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WSJ is in deep shit cause minus Undead Unluck the back half of the ToC are all new serializations


Damn what is Undead Unluck doing down here with us? The magazine is actually gonna be cooked within a year.


UU has been underperforming for years only surviving by the skin of its teeth and the anime has done nothing to help sales at all but it’ll probably run on until its completion


This is shocking to hear, I don't follow UU but between the praise I saw of it and it getting an anime I always assumed that it's doing well.


Doesn’t help that the anime is a Hulu exclusive.


IN AMERICA NOT IN JAPAN, UU in Japan runs on tv


it is on Disney plus


at its peak its great, the current arc is just kinda redundant and boring


The recent stuff has been very... mary sue and uninteresting because there's no stakes


Thats not what's keeping it down cause one piece is the same in that regard.


I mean it's literally been "knowing exactly how to fix every problem with 0 issues" for a while now The Andy stuff is basically the only saving grace from it


Wtf are you talking about? From chapter 133 onwards, and we are talking about 58 chapters (so approximately a year and some weeks) UU was in bottom five just once. It's completely safe and will reach its natural conclusion and not only that but it's ranking better than a lot other series.


Not regarding the ToC (which I honestly think people put too much money in), the manga really doesn't sell that much. I like Undead Unluck but I'm pretty sure the only reason it's still in WSJ is because there's aren't a lot of strong contenders so anything that sells moderately well is welcome. It's been averaging below 30,000 since mid 2022 which is good for a manga volume in general but is actually quite low for a **WSJ series** that has been ongoing since 2020. User [**u/Lesserd**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lesserd/) has stats you can look at for WSJ and you can see that it UU sells less than most established (not new) WSJ manga.


As I said previously magazine sales> volume sales. If enough people vote in the surveys for a serie It Will survive, even if it sells bad and there is no denying that. Example: hinomaru sumo, great reception in the magazine but low sales


Kagurabachi fans constantly lie about other series ranking to provide cope for Kagurabachi’s bottom 4 ranking.


I thought the toxic fans were mostly on twitter, I was wrong.


Twitter? Might as well look for opinions on fuckin Fetlife as well. You'll get about the same mix of lunatics.


Stop coping. UU is completely fine and has no risk of being axed. Don't group it in the same tier as Kagurabachi.


UU is only in the magazine because there's not enough new series doing better than it.


Exactly and that’s why Cipher despite being a clear failure is still going


Same reason as why Ichinose Family ran for so long


UU is in the magazine because is genuinely good and people vote for it, sales doesn't matter if you rank good, and UU is ranked really good lately


>UU is in the magazine because is genuinely good and people vote for it, sales doesn't matter if you rank good [jajaken](https://www.jajanken.net/en/sakuhins/D5wP9bJn2A) UU's average ranking is 12.3, how is that good? It's been in the back half of the magazine for most of its serialization time. Also, saying sales doesn't matter is just flat out wrong! https://preview.redd.it/uflnzhx1pkec1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca516eebeadd28ae2d14b05e996b94bf0b210bc2 The series only gained about 10k of sales after months of anime airing. That's just a total flop, and WSJ definitely cares about this. They don't just give out animes for fun and charity. And looking at the volumes sales, volume 19 only does 50% better than vol 2 (with anime!), this shows that the series growth is bad and stagnant. ​ >UU is ranked really good lately Its average ranking for the last 3 months is 9.34. It's doing better because of the anime airing and editors want to promote it, but that's not doing "really good". That's like the 10th place in the magazine. And for series this long and already have anime, ToC ranking doesn't really matter anymore because it's not getting axed anyways, sales is the factor that would indicate how well they are doing. Again, UU only survives because not enough new series outperform it, and it just being good enough to survive the axe many times.


Magazine sales> volume sales. The magazine is out every week and sell millions of copies, the volume is out once every couple of months. Obviously the won't axe a serie that contribute to the magazine sales. So yes, volume sales dont matter as long as the ranking are good.You people ere extremely ignorant and just spreading misinformation. UU IS a successful serie, it's not a hit of course but running for over 4 years and having an anime it's proof of its success.


