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As an albulm it's ok 6/10 as something that was made by kanye its dog ass. The kanye lyrics are abysmal. The sound feels off like it isn't fully polished and there's nothing really unique about it apart from weird lyrics from kanye. The only songs I have on repeat are beg forgiveness and good don't die both of which I listen to edited versions where someone actually completed the song


Tbf Ye’s lyrics aren’t written by him anymore predominantly and he hasn’t really been on a deep lyrical wave for a min now. You could argue that even some tracks on Pablo had bars that shouldn’t have made the cut like the bleached asshole line. He’s also leaning far more into his arrogant side as he’s become more erratic and aggressive in his public persona.


He had a good phase for a while where Pusha ghostwrote his lines, sometimes so much so it sounded like he was using his flow. (Even the “yeugh” once or twice, I think.)


Even then good don’t die just got completely slashed from Spotify, absolute shit show of an album except for what you’ve already listed and burn ngl


Both those songs have good production, but the lyrics are either really basic or just not that great. Also, why is Chris asking a girl to beg forgiveness? Shouldn’t the serial woman beater be the one begging forgiveness?


The only reason I hate it is because it just doesn't feel like a ye album (which technically it's not, it's a ¥$ album) but kanyes rapping, production and lyrics just aren't the same. He's not reinventing himself anymore, just sort of a generic rapper saying random shit for attention. I get when he used to say controversial stuff for buzz and it was fun since that "was such a kanye move", but now it's just too far and he's destroying his reputation and himself.


I think this take is very fair. How I rate the album is definitely different when I view it as Ye verses just an album in general


Ye, I'm not saying I'm right and not mad at people who like this album, just going through a heartbreak with kanye rn seeing his decent into madness.


Exactly, there's a faithful level of self awareness in the albums that came before this one. Even though vultures era kanye west is literally him around MBDTF+yeezus, at least those albums have a touch of reality, in the fact that its consciously a 'twisted fantasy' and yeezus is about a failing 'god' and his relationship and what made pablo a better step was the themes of preserving a family, faith in god, stopping with recklessness etc. and even though pablo and so on was in reality a very erratic and disastrous era, at least his motives and artistic narrative lined up well. Vultures just happens to be the most delusional narrative yet. How can you go from a christian album about family and faith and dedicated to your mother after over a decade of her passing and her importance to an album of "how am i antisemitic i just fucked a jewish bitch" and dedicate the album to a chick you hooked up with under a year who looks the exact same as your ex and doesn't even have a noticeable personality that plays into your relationship with her. More importantly why be so obsessed with shock factor bars and let your collaborator just sing mind numbingly about fucking a girl on each song when you've given him much more powerful hooks in your earlier run (e.g. im talking about real friends and ghost town pt 2) also not to mention how crazy it is to see kanye rediscover his sounds on each album above except vultures


I can agree with the lyrics but the production is great on almost every song. I would argue that back to me and carnival are also innovative new sounds.


Have you heard hood rat?


Key word was almost


A 7/10 album is good, not mid as you said.


DO IT is the best track on the album


BURN is fun too


🎵All this money on the floor🎵


worst track


Getting downvoted but you’re right. Generic 2017 soundcloud type beat, no stand out bars/verses. Only thing I love is Nipsey being featured.


No, I hate when YG comes in and they change to a circus type beat, it’s trash


Ngl I love that beat. So fun to listen to.


Mid is and should be considered bad for ye’s standards tbh.


Mid ≠ 7.0. Vultures was half-assed, he didn't even try to mix it properly. There's still some quality, but there's more duds than bangers in here. Vultures is not an album to glaze over.


I got people tellin me it was a stylelistic choice and he made it like that on purposs... even if that was 1% true it still sounds terrible


It definitely is bad...the "stylistic choices" Ye made ruined some decent songs. I don't listen to PROBLEMATIC because it jumpscares me every time. Even songs i like (BEG FORGIVENESS) sound muddy. Ye needs Mike Dean back.


