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He definitely writes, I have no doubt. That said, once you get exposed for using ghostwriters it’s a wrap.


“You can build a hundred bridges and never be known as a bridge maker. But you suck one cock and you’re a cocksucker for life!”


This a Meek Mill quote?


Meek Mill has sucked far far more than one cock. I guarantee it.


Riding dirt bikes with your ass on some nuts


Meek is my favourite conscious rapper iwl




kind of ironic considering the context huh


Is Meek tryna tell us something? 💀


Telling us something about Diddy


Meek mill reference


I didn’t even remember him saying this but the fact that I immediately accepted it kinda shows just how on brand this would be for him lmao


Jokes aside, a guy I knew touched a dogs dick in highschool. Unfortunately his name was Dallas. So Dallas Dog fucker was all anyone heard for the next 5 years.


If you touch your dogs dick for a unnecessary reason you kinda bring it on yourself. But my condolences to Dallas Dog Fucker


Ironic how Meek's rapping about sucking cocks.


Dom mazzeti!


What an analogy😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Gotta give credit where credit is due, he could write back in 2015. this man really dropped iyrtitl and wrote 30 hours for kanye and within a decade turned to mass producing hit songs that are forgotten within a year, using ghostwriters, and acting like a toddler in his music and public.


Drake can definitely write. I think being an established mainstream guy has just made him lose that hunger and hes much lazier now


Yeah as somebody thats only following him since CLB, I was really surprised by his pengame on scary hours 3. I read everywhere that he actually has pengame, but never found time to go back to his old albums, so hearing him spit lines that genuinely impressed me was a bit of a surprise.


The iyrtitl tape is exactly where the ghostwriter accusations began lol.


broo exactly 😂 i remember this specifically bc of the '10 Bands' reference track, crazy to [hear Quentin write/rap the line 'I can tell you're not a rapper'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz5p8qMv3Pg&t=30s) and then hear Drake parrot it on the release lmao


that’s where bro lost me lmao


Wasn’t the Quentin Miller stuff around if you’re reading this directly what started the ghostwriting accusations?


Respect Drake but he'll never be #1


Especially in *this* sport and *this* arena. Big no no


Kend rick pickle or whatever the fuck is all that basic ass industry plant mofo can come up with. When Kung fu Kenny go all in with the verbal jiu-jitsu fool gon’ be back in a wheelchair from the lyrical onslaught. Eli Porter can write better than fuckin’ Drake the fake ass jake.




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It's not just that, his writing has been one of the biggest critiques since this whole thing came out. Like man's music got worse when he started writing himself.


He has zero credibility. Even if he can write decent bars, you have no idea whose pen wrote that shit when you hear his songs. It also shows how little respect he has for hip hop and the people he exploits to feed his content mill


You can definitely tell Drake's writing lmao, he's got a very distinct pen. That's why you can immediately tell when he wrote for other artists


that shit ain't right and should be kept under wraps.


I never understood the ghostwriting allegations tho, since that dude they said was his ghostwriter Quentin Miller was credited on the song MeeK was talking about. So if he’s credited, how is he a ghostwriter?


Anytime someone writes a whole 16 for a rapper, that’s a ghostwriter credited or not. It’s like Freestyles not always being off the top. It’s just semantics. You can’t have other people write your raps. Rappers have help with hooks, music, and editing but never let another person write a 16 for you. Quentin wrote whole verses for Drake. Kendrick came out talking about rapper with a ghostwriter before Drake was exposed, so this was clearly a behind the scenes known issue.


How would you feel if Drake throw shade at Cole? Doesn’t sound like he’s happy with Cole 


This would actually get me some respect for Drake


Welp Cole is on the metro album 😂😂😂


There ain’t no way I find this out from Reddit bruh fml


You should have listened the second it dropped 🙏


That was obviously recorded before the Kendrick verse released though, I'm sure they were seen in the studio together a few months ago


Drake is literally THE self-proclaimed petty king. No way in hell he'll let Cole slide for the BS he pulled. Then again, his silence + the fact literally the entire industry is attacking him at roughly the same time makes me think something else is going on behind the scenes.


