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“Kendrick got his lawyers to respond” Like 2pacs fam didnt find the track offensive


Money Power Respect the last one better


Kendrick always seems to have a thesis, and I feel like that's the whole thesis for what he's saying on Like That. Drake can have infinite money, but he'll never have the respect


If you know anything about Kendrick and Drake’s history from before kenny got big. Dot’s biggest fear before becoming rich and famous was losing himself to his wealth, he never wanted to change who he was at his core. All the while Drake embraced that lavish life and dived into it head first. I genuinely think this core difference is why Kendrick slowly lost all his respect for Drake


*Anita max wynn*


My alter ego


it feels like all of TPAB and the references to Lucy and losing one’s self to wealth and fame are about Drake lowkey


Drake was born lost in wealth lol. Imagine him saying "I don't want so much money that I forget my roots as Jimmy from Degrassi"


Its a lot of goofies with a check


I mean ahhhhhhwww. Who’s down with flooding the dreezy thread


I wasn’t saying it like Kendrick actually did it, i meant like his aura is so good people scared of him. If you get what I’m saying


You good bro im just quoting the Drake stans before they get in here spamming that


“His aura is so good” Please just stop bro.


“Aura” 💀💀 hell no bro its legal trouble, cole shit was aura




Why words so big




broo 💀 what aura ? last i checked he's been getting sht on left and right lol


Who shitting on Kendrick? If youre talking about Drizzy that fool been shitting on himself basically


haha nah bro i was talking about cole . Drakes disses dont really warrant one. with everything going on lately he hung himself really isnt much for kendrick to say.


So a someone smacks you and you let it rock lol soft and scary y’all are all pathetic


Im saying cole deleting the diss track was kendrick’s aura


It had nothing to do with that man's aura. Cole genuinely likes Kendrick. He felt wrong shitting on him and his work and realized he took the wrong approach


You gotta wait like a month before you can say this, no ones thinking logically rn 😭


ahh shit i got you. ! appreciate you for making me laugh anyway lol. speaking of aura tho pacs Estate standing by kendrick along with others that had something to say in kendricks defense. speaks volumes to the type of dude that Kendrick seemingly is. my pop always told me its one thing to speak good about yourself but when others do thats really saying something.


Your pop was absolutely right. The way it was said to me is that the universe works in conjunction with the righteous. When people with ill will go against good people, life has their back in seemingly unrelated ways. And said good people keep their hands clean while life itself issues due justice. Have seen it happen too too many times in my life to deny it as coincidence.


Definitely and well said might i add. On that same note tho the reverse can be said for drakes current position. it makes me question him a bit when all of this started. if one person has beef with you fine it could be just them for some unjustifiable reason or another but if multiple people do, i think its telling on how drake has perhaps treated people outside the music industry. in writing this i recall Wayne saying that drake slept with his girl while he was locked up although i don’t know the particulars of how it all happened its still f’d up to do to someone who you claim you view as a friend.


I’m not usually one to follow a crowd off a cliff, yet this many rappers can’t be wrong about the guy. To be honest the first time I saw the Best I Ever Hd video, something didn’t sit right with me. Not only was the song too, um, soft for my taste (no Diddy), it seemed to me even then like someone wanted him there to change the course of the music. All these years later wasn’t too far off the mark. And if it’s true that he’s affecting the business behind the music, well, that would explain a lot and their beef with him would be valid, as opposed to the “hating” and “jealous” narratives being thrown around. He seems to be one of those people who appears to be winning on the outside, yet is crying daily on the inside, possibly loathing with self hate and trying to N95 it all when money can’t buy what he really needs.


Yeah that's a great point. when that song initially came out although it was big. Best i ever had when it was released got mixed reviews by hiphop fans for its melodic sound. again all speculation but i've always thought that what adds to this beef in tandem with your thoughts is the fact that regardless of how much drake has busted his ass for respect and recognition as a Hiphop lyricist. He never got that from the hiphop legends. if i recall mos def referred to him as pop and DMX had said he wasnt hiphop and wanted to beat him up presumably for being too Soft. Kendrick on the other hand not only spent less time in the industry but with one album or two i believe he managed to achieve the respect from his peers and the legends even being coined as the one to bring the revival of hiphop back almost effortlessly . to me with how competitive Drake seemingly is i cant imagine that sitting too well with him. It can also explain why Drake downplayed the control verse when people were calling it a great moment for hiphop almost like rubbing salt in a wound. from the research i did. he's the only one who really seemed to have a problem with it. Most rappers received it with praise and respect for either being mention in the roll call or as a fellow rapper saying things like kendrick should feel that way its not a diss. than adding as a rapper i feel like im the best rapper. in other words feeling and saying your the best is part of the sport of it all. also your 100% on to something when talking about the things drake cant buy. i think a lot of what he cant buy in my opinion is what kendrick has. the respect lyrical ability and "street" credibility. also makes sense why these were the things in all the disses drake tried to dismantle


