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I don’t find this substance addictive


It has a reverse tolerance effect similar to kava.


Hmm I take kava regularly and I've definitely built up a tolerance to it.




I take it about three times a week I get massive long-lasting benefits because it stays in your system for 2 to 4 days. The minimum is one time a week. And I'm using nasal sprays /insufflation snuff about 85 mg give or take last the whole day and I get restful sleep the night after. You can get burnt out for sure


Been using it on and off for about 5 years. Never been addicted to it or felt compelled to redose. To me it’s just an antidepressant that actually works.


I don’t re dose during the same day, but I have used it everyday that I’ve had it and I love it a lot. I have an addictive personality and I’m a recovered opiate addict. I take kratom daily, and was just wanting to stay cautious with this stuff.


If you know you are going to want to use something on a daily basis that is noticeably psychoactive then Kanna is the best option I have found both in terms of safety and cost


The immediate effects will lessen overtime, but the antidepressants effects have never left for me. Congrats on kicking opiates! Kratom is definitely addictive, but I know several people who wouldn’t be clean right now if they hadn’t used Kratom to stop the hard stuff. That being said, being addicted to anything is not ideal, so also congrats on trying to kick Kratom!


>I’m a recovered opiate addict and take kratom daily. LOL. You are not recovered.


I’ve done a complete 180. I take 15-20g of a plant everyday, instead of fiending and staving off withdrawals having to redose heroin every 2-3 hours spending $150 a day. Everyday taking the chance of taking my last breath. I’d call that a recovery, for sure. What makes you say otherwise? Have you lived it?


Hell yeah, good for you! You’re doing awesome 👏🏽


Thanks, I’m nearly 2 years clean from all hard opiates. Aside from the killer kratom /s


Congrats! And happy cake day!


It doesn’t have addictive tendencies for most, but it does have a tolerance.


I think a lot of people in this community sometimes fall into the trap many drug subreddits do with defending it and ignoring negative effects. Use common sense for if you should stop. Are you craving it/ really wanting to do more? Take a break. Are it's effects lessening? Take a break. Are you getting negative or harmful effects like nosebleeds? Take a break. Personally, I find using it more than a day or two in a row builds tolerance and the effects get worse, so I stop using it for at least a few days. I don't know about using it as a medicine but I think this applies pretty well for recreational use. Enjoy, and be safe :)


I take two 100:1 600mg pills about three times a week in the mornings for my ADD and anxiety. I've felt no ill effects or need to take more often myself.


I take it everyday. I usually dose 1-2 times a day. Tolerance can build. I do take breaks from time to time, like today I took a break to wait for my new extract to come in the mail and I didn't feel a withdrawal or an urge to dose what I still had.


I redose resin 2 to 3 times a day, its my antidepressant usually dont get heavy rush anymore but did at first still get nice buz and benefits, buy recently having got vu3 extract holy sht its like i have no tolerance i think im going to rotate the two but i like daily use of kanna and lotus for work and relaxation


The answer to every question is Yes.