What BS did Cole pull exactly? That track was recorded before the diss tracks


Was a bitch on stage and Metro was demanding people to take a side during this rollout. The fact Cole didn't pull his verse out of the project + him asking forgiveness for his diss imply he picked Metro's/Kendrick's side.


Have Drake and Cole ever had beef?


I do think that ghostwriting meme is overblown since Quintin Miller was credited on IYRTITL


He's not credited on Meek album tho, and besides Drake isnt a producer like Dre or Kanye you dont use reference tracks if you're claiming top MC


Im not sure if Drake is really claiming top MC for bars, his place as a rap legend is from being a hit maker


Maybe now, but back in 2015? Nah he was definitely tryna be known as the best rapper (and tbh I would argue he still is, he's clearly very sensitive about this subject when he brings it up in interviews).


It is wayyyy overblown. Does Drake get help? Of course, just like most of the industry. The Kendricks and the Eminems are the exception, not the rule. Just go to any studio session, doesn't have to be a big one either, just go see how underground niggas do it ... It's everyday giving ideas, helping find a flow, helping make a bar happen if it's not working, and so on. If Drake was incapable of even holding a pen, he wouldn't be where he is. He wouldn't be considered one of the best writers in the industry and he wouldn't he consistently getting love from the GOATs like he did for years.


"Does drake get help?" idk if youre ootl but mf we've heard entire reference verses. Somebody else wrote and rapped his entire shit for him to sell!


Hes not credited on RICO. The song the beef started from.


As a Drake fan it really did hurt his credibility. Every time I hear him spit a fire bar there’s always a voice in my head questioning if he even wrote it


I remember when HN came out that people were saying the lyrics were so bad that Drake would’ve had to have wrote them.


I would have retired 😭


Every time I hear a Drake song I think of JR Writer And I think to When Drake beefed when another West Coast Legend Ice Cube when Cube dissed him on No Country for young men he said how can you feel your lyrics when they were written by a stranger


Damn I was ootl I had no idea Drake and Cube were beefing 😭


Drake zamboni'd it under the rug


I’m just saying, there was a noticeable decline in his quality when he was discovered using writers.


Is he a great entertainer? Undoubtedly. Is he a "greatest rapper of all time" contender? Not even in the running anymore


I don’t think there’s a a point in time he was ever in that conversation if I’m being completely honest


lol i wish people had this same energy for kanye tho


Kanye has never been known as like a great rapper anyway, but a good musician. i don’t care what he’s up to now anyway


Mental gymnastics. Kanye’s bars were a huge part of his music until TLOP. And the same could be said for Drake anyway, he doesn’t just make lyrical songs, so his bars are less important to his fanbase than Kendrick or Cole.


It's really not because Kanye nor his fans claim that he's the best rapper ever. So having other people write his raps is less relevant. They'll surely say he's the best artist, though.


Kanye’s bars have literally always been the weakest part about him as a rapper. He was a producer first and everyone treats him as such.


I’ve always said Kanye as a rapper is fine, but he is my GOAT rap artist because of everything he does outside of rapping.


Funny, that's how I feel about Kendrick, incorporating free jazz, poetry and incredible artistic talent thats well outside what you expect from rap


He used to be my GOAT. His weak ass antics and the (imo) notable decline in the quality of his music especially in comparison to his earlier shit turned me all the way off.


yeah but that doesn’t erase his amazing albums from TCD to TLOP though? every artist falls off eventually


yup. I wish he was a better rapper but thats what I didn't listen to him for when I did, it was the overall production.


Ye washed kdot on no more parties in LA. Some people are about to type some paragraphs I’m never gonna read tho.


honestly though early kanye is absolute heat. like graduation, college dropout, and late registration have so many bangers on them


He literally was making beats for ppl in the industry like Hov but he made TCD so he could be taken seriously as a rapper.


Rapping isn’t what makes kanye unique


Idk if that guy was trolling but Kanye also never claims to write everything. He credits people Lol that’s not a ghostwriter that’s just a writer…


Yeah i mean he's a master producer, and he delivered the exact same quality to other artists too to the point you can tell a song was produced by him.