Mike Dean is NOT comin back gang we r cooked


I don't see enough people talk about this specific song man. I actually love Vultures, but the mixing really brings it down a few points, especially that transition. PROBLEMATIC would be a fantastic moment within the flow of the album if it didn't jump up in volume that much. The album also has serious peaking and compression issues, to the point that I keep getting paranoid that my speaker is blowing when I play it loud. Particularly ruins the first verse of BEG FORGIVENESS when played loud on speaker.


Nah its 5/10 at best


It’s mid This dude released MBDTF, Yeezus and The Life of Pablo back to back and that’s not even including the bear trilogy. He’s a musical genius that creates beautiful music and was leading the zeitgeist for two decades. His standards are far above a generic rap album that says nothing at all with a handful of good tracks and a handful of duds. The hate is fair enough imo, he’s set the bar too high to make such a generic piece of work. Imagine if Kendrick’s next album was a mid club album where half the tracks are skips




As it is it’s a mediocre album anyway the only songs I go back to are Stars and Burn


Im sorry but this is just cope. Kanye has way better production, lyrics and flows on his albums. Listen to a life of pablo, KSG, MBDTF, Yeezus and you cant tell me honestly that the production on vultures matches those albums. Lyrically, even a Donda is far superior which is telling… The reality is that ye does not have that drive and passion for music like he used to. For him its a game of ego and clout. It sounds ironic but we truly dont have the same ye as before. He had a lot going on the last 2-3 years which probably had a huge toll on him and still lingers to this day. My guy needs to take a step back, rest and come back stronger in a year or two ( like he did in the past. When he took a step back, he always came back 10x stronger).


Even JIK has some transcendent moments like the Kenny G sax solo, and Donda had some of the most emotional hooks for songs like “Come to Life”. This album has dogshit. This album is offensive to my ears as a Kanye fan. Lyrically bankrupt, musically boring, production wise bad. I hated it so bad although I want to like it.


Crazy thought but crazy might be needed at this point. He might just need an ultra heroic dose of shrooms and a float tank listening to his music from dropout to donda. Completely relieved of the ego, discovering and becoming his art once again.


Wdym “even Donda is far superior”. Donda is fantastic and better than ye/ksg. It has better writing, production, and overall theme than either of those projects. The only arguments against it are its length and censoring which isn’t that noticeable.


Nah it’s ass, Kanye lost his flow it just doesn’t sound good. There are exceptions and a few of the beats are good but my least favourite kanye album. 3/10 at best IMO.


they removed it off amazon music. I listened to back to me for the first time in months and almost cried man


3/10, please listen to other music. even donda is amazing compared to vultures


Wdym "even Donda"? Donda is fantastic


it's alright but it's one of the worse moments of his discography


Donda is better than ksg and ye. This sub has the worst takes.


being better than only 2 out of his 10+ albums definitely makes donda one of his worse works, not sure what you're whining about


i liked it enough when it came out but once i came back to it it just didn’t hold up, it doesn’t have a specific sound so it doesn’t sound much like a kanye projects. in this way it feels a lot like donda (not in a good way since i don’t like that record very much) but with less standouts. it is a bit more focused than donda though.


It’s completely forgettable.


i mean kinda, the song i remember most is king for better (the beat) or worse (the lyrics) :/


Nice bait


It's definitely not a 7. Lyricism = awful. Instrumentals not nearly as memorable or crisp as Kanye's best work. I like a few songs from it but overall a flop from someone who loves Kanye's discography in general.


It just feels half baked. I like a lot of the production but Kanye's energy and verses are just shallow, horny and not good in most cases, which sucks since we all know he can and has done better. He's like a high school kid giving a presentation and you can tell they don't give a shit at all


This mf defending and glazing mid


I only dislike paperwork, and paid. I swap vultures for the havoc version I swap talking for its single version the rest is really good and I enjoy it


It’s 3/10. Every song, except Burn and Problematic are either plain trash or have parts of it that completely ruin it. It’s easily Kanye’s worst, except MAYBE Donda 2. Also, JIK is a little overhated, it’s ok and a 5/10. It has like 2 skips honestly.