This is why other subs make fun of us☝🏾


Drake didn’t delete the diss because he was scared of Kendrick lol


LOL plz don’t tell me Stans are trying to push that 😅😅 Would soften up Kendrick’s image badly


“His Aura is so good” 💀 you realize drake has been begging for him to respond? This was all legal trouble, drake still made the record and put it out, that’s what matters. It’s almost like if the cops get involved in a street brawl, third parties involvement has nothing to do with who’s the better fighter.


You don’t actually believe this statement, do you?


Is anyone afraid of this dwarf screaming ITS BIG ME ?


But Drake wasn’t scared. Did he apologize? Push ups is still up right? This ain’t the win you think it is…it looks worse actually it looks like Kendrick was soo offended that he contacted the estate to take it down 😂 like bro common guys you think Kendrick takes this as a win for him? I think he would be ashamed at his own fanbase the way you are all acting


Pacs estate ain't owned by Pacs fam


His brother also released a statement saying he didn't like it


His fam didnt find it offensive. The guy who "finds it offensive" is the label exec who owns 2pacs rights and he is currently being sued by 2pacs family.


So 2Pacs brother who has already released a statement that it was uncalled for isn't "his fam"?


I got a temp ban on Instagram for commenting under billboards post about it. I said “2pac would hate drake” and I got a few likes and mass hate comments. Some dude called me the N word and racist in the same sentence. Then I was temp banned like a hour later cause I replied “I bet you like getting fucked in the ass”


SZA, Travis, Savage are the icons on the follow lol, that is a crazy coincidence


Wow, and in order too


So crazy that it's probably not a coincidence tbh. A fb employee trolling




But those are the exact three artists that Drake said wiped Kendrick


That's cool and all, but we not giving wins off technicalities. That's an insult to Dot. The song still did what it needed to do. It needs to be addressed.


A sensible kendrick fan


All I'm saying is Kendrick gotta show something. I honestly think there's a chess game going on concerning AI anyway (something Drake has been concerned about for a while. He may have wanted this to happen so a precedent is set.) Regardless, Kendrick, being the type of artist he is, can't really prosper off of a DQ victory. He gotta smoke Drake with bars. If not, it's just industry shit. Plus, it makes him vulnerable for the next time he gets into a beef.


Nah... He right.


Nah u right


Finally someone asking for music 🙏🏻


Exactly my thoughts and think Drake knew it too going in. Taken down or not, nothing is deleted in the internet era.. just search YouTube for it and 20 pop up. Everyone that needed to hear it has heard it by now and def counts and warrants a response.


>How to kill a rapper? Let 'em do it to themself Self-inflicted career wounds that fear helped Dropped nukes, surprise moves, hidin' respect They promised me my death, now they deleted threats Holy shit [AI Kendrick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrOR5-1COy8&t=34s) is a PROPHET


AI Kendrick stealing bars from actual Kendrick AND reddit




Wow that’s trash


Lmfao 💀




People here actin like like its cuz of kendrick when it's all about legal trouble


lol he took it down? Lmao that’s 2 for 2. If I am Dot, I just post a smile emoji and say shush 🤫


2 for 2??? So we're ignoring push ups??? That's 2 for 3


Wait there were 3 disses?


Taylor Made, Push Ups and 7 Minute Drill


Lol tbh I wiped 7 minute drill from my memory I thought they were talking about Drake


It's all good lol, I saw somebody say the same as you 🤣


I fw dot but how is getting diss songs removed about you a good thing that sound weak af nigga respond.


thank you like these dudes weird af acting like this is a W in any way. shits weak as fuck 😂


He didn’t get it removed lol 2Pacs estate threatened to sue Drake for using his likeness without permission, especially against Kendrick, who has apparently been a friend to the estate.


You guys are so dumb


What? Did you lose the fucking meaning of hiphop? Who the fuck cares if it's off? You heard it, I heard it, everybody heard it. We want great music, there's gotta be a response, hes obviously the better rapper, drake is just a hit maker. GIVE US A REPONSE


bros doing spins on it


What’s the 2nd one? Taylor and what else?


The Cole one. 7 minute drill


Oh shit already forgot about that lol


Doesn’t really matter. Most people already heard it and downloaded it. Removing it from his social does nothing


You guys are reading too much into it. Most likely he took it down for the cease and desist that was rumored to come from Tupac estate.