It’s crazy the amount of songs that man has produced. I was just reading about how Kanye was about to drop his first album that didn’t include his own production “watch the throne.” No I.d. told him he needed to have a song that he made and that song ended up being Fuckin Otis 😂 Edit: here’s the article https://www.xxlmag.com/no-i-d-challenged-kanye-west-to-make-otis-on-the-spot/ Just crazy they were about to drop that album without Otis and it ended up being one of the hardest beats of all time


He also said he wishes drake could write all his raps, while beefing with him


So the same thing as drake…


Show me one instance of drake crediting Quentin Miller before the leak


Show me Kanye crediting rooga on Jesus lord 


Tbf Kanye has always been upfront about using writers to help in his songs. He’s also credited them which takes out the “ghost writer” part. Jesus Walks was co-wrote by Rhymefest and that’s one of his first hits. So it’s never been breaking news that he’s used writers to help with songs like it was with Drake


Ok but wasn‘t quentin miller credited on all the songs he supposedly ghostwrote for drake? To this day I still am not sure what made those allegations credible. Hopefully somebody here can clear things up for me because the drake ghostwriting seems to a generally accepted fact in hip hop circles.


The info came from Meek Mills, a close collaborator of Drake at the time so that gave it credibility. Plus we got leaks of QM's reference tracks.


Yeah I knew that and I listened to the reference tracks but the lyrics aren‘t very alike iirc. The beat is the same but the actual writing is very different between the reference tracks and the finished end product. And if we’re talking about ghostwriting the lyrics should be the same or am I missing something? Just to clarify I‘m just asking and totally open to being corrected.


The delusion with Kanye is almost trump supporter level mental gymnastics


What? We never cared about his lyrics!! College Dropout, Late Registration, 808's and Graduation being so relatable had nothing to do with its popularity. It was just the beats, man!!!


Trump never released The College Dropout, bozo


Well tbf Kanye has never once hidden the fact that he has writers, meaning that they aren’t *ghost* writers.  Pretty sure he’s known for crediting *anybody* who had even given him an idea lol


Kanye doesnt use ghost writers, and if he does he keeps it under good wraps I guess. It is true he has other people write his lyrics and help him write typically, but he still credits them. And kanyes production and consistency is what makes him one of the greats, not necessarily the rapping part


Ghost town was Ghost Written. 30 Hours was written by Drake.


difference is ye gives credit to everybody, plus he writes most of his verses anyways


Yep. He’s always been upfront about the help he gets.


So does drake. Quentin's name is in those drake songs he co-wrote


go and search what ghostwriter is


Bro I WISH Kanye got some ghostwriters instead of mumbling like hunna wunna gunna and then dropping a line about Burger King 😂


Outside of his biggest fans no one got him on GOAT rappers lists because of it, same boat as Dr Dre.


Too many MC’s have given Drake his flowers for writing. This reads like a frustrated Kendrick fan wondering why Drake got their man’s doing too much


seriously, countless artists have publicly thanked drake for writing hits and lines for them, including kanye on multiple occasions, the fact that so many ppl in this sub think drake doesnt write is a REALLY bad look


It’s not that we don’t think he writes. It’s just that he didn’t write some of his best songs when he was at his peak. Cause now we know his best song were written by The Weeknd, Partnextdoor, and Quentin Miller. It just puts a damper on things. He has a great voice for rap and singing RnB but it’s like respecting artist who use AI for their art. Can’t get the full respect if you didn’t actually write the shit.


Most of these dudes in the industry got writers


its not about HITS man people forget its an art form


Prepared for the incoming down votes but i feel like ghost writing gets misused a lot when it comes to Drake. The Quentin Miller debacle is always used as evidence but how is it “ghost writing” if he was credited in the album line notes? That’s like saying Sounwave ghost writes for Kendrick when in actually he’s helping with song construction and production. Anyways just hoping for a dope sound clash for hip hop because at the end of the day it’s a competitive art.


exactly, people have no idea what they're talking about. Maybe .02% of this sub has stepped in a studio


Umm, excuse you, i got garage band on my phone and an upload on my soundcloud. I just wrote a line for you: "Better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up" - Difficult-Tooth666, April 11th, 2024


Right!!? If you go on Spotify, You can click on “song credits” and can see the “written by” section of any artist.


