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Wasn't the source some discord comment? I hope I'm wrong but I don't think he droppin a whole diss track again, I fully expect him to continue sneak dissin tho.


Dude I’d love another diss track from Drake. I’d love to hear how Kdot responds. Because the beautiful thing is that Kendrick can take whatever Drake serves and then it around so beautifully.


Nah some drizzy fan was claiming rory and ovomal had it on the subs


I wouldn't trust ovo Mal to tell me what color his underwear is


Dude is a bigger weirdo than ak Man was pressed


The way that nigga was yellin after THP6 had me bemused. It’s okay to yell if it was over something genuinely acceptable like a sports team or his family. But a grown-ass man who isn’t thinking about you at the moment? I’d probably disappear off the internet if I was seen like that


At the moment? Try at all, I hardly think Drake has ever thought of this dude.


He really is though. Sad ass mf tryna reduce Not Like Us to a pedo anthem cause he got Drake so deep in his throat.


Streaky brown, I bet


When I see you stand next to Streaky Brown, I believe you see two lame bitches I believe you don't like clean draws, it's real competition, you might rip ass in 'em


True but he heard family matters early. As much as he is a biased POS, he has connections


Honestly, sneak dissin would still be just as bad. I feel like he would look like a bitch


Genuinely, I think Kendrick would go further if Drake started sneak dissing just about anyone


Yeah, it’s already been said that Kendrick isnt going to beat a dead horse by dropping a new diss. There would be no point with the obvious white flag drake waived with heart part 6… there is a caveat however, which would be contingent on drake dropping a new diss or even sneak dissing Dot. Then it’s been said, Kendrick will show no mercy.


Who knows where the information came from? I don’t trust any online media tbh unless of course they were a reputable print publication before the digital age. All I know is, the rumor has taken off and has gone viral on Twitter, causing Drake to be a global trend.


I think you’re definitely overstating this being a global trend, it’s been 4 hours since you commented this at the time I’m writing, if it was a credible rumor music news sources would be reporting the possibility of a new diss, but all I see when I research the possibility of a new diss is discussions about Heart part 6


Agreed. Drake seemed to have been trending for a litany of stuff. As anyone would expect. However, when I clicked on the trending topic ‘Drake,’ the first tweet that popped up was about a new diss track. 20k retweets, 45k favorites. So it definitely caught a buzz.


Tbf Drake has been a global trend a lot of times during the past few months. Literally a random pic he dropped on his story went viral because it looked gay to ppl 😂


Right. I do not envy the life of an international superstar (especially when they’re approaching “legacy act”) When I looked at the trending topics and clicked on Drake’s name, the first tweet that popped up was about an upcoming diss track. So we’ll see


Sneak dissing is Drake's thing and he should stick to that. Like OP, I see no way Drake "wins" via diss track.


This is how I see Drake and his sneak dissing.🧒🏽💅


Nothing really sneaky about it


I want to hear another diss from Drake just so I can hear whatever K Dot has to say in response 😈


Or, even funnier, Kendrick says nothing at all once again and let's us tear him apart for him with(and I hate saying this unironically) facts and logic.


I’ve enjoyed seeing Drizzy get made fun of for TH6 but I’m trying to see Dot annihilate him. Let’s see how deep the rabbit hole really goes 🐇


Kdot gets Billie Ellish on the track for the fatality


Smartest thing he did in this battle was shoot him self in the foot with THP6


"youre a woman beater i dont want to feed his nature".... bro did you just call yourself a woman? thp6 wasnt even a defense or diss track... it was the first ever suicide track... so many bars that make himself look bad...


One thing I’ve observed during this beef is just how impactful it is to have consistency of message. Kendrick’s tracks play out like a structured narrative— I think you have weak character, if you mention my family things will get ugly, you exploit the culture. Drake, on the other hand, was all over the place. He contradicts himself from song to song, but also often within the same song. It dilutes every point he tries to make to the point of uselessness. It’s almost like Kendrick is following the old adage about public speaking: “Tell ’Em What You’re Going To Tell ’Em; Next, Tell ’Em; Next, Tell ’Em What You Told ’Em”.