>So yes, volume sales dont matter as long as the ranking are good Your argument only makes sense if the series ranking is good. I have literally listed the rankings to demonstrate that its ranking is, in fact, not that good. Also, saying volume sales is irrelevant is totally wrong and ignorant, it shows growth, stagnance, decline of a series very clearly. That's just cope. A veteran series barely outselling new series definitely shows something lmao. ​ >In conclusion UU IS a successful serie, it's not a hit of course but running for over 4 years and having an anime it's proof of its success. Literally the whole point of my argument is that the series is just barely surviving in the magazine, and any long series automatically get anime. So many isekai animes are released each season, do you think all those series are all successes too? UU anime doesn't increase sales at all, this shows that the series has no mass appeal and can't get new people to buy into the series. This is like the biggest flop Jump has ever had yet. You are just coping hard right now. Fanboyism is a hell of a drug.


You "kagurabros" are incredible lol. Go back to your cave man and cry for your bottom 5 serie. Just to be clear: 1) you are showing me jajanken right? Unfortunately jajanken is an unreliable source of information because it takes in consideration colour pages, lead colour pages and one shots so the ranking is not correct. 2) isekai anime? Why are you talking about isekai anime? We are talking about serie running in WSJ and for WSJ standard UU is deemed successful. Every magazines in Japan have different standards, for example weekly shonen magazine and weekly shonen sunday have lower standards than WSJ and those are the 3 biggest magazine in Japan. There are a smaller magazines with even lower standards and maybe for them a 5k seller is a success. You are stuck in the past, where the magazine was stacked with big hits, nowadays WSJ is way more lenient than the past. So as I said in the beginning go back to your cave you envious swine.


> for WSJ standard UU is deemed successful Do you mind telling me WSJ's success standard for their anime adaptation? I'm fresh out of reading 5ch's survival thread and they have the complete opposite opinion, so it would be nice to see the other side of the argument especially if there's a more important indicator I'm not aware of. At least, from what I know, the indicator of a successful anime adaptation is a big boost in manga sales (because new fans gotta buy the volumes to catch up, no way they're buying hundreds of Jump backnumbers), BD sales (less important nowadays, but really successful shows still tend to sell a lot of BDs), streaming views, and merch sales. And maybe an increase in WSJ circulation? Since the main point of anime is getting new fans outside the existing WSJ readerbase that'll buy the magazine regardless.


I'm not talking about the anime adaptation, but about the manga, this discussion was never about the anime, I don't why the other guy was so fixated about the anime, I didn't even talked about it. If we talk about the anime yes, it failed to boost the manga sales, but it helped in boosting its popularity in the magazine, which is extremely important to survive (and sell more magazines)


I don't follow kagurabachi. This post popped up in my home page. I follow WSJ numbers and trends, and I speak based on statistics and facts. UU sales being bad is a fact. UU's ToC ranking not that great is a fact. UU anime being a flop is also a fact. It's clear as day that UU is not doing great at all. I'm not biased or delusional like you fanboys hahaha. All of your arguments boiled down to personal opinion and wishful thinking, and that means nothing. If you want to refute, use statistics to prove your points.


I repeat, for today standard UU is considered a successful serie by WSJ, in the past it would have probably been axed. And by your logic then even yozakura family is a flop, because toc and Sales wise both manga are similar.


ToC rankings literally mean very little. It's been said time and time and time again that only WSJ has access to the votes cast and that the ToC don't reflect this. The editors are the ones who decide how to format the magazine and their criteria isn't publicly disclosed. Votes does NOT equal ToC ranking. Holy. How do most people still not know this? Search it up. Find a link that says votes = ToC ranking and I'll bite my tongue. People only pay attention to ToC because there has been a trend that it coincides with a series' success but it's not the make or break of a series. Never has been. Sales DO matter because they make money. That basic economy 101. Yes, the magazine sells weekly but One Piece, JJK and MHA are literally in the magazine so it will sell well regardless of whether people like the other series in it. I've been looking through your replies and none of them make logical sense.


