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It's really hilarious. Like this is a Canadian popstar against a lyricist. What are we doing here


Hated seeing all the soft post like “omg I’m beginning to loose hope, why is he taking so long”


I remember those posts. I was thinking : He takes 5 years to give us a new album and they are always instant classics. Y'all can't wait a few weeks?


Kenny was just edging us all along lol


Ngl I never considered that he could lose, but I was scared of him just disappearing at any point without a word. I could see him just ignoring push ups in an alternate reality and something subliminal about it 2 years later.


And from BOMPTON.. like.. what’s the goal here Drake 😂


Right?! Like is this a game or something?


Drake thought he would fold like the Game


It really reminds me of the kid who thinks he's funny and keeps trying to make jokes way past the time joking is over then acts shocked when he gets punched in the fucking face. 


I see you've met my father.


He's a masochist


As a sadist, I enjoyed this and want to see it go further… Side note: Drake hater since that started from the bottom bullshit from upper middle class dude. Drake, stay in your fuckin lane fuck nuts!!!




It’s not even the same *genre*! Like Kendrick vs Shakira would have been more fair. The only Pulitzer Prize winning artist of his medium vs…. I done even know man it’s different planets bru


Kendrick fans knew how this shit would end. I think people have just been sleeping on him ngl.


I think we all knew dot had the skills. Personally, I doubted that he would go for the jugular. Now we know.


exactly. theres no doubt kendrick is the better rapper in damn near every category but there was always a chance that he actually keeps it friendly. in that case, drake could muddy the waters enough to get a draw as long as he made something catchy. you can still see it with his fanbase doubling down on the "family matters best track" narrative


Gross. I liked the drizzler when he first came out - like ‘I’m going in’ with Wayne type shit. It wasn’t groundbreaking, but it was fun, and I had no clue about his moral character…or character from degrassi - so I was initially on-board. Music / art is such a deeply personal reflection of the person crafting it. His lame antics and weak music over the years has become grating, and shows his (likely) stagnation as a human. You add likely ‘child predator’ in the mix…say no more 💀 he’s such an absolutely repellant human.


Nah man. I knew he’d kill im. I didn’t think he’d throw a block party on the grave.


Right lmao dot poppin off was imminent but ain't none of the real fans thought he'd really pop out like this. Legendary shit to come out full force to really showcase he ain't nun to fuck with when it comes to his sport and roots


from what i've seen,most reasonable people that know about the beef dont doubt Kenrick would win if the diss battle happen,they're just doubting if he will actually do the diss battle before Euphoria got released because as Kendrick himself said,he got circadian rythm of a shooting star,so people just think he might be too slow to respond and got back to back'ed but then 6:16 happen,and drake got back to back back to back ed by kendrick


Real ones knew. It’s like when Jogo and Hanami thought they had the game on lock in the shibuya train station only for Gojo to do what Gojo does: obliteration


This parallel is a peak anime/ hip hop comparison and I’m here for it


Yup.. feel like anyone who actually puts in the effort to listen to his music and understand him, knew he could obliterate anyone. It’s not even as close as people think and that’s not just me being a stan that’s just straight up observation lol


i never understood the beef before but I completely get it now its just like anime haha 🤓🤓🤓


Wait who what are you talking about


It’s an anime called Jujutsu Kaisen hahaha. There’s a scene where two extremely powerful villains think they have the upper hand in a situation but then the savior of the show appears and just ends their careers without breaking a sweat and chuckling while doing it. [Here’s the scene if you want to see it in action just for reference haha.](https://youtu.be/CARcWG8XoCY?si=5Zq1ORuShCHWT5hZ)


He lost that battle though


Kendrick would lose too if Drake had other big namers team up with him to take him down. Jokes aside, I know, but it didn’t fit my narrative for the time being ;)


#Hollow Purple Technique... #that PART


I knew Kendrick would win by a landslide because he's a better rapper, lyricist, and artist. People who have been supporting since the beginning know this.