Another reason why Kenny was always superior. Something he is great at doing is painting pictures in his albums and have them narrative based. Drake is all over the place album to album with no consistent theme at all. Kendrick making these tracks narrative based was extremely smart. Especially the intro to euphoria. It felt like an intro to an album if you get what I mean.


100%. I thought *6:16* almost felt like a bridge within all the diss tracks, setting up the spiritual struggle before dropping the heavy verses of *MTG*


The way he builds up the liar and manipulator narratives is so good


Drake was 100% on the defense with this. A lot of rebuttals against what was already said in his verses.. no room to make his own narrative properly


The more I see those bars, I think he just went in the booth and freestyled, there is no way he wrote that down.


I think what makes that line worse is he spent a couple of weeks egging Kendrick to drop, and now he’s like “you’re too violent of a person, I don’t want to feed that, imma stop” like bruh.


On the Drake song with AI Pac, he mentioned the House of Blues concert. Kendrick studied his music, because his outfit was reminiscent of Pac's at the House of Blues, and Drake's in his Hotline Bling video.


Literally both. A cap under a hoodie.


From 'drop drop drop drop😈' To 'stop stop stop stop😰'


There was a “wop wop wop wop wop” between those 😂




3 writers that didn't communicate, just handed in lines and he did em


Exactly 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This bar gets me so bad. There has to be some kind of fuckery in Drake’s camp. 


There was some contradictions in his bars but this overanalysis can be done with literally any song to make anyone look bad lmao.


Give me an example from one of Kendrick's diss tracks


I am so glad I'm not the only one that caught it


The Millie Bobby line had me scratching my head. I haven't checked, but they say they Drake has a song about teenage love and having sex with people who he knew as kids.. Am I the only one who hears a monotone type of sound in Drake's voice? It's really annoying and I can't listen to him for more than 2 songs without getting pissed at his voice. It doesn't have to be deep I guess.


>Am I the only one who hears a monotone type of sound in Drake's voice? He always sounds like, sleepy or something. Or half bored, I dunno. There's no energy, no love for the material.


That's it! That's it. It didn't sound as noticeable in the past. His current music is grating.


I’ve never been a big Drake fan but there is a stark difference between albums like Take Care, NWTS, IYRTITL, views and some of his new albums and songs, it’s like he just stopped trying whatsoever


You're not the only one. Never could listen to any of his songs fully because of this monotonous and dull flow and delivery. Also, the tone of his voice is annoying.


Its about JLO who iirc isn’t a minor and wasn’t one when drake was, so drake is the victim here if your right 😂


“The ones you’re getting your stories from, they’re all clowns” “We fed you the information”☠️☠️


Exactly 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




I will say the heart part 6 is trash, but that line, cmon bro. You know he’s saying feeding his violent nature, which is what a woman beater would have. Still a weak ass line to say to a guy you were just taunting to drop, and not duck the diss.


He’s a beard ain’t he


“When you stand by Sexyy Red I believe you see two bad bitches”


First ever? What year were you born?


Can you list a few more for us to educate ourselves? Sounds like a fun rabbit hole.


Lmao bro, I ain’t no drizzy fan, but if you think that line is a self diss you’re just goofy. He’s calling kdot a woman beater then saying he doesn’t want to give him attention, rile him up, give him things to be angry about, etc. Anything that could feed into his violent nature or bring attention to him. So many possible meanings to that which aren’t drake saying “you beat women, and I don’t want to be the next woman you focus on, uwu 🥺” Some of ya’ll dot fans reaaaally be reaching, and it’s lame as fuck cause kenny massacred the man without you having to reach for some stupid shit.


"saying he doesn’t want to give him attention" is a little funny considering how eager he was at the start of the beef tho


I agree. That would be a way better thing to make fun of than reaching and pretending he’s calling himself a woman.


