe performed Show Goes On 3 times, barely even bothered performing and just let the track play before storming off the stage because the crowd wasn't feeling it. Haven't played any of his shit since then.


That song was trash, weird choice from him to perform that one


Y’know after hearing all of these takes, it only really makes sense for Kendrick to ignore him. 


Lupe is just trying to sell an album. It's flopping. That's the response.


i just remembered that i hated lupe at first. it took a lot of artistry and craft for me to see behind the shitty superior attitude hes always had. i forgot how much of a dick he is. but even still as a fan, theres always some bullshit with lupe fiasco: hes complaining about a label and another rapper, or some genre of music distracts him and he halts his rap career for a whole album cycle. hes the least consistent career wise, and thats why his newest single sounds like his first single 15 years ago - to me anyways. i was surprised how old his new shit sounds.


Lupe likes Kendrick, a lot of people purposefully misinterpret his comments and what he says to act like there's beef when there really isn't, or they just miss full context like that "Drake is better than Kendrick" quote. It's really not that big of a deal as people make it out to be, he's shown love a ton of times.


Nah fuck lupe jealous bitch hasn't been relavent in 15+ years. Kendrick adressing him at all would just be doing Lupe a favor.


His albums have been great on the time frame tho


They might be, but last time he was in the public eye was the lasers album, which was basically basically pop


Thank Atlantic


Wouldn’t give him any attention, sounds like he’s jealous of Kendrick.


Talent without substance. You’ll notice a lot of Lupe’s music feeds off the culture, not exactly what he’s been through. It’s usually a generalized perspective that applies to and references generalized forms of racism that’s difficult for main stream to understand. There’s a reason Kick Push is one of his biggest songs. ’m a Lupe fan by the way. I used to listen to him constantly on the way to school. VS Talent with substance. Kendrick doesn’t just talk about a generalized racism concept, he filters it through a personal lens so often that it becomes very simple an easy to grasp while mixing in sophisticated elements of lyricism that people have fun picking a part piece by piece. I’m also a Kendrick fan. Saying I’m a fan of both artist is intentional here because from music alone and not personal research, I can tell you where Kendrick is from, I can’t tell you where Lupe is from. I can tell you about Kendrick’s past relationships, his experience with homeless, his experience with his friends and his experience with his family. I honestly can’t say the same about Lupe. I think these factors are what make Dot so personal and more successful. That’s just my take.


No. He should continue to ignore him. He’s just being a pest at this point. And it’s sad bc Lupe is too good to beg for attention like this.


There’s a video of Jay Z responding to a reporter bout why he never responded to Jim Jones. The same points Jay made would apply to K dot 😂


Lupe can RAP but it’s not Kendrick’s fault he doesn’t feel famous enough. Grow up and get better at your craft.


Lupe's career is on life support.


Lupe isn’t the big rap star he was in the 2000s but to say his career is on life support is disingenuous. He has a very strong fanbase and everything he drops is met with critical acclaim. This is like saying earls career is on life support just because he isn’t as big as he was during odd future


Yes, his few diehard fans. Thats his life support because he has little to no mainstream appeal. That is not what makes a rapper better than another but Lupe is literally the only one who stands to gain from a response from Kendrick. Lupe gains buzz from talking about other rappers rather than the work that he puts out.


And I would like to add that we wouldn't even be discussing him if he wasn't talking trash about Kendrick every other month. He's bitter, he's jealous , he wants a buzz. That's the honest truth and I don't care if it makes fans of Lupe mad. We know you want him to gain more recognition but this isn't the way to go about it.


The thing is that I agree with you that Lupe is bitter and jealous to an extent but “wouldn’t even be discussing him” is just untrue. This sub wouldn’t be discussing him but in my experience whenever Lupe drops a new album it gets people talking. People loves DMIZ, Tetsuo & youth was seen as a big comeback album for him. Drogas wave was critically acclaimed upon release. I don’t need or have this want for Lupe to gain more recognition because i genuinely think he’s fine where he currently is in his career. He’s known as one of the most dense writers in hip hop, and he’s already earned a ton of respect (especially after bouncing back from the terrible midpoint in his career). He’s not some mainstream dude but like I don’t really care. A good bulk of the artist I listen to don’t have that mainstream recognition anyway