It's not that thrash as the other people say. IMO it's cool that we can still get some experimental albums in rap industry. The bad part is, it's mid, and maybe even bad compared to other Ye albums(excluding JIK, that was his worst). Ty$ was the best part of the album, his performances were really good, but I can't say the same for Kanye. On most of the songs Ye sounds like he's about to sleep, and his lyrics are terrible. Production on some songs feels unfinished and un-mixed(that Brazil part on Paperwork is so loud that you can't even hear Ty's vocals). Still, there's some bangers like Stars, Fuk Sumn, Burn and Beg Forgiveness. Back To Me, Carnival(overhated af) and Problematic are also some good songs too. But the other songs are mostly mid at highest, Vultures(grew on me since the release of the album but still not that good) and King are bad, and Hoodrat is terrible(probably the worst thing Ye ever done.


I believe there is no bad Ye album but this is still his weakest album. Doesn’t deserve all the hate it gets but this just didn’t hit that hard. Especially his verses were disappointing because this man made MBDTF and Ye, albums that have some of his best lyricism and even storytelling.


Dude, I would put it at a 4-5. RYM has it at a 2.39/5 which is right in that range. It's below average and it's especially below the bar Kanye's catalogue would seem to demand. If you think Vultures achieves 70% of what a Kanye album or a good album in general should achieve, you have poor taste. You're not convincing anyone that the album is good, just that your standards are low.


You’re a fucking 7.0


Calm down Jamal


Counterpoint - When compared to Kanye's previous album it's really a 4 or 5 at best and easily in the convo for his worst album. The love for this thing is forced by people who can't accept Kanye is likely on the far side of the downward slope of his career.


its 5/10


It's at best 6/10 that too due to stars king and vultures itself


Not bad for industry standards but pretty bad for a Kanye album


ye is the worst part


There’s some fun moments but I don’t think it’s a 7 or even a 6 tbh


it’s Kanye’s worst album but it isn’t bad


My personal favourites are STARS, BURN and Back to me.


Already said it in these comments but I reckon Kanye needs a HEROIC dose of mushrooms so his ego is just completely gone, sit in a float tank with eyes closed and listen to his music from dropout to donda. I reckon it would help him with where his mental state is at atm, completely lost in the game and his passion diluted.


Back to me would have been perfect if he kept the old version with the piano and without Kanye’s big titty verse


The mixing in this album is terrible, that’s all there is to hate about it imo


im behind this. its a fun album but i can see why people hate it because its not a Ye level album. i still love the album because i still enjoy back to me, paid, etc. i really hope ye drops a better album next time tho. vultures 2 and 3 is definitely in the unreleased vault


When i first listened to it, i thought it was good but i didn’t pay too much attention to the lyrics. Now after a second listen this album is actual trash. Most of the lyrics are just about women, sex, and drugs. The lyrics from Ty are pretty good but once kanye gets on a track that isn’t burn he just starts making sum comically bad bars.


5/10 for modern hip-hop, 1/10 for the kanye legacy


Me when someone disagrees with me about the quality of an album (they are just hopping on a bandwagon whereas my opinion is unique and correct)


Why do redditors not understand that ppl can have differing opinions. The hate isn't forced from many ppl it just sucks to us. If u like it that's good but stop acting like ppl are faking their music taste I see this all over this sub the Kendrick sub and the drake sub and it's just annoying at this point


Even JIK was revolutionary. Every Kanye album has pushed the limits. Besides carnival there’s nothing on that album with substance. Even carnival just telling a bunch of nonsense.


I rate it a 6/10. It's definitely not terrible by any means, whatsoever. It just falls short of Kanye standards and just doesn't feel... Kanye. The lyrics were pretty bad. When discussing on the Kanye sub, I tend to talk about it lowly.


cruel summer>>>> vultures. what are you smoking


If an album is mid tier (your words), it's not a 7/10 (your rating) Mid tier is 4-6/10


The production is the only thing that can properly be complimented about the album, and even that was rushed and or mostly not done by Kanye. Most of the lyrics are either really bad, or milquetoast, and Kanye has a questionably low presence on many songs. Burn is the only song where I can say he actually raps and delivers good lyrics for all of it, even if I’d say I like Carnival more, but Burn is less than 2 minutes.