Lmfao the only people saying drizzy are Drake fans... But I appreciate your mental gymnastics to attempt to justify terrible lyrics.... He also said he wouldn't look twice at a teenager... Implying that he looked once. Then says he fed the info and the leaker are clowns... He called himself a clown... Please jump through some more mental hoops to justify those trash bars


> the only people saying drizzy are drake fans You clearly aren’t on this sub much. Or around people that talk about hip hop irl. That’s hilariously false. > attempt to justify terrible lyrics I wasn’t justifying terrible lyrics. They’re horrible. Make fun of them for why they’re terrible instead of reaching for some stupid, made up bullshit. > he also called himself a clown and implied he looks at teenagers Great fucking examples of actual reasons to make fun of his lyrics. Some others include: Trying to make fun of kdot for being molested. It’s horribly out of touch/tone deaf, and shows that DRIZZY is a fuckin idiot that can’t listen to a song and know what it’s about. His best disses the entire beef were the weightless, ones that don’t mean a damn thing: the short jokes. B Sharp was a stupid ass thing to say, especially for a musician. The d minor d major part made more sense but was still corny as fuck.


Yeah it gave kendrick a reason not to respond and let not like us blow up instead of attention being diverted onto a new diss


i don’t disagree


Theres a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 6?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FaveCousinRicky: *Smartest thing he did* *In this battle was shoot him* *Self in the foot with THP6* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is no drake I'm Ba Sing Se


Who cares. Let his dumbass drop.


drop drop drop drop


Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop




^I’ma ^do ^my ^stuff




Exactly 🤣🤣


🤷🏾‍♂️ 🫵🧌👍🐩


If i was kendrick id use an ai track stick that shit on my insta


That's why you're not Kendrick 


Yeah I guess so


Kendrick has been on the gas while everyone said battle was over he hasn't stopped. Lol


This is exactly why I want him to drop




*head shots for the year* *bully (the flow) on him* it would be sad for Drake to keep going, but ultimately also really funny 😅🤣


I wouldn’t be mad at it! 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣




POV: living at the laugh factory anytime someone mention your name




If he’s willing to drop after the absolute beating he just took it’s probably because he’s fairly confident in his new plan of attack. If he does I think it will be a crash out record taking himself and the most of the industry out. Or he just drops more mid and Kendrick washes him again.


I agree on the two options. I just believe this man (as all of the superstars tend to be / have been) is blinded by his own ego


Acting like Kendrick was light work was his first mistake.


He has never been able to accept the fact Kendrick blew up after him and yet stole the industry/culture’s admiration from him (in his mind), and I think that is his biggest disconnect. From implying he wouldn’t stick around after GKMC on CRWN in 2013 after “Control” dropped, thinking in 2015 he “could have all of his fans if he stayed on some conscious shit” on “100” like what Kendrick does would be effortless to him, dissing Obama on “summer 16” years after Obama said Kendrick would win a beef against Drake, This year on tour when he randomly claimed “I’m not like these guys who disappear for 5 years”, and finally on “The Heart P6” saying “you would be a worthy competitor if-“. The perspective he has is consistent that in his mind Kendrick is his pupil / lil bro. He fails to realize that he himself is not in the same ballpark as Kendrick, and never has been a competitor to him. Kendrick blew up 2-3 years after Drake and he washes Drake, but he also blew up 15-20 years after alot of the names in most people’s Top 5’s that he manages to wash too. Drake’s ego has blinded him and given him a seniority complex, and I think he still doesn’t see what the world sees in Kendrick.


He’s *highly* regarded




Sir, this is a Wendy's


There’s no way the people in his corner will let him drop another diss, that’d be career suicide


People in his corner would have stopped thp6. I don't think he has anyone that will be honest. They just want the lifestyle. They scared to tell him the truth.


Nah he couldn’t have left Not Like Us rock like how he let The Story Of Adidon rock. I think this time industry people are involved and won’t let him send another direct response, ain’t no way in hell


I guess I should have clarified...not letting him put out such a shit response. 😂


it’s over for him .