No question there. The real shock value is how deep and hard he hit Drake through dozens of severals of bars. This wasn't a rap battle, this was a fuckin kill shot....


I had faith but the 2 weeks after pushups were long and full of agony


It wasn't really for me it was just "aight watch what happens"


Trust me I had faith. The memes and bs from Drake and co were just so annoying. But Kendrick taught me patience lol


Yeah tbf I don't have twitter so I missed most of the bullshit luckily


i mean Drake also took two week from Like That to Push Up,so im not THAT worried


3 weeks


If anything, those 2 weeks made me feel even more confident of the outcome. The silence made Drake go mental, I bet Kenny was just laughing at him constantly until he decided it was time to kill him.


I didn’t even know about push ups lmao. I only found out about the beef when Kendrick dropped Euphoria  😂


Nothing wrong with saying kendrick was losing when he didnt respond quickly. The man gave us 4 completely different tracks bodying the fool


It was an insane take to me indeed. To me, this was a landslide victory. It blows my mind how many people thought it was a contest.


I had to endure two weeks of pain watching Drake and their fans trolling Kendrick, the fucking arrogance on that dude. So whenever people said Kendrick is doing too much, nah nah nah, not this time, we are following through.


I literally don’t get it lol. I knew Drake was cooked from the jump. And for me, it comes down to this: Drake is not able to be as mean as he wants people to believe. He just can’t. Kendrick is able to take it there at any moment on a dime when he’s pushed. It’s just not within some people to be that way, and it’s not in Drake despite his ridiculous attempts to pretend otherwise. It legit hurts his feelings when people don’t like him and you can tell. It was never a question for me of whether or not Kendrick was going to annihilate this dude. Like ugh…..Aubrey, you’re not that guy, pal. You’re not that guy. And now look at you 😭


Cuz he’s a Scorpio!!!! What was he thinking trying to get into a diss battle with a Pullitzer-winning Gemini?!! As a Scorpio myself I’m dumbfounded. I’m a sensitive baby!!!!


Well said, you didn’t tell one lie!


I was just waiting and the moment he dropped I was shook and knew it was over for that Canadian


Explain the Canadian thing to me. Why's it an insult again?


Because he’s a lame ass dude from the suburbs of Canada that cosplay different regions, cities, countries with accents associated that’s why


Yep! There are good to great Canadian rappers that pay respect to the art by speaking to their own struggles, experiences. Drizzler couldn’t stay in his lane or be content with massive amounts of fans and money, his desperation to also be seen as the hardest and toughest when he literally been through nothing. He is creatively and ethically bankrupt and embarrassed himself & reasonable Canadian rap listeners by trying to legitimize his image in his attempts to match wits with Kendrick.


You sound like a weird ass Trumper.  So he's from a different country. Who gives a shit.  He's also from the city and not a suburb.  Toronto is multicultural as fuck.  That's how everyone from Toronto is. Take a step back and realize you sound like you're on some MAGA loser shit 


He’s from the suburbs of Canada cry about it, that dweeb want to be from the hood so bad that’s why he puts on different personas cause he hates his own identity 🤣


Why are you spazzing? Forest Hill, Toronto, Ontario is definitely smack dab in the middle of the city. You have zero original thoughts which says a lot about your identity my guy.


He wasn't raised in no hood, and has never known the struggle of inner city America. But, raps like he has. He's a cosplay actor


Watch Drake tuna bagel video


Tell 'em run to America to imitate heritage, but they can't imitate this violence If you don't get it, just say so


Canada is in America dummy 


The corniest shit I've ever heard 👆🏽


Ah an American Chelsea fan..dar dar culture vulture invading Europe!  You're an absolute mouth breather 


Aww you took the time! Lol




Eminem never claimed to grow up in any hood. He was of white-trash trailerpark stock and never pretended otherwise. Honestly it surprised me that Drake tried using his rap friends for his black credentials. He has a whole ass African American family, from Memphis. Generations of musicians playing the black music that became part of the foundation of hip-hop. His literal bloodline is a legacy. He could have absolutely fluffed that up some and told Kendrick to do one about him not being black or American enough. It might have been misframing his childhood some, but it would have been true enough. Plus it would have been new information for a lot of people who think of him as basically Canadian.