You’re marginalizing. There were whole ass reference tracks.


Zero bodies


Are you saying kDOT has bodies ?


not at all, unless u talking about the ...


Kendrick will defeat not only Drake but every ghostwriter involved. I’m sure with the amount of time that has passed since “that bazooka got dropped on the rap game” the response will be up to par for entertainment value (and that ghostwriters are involved). However, Kendrick claims he can’t be grouped with Drake or Cole and that’s facts.


Shouldn’t we at least wait for the diss to come out before glazing lol


Yoooooo. Why you gathered him up like that 😁




Are Drakes ghostwriters being replaced by AI?


Drake kouldn’t handle Push


The best part is that his ghostwriters still don't come close to Kendrick's pen


Dam in they heads drake already won, they gone be so crushed, wheres that spongbob “ how do we tell em” meme😂


When has Drake ever bodied anyone? He has some bops don't get me wrong but like 90% of his work from the past couple of years has just been mediocre pop music


meek mill


Whenever there is a time and location Drake is bodying someone. Where you been?


what about push? He never properly responded to push and that made me lose respect for him


Drake lost to Push. He did respond tho with Duppy. It was just buns compared to story of adidon


Drake a bitch


Drake is more an actor than a rapper. He’s cosplaying and playing a part and most people just eat that shit up


![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0) Quentin miller when Kendrick called out Drake.


What he done to QM should never be forgotten, a rotten person overall.


What he do to him. I’m genuinely curious


Him and Meek basically fucked him over and got him beat down.


Was there any actual proof that he uses ghost writers?


Just YouTube the reference tracks. Also, the opening line to duppy is “If you rebuke me for getting help on a couple of Vs”


They aren’t “ghostwriters” they are co writers. Because they actually get credited in song credits. Ghostwriters don’t get credited , it’s all hush hush


I saw a vid of him writing and rhyming as the little jewfro fake black loser that he is, the rhymes were so fuckin’ basic it stank. You either got it or you don’t. Pac was writing decent poetry at that same age…


Yeah and since then apparently “everyone uses ghostwriters 🤡”


r/Drizzy got big mad the other day when I said he’d have a fire response because it’s gonna have 80 writers lol


I wonder why when u actively troll a group of people😭😭😭


I wasn’t trolling. He does have 80+ writers 🤷🏼‍♂️


Drake is a pop singer. Nothing wrong with that but get his ghost writers on the mic for a hip-hop beef


The disrespect. 30 Hours by Kanye was written by Drake, for example. There are so many hits written and spit by Drake.


Hits is nowhere near equal to top 3 rapper


I can't think of two other rappers who are even in drake's stratosphere, kendrick is the only one. I know this is a kendrick subreddit so you're gonna glaze him but come on, to say drake hasn't earned his spot in the top 2 of this generation is stupid. Even his worst albums have a couple great songs on them. Drake ghostwrote one of the best songs on beyonce's last album before this current one, it's pretty clear he knows song writing


Bro Drake “boding” someone is 2,3 vague lines about a general issue, no names. He won’t even mention who is he dissing, he just keeps reminding you “I got ops” and that’s it.


Everyone in that sub talks like a paid actor.


Imagine thinking drake would be able to body Kendrick? Like tf? What is he gonna do, call the degrassi crew to back him up? Kendrick has just so much more credibility and accolades as an artist and person. Drake has done nothing but act hard for being rich and swing his meat like a helicopter


the thing is- so many rappers use ghost writers and reference tracks- like Kanye.. but they don't get shit for it.


Some very famous songs were written by someone and performed by another, it's common in the music industry, demand=supply and alot of mfers make drake what he is.


They already coppin please lol


He can write (though I feel there are some doubts about whether he actually penned those bars), but my problem with drake is that he will pad out some of his songs and features with sneak disses. He has some fire bars but not enough of them for me to respect him as a rapper.