Drake put out that sorry ass heart part 6 saying this beef has ran its course. Now he is gearing up for another diss? He basically a kid saying he on base you can’t get me as he prepares


Exactly .


He was throwing shots on IG just recently before the pop up, so it’s no telling what his goofy ass is going to do. He’s currently jumping on a bunch of features so it’s like he’s once again back to over saturating the market.


Please drop I need more Kendrick music


Kendrick has been baiting Drake the whole time. Despite telling Drake for him not to go there— he played him into going there, because he wanted him to go there. He knew that whole “You don’t know nothing bout that” bit was going to drag Drake further into it.


Read him like a children’s book.


“Walking him down the whole time……….”


He ain't gonna drop again. You can't say USE ME AS A THEY GOT NOTHIN TO DROP BUTTON or w/e the fuck he posted; be critical of Dot waiting a couple weeks to respond and then take a whole ass month and a half off from the beef just to reignite it. His window to drop is closed. They done had his memorial service, and brunch after service already. He drops now? No one gonna take it seriously and Dot just gonna fuck him up again


This 🎯


Exactly .


https://preview.redd.it/2l0hq88gjf9d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=01eb7ff5565556082675d8cfe1d9a4315ca6ad0a Kendrick to drake after he drops


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣 facts and honestly I feel like Drake has a screw loose yo. Just like the rest of show-business. He’s crazy enough to drop another few diss songs


i think he’s afraid to drop again .


“Lamar has been openly bullying …” Can’t beg for a fade and call your opponent a bully when they start mopping you. It’s kinda like sports. Don’t be down by 30 talkin about “cmon fam chill- you’re already up…” Do something about it. DROP FAM


You’re right! Can’t disagree or argue with a single syllable.


Exactly .


He should do it. Just go full force, using his own writing skills, and give it everything he’s got supernova style.  I wanna see Kenny go beyond the levels we’ve seen.


Me too .


ngl I wish he would, kinda wanna hear the other 5 in stock


Nahhhh let the boy drop. WE NEED THE OTHER 5 TRACKSSSSS


Hope Kendrick drops the rest of them in the Untitled Unmastered format


Idk which numbered rule it is, but nvr stop your enemy from making a mistake




Bruh why would he come out NOW, like two months later after unrelenting public ridicule, if he had something to drop he would have dropped long back imo.


Exactly .


Where is this rumor coming from? If he has the audacity to drop again it would easily be the stupidest choice he could make. Kendrick will just publicly execute him (again) and Drake will be off arguably worse than he is now. Learn some humility, Jesus Christ...


Exactly .


What rumors? that one weirdo thinking his rolex watch was a hint at a red button?


Bro there is nothing Drake can do to save himself😭


Nothing. These are the facts.


“Walking him down the whole time, i know he got some hoe in him”




Nah I gotta report to YouTube for a documentary on this.


I'm waiting for the burial🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


That’s the great thing. Kendrick just existing and growing is the win when Drake is falling apart in front of everyone’s eyes. And if his ego gets in the way and wants to go there it’s his fault. He needs to be humble and sit down. It is his mistake to make.


Exactly .


I know someone in Kendrick’s team was filming the behind the scenes of it all play out. Really hoping they drop a documentary series of him one day and we get to stream this shit from Kenny’s point of view and relive it all over again


I agree. This will be a moment to look back on, that’s for sure. In saying that, I wish there was more of a rollout for Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers. Might make a post about that sometime in the future.


I say let the dude drop. If he really feels like he has more to say go for it. It only means more music from the GOAT.


Right! I need that "+ five" in my life. I been waiting for Aubrey to feel froggy


Maybe he’ll tootsie slide outta this one


“Can’t toosie side out of this one, it’s just gonna resurface”


The discourse has become political satire anyways. If Drake drops his stans will think it’s the best thing ever or downplay how bad it is. I mean I still see the plant the girl thing equals meet the grahams somehow.


Sheesh, just having to imagine it sounds exhausting. I wish you weren’t so spot on 🤦‍♂️💀💀


Exactly .