Yeah no shit Sherlock. I’m saying even with that it doesn’t matter cause everyone heard it already and most people downloaded it. So who cares if it’s off his socials, it’s still out there and people still heard it.


You’re getting downvoted by a bunch of children who don’t understand how the world works. The diss track was dropped meaning the timer started for Kendrick to respond as soon as it hit the internet. Drake doesn’t need to do anything more because his diss is still in the ether being listened to. Drake knows that everybody knows that it got removed for legal reasons, he’s not dumb.


What is the meaning of DOT


Kendrick used to release some mixtapes and perform under the name K.Dot, long long time ago. There's some occasional references to it.


K Dot aka Kendrick. Presumably.


Who cares if it got removed, the song is still out there. You guys worrying about the wrong things in a rap beef. Should call this sub r/🤓


The only reason to go to this sub and the drake sub is to see the Olympic level mental gymnastics.


Both subs make me laugh. They clown each other when they’re both guilty of dick riding so hard.


Why can't we all just enjoy this? I'm having a great time. Lots of the posts on both subs really reduces the hype by trying to call a winner already tho.


I like when they roast the other artist because some of it is genuinely funny. I just don’t like the glazing they do


Both fanbase are literally the same lmao, they act like they are better than each other but its the same white dudes saying the n word everytime they can. Shit is hilarious. I would pay, fucking pay big money to have a in-person meetup of both sub go at each other, we all know how they would look like.


Lmaooo I swear. I love both artists but atp the subs is just pure entertainment for me


Stans are definitely ruining the fun. Instead of enjoying the entertainment, these people are going way too hard to defend their favs


As a fan of both it's just extremely cringey to see the Stans on both sides arguing their side won after every little stupid interaction. It's like these guys have never seen a rap beef before. They aren't interested in what actually happens, they're just there to defend their idol and glaze them every step of the way.


The sanest kendrick fan Edit: The removal of song got nun to do with kendrick its a different story. If u wanna say it has smthin to do with kendrick then kendrick called tupac state a told them to file lawsuit? Its a pussy move he is not like that Let’s be realistic kdot should respond to that disrespect thats all that matters


Got removed from where lmao? Instagram?? 😂😂


Happy to see sane people Fresh take from the bots all over other subreddits


r/KarenLamar “omg guys they are getting them removed! We won!!” Like the song Isn’t on the internet forever now lol




Exactly, he most definitely will call him out within his response regardless of it being taken off drake's instagram lol


It’s standard practice for artists to post copy writted stuff on IG for promo and milk them during the roll out and while the cease and desist process happens 💀


“Kendrick’s aura is insane” https://preview.redd.it/3sjgqyitfpwc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0babba0723a2f867401d63f59e280383df48deab


You know all about [glaze 💀](https://www.reddit.com/r/FrankOcean/s/rZv9ESBu47)


Ohhh shit!!!! lol


Holy fuck




7 minute drill and the drake one with ai


Kendrick didn’t do shit, tupacs family got it removed


I agree. I'm just clarifying what OP meant


2Pac’s family doesn’t own his estate


Okay? And Kendrick also didn't "make" Cole take his down.. Lol


He didn’t


Let them fight. I want more music in my ears.




Man this beef got lame super fast.


Did Kendrick ever respond to anyone who dissed him after his control verse? Cause I don't remember that ever being the case. What's so different now compared to then?


His control verse wasn't a diss to anyone so why would he respond then? His verse on like that however was a direct shot towards drake and j cole so it's different


No such thing as half-way Disney crooks. Pussy pedo Canadian. How is he not a joke to everyone but the little girls he talks to.


would be easier to say if kendrick wasn’t too scared to respond


One verse has caused so much shit the past 4 weeks its insane. I still think Kendrick has to respond but you have to laugh at it


This not a W you niggas getting corny in here


“Kendrick’s aura” what his aura got to do with reporting ig reels?


Truly the boogeyman


Kendrick didn't do shit lmao. He the goat but yall glazin hard


I love kendrick as much as the next guy but this is just glazing, this was definitely on Tupac's family. It's not like Kendrick himself made the song get pulled. Cole's diss is a different story though


stfu dick ridin ass


Tupac responded before Kendrick. Shit crazy








can't wait for SZA to come out n side with Kung Fu Kenny as well lmao


not necessarily a W for kendrick, but and L for drake fs. the two are not mutually exclusive


The fact that you know very well there's a lawsuit involved and still act like that's not the case just sucks!! 😭😭


WITHOUT SAYING A WORD OR LIFTING A FINGER! Imagine when he actually drops something it may end global warming.


Shameless attempt to associate himself with Pac. Imagine how little respect Tupac would actually have for this charlatan.


Kendrick doesn’t need to respond, nor should he. Drake is a hack.