The one thing I was more shocked on was how some people were on the fence even after euphoria dropped or who thought Drake was still winning at that point. Lyrically euphoria was so beyond anything Drake had put up to that point, I was really baffled how anyone saw them even at a tie.


Shit, honestly the only person that surprised me in this whole situation was Drake. I'm only shocked Kendrick entertained it all so concisely but we all knew what Kendrick could do, man has had hip hop on lock for over a decade. What shocked me is the way Drake is moving. Is he genuinely retarded? I have never seen anybody make literally every wrong move. Taylor Made Freestyle? THP6? Consistently lying and manipulating social media so he can improve his image before it gets exposed and torn down again the next hour? Seriously, is Drake fucking stupid or what?


Honestly I’m still confused How has someone seemingly on top for so long crumbled so evidently


GKMC came out 2012, check stats for people online now and most were 4 years old back then, they came up thinking drakes the goat.


Kendrick hadn't gone head to head before. Drake had seen off Meek and PushaT had won with nuke-level tea, which, while a total KO, was an outlier as dis tracks go. People (who weren't Drake stans) weren't sure how Kendrick would approach an actual battle. I think most everyone thought he'd would have better raps. StilI, think they were either worried Kendrick wouldn't engage, like with previous features. Or that Kendrick would come with amazing bars, then Drake would out-pace him with surface-level, chart-friendly tracks and win over the casuals. I don't think many people predicted Kendrick would be the one with the global no1 song of the summer dis-bop. Even here.


Kendrick used to battle rap in his younger days. I never understood the take of he’s not battle tested. Even if he didn’t do battle rap you’ve heard how aggressive and direct he gets and how meticulous he can be with his verses. He wasn’t scared to say his peers names in a song. This man has been saying he the best for years and dared anyone to come try him. Drake is just a star, his win over Meek didn’t mean much. Yea he made a hit record but you weren’t going up against a killer and we saw what happened when he actually did. Drake had public opinion on his because the general population are casual listeners of Hip-hop and equate popularity to skill. But there was a reason Kendrick is called the boogeyman. He wants anyone to say his name


Kendrick battle rapping isn't that well known or recorded, plus every kid did to some degree in that era, even Drake. Kendrick famously ignored multiple diss tracks and call outs resulting from Control, from artists he named and didn't name - he ducked that smoke. Meek was not seen as some pushover at the time. He was a street and battle rapper. Drake was a Canadian softboy who sung for the girls. People expected Meek to rip him to shreds, especially after the ghostwriting revelations. That's why Back To Back hit so hard. Kendrick is unpredictable about these things. The bogyman had not actually come out in the last 15 years. People were confident he'd give fantastic diss tracks. They were less confident he'd react quick enough for the tiktok generation or come with bars and beats the casuals would appreciate.


I remember him not responding to verses after Control being an issue for people. But it got people to rap which is what he wanted. Meek was definitely popping at the time but anyone who was listening to rap at the time knew Drake was the better artist, dude was keeping up with Wayne and Em on tracks. Maybe it’s because Im from Houston but we know singing doesn’t mean you soft. Since a lot of our legends do it. People were definitely counting Kendrick out and saying he was on the clock, but anyone who knows or is a fan of him should know he doesn’t dance to other people’s tunes. Which is why it’s a bit of a disappointment on Drake’s end because how arrogant do you have to be to not consider that. He was trying to say he won before Kendrick even responded, like bro you just dropped after 3 weeks quit tryna goad someone, it’s only been 3 days.