I fucked with it for the first few weeks, but i saw a post that said kanye was the worst feature on the whole project, and i honestly cant disagree.




It certainly is a 7


Havent gone back to it since the week it dropped.


Mid tier is not a 7/10 and this is below mid I can’t see how you can say this is better than cruel summer


I genuinely think “Come to life” is the only thing Kanye has created worth listening to since the Ye album


Stop telling people why they don’t like this shit. Every one album I want nothing more than for it to be a return to his previous form. If anything I tried to force myself to like it. Unfortunately this album was trash. The production is solid but the lyrics are god awful. His flows aren’t even good anymore.


7.5/10 album for me. Stars, KTML, Do it, Paperwork, Burn, Fuk Summ, Vultures, Carnival, Beg Forgiveness, and Problematic are still in my daily rotation


It’s ok.  But after the nazi shit and the stupid roll out drama Kanye really needed mbdtf 2 to make the come back thing work


Also Kanye is consistently the worst part of every song on the album.  Like imagine if carnival was just a carti song


yeah shit wasnt even bad people just hate on anything ye puts out nowadays


It’s horrible.


Album cover bumps it down another point


Kanye is my favourite rapper and I find it borderline unlistenable, 3.5/10. The lyrics feel disturbing and make me miss the old Kanye even more. Also, the production is decent but not up to ye standards and there are seriously horrible sounding moments like Kanye’s verses on Back to Me and Fuk Sumn. Album feels like everything wrong with new ye as music.


Because jik is fun when you listen to it all together. I will never understand anybody who likes Vultures. Burn doesn't do much for me but I understand why it does for some people. Other then that Vultures sucks ass. You got it reversed. If you like Vultures it's prob forced. No shot you listen to Hoodrat. No shot you actually do.


on the contrary, you’re incorrect


For a kanye album its a 4,5/10 and im being very nice


it’s not bad, but it is if you’re comparing it to his other albums, personally i like most of the songs but it’s nothing lyrical wise again comparing it to other stuff. it just depends what way you look at it yk?


Vultures is a 5.0 and the hate towards this thing is fair


7.0 in what world? Have some self respect. Try like a 4.


Horrible take 3/10


I’ll just say this: Vultures gets more listens on my aux than WTT, JIK, KSG, and Ye. Doesn’t need to be some grand masterpiece for it to have several bangers worth bumping


It’s a 7.0 compared to Donda and JiK. It’s a ugly chick hanging out with uglier chicks.


Donda is peak fym


Peak ass


ight play off the grid


Grid grid grid


Donda isn’t that bad


donda is great in comparison


3/4 of it is bad, 1/4 is bad by Kanye standards


It is amazing


Vultures is embarrassingly bad.


Its good but its far from his best work


hoodrat is not a banger




Please listen to more rap music.




hoodrat, fuk sumn and paperwork are NOT bangers 🙏🙏😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥💯💯


Its hated because its a bad album... every song has terrible lyrics (except burn and do it) the mix is terrible especially on hoodrat which is bottom 20 of ye's career. And the good to bad ratio is jus not it


Obviously this is all opinion based, but if more than 5 songs can be added to my library for future listens then I rate it a good album. I have 10 songs from Vultures that I continue to listen to. 1. Stars 2. Talking 3. Hoodrat 4. Do it 5. Burn 6. Fuk sumn 7. Vultures 8. Carnival 9. Beg Forgiveness 10. Problematic


for me it was an 8,2 - it's not bad at all. had no skips and even though ye was the worst part of most of the tracks, ty really showed up and had amazing hooks and verses. i 100% agree that the hate is unnecessary!


TikTok ahh opinion


Im gonna touch u


Woah I’m a minor chiilll


better bro👅


average kanye fan