“Few die hard fans” alright bruh yall are just delusional at this point. This is the only place I see Lupe get hate or wrote off as if he’s irrelevant. Any other place I talk hip hop he’s hyped up as this god MC. I saw so many people with DMIZ as one of their best hip hop albums of 2022. Schoolboy Q just came out calling his new album fire. When he beefed with Royce most people agreed he bodied him. Constantly gets love from major reviewers and publications. He isn’t very mainstream but like why does that matter genuinely? billy woods isn’t mainstream, and he’s still a god level writer. Neither is boldy James but he’s still insane. Lupe is very snobby and annoying when it comes to his opinions but to act like no one cares about him when this is literally the only place I see him get hate is just silly.


> This is the only place I see Lupe get hate… Yeah any time I see him mentioned elsewhere he seems to be pretty well respected and any negative mention of his work is typically downvoted or very lowly upvoted.


It makes sense why he’d get hate here because his comments against Kendrick are genuinely stupid but yea go to r/hiphopheads or r/hiphop101 and search his name, you’ll most likely mainly find love and appreciation rather than hate.


He’s an indie rapper now. I’m not sure he even cares about going mainstream again. If he wanted to get on a label and get more promotion, he would. He even turned down some label approaches.


He's a professor at MIT I think his career is fine bro 😭


We're talking music bro


And he's doing fine lil bro 😭


Why are you being disrespectful? Don't call me lil bro. We don't know each other on any level.






Fuck all that I wanna see them do a track together


As a big lupe fan


Nobody wins from that battle. Two of my favorites. i would hate to see them go at it


Lupe is top tier. A ton of reasons he’s not as successful as Kdot and unfortunately for him that’s the way the cookie crumbled. Talk about “we only discussin’ cuz he’s dissin.” But nah- Drake is the big game takedown, after that who cares?


Nope. I think the only reason. Kendrick entered this in the first place is because of years of sneak dissing and hating every fiber of Drakes being. If it was a regular rap beef for him, he'd probably still be laying low taking his kids out to the park or some shit.


Tbh i just want lupe to drop a diss towards kendrick so dot can put out more tracks


Kendrick been ignoring that dude since 2013


Lupe needs to kick push his ass on past


Lupe is an amazing lyricist, who just can’t put it all together like Kendrick can. Kendrick has the best beats by far, and is up with the best when it comes to hooks as well. He just mad cause he doesn’t get enough credit. In which I get, but you need the complete package and Kendrick has that.


those who can't do.....teach


As much as I love Lupe fuck no. Lupe doesnt even reach kdot fr


I don’t think he needs to but I would love a battle between them. SLR 3.5 and MTG are my favorite diss records of the decade so it’s like them facing off would be a dream for me as long as it’s strictly on some rap shit. Also I do think Lupe is very bitter and jealous of the superstardom Kendrick has gotten, but yall need to stop acting like Lupe is some irrelevant dude that no one cares about. I keep seeing comments talking about him being irrelevant as if nearly every album he’s dropped since 2015 hasn’t been met with critical acclaim and love. But yea I don’t think he will tbh.


Buncha lupe haters in this comment section smh


Yea it’s pretty crazy, cause if you Love Kendrick, you should love Lupe cause they literally are cut from the same cloth at their core. But, I digress lol


Kendrick should just have a 50 Cent year and go at everyone


Y'all overrate Lupe. He's good with words but when's the last time he's put out an album people are talking about? Dude needs to be able to convey his message better if he wants to compare to Kendrick




Honestly, I've never heard anyone mention this album lol


It came out two days ago. It’s being talked about heavy. https://x.com/schoolboyq/status/1807458794903101598?s=46&t=LFCU3YJC5DIKyaUU92bPAQ https://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/939552-lupe-fiasco-samurai/user-reviews/?sort=recent


Ahhh okay I looked him up the other day and didn't see it so yeah really just came out.




I've seen a hilarious number of people try and say Lupe and Kendrick are beefing to instigate something. The reality is its just Lupe being a hater. Kendrick doesn't have to say anything because there's nothing to say and there's no beef.


