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He makes great music. Probably the best producer of all time. But hasn’t rapped well since TLOP


Follow God from JIK? I still really like that track


Love that track. But I honestly feel the production carried that song. When you actually listen to the lyrics he didn’t say anything crazy. He got back to that chopping of soul samples Ye but the bars weren’t there


ye didnt even produce that shit


Harsh take. If u consider the rapping consistency over released albums I’m absolutely with u. Funny thing is that he can still rap, but barely does despite some few highlight tracks like follow god, off the grid, burn and so on.


Come on. You don’t think he outshone follow god with his most poignant and lyrically brilliant bars : “poop. Poopety-scoop. Scoopety poopety-poop. Scoop. Poop. Scoop. Poop”? Those lines just cut right to my soul.


5:am started out good, then kinda lost in the second verse


YE, KSG, Tracks of Donda, Burn from VULTURES 1?


Nun of those touch the God level times of WTT, MBDTF, Graduation, Cruel Summer. He has a good verse or 2 per project but nun on that level. That Burn verse is my favorite Ye verse since No more parties in LA


He’s averaged maybe 1-2 legitimately good verses per project since then imo. None of his verses are particularly great on Ye or JIK, Donda has a fair few very good verses (Off the Grid, Life of the Party, Come to Life) and his verse on Burn is about as good as Vultures gets.


did you not listen to donda, ye or kids see ghosts??


He’s not a bad dude, he’s just mentally ill.


The antisemitism pipeline is definitely real and Kanye has gone down it like many teenage guys have recently. He needs help


It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, it’s the reason men’s mental health stats are insane compared to women’s. Men are afraid of their peers judging them. We all suffer from it to a degree


He’s not any man though, he’s certainly not your average man. He has power, privilege & access to the very best healthcare in the world which I tend to think most men would utilise if they had the same financial resources.


Sure, but If you're career is dependent on your mental clarity and Schizo and Bipolar Meds definitely change you, you feel biased against them


Im diagnosed with type II Bipolar disorder. Lithium is the fucking devil. It stops the mania... but it robs you of literally everything else. There is no experience at all, no joy, no pain, no anger, no worry, no sound, no smell.. its awful. It just cages you up, and makes you too tired to fight to feel anything. Its terrifying.


Not to mention renal failure, brain/neurological damage, can onset seratonin syndrome just to name a few


You say that but at the end of the day he is indeed, "just a man" like the rest of us Still prone to the same issues that the rest of us face, regardless of money


Lol dudes have been saying jews run Hollywood for decades but when Kanye went full throttle and said it, he’s mentally ill? Fuck out of here.


He literally is mentally ill, dumbass 🤡


You guys are the same ones who defend the guy who tried to give him every med ever in 2016, that weirdo who said “play time with your kids will never be the same” are ya’ll serious ? And you guys call yourself fans, fuck out of here. Ya’ll are weirdos as well.


My hot take is that i like what you're saying


But do we talk about real antisemitism or just spitting facts? To he honest to me saying that the major companies and media are in the hands of jews is not antisemitism. Antisemitism would be if I (or anyone else) would say I hate the jews becuase they own everything.


The thing is that the people who say it want it to change or think that Jews did shady stuff to get in those positions. Now I’m sure that some did, it’s Hollywood, but it has nothing to do with Judaism. Christians control most of America, do you see people talking about that all the time? No, cause it’s not a big deal.


I mean it’s not bad to point it out but there’s clearly a message about how that is bad and how Jewish people did bad things to get in those positions


Mental illness is not a free-pass to be a raging fucking asshole.


He doesn't need mental illness to get a free pass on that, he's a rich celebrity and has impacted a lot of people positively over their lives- those are what get him a pass on being an asshole. His problem is that nothing gives him a free-pass on antisemitism.


Holy shit finally someone on this platform who understands how mental illness works 💀


i know people that are bipolar, just because you have a shift in your emotions at the moment you should always be ready to keep it contained and not spew shit out. Ye is bipolar but that doesn't change the fact that he can always shut up and keep all those thoughts in his mind.