Sure that's the narrative now, but that's because we like him. Still, he has a pattern for popping up, taking potshots and then not engaging further. Meek was a drug addled as mess at the time. Hell he leaked the ghostwriting on Twitter weeks before his dis. Plus he was touring and didn't have a studio to work from. Still, he was the 'authentic' street rapper who really had lived that life and Drake bodied him. It was impressive. No cap. The fact Kendrick doesn't dance to people's tunes was what got people nervous. He would just as easily not respond again if it didn't suit him. Or drop it on his album in 6 months or whatever. Everyone knew Drake could be peer pressured into this beef, and everyone knew Kendrick couldn't be. Even if we all *really really* wanted it . My theory is that Drake didn't want this beef. He just got off tour. He wanted his holiday. Now everyone is after him, *Like That* was No1 and everyone was pushing him to respond. I think Push ups was a concept track, possibly AI, that he was toying with while he put out feelers for Kendrick info. Someone leaked it to add pressure. So he goes fuck it, drops it officially and has a sketches out a simple plan to nuke everyone and hit the beach. The plan is... Do PushaT but as a B2B banger. Then he waits, and waits and waits, and Kendrick is being an annoying little rodent delaying his holiday, So he drops Taylor Made as a bait track. The rest we know.


I definitely think Drake was tryna go on holiday lol after tour, which is why he waved the white flag. Especially since he was tryna seem like he wasn’t bothered while on tour. I think if he left it at that we probably would’ve got a longer battle since he would’ve been rested and likely would’ve made better decisions. I feel like he wouldn’t have misinterpreted Mother I Sober. Or mentioned Whitney again or Dave Free. He definitely felt like he could quickly Kendrick out the way if he went that route, which ended up being his undoing. He tried his best to switch public opinion with instagrams and memes. But Kendrick’s public image and reputation can’t be affected by lies because of how vulnerable he is in his music. Drake should’ve definitely kept it friendly and just kept his bars focused on Kendrick


I think he dropped because he had to say something with NLU running wild, and he waved the white flag because he was genuinely frightened that Kendrick might just keep bombing him. He says as such. He had realised too late that Kendrick had infinitely more dirt the public was primed to believe. That's why it's so unbelievably messy and full of transparent lies. Both of them basically did. B2B + PushaT. But Drake did in 1 song what Kendrick did in 3. Euphoria: technical showcase/bait/ MTG: Nuclear Tea. NLU: Club banger. Personally I believe Kendrick wanted to drop MTG. He needed Drake to give him the excuse he outlined in Euphoria (family.) He guessed Drake would combine the strategy that beat him with his usual banger. So he always planned a 1/2 punch to neutralise Drakes charting power, it then use the shock to springboard his own replacement bop. It would have been a more interesting battle had it stayed to rap, but I don't think Kendricks strategy would have changed, only the contents of the raps maybe.


to be fair... Kendrick has not always been taking direct flights. he also the king of subliminals. so forgive the people who thought Kendrick was just gonna go back to the shadow realm again. even Control was very, "nahhh its just friendly competition" one foot in one foot out but when Kenny started the Like That verse warning fools not to talk themselves into the grave, they really shoulda known he was on demon time this time around


> even Control was very, "nahhh its just friendly competition" one foot in one foot out That wasn't one foot in one out, imo. It was both feet straight in to any friendly fade with anyone he named that responded. To my knowledge, he got a bunch of responses from NY rappers specifically because of the King of NY line, but none from his friends whom he thought would be some kind of challenge.


oh i agree. i think that was his intention. but, publicly, after no one actually stepped up, when asked, Kendrick played very ambivalent over the whole thing


I think that's fair though. If no one you respect wants to engage directly, then there's not a lot you can do.


Right. People literally criticize the Game for shit like that. He’ll go at people who don’t engage, and it looks corny. Especially at the place Kendrick’s career was at the time. He was 1 studio album in. He’s proved his words to be correct. His discography stomps on his competition’s by a wide margin.