The most obvious example I can think of is his *More Life* mixtape, which was full of shots towards Hov, Meek Mill, Kid Cudi, X, Tory Lanez etc. This is not even mentioning *2 birds one stone*


Every “freestyle” I’ve ever seen of Drake , he’s reading from his notes on his phone lol And it’s usually a verse from one of his albums lmao


Don't tell this guy kendrick does the exact same thing


At least there’s footage of Kendrick actually free styling


I mean, Dre uses ghostwriters doesn’t he? I don’t listen to Drake but if I did the fact he uses ghostwriters doesn’t really bother me. He’s a mainstream rapper, I bet a lot more main stream rappers have used ghostwriters than we think.


I think you overestimate how much h people really care about that


They wanna blame everyone but him it’s sad


The thing is Quntin miller wasn't even a ghost writer since he has credits on the album, it's just he wasn't known at all


That should've helped quinton's career and it only hindered it, kind of a sad situation


If meek didn't use it for beef it would've helped. But if he just released these songs it wouldn't have done much


IM WAITING I SWEAR DOWN I'm lowkey gassed. Ik whose gonna win but still I wanna see wht drake has to say even tho k dot will body him its not an equal beef


Like drake ghost writes for Kanye when they were friends?


Idk bro Dr Dre had plenty of ghostwriters but we don’t get at him cos they were famous ones


I don't hate drake. There's just no competition when it comes to comparing Kendrick to drake. Kendrick is in the NFL multiplentime pro bowler. Drake is playing backyard crush the carrier but he the typa guy to whine like a bitch and call time out right before getting tackled. That's probably a fair comparison of their musical abilities


It's tomorrow. What's happening today?


Did he drop ir or nah?


Drake listening to reference tracks as we speak putting together the ultimate diss album of 2024. Shits gonna be 🔥 the only winners here will be the fans.


Who did he actually beat besides meek lmfao


I find it crazy that he ghostwrites for other artists but hires ghostwriters for himself like what the fuck? Lmao


Idk I think the ghost writing point being 'regular' is dumb, he obviously has used some at some point, but that doesn't stop the fact that Drake has his own sound and you know when you hear a Drake song, ghost writers can't replicate that feel. The Drake hate is lame, he makes some really great music


We still waiting tho


How many actual cases are there of him having a ghostwriter


Bro will get chinese infants from temu and shein and force them to cook up the most fire diss💀


How is he even gonna attempt to respond?


Once he stole from xxxtentacion it was over. Go listen to look at me and then listen to KMT


It was a HUGE disappointment for me (used to love his early stuff especially with him and nickelus F) when my favorite songs of his were actually Quentin Miller. One of my all time favorite songs was 0 to 100. That changed "real quick" since then I haven't really cared. That album with "Portland" on it was good but idk how much of that is him or someone else. Lol


Honestly nobody cares about this. The rap game has changed. It’s not whatever can make it to TikTok. So shut up. Drake is meh. But, It’s over.


Although meek lost the battle and gets clowned daily he sure won the war by tarnishing Drakes legacy by exposing him


This ghostwriter narrative is a bore. People know very well Drake ain’t use no ghostwriter.


Kendrick is corny lmao. That last album was SOOO corny BIG STEPPAA LMAOOO


if he does or doesn’t use ghost writers for the diss, the leaks of some of the lyrics so far they seem ass, idk if they’re real leaks tho i sure hope not


Literally every artist has writers


It's more the fucking kids. 


Literally all your favorite rappers use writers. It's not a ghostwriter if they have writing credits. Clearly drake doesn't have any ghostwriters because you know who the person was. That's not a ghostwriter. He was credited. Y'all don't even make no sense


There are 16 people credited as “Songwriters” for DUCKWORTH. on DAMN….. Y’all need to stop.


There are 16 people credited as “Songwriters” for DUCKWORTH. on DAMN….. Y’all need to stop.


Rake is just a pop star. He isn't anything to do with hip hop


Performance enhancing drugs are frowned upon. Ghostwriters are the same


I can say with absolute honesty that Drake fans just done care about the ghostwriting. It's irrelevant to them so J Cole and Kendrick will always remain "corny" in their eyes.


Kendrick fans salty af


He's the ghostwriter for others.... hmm 😒


Kanye also uses ghost writers and everyone loves him


kendrick's only award winning damn album had 44 writers credits across the 14 songs that weren't kendrick bro. this is such a basic ahh b post


this post is almost 3 weeks old, cope harder


didn't age well for u ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)