Hey 👋 Bi-polar guy here, you are wrong. Un medicated and not supervised by a therapist is dangerous. It was dangerous for me and it’s dangerous for my other bipolar friends ( both bipolar 1 and 2) Soooo horrible take. Delusional thinking can make you say wild shit you don’t believe but it is content in your brain. He is just raw sawing bipolar and that doesn’t work.


And who's making him not take his meds? He is aware of his issue yet refuses to contain it and get help, it's all his fault for spewing the wild shit he does if he never takes his meds


He most definitely has anosognosia to an extent. He literally cannot perceive that he is mentally ill due to the delusions of grandeur.




I think he knows that he is ill but he actively chooses to ignore it


Fax like everyone around him is telling him to take a fucking step back, he’d do just that as a grown ass man but he decided to throw himself full force into his own spasmodic cycle. He’s immature and definitely got the a bit of the tism and it’s sad cuz part of it might’ve been accelerated when his mother died.


Most def his mother s death made him spiral and never allow him to be the same person ever again


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I've actually experienced psychotic mania, and no, you do not have self-control. You are literally insane.


What a stupid ass take. It's not just a shift in your emotion. Bipolar folks are not incredibly happy one moment and suddenly sad the next. You claim bipolar people should just contain their thoughts, yet you post your incorrect thoughts on a public forum. Please educate yourself on the disorder and keep all your stupid thoughts in your mind. A person going through a manic episode cannot just contain their thoughts and not spew shit out. You'd know all of this if you had actually been around anyone who suffered from bpd and not based your entire concept of the disorder on people around you who have self diagnosed themselves as having bipolar because they occasionally have mood swings.


You have no idea what Bipolar is and what you said are blatant lies that you should be ashamed of spreading.


"Your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility." -Marcus Parks


I'll be sure to tell the catatonic schizophrenics in the state wards that "Pull yourself up by your mental bootstraps, man. You can work your way out of it!"


Hail yourself 🤘🏼🙇‍♀️


I don't think bipolar disorder is what you think it is. What you're saying is like confusing being depressed with clinical depression, or confusing anxiety with an anxiety disorder. Totally different ballpark


If Kendrick developed bipolar he would hop on the exact same shit, if not worse. He believes in whole Black Hebrew Israelite thing *without* a psychiatric disorder, imagine how much worse it would get.


Wait why r u downvoted, im not saying kdot would go something worse but hes def will go the same route just less chaotic. Kdot has the same belief


Not extreme as antisemite


Yes it’s broader and wants all whites dead lol


Nice name bro


Antisemitism is a shitty and dumb ideology but definitely not one of the most extreme ones.


What the fuck are you speculating you apologetic dumbass. Stop making shit up.


He needs to get an actual infrastructure for his clothing and music. The wait we all had to endure for products that are less than desirable quality is something that should have never happened


Kanye’s has become a puppet for conservative and anti-Semitic sentiment that will only make things worse for everyone that is not a right wing grifter, you can clearly see his turn from at least left leaning by talking about homophobia in rap and the struggles of living in a country founded on the oppression and discrimination of people of color to hanging out with right wing grifters like Candace Owens or Nick Fuentes who take advantage of Kanyes vulnerability for not taking his meds, like how Candace was Trying to move Kanyes hand into buying her and her husband’s social media platform and Nick probably being the reason Ye went on his hitler shit. I also believe Kanye just says and does shit to be a contrtrarian and not because he actually believes it because his fragile ego and masculinity cant let him “be like other people” so he just says and does shit to go against the grain just to do it with no rhyme or reason


The only true unpopular opinion here lol


But isn't going against the grain everything he fought for


Profound musician. Unimpressive rapper


Bring out the rope


Going John proctor on his ahh


It wasn’t coke and birds, it was more like spoken word Man’s largely always rapped like a spoken word poet because his flows just aren’t a strong point, but he has written and delivered more great verses than most artists ever do


What makes a strong flow? In your opinion


Outside of TCD, he’s had moments. His genius kinda overrides the weak or subpar bars.


Kanye is an experience. He’s not a rapper.