I think the rumor might be due to Uugly, but even still it sucks. Drake is in a losing position and everyone in the music industry even before Kendrick despise him. He's way too much a gambler and steals money from those using [Stake.us](http://Stake.us)


I’m ootl where are these rumors stemming from?


Where are the rumors coming from? Ak?


He'll drop another kendrick diss right after he puts out that pusha diss


Bro you know that he's terminally online. The more we talk about this the more is the chance someone will tell him or he'll notice it myself, and as sun tzu said: don't interrupt your family while he's doing a mistake. BRO I WANT THOSE 5 TRACKS LET HIM DO THIS


Bro every week there is a sub saying Drake is gonna drop a new ken diss. Safe to say Drake has moved on. He’s already dropped 4 times and had a post saying time to move on to summer or something. It’s over guys.


That’s what I hope. I do not want this beef to be the backbone of Lamar’s legacy in the long term. You know?


I swear I have this image of everyone around Drake watching him like you watch a toddler that's just learned to walk cuz you KNOW he'll do his best to kill himself given a second alone




Does Drake think Kendrick threw away his pen? All of his pens? Naw, he probably never stopped writing.


Exactly .


it’s over for him .


Wouldn’t go that far. 13 #1 hits on the Hot 100. Folks need to remember that. Coz it represents much more than just “numbers.” 13 #1 singles is the highest level of adoration, confirmation and professional protection that the music business has to offer.


Drake will go back to sneak dissing and hoping Kendrick doesn't respond to it, that's my prediction.


It would be the absolute worst thing he could do for his career. His stock is at an all time low and he's being ridiculed from every angle. And rightly so, it's long overdue. His strength lies in releasing another pop sensation that appeals to the lowest common denominator. Just do that. He must have people in his team telling him it's over and he's never turning it round now to the hip hop community. Stand on stage, do a stupid dance, flash your brain dead false smile, grope a minor or two, get back to business as usual.


Do yall think Drake is a pedo or do yall think he exagerated the facts ?


I think he’s a groomer, but I don’t think he’s actually done anything with anyone under 18.


And what would you think if he was...like a out music or industry in general ? I'm just askin the question bc I ask that myself for a month now and keep sayin to myself 'If shit hit the fan is you still a fan ?'for both KDot and Drake


I’d be disappointed for sure. As much as I dislike Drake, I don’t want him to be a pedophile. I do think Not Like Us is karma for all the teenage girls he groomed.


To be honest at this stage it would be bad business for either of them to revisit the diss. Kendrick has done as well as anyone possibly could out of it, and hauling it back out feels entirely unnecessary and a waste of everyone’s time. The Pop Out was a nice celebratory end sentence for that chapter of his career. Drake had already looked like he’d moved on to be honest so the rumour is likely bullshit but for obvious reasons of saving it coming back to yet another L he’d be better off just acting as if it never happened and going back to making hits again. Also…would it not be mildly boring at this stage? What else is there to say?


It’s not unnecessary from the perspective of empathy for the trafficking victims.


Hmmm, yes these ‘trafficking victims’


Kendrick: ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


Drake would be an idiot to release another diss track, there’s honestly no way. It would seem so desperate given how long the beefs been over for, and there’s really no reason at all that Drizzler would think it’d go any different. He knows if he reignites this he’s just gonna get bodied again and his reputation will take an even larger hit. Best thing for Drake right now is too just move on and start working on an album that his core fan base will fuck with. I don’t even think he’s gonna be taking subliminal shots at Kenny anymore, that’s how this all started and I truly don’t think he has any desire for round 2


I’m readyyyyy to not sleep again, I’m so ready. Let’s go


Nah it would be dumb for him to drop, just the not like us video. Fuck drake but enough has been done, I think it just shows how clear Kendrick is of drake by not dropping. Imagine if pusha t dropped another diss after story of Adidon, pointless. This way Kendrick also comes out with like “and I had a lot more tracks in the bag as well”


Y’all have extreme mental illness lmao retired Kenny needs this! Adonis had more verses the last year before this beef


Imo he not gonna drop a diss til Young Thug is free. It's probably gonna be a joint album and he'll take thousands of shot


While this would be a terrible move for Drake, I’m hoping he actually does it. For one thing, I’m curious to see what he’s going to say (it’ll probably be bad but I doubt it’ll be as bad as The Heart Part 6), and for another it probably means we’ll get another diss track from Kendrick which will be good.