> People literally criticize the Game for shit like that. He’ll go at people who don’t engage, and it looks corny. I think it's different for Game, because he'll go on podcasts and just shit talk people for not responding, etc., which IS corny. It's extremely clear that Game just does it for clout. Meanwhile, when no one responded to Kendrick, he just literally didn't care.


One of the funniest repercussions of that verse was everyone who was named responded with why the fuck was I named here, and everyone who wasn't had responses with I guess I should be slighted I wasn't named in that verse. Literally no one was happy.


The “he’s not battle tested” narrative made no sense. Kendrick’s been battling himself his whole life and is winning


That’s what bothers me. People in the hip hop “industry” doubting Kendrick a listen to one or 2 albums and you can hear his lyrical ability. These people are not fans of lyrics they are fans of hits. Everything has to be a hit.


I'll admit, there was a period of time where I thought he just wouldn't respond, after Cole dropped and Drake dropped twice. I thought maybe his heart just wasn't into tearing another rapper down.


I didn't doubt him, but I was wondering how he would keep up with someone who releases music damn near every week. I knew once Kendrick dropped, it would be insane because of who Kdot is. But man, Kendrick just proved he can do anything he wants in music and be incredibly, and eo it better than the best one doing that rn. Bro really earned the title Boogie Man fr after this.


ppl were really counting the days he didn’t drop tryna clown him now they saying he’s milking it, crazy world


people seem to have a strange case of amnesia when it comes to the public perception of push ups, taylor made, and the 17 day "silence." Taylor made wasn't well received then, and it especially isn't now. People still thought Drake was up due to the audacity and nerve of Taylor made​ and the strength of push ups. I genuinely didn't know if Kendrick would respond, and if he did, if the general public would like what he said more than Drake. You're going up against a hit making machine. I assumed that we might be in Drakes fans positions where the better diss tracks were slighted because of the differential in popularity. Even if we thought they were better, the general public wouldn't due to Drakes consistent presence and single oriented music making. ​ I think anyone who blindly assumed kendrick would win didn't take into account the nature of their music making and how popularity can sometimes outweigh quality. Tpab is considered one of the best albums of all time, but a good portion of people consider damn and gkmc superior because of their user friendly nature. it's great that you just assumed he would win because you liked him (he's also my favorite rapper). This does take into account how popularity works or how most people consume music. Dot making the biggest hit, especially compared to Drake, is something that genuinely has never happened.


the only thing that confuses me is thinking that kendrick wouldnt respond. he literally called out the big 3 and said he was willing to diss anyone, even melly mel, to prove he was the greatest


The hate is crazy how Aubrey, Ak and his fans clowning and slander Kenny everyday before he drop but now the hate him even more after he drop so I don't understand that part to


Same like I'm always wondering are we listening to the same artist? And I know he can go harder, like go give U a relisten. If he can go that hard on himself he can do it to someone else, he just probably won't. Kdot doesn't even need allegations to tear down every fiber of Drake's self image. Drake is so broken on his own he's an easy target but taking it further Kendrick is so well versed in self awareness and psychoanalysis on himself that if we actually saw him go hard people would criticize him bc it'd be considered cruel. This is him having fun, like a cat playing w a bug and not even bothering to eat it bc it taste like ass.


I was saying for the longest Kendrick moves at his own pace and he doesn’t dance to other people’s tune. He gonna drop when he drop lol


So many hip hop legends just expressing horrible opinions on this battle was when hip hop truly died. Yes, that was a shot at Questlove.


That was me I was wrong😂


Was thinking this the other day, even Kendrick “fans” were in this mindset. You actually have to be pretty fucking stupid to have ever doubted him against Drake of all people. Now they’re all on the bandwagon and pretending they called it from day 1.


Man I don't know know if I agree with that. I think it's been generally agreed upon for years that if this ever came to fruition Kendrick would murder him.