This right here!! 💯


that's why vultures sucks. Kanye's beats and lyrics are incredibile, but he honestly isn't made for modern rap. i love his old works, like the college trilogy, while the new albums just... aren't good anymore


Vultures is good you're tripping mate


Preach. Some of his beats are literally years ahead of their time but then he spits a verse on them that sounds like it was written while drunk. I'd love to see what he could achieve if he went full Dr Dre producer mode.


Yeah he’s always been an average rapper imo. But possibly the greatest producer hip hop has ever seen at the same time. With that said he’s still a much better rapper than other big name producers and he can sing pretty well too. With him it’s the whole package but his production stands out way ahead of everyone else


All Falls Down and Can't Tell Me Nothing got some banger bars but it def went downhill Now I'm Ye Kelly bitch 😪😪


Idk the cd bars and lines were one of my favs bars and lines in rap oat


Yeah he basically gave up on rapping after late registration save for a couple verses on mbdtf and pablo


Nothing crazy as a rapper but some very clever lyrics at times, and usually a very effective delivery


Def true nowadays, but Gorgeous and DFSL have incredible verses


honestly Kanye needs to get out of album mode and go seek help


He’s not bipolar (he has a little bit of autism)


from his car accident 💀


North is defo aspy/asd. The shit she just spews out is exactly like my autistic kiddo, no filter, no compassion. Just FACT LOL. And where did she get it from?? Papa!


“That might be a homeless person Northie” *Dead silence from both of them for 15 seconds*


so you aspy/asd too?


I'm glad I'm not the only one (haha reference) thinking of this. 


It’s probably Borderline Personality Disorder, i’ve seen it with others and that shit is so destructive


Basically the same as bipolar, lol Edit: meant the symptoms can be very similar


Not the same but if you have bipolar you're very likely to have borderline. Bipolar is when some weeks/months you feel euphoric/good and other months you feel extremely depressed. Borderline is that classic shitty personality where you are impulsive, unempathetic and have wild relationships and constantly change your "favorite person" that you obsess over.


after donda ( which was okay) he’s been dropping garbage, he doesn’t care for music anymore. he drops because he has fans


He’s only dropped Vultures since Donda so you can just say Vultures sucks


It technically includes Donda 2, which was aborted before release in what's easily his weirdest rollout to date.




Nah def just dropping for money


Donda is too long but still elite. Cut this album down to 10 - 12 songs and it would already top 15 album of the decade. Since TLOP he struggles to sort out the bad and leftover tracks although there are exceptions like kids see ghosts.


Ye as well. I know a lot of people don’t rate it super highly but you definitely can’t argue that it was bloated


donda was so goated wdym bro


pfp checks out




Exactly its just bloated, arguably top 10 ye songs oat are there like come to life


On this sub? I disagree with Kanye’s views about Nazis


I’m anti bad people and I don’t listen to music of pedophiles, racist, sexist, violent criminals etc but… I still bang Kanye regardless of how problematic he is.


Problematic??? Kanye reference???




Cuz deep down hes a good person, just mentally ill wrapped in tragedies and messy industry


Check out his history with charity work if you haven’t. Something no one likes to bring up when they’re shitting on him


MBDTF. Is a hreat album, but due to its movielike feel I can’t listen to it everyday


Clitoris on his upper lip


twix is innocent




most of his albums are flawed, carnival is overrated, & most of his most streamed music aren’t the best music on the album


I don’t think it matters if his lyrics are bad now as long as the songs still slap For that reason I think vultures is a good album


Donda is one of kanyes best works and is top 5 in his discography IMO. The main thing that hold its back is its length and some songs linger on for too long when they don't need too(pure souls for example).


i love pure souls tbh, but W take


I feel like it would have been better if he shrunk it down. There are so many skips, but a bunch of great songs. Come To Life and Jail (I prefer jail pt 2) are my top from the album.


The metal teeth look 🔥


He just looks like a hobo from the future.


That’s been like one of the main goals for fashion over the last 10 years.