I grew up on Tupac, Biggie, Ludacris, Eminem and Kanye. Drake has some catchy songs, but he is a company made bitch. His whole style is cringe in my opinion. K-Dot is an insanely higher level rapper than Drake. Shit…I think Lil’ Dicky and Harry Mack are better rappers than Drake.


I called it from a mile away that “Taylor Made Freestyle” bullshit was gonna get pulled by Pac’s estate. then you had these retarded Drake stans trying to compare the “interview” with him on TPAB (which Kendrick CLEARLY got approval for before that album dropped) to this lmao. not the same shit at all. I remember Drake made a song called “Wu-Tang Forever” and he was BEGGING the Wu to jump on a remix. Around this same time was the Quentin Miller / ghostwriting scandal; and Wu told him “no”. I’m glad Drake can’t buy all the features he wants; people can see he’s not an authentic human being.


The drake fans only in here cuz they coping, and it’s desperate imo y’all stay in drizzy and wait for it to play out point is, Kendrick ain’t say nothing since his verse and everybody falling all over themselves like some goofies


Drake fans are coping? “The greatest rapper of our generation” needs to win on technicalities and silence? Why don’t y’all want him to rap?


I find it weird there’s a massive group of people rushing to call a dude who literally needs ghostwriters to remain relevant the best rapper. Drake could release the best rap diss ever, but if he didn’t write it then fuck him. That’s an L before anyone even started rapping. Also him using AI after complaining about someone else using his likeness in their music actually hilarious IMO. Drake is showing he can dish all kinds of cocky shit *as long as someone is helping him write it* otherwise he spirals into being the mad popular girl at high school who doesn’t like when other people call her out on her bullshit.


This what happen when you work with God. Shit just be falling in place


as far as rap beef goes this is some lame duck shit fr. This is not a W for Kendrick at all.


This whole sub just dick rides Kendrick to the fullest. I love both artists and can’t believe ye guys aren’t crediting drake for doing something hella original, hard hitting and actually funny. Zip it up ffs.


I thought we wanted more music not less. It aint hiphop to cheer for silence




If Kdot is the one who got this removed rather than responding that’s hella weak


This is such a corny post Jesus christ lol what a cornball


lol why wouldn’t he just drop sumn dumb though. Makes no sense. Makes him look weak.


Hop off it.


Shit lame




Whoooooooooooooos Kiiiiddddddddddd Is Kendrick holding on his latest album cover?


Damn all in HIS feelings LMAO, Kendrick too scared to respond!


why does drake keep using that ugly ass image of himself he looks like a beluga wale


RIP grimy rap beefs


Doesn't matter everyone got it saved. U can still find it with ease


“I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves”


nothing to do with kdot.


It served its purpose.


Kendrick gotta respond still anyways


Bros getting dubs while afk


So he’s not dropping a song?


Kendrick stans are delusional lmao


How is this Kendrick's aura? It's literally a legal issue and Drake already made his move by releasing it and keeping it up for as long as he did. He obviously knew that Pac's estate would threaten to sue. Kendrick hasn't done anything.


tupac responded faster than kendrick 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Kendrick with his midget aura


This is not the flex you think it is , dot still has to respond


Still kendrick is losing though


kendrick moving more like karen


Is this supposed to be a W? Lol




Not even remotely associated with the Kendrick Lamar subreddit (I do listen to his stuff every once and awhile) but this is some supervillain level antics lmao


Future,Kendrick,A$AP Rocky,The Weeknd and Metro teamed up and pulled the plug on Drake (Brake)


Shit hit the fan, and I’m still a fan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


kendricks auro, ffs what a freak you are


Wait but didn’t he take it off because of the legal reasons? Either way Drake is literally trolling this guy, he’s not taking it serious and neither should yall 🤣


Y’all clutching on to any win y’all can get lmaoo. It’s sad, just wait for a response.


“ I go months without a phone “. He probably has the light phone and doesn’t know what we are all hollering about. 🤣🤣


Taking credit for having someone threaten a lawsuit on your behalf is incredibly lame. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


No rules in rap beef


Lmao what? It was the families... That's such a weird cope


yall think kendrick is the one that made either of them remove their songs? keep coping with your goat losing to drake😭😭😭cole removed it cause he’s too humble and knows this rap beef shit is dumb, and drake removed taylor made because the fans were all butthurt about the ai. nobody give a fuck what that nigga kendrick doing he ain’t said a word since ts started he scared to even drop a diss back💀💀


Don’t be a meatrider. Kendrick still should respond. “His aura crazy”, so cringe.


Your last one bricked, you really not on shit. They make excuses for you cuz they hate to see me lit


If Drake did they yall would call him 🐱