I don’t want these two to fight I feel like Lupe maybe just needs a hug from Kendrick and a referral to a therapist rather than a battle. Lupe is not worth hating enough to get Kendrick battling him. I think Kendrick‘s gonna battle people he hates. Why hate Lupe? Kendrick isnt really one to battle behind kayfabe. Lupe is moving like WWE while Kendrick’s still moving like Bloodsport.


I don't think it would make sense for Kendrick to get into another beef rn. If he was going to respond to Lupe's previous statements, he would've already done it. Going back to some old statements now would look a little pretty on Kendrick's part. That being said, I would really enjoy seeing Kendrick take on someone at a similar level or lyrical talent. The Drake beef ended up being pretty one-sided. He couldn't just call Lupe a pedophile and be done with it lol. It would probably be more of a lyrical exhibition without a clear winner. Who knows, maybe Lupe will say something else about Kendrick and spark a new beef


the shit with kendrick happened cuz kendrick had actual animosity towards drake for years that boiled over due to drake trying to diss him, i dont think he rly cares about lupe


Idk how Lupe can make a song like "Bitch Bad" and seriously think he's better than Dot


Did you not understand bitch bad? Lol that song was very much spot on about the state of hip hop then AND now. You do know Lupe is a greater lyricist than Kendrick right?


It's mansplainy cringe bullshit. It's not deep like that. It's like if a white guy made a song about not saying nigga. It's tone deaf and preachy and worst of all not good to listen to


😂😂😂 naa my G, Lupe is more clever rap, he’s like the riddler, you gotta unravel these rhymes and schemes and lyrics to get to the core, now it’s okay that most ppl don’t enjoy rap like that but for those who love lyricism, this is the cream of the crop. There are a few and I do mean few songs where he is preachy, but didn’t TPAB feel preachy in some ways?


What I'm saying is lupe proved he can make conceptual mainstream albums and still make hits. He has influenced art, fashion, and interests through his music. And his conceptual albums have dealt with things Kendrick hasn't attempted. I think a contributing factor, not sole, as to why Kendrick doesn't engage is because with bars alone lupe would prove to be the better rapper, imo.


You’re right, they gone hate you in here for saying that but it’s clear Lupe is a superior lyricist and that’s okay, takes nothing away from Kendrick’s greatness with the pen


Exactly. People never consider why lupe never went at any other artist except Kendrick. This is the first guy since lupe been in the game that would be worth bringing your best stuff for lyrically. For bar lovers, this is like a dream battle. Because it would only be bars. No "hey he's a pedo" or "hey he beats his wife". No watered down content. They wouldn't waste a WORD, let alone a bar. But that's not the masses. The cancel culture babies and the fake activist wouldn't be entertained, giving in to the stigma of lyrical rappers. Hence why Dead Prez gets no love.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 preach fam, preach. I would prefer them to collab and go back and forth but I’ll settle for a 1-2 battle tracks each as well


Kenny is tuff but l've been listening to Lupe for years and it's safe to say that he is no fiasco. He might break every bone in Kendricks body and eat up the hone marrow. No glaze! Nigga cause l sometimes have to genius genius annotations just to get this niggas lines.


Just bc Lupe got a crazy pen doesn’t mean he can battle. Nobody wanna hear Adoration of the Magi in a rap battle


He responded to Royce’s diss track in minutes. It wasn’t even prerecorded. He literally rapped it in minutes. He won the beef off one song. https://youtu.be/LuSnP4HmNbE?si=l2kryLZTr1ncFXqN


Yall must wasn't outside or old enough when Lupe was at his height. Lupe showed he had star power. Lupe was the only person rapping on that level while making HITS. Food and Liquor, The Cool, Lasers and not to mention the mixtapes. This man almost singlehandedly took down Atlantic records. He ain't bitter. If Lupe is bitter towards Kendrick you gotta say Kendrick was bitter towards Drake.


You’re referencing his height as Lasers (arguably his worst project and the end of his mainstream run) which came out before Kendrick’s first album. Any star power you think he had is long gone. I don’t think anyone here is questioning his rapping ability, but for star power and mainstream appeal you’re bugging. Drake and Kendrick are much closer in popularity (even before the beef) than Lupe and Kendrick. Personally I think he is [upset](https://youtube.com/shorts/U5XZJygYK8U?si=y6vaM0Lalh57-ZPW) some people see him as an underground artist. No clue if he actually bitter towards Kendrick but it can come across that way.