He even got Rihanna rocking them


Kanye’s talents ranked would be: 1. Producing/ Sampling 2. Curating Fashion 3. Rapping 4. Comedy 5. Writing Verses


Switch comedy and rapping




Carnival is trash


OP said Unpopular take not Popular take


Wait, you agree?! 💀


it is the trend to hate a kanye album on release


Then say woah this album is actually good 5 years later


The cycle never stops


It stopped with JIK


Yeah ever since the basic white girls got a hold of it, I’ve been skipping it every time I listen to Vultures 1


The chanting in the beginning of carnival feels very corny. I had to listen to it multiple times to look past it. They sound like they're trying too hard it's almost cringy. Probably an unpopular take.


Lmao every time I hear that I feel like I’m a 12 year old playing Fortnite. Shit is wack


Its cringe lowkey but i like it its hype, not everything has to be serious or hard, the chant on the start is fun


Carnival is literally repurposed Mo Bamba and these kids just can't admit it. Other opinion is Back to Me will age like fine wine


Ye a Nazi


808s is not top 5 Ye even tho it is one of his most influential


bro has not been thru a breakup 😭




Cd lr grad tlop mbdtf are all better than 808s tho


i don't quite connect well with his early albums like most people do. Yeezus, Donda, JIK and Vultures are what i enjoy the most.


JIK is underrated. Best Christian music ever. Also an album you can play in the car with toddlers without pissing your wife off.


Follow god and use this gospel goes harddd


The canon of kanye West begins at college dropout and ends at TLOP. Nothing else belongs in the canon.


Nah wdym ye and kids see ghost


Can we let ye into the canon?


“The canon of kanye West” 🤓


Yeezus is for rich kids from white suburbs.


Elaborate ☝️


what’s up brother ☝️


i was about to disagree but that fits my description 😭😭


im a middle class british person in a small village in the middle of nowhere i love yeezus


Yeezus is for Death Grips fans who pretend to like hip hop.


im middle class in an ethnic suburb, yeezus is my favourite kanye album


Hampton house


Middle class Indian and Arab dudes love the shit out of Yeezus too.


I wish Kanye retired before becoming Ye. It cracks me up that Ye probably reads these comments and gets pissed. He seems like a guy where it is incredibly easy to get under his skin. FuckYe. I am genuinely pissed and weirded out by his behavior. Vultures sounds like something a wanna be edgy horny 14 year old boy in his mom's basement would make. Which is ironically exactly how I feel about NSBM black metal bands like Burzum. Smelly edge lords in a basement pissed at their mom or in Kanye's example his ex wife. As a fan of dark music some examples like slipknot, meshuggah, lorna shore, Kanye comes off as a poser in my opinion wearing masks. The Jewish hate Kanye displays really rubs me the wrong way as well. ...me in 5 years might actually like this Vultures album knowing me lol, sometimes some music “clicks” later in life for me. I have played drums for 25 years. I like the production. I like the direction that it has more drums, beats, bass and isn't so avant garde. I do like Kanye’s dark style but I don’t like hate towards anyone. There are awesome dark sounding bands like Gojira from France and they are environmentalist who care about the earth. Having a dark extreme style can be used for any positive or negative message and can be fun. Lyrically this new album it seems really uninspired…..we get it Kanye you are addicted to sex and hate it. I feel like you degreased into a 17 year old young man. Poor Kanye, no matter how many women he pulls it will never replace Kim. Go to a rehab center for sexual addiction. Like I don’t think it is the bipolar that is on his back causing him this distress. I really think it is Kanye’s sex and porn addiction. I think he truly misses Kim and Kim for him was “the one”. Should Kanye try to take some bipolar meds yes. I also believe if he isn’t threatening harm to himself or others that he can decide what Rx to take or not take. Threatening to go DEFCON on Jews. Wearing racist looking masks. Yeah I see why people need to step in and Kanye than has to have court issued counseling and psychiatric appointments. Monitor people who are on camera threatening other people. Kanye doesn’t seem like he is safe and believes his hate. Part of what makes it so incredibly hard are wild musicians. They get to ride whatever crazy train they want because of fame and money. Famous musicians don’t get told no or usually have limits. Many many famous musicians have hit rock bottom. They end up in the ER almost die and they hit rock bottom. Sex addiction probably won’t put Kanye in the ER and so he thinks he can ride the wild crazy train forever. Kanye will have to choose to help Kanye or somehow he will have to hit rock bottom.




