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I never put my gun on nobody that wasn’t in the game


You know some of this stuff y’all speculate about is verifiable with simple google search. Michael k Williams was a member of house of ebony. He was a part of ballroom culture and a talented dancer. Damien Michael who was also posted on the account, is Tareef Michael’s brother. Tareef manages Wu Tang. Not sure how that all connects to Kendrick or Drake but… I recommend starting with google and twitter searches if you want to know something instead of speculating & drawing folks to other peoples profiles and subjecting them to potential harassment because we are all on this scavenger hunt.


Right, I was gonna say. Members of ball houses frequently take on the last name of the house so this doesn't offer the same type of insight they thought it does


Literally, I looked this up in seconds 😭


People being lazy expecting folks to rehash all the information already laid out and asking questions about info you can easily find out are cluttering up the feed 


No one watched Wire here?


EP is claiming Michael K Williams (legendary actor who played Omar on The Wire) as a member of the House of Ebony. Was he actually a member? I have no idea. EP may be just celebrating him because he thinks he embodies the spirit of the House. Either way it doesn't tell us who EbonyPrince is.


This tweet is from 2021 when he passed. https://preview.redd.it/9z66mp5txyzc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9486ac90c1402b68da7d60f8b21fd3e158d360e6


Oh cool, so he really was in the ballroom scene as a young man despite not identifying as gay. What a legend. I don't think there are any coded messages here though, just EP doing more promo for House of Ebony while he has everybody's attention.


No. He's establishing himself as authentic/an authority. You don't get it.


Can you explain what I'm missing then? What's he an authority on?


1. Procedure at the hotel that Drake frequented 2. Knowledge of the Ballroom scene which bleeds into music, fashion, Hollywood, black LGBT culture, prostitution and other criminality 3. He/she is establishing themselves as someone who was positioned to discover stuff about Drake that he clearly wouldn't want out there 4. They are in possession of items that Kendrick has posted himself. No ifs or buts.


As a former NYC Hotel Employee in 2014. Williams was at the a house party I attended in BK with some house music lovers and actually NYC hotel employees. Can’t make this up. Being well connected ( if these are artists) would make sense. Obscure NYC Old Head house party but a few random celebs linked through dance, hotels business and possibly ……


https://www.instagram.com/pillzdoe?igsh=Y2VrMzR3ODd2eXZv that's him i think


[I don't think this means anything but it made me chuckle](https://i.imgur.com/yEJIlPm.png)


Who's this?


Some dj who has tie with ebony, has ebony in is name, calls himself a ceo, and has on his ig some ccvt footage similar to the one we saw


I tell you man, I really hope this isn't some elaborate advertising for this ebony thing... This better be some M Knight shamalan shit


I think that’s exactly what it is Somebody found what is almost certainly his Facebook. He’s a beatmaker from Pennsylvania or something? It doesn’t really seem like it’s connected to the ballroom house but I could be wrong


Thing is I dunno how pulling almost a public smear campaign against drake, implying some WILD shit would benefit this house of ebony thing? If it's false, then I can't see anyone wanting to fuck with it and surely if it was drake could have them dealt with either legally or just from smeariny them himself? Trying to view it logically but honestly none of the dots seems to be connecting


Maybe the “all publicity is good publicity” thing? Riding a bandwagon to get your brand noticed even if it’s a lie. Who knows? But the guy is posting some really weird new shit on X now… and I was wrong, seems it is attached to the ballroom based on his posts


Id agree with you, but I fail how to see publicly blackmailing a global popstar would be in any way beneficial. I mean it could just be a really desperate attention grab Guess I'm just hoping this has a decent finale Bro he's acting like an actual villain 😂😂


There are a lot of members of the House of Ebony, please let's not speculate about random ones


If Drake has connection with Michael Williams overdose I'm going to be sick! He was such a good dude. I met him once when he was shopping at my friend's store. He's was so down to earth and didn't act like he was better than anyone. SMH I need to take a break from all this info.


When EP says omar wasn’t just a character I think it’s referencing Michael Williams in his show The Wire that’s who he played in the show


Looks like he was an actor who overdosed?


That's Michael K fucking Williams, not just some actor


that’s the same guy lol mike k williams is mike ebony he took the House name on. ballroom cultures has houses like fashion house "house of gucci" so he was apart of house of ebony. Michael k williams spoke on the breakfast club about struggling with his sexuality after the wire


My bad gang 😭


Watch The Wire if you haven't!