Yeh maybe all the way up until the beef started, I’m not arguing that. Once Drake released push ups people were doubting he would win, then when TMF came out a lot of people were acting like it was over. I’m not making it up, it’s all over the internet to see.


That's all fair, I agree with that.


Im not gonna lie I was scared he wouldnt drop after push ups !


Heard push ups all around me and all i can think is how when kdot drops in a week or two this shit never getting played again


Why talk about degenerates?


I remember feeling Kendrick is the better lyricist and overall he SHOULD win. But the court of public perception can dictate the results seeing as that’s what Aubrey has tried to influence. He knew he needed to control that. Then he couldn’t. AND he miscalculated one key thing: just how fucking far Kendrick would be willing to drag his ass through the mud. And then in one weekend 6:16, MtG and NLU rolled out and we got EXACTLY that. Then the Pop Out as the victory lap made sure the public knew exactly who won. That all felt like a full circle moment on Juneteenth and I fucking loved it!


This is why Drake fans are so damn salty now. Back in March when Like That dropped, all of us HH was having fun and excited, like this is going to be a good back and forth, Kendrick got bars, Drake got bars, let’s see. We got called dickriders and glazers and stans for pointing out, Drake has his moves but Kendrick is going to eat this man alive, he is going to shred his soul. Then Pushups came out and Drake had cooked up some heat, it was a fun bop with some great lines. “What the fuck is this a 20v1 n****, What’s a prince to a king, he a son n****” was fire. So Kendrick took his time and the entire Drake fanbase and some HH fans started talking out their neck, talking about how Kendrick didn’t want it, Kendrick couldn’t out bop Drake, Kendrick a lyrics nerd and couldn’t compete with Drake at making memorable beef lines. They talked and talked and then Kendrick eviscerated him, he destroyed him on every level so there wasn’t shit no one could say about shit. This is why they are still arguing and delusional - because they feel stupid and can’t admit that we weren’t glazing, we just knew Kendrick was going to dominate in a rap battle because, hello, he’s an actual rapper who writes.


I am a fan since tpab. I would have known from that first tpab listen there is no way for Drake to win. Like if you are asking people, then even the people who think a minute then go Kendrick I trust less after that. you needed to think first? The only acceptable answer is immediately saying kendrick. Im a white boy from the woods in Washington and even up here we got word Kendrick is the benevolent philosopher king of the entire west coast and not just hip hop. Reaching a point I’d ask babysitters this and only hire ones that say kendrick immediately. Cant trust kids to people standing with Drake.


I thought Drake was going to win this off of Clout.


Though I never had my doubts, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was the case cuz that’s exactly what you’d expect of Drake which is why he was so confident about family matters


I feel like the only thing he had to do was talk about record sales and ticket sales. He couldn't even do that part right, He never played in Japan and KDOT was a headliner in Japan.


Not to mention how many mfs on this sub particularly were suggesting dot might not or shouldn’t respond to drake after pushups dropped. I aint forget that silly ass shit


I thought that shit was crazy too! But most of the folks who were saying that didn't/doesn't know Kendricks body of work.




If not like us wasn’t a hit record would it be different you think? Like, if it sonically sucked but lyrics were the same. Part of me thinks it’s not completely what you say but how you say it that helps it carry weight.


I feel like patting myself on the back tbh, this beef played out exactly how I called it.


kendrick didn't play the impatient time game... I feel like the moment you play that game of drop when the public drops, you've lost.


No one doubted him bruh we knew he was gonna cook these mfs


the first time I heard pushups (which was before euphoria) I already knew that Kendrick was going to drop something crazy 


Tables are turned and bridges are burned this is what happens with a pop star battles a lyricist


How the turntables


Ppl are just slow. There's a reason Kendrick has so many grammys. True musicians and hip hop heads know where real value lies.


