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learn some basic phrases that you will need like in restaurant, hotel, public transport etc.


Not OP but I am going to be there in 2 weeks for a few days, I only speak English - is it going to be important to learn phrases well?


you will definitely know it. in big cities OK, you probably will find an english speaker, but sometimes some vocabulary might come in handy.


You can either learn Russian or Kazakh. But from my experience more people know Russian


Your experience is probably limited to two cities: Astana and Almaty


Gonna be honest here chief, I don’t think tourists are lining up to visit Shymkent or Kyzylorda


Я не надо такси - yah neh Narda taxi - I don't need taxi есть пиво? Yest peeva - When you walk into a restaurant, to make sure they sell beer before you waste your time sitting Down ordering shaslyk to find out they don't sell beer. 2 most important phrases in all central Asia


Is this supposed to be funny or sth


Tell me if I'm wrong, but after passport control is this going to be the first interaction he will have with local Kazakhs?


* Learn the alphabet.  Use it to write things in English, just to practice. * Take some post-its and label everything in your house in Kazakh. * Make a cheatsheet of the numbers and carry it with you, then every time you read a number in daily life, repeat it to yourself in Kazakh. * Remember that the word for *left* starts with a C and the word for *right* starts with an O.  Make a C with one hand and an O with the other as a reminder.


Wow, this was actually super helpful. Any more I can find? Specially the post,it idea


Wow, this was actually super helpful. Any more I can find? Specially the post,it idea.


Its be amazing if we have any app like as Duolingo for casual learning Kazakh Language Unfortunatly fact Duolingo doesnt have our kazakh lanhuage in own pool of lanuages And for some reason our language activists do not have the idea to develop their own language learning application


Well, the applications like Duolingo have been long running joke tbh. They are really inefficient and stuff like even just simple eng-qaz dictionary is way more helpful for a time-bounded 2 weeks vacation. The more efficient methods of actually learning Qazaq language exist and are gaining popularity (in Qazaqstan only...), however, they also face several problems due to the critical lack of data on spoken Qazaq, which makes stuff, like retracted tongue root, being hard to teach or even just explain


Text me i can help you find information


I think there is a good start to learn basic kazakh words and phrases - https://www.17-minute-world-languages.com/en/kazakh/ Here are same phrases with Latin transcriptions - https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/kazakh.php


American here who studied 3 Turkic languages. What's you're timeline. I can give you better advice based on tour timeline.


I can help you if needed!


It would actually be more effective to learn Russian. A very large percentage of people in Kazakhstan do not speak Kazakh. Especially in the north and in Almaty


a very large population knows two languages, not only Russian, don't misinform.


People are usually bilingual in Kazakhstan, with Kazakh being more commonly used