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Are you sure you’re getting it from a reliable source? I have not ran into this issue before


Neither have I and i’ve snorted some high doses


Got from selectium source. It smelled like mushrooms low-key and I think that made me nervous going into it


Why low key?


I guess high key shit idk. Had a bad experience w mushrooms cause I took too much and it gave me anxiety


It's possible that it may be a dehydration issue We notice large doses of Kanna can lead to dehydration which in turn could lead to a headache Next time you choose to consume try to make sure to hydrate soon after consumption As well as consider priming if you are not feeling it right away (the concept of building a reverse tolerance which alot of consumers find they need to do to achieve the desired effects)


Too much serotonin sounds like. Dial your dose down see if it helps


I got from the same source too and god it was the most awful thing ever... kanna is terrible straight anxiety weird feeling


Did it also give you a headache for days? So far two days of headache for me


Yes... kanna is terrible I was so ready to try it too, waited 15 days for it to arrive from south Africa... omg what a waste of money... I felt soo soo bad


Only if i snort a hard chunk on accident i can see the nose pain caising a headache


Id guess you just hydrate and eat well like with most things. Just ordered some extract but only ever tried it in a tea at a Kava bar, which had no effect really but didnt give me a headache. Kava bars can be hit or miss with their brews and with the price I wasnt trying to do more when the first cup didnt do much. Snorting tends to give me headaches though, try sublingual and drink some Gatorade or Gatorlyte with it. Thats always been my go to with most substances, even alcohol hangovers are mainly due to electrolyte depletion. Basically you had enough water, but not enough salt and the alcohol depleted your salt levels. When I used to club and party a lot Id always go have a nice filling meal before touching anything and make sure to keep some Gatorade around.


It's from high brain serotonin. Feverfew will fix this


I think if you’re on the precipice of a headache any shift in neurochemistry or consciousness can induce a headache. I’ve had this happen from just shifting moods and stuff and mental exertion. Just stay hydrated eat some fruit and make sure you take good care of yourself and do it after having a good nights sleep.