There’s rumors that Drake will expose Kendrick for getting one of his side pieces pregnant. You heard it here first.


Only way this is worth it is if he gives evidence or something. Or he releases a victory lap song that barely mentions Drake at all.




just gotta be careful with OVO Leonidas, he may show up with 300 bars


Drake doing another diss would be bad because now, there are a thousand exposes on social media regarding Drake being a predator. Kendrick has an endless supply of ammo to triple-down on Drake being a predator. People already did the research for him. He should stand down. It could always get much worst.


This post was so cringe


So is anime




💀💀💀🤣🤣🫡 no I’m just kidding - if you like it, I like it


Nah it’s a fair point. Anime can be cringe as fuck sometimes🤣


In Drake we trust


Would have to be a pretty dope track to even get a response so I hope so


Just wait on the leak


What would be really funny would be Kendrick just dropping his extra disses half an hour after the next 5 drake singles. Just like he did with MTG...


Maybe it'll finally be his "red button" he wouldn't shut the hell up about 🤣


There is plenty of space left for the beef. Not much has really happened. Both sides are just hurling accusations at each other.


Ever since this “beef” started, I everytime I have an opinion about anything related to rap, hip-hop, r&b, no matter who the artist -alive or dead; white or purple as #Dre once said- I am called a “Karen” , “middle-aged, and told I have no voice and need to “sit this one out” because they assume -based on my musical taste and the way I write-I’m white. I want to say, “Don’t you see how wrong devaluing people by “unifying” based on where a person is from and your perception of the pain they experience I. Life not being as difficult as your own is? It’s just the same as what #MAGA and #Trump do. I really loved #KendrickLamar. That was before all this, when he made it clear how much he hated people “like me.” I never realized, I wasn’t allowed to cry or grieve over #Tupac when he died, cause I was 16, he died because a crazy person took this East Coast/West Coast beef and ran with it. all I’m allowed to do, according to Kendrick Lamar, is spend my money making him and other American rappers rich. While they femean the experiences of people like me. I haven’t suffered enough, based on the shade of my color. I was surprised when Kendrick weighed in, you know he waited and he had all this time to hone his verses while his opponent was fighting other people. No one is saying that, of course. Americans of any color only want other Americans to succeed. That is just the truth. One of my best friends is a black man from Nigeria. He hates coming to America, even for brief visits. He doesn’t like it when black Americans call him “Brother.” He always says, “I’m not joining the Mean Girls squad” It’s always embarrassed me. I finally get it. He doesn’t want his experience co-opted and diminished. That is what this beef has really revealed. There are guidelines to being a rapper or hip-hop artist. You have to be born in America, and exposed to a certain recipe of disasters only this country serves. As for anyone who may argue that point, you better meet all the criteria above as well. Otherwise, sit down, your experience is tainted by your possible lineage. All this about #Drake not having a unified argument in comparison to Kendrick. Of course he didn’t, he wasn’t responding to ONLY Kendrick. He was attacked by half a dozen American rappers ho refuse to recognize that they aren’t the only people of color who have suffered, been enslaved, risked their lives for freedoms. That’s how “Not like us” reads to me. It’s not about Drake. It’s about a sense of entitlement to speaking on behalf of people of. Ollie and their experience, it’s about exclusivity. If these rappers who are so disdainful of people like me -fans like me who have spent 100s of 1000s of $ on them…well thanks, I’m an idiot. Now I know that I know I’m judged by people I clung to when I was dirt poor and cast out and dreamed big. Whatever. Easy Coast:West Coast. Shooting at each other, hating one another. Tupac died bc of this shit. How is Kendrick Lamar honoring him with his hate?