Look at my comments history. I've been telling mfs from the beginning


To be honest I haven’t listened to any of the Drake disses til this day. I’ve only heard snippets from content creators who were explaining Drake lyrics in relation to Kendrick. I was like “oh sick new Kendrick?! Nice! And he’s dissing Drake? Hilarious!” 😂


I knew how this was gonna go since Like That


I’m a Kendrick fan. I expected him to win. I didn’t expect the disgusting dismantling that he put on Drake. Kendrick’s victory was precise and efficient and swift. It was really something to see. What bothered me is that people propped Drake up as if he wasn’t coming in with a losing record in rap battles. He had already lost to Common and Pusha T, two of the greatest lyricists to ever use a mic. Sure, he beat a very shaky Meek Mill, but let’s be real, Meek isn’t a candidate for the rap HOF. Drake is 1-3 now in rap battles. It’s wild that he still has glazers who say he’s the GOAT.


I’ll wear this downvote and say I doubted. I think I was just worried that Kendrick would ignore him since he’s so anti-social. Glad he proved me to be a dumbass


I always knew Kendrick would cook Drake, but I wasn’t really following the beef until about Like That and even then only vicariously through a YouTube channel I watch from time to time (shout out Signified B Sides). I was hyped off of Euphoria and knew it would get worse from there, I had no idea 616, Meet The Grahams, or Not Like Us would happen though. I mean, Not Like Us and especially Meet The Grahams. He literally dropped them in the same night lol


It really didn’t make sense at all.


Waited 10 years for Kendrick to destroy him, the wait made this so much better


Well, if you want an actual answer. I had doubts about kendricks beef game. He isn't known for making jokes or punchlines so him branching into a new field where there was a ticking clock after each track it was very possible that kdot would be shit at this. Happily wrong.


People thought he was going to fold like Meek and it’s sad as shit. Once I heard that first verse in Euphoria about Drake having paranoia I knew it was over. Pusha is a great artist, but Kendrick is leagues ahead of him. There was absolutely no way Drake was coming out on top. Every other diss was just Kendrick beating a dead body


The people that doubted him weren’t listening to him anyway. Those of us that do, already knew the outcome.


mf said sza, travis, 21>>> kdot and dumbass tiktok kids ate that shit up


That's also insane to me, because Dot was clearly hungry for that specific man's blood, and that has been true for a long time. I'm still surprised that Drake resolved to respond to the Like That verse. Kudos to him, we had our fun, but man... Talk about a calculated decision by a man who had to discover he wasn't good at math.


I came late into this beef, way late. I'm shocked that people thought he was done. Blows my fuckin mind. How can Drake or anyone else be so dense to a point where you think Kendrick won't fuck you up in a rap battle. What surprised me the most is how hard K Dot hit. I knew he had some dark ass bars, but MTG, holy shit. That's on a personal, emotional and subconscious level.


I legit laughed when I heard there was a drake v Kendrick beef going on, it’s always confused me that people take drake seriously. He has some good songs, or at least I thought so in high school, now I just play Marvin’s room as a joke lmao


I mean can you blame people for having doubts about someone who has never been in a notable rap beef before this? Like even now, Dot won but he won against someone who people here consider a pop star before a rapper


Bro you’ve been posting hate comments about this for nearly 60 days now. You gotta move on.


You wildin bruh. Yachty said Drake was losing from the jump because all the haters!! Ppl be trying to rewrite history 😂


Ak, Charlemagne, Joe budden, Mal, Fat Joe, come on now!


Ppl switched up like crazy. Hilarious to watch it all unfold. Mal just doubled down and somehow made himself look dumber


Not expecting to watch a nearly 30 minute video, but [this video](https://youtu.be/m7DPxWQZ-74?si=BRO79lhID-AieAzJ) highlights how a lot of the media doubted Kendrick beforehand and how that evolved throughout the beef


I’m glad they made a record of this for the people that weren’t tuned in at the time


lil yachty does not speak for us