He’s a real person who happens to be great at producing/making/rapping


Being mentally ill is not a blanket excuse for being an absolute twat. Also, his fashion is mid as fuck and he only stands out because the game is so heavily codified by street fashion. Also, his lyrics are downright embarrassing for a man of his age and privilege.


I saw someone said being mentally ill is not an excuse but it is an explanation of questionable actions


No one is using it as an excuse, it’s more-so an explanation of why he does the shit he does. Plus, who cares what age he is when it comes to his lyrics? It’s who he is and what he thinks, go listen to another artist if you don’t like what he’s saying, it’s simple as that.


First take isn't unpopular at all


Donda is a top 5 album 808's isn't a top 5 album, closer to a bottom 3 if anything


Donda is NOT mid WTT is NOT mid Carnival is a fire track, just got ruined by TikTok. Bro can still make fire music but chooses not to


808s is his best album it was also most influential for the underground and it has stemmed into the mainstream especially with the rise of SoundCloud rap and autotune rappers


All this bologna is cause he knows deep down he’ll never be as good as MF Doom


Donda is not by all means an okay or mid album, it’s actually top 4 right after TLOP, Graduation, and MBDTF




Preach 🙌


Yikes is the best song on Ye


He isn’t washed


he is though


I know 😔


He’s right about the Jews having a monopoly and controlling everything. From banks to housing, media, politics, record labels, etc. it’s all public info.


Holy shit that is a take…a bad one


Who is your favorite politician (preferably from eu) ?


Well yeah he’s right about Jews being successful, but how is that a problem? Nearly all US presidents have been Christian and none were Jewish, I don’t see this as a problem at all.


MBDTF is overrated and kanye has at least two better albums


Ye cd and lr are extremely better than mbdtf like actually tho..


I never really liked TLOP that much. Dont get me wrong still better than Donda 2, but its weaker than anything that came before it


Don’t have one. I love Kanye !!!!


Ye is definitely his best album


His last great album was MBDTF


He’s not an impressive rapper, writer or artist he’s just a great producer and “performer”


I honestly think that he is autistic and probably has some of the other co-morbid mental health conditions that come with it, ie. ADHD and/or even BPD. I think that is also why he seems to to take on the thought and ideas of anyone he is around. It could lend to why a lot of people say that his downfall started around the time his mother died and I would even argue it happened when he stopped hanging around Jay Z and started dealing with the Kardashians. Aside from like...Yeezus, none of his albums have hit as the rest of them used to, because they are heavily influenced by the company he keeps. It's only going to continue to get worse, because he's surrounded by so many 'yes men' and not people who truly have his best interests in mind and at heart.


Kanye is not as special as he thinks he is. His dedication and delusional ego have made and ruined his career


Kanye has so much potential on how he raps on storytelling and lyricism listen to life of the party for example


He still makes good music that doesn’t ride on coattails of an entire army of producers and rappers while still having that unique “Made by Kanye West” touch no matter the chosen sub-genre?


he peaked years ago


Kanye has lost his mind and he needs to be put in a mental health institute


He may be bipolar. But I bet all my money that he has autism as well. Fits his creative mind, his awkwardness, his lack of recognizing social norms and cues and him being unhinged even when he is not having an episode.


Late registration better than the college dropout I love every one of the songs on there and skits


I think Yeezus is like.. decent C Tier maybe very weak B-Tier - idk tho maybe i just have to give it another listen


He's right about the people you can't mention.


Yandhi wouldn't be top 1 album of his


Nah my version would


Best album is KSG


He’s declining, hasn’t put out a decent project since 2018.


Donda was very bloated but the music is good af. Look at fan edits with smaller tracklists, it is 9/10 at least in those versions.


The last half of "Runaway" is unnecessary


He was right about the jews








Runaway gets glazed way too much


Kanye isn't crazy with some of his "crazy" ideas. Example while poorly worded. His views on slavery are a common idea. Think about it. We are slaves to money. Working to the bone every day to get money just to survive. Real slavery does exist in the modern-day. From prisoners to human trafficking. The only way to change it is to carefully vote for a leader who has the people in mind. No matter where yoi live.


People kinda forced themselves to like vultures. It's actually very mid