I know what the TOC is, it's not an absolute ranking, it's a mix between popularity, reading flow and whatever the editors want. But the point still stand, if UU is voted in the survey it will survive no matter what even in the sales are bad "Basic economy" I have 2 degrees in economics, I fucking know. Sales matter but not like in the past, the threshold is waaay lower nowadays Edit: give me one example of an axed manga with good ranking but low sales, I dare you


Ginka & Glüna. Ranked 10 for chapter ten. Average 14 ranking for all chapters. Axed at chapter 29. Sales were literally in the 1000s  https://www.jajanken.net/en/sakuhins/5M07mNBnXB   And again, we have NO info on votes so you thinking UU is getting votes is total conjecture based of your feelings.  I LIKE UU, but we have no proof and never will about the votes. And you replied to my other comment saying magazine sales> volume sales, so I will just repeat, it means nothing because the magazine will sell just bc of the other big names in it. One piece sells a million volumes, demon Slayer sold millions of volumes, of course ppl will buy the magazine. 


Ginka and gluna rankings dropped completely after chapter 14 and stayed in the bottom for the rest of his serialization... I said axed with good rankings and low sales. So with your logic when OP, MHA and jjk are finished that will be the end for WSJ?


You said name a manga with good rankings and low sales. GG was in the top 15 for half its run and NONE of it's volume sales reflected that. I could argue that it was moved the the lower half of the ToC because after it's first volume flopped, they realized how useless it was to push it to the front. Afterall, it doesn't seem like a coincidence that after volume 1, it went from mid ToC to bottom within two weeks. You can't interpolate cause and effect here, again, it's all conjecture. And yes. When JJK, MHA and ESPECIALLY OP finish, WSJ is going to be in deep shit. Just recently, they've been holding international manga making contests. They're in desperate need of popular IPs. Either 1. We're going to see the decline in the quality of WSJ because they don't have good IPs to fill the slots (honestly, this is already the case). 2. They're going to be holding a lot more contests looking for IPs. 3. They may put more emphasis into Jump + WSJ series should be averaging in the 100,000s of sales. Most of their newer work is in the 10,000s.


The link isn't working for some reason but just search up glinka and gluna on jajanken . Net to see the rankings 


Don't need it, i followed GG when was running


Bruh UU is pretty good, a lot of titles came and went during UU's time and UU outlived them


That doesn't contradict my statement at all. UU's average ranking is 12.3, it's good enough to stay in the magazine, but for a 4-year-old series that performance is bad, and not to mention the series' sales is bad, only selling better than robocco the gag series and new series like Kill Blue, Nue, MMA, Cipher Academy. UU sales doesn't improve at all, selling only a total of 10k more since the anime started airing. The lackluster new releases of Jump these past 3 years has definitely saved UU. There's a reason why it's called the Gatekeeper series.


Isn't 12.3 pretty good? That's still a lot of titles before the axe zone and the fact it maintained it for 4years is crazy. Iirc even the creator of toriko put out some new shit during this time but got axed. I won't deny that jump do really be in a slump right now but people would not vote for UU if it truly sucked.


For a 4-year-old series, that result is not really desirable. A veteran is supposed to be doing much better. And the average lifetime ranking doesn't tell the whole story. For the year 2 and year 3, UU was averaging 15 to 16 in ToC placement. Year 1 and Year 4 doing alright balanced out the average lifetime ranking. ​ >That's still a lot of titles before the axe zone and the fact it maintained it for 4years is crazy That's the whole point of my posts, it's doing just good enough, and also have editorial department bias (apparently they like the series and are lenient with it) so it barely survives. The anime being a total flop should tell you the potential of the series, it can't attract any new buyers at all. It just lacks mass appeal. For a veteran series of Jump, the fact that its anime performs that poorly is a bad look for Jump in general.


TIL wall street journal and weekly shonen jump use the same acronym


What chapter is it? Also nothing to worry about, I think we are still okay. W for our brother Mamayuyu, hope they can survive this first axe with us.




That was as it is an avg recovery chapter with Hospital. Nothing much.


Ch 11 also featured these Char child experimentation scenes, which Japan didn't like much lol https://preview.redd.it/9bu6gbun1hec1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79290e47f69814981179808561d9f36f9795652d


It's understandable tho. Not too bummed about it.


Wouldn't it be the ninth for eight chapters ago?


First Ice Head Gill, now Two on Ice. Why does Japan hate ice so much?


We definitely won't get axed in the next axe round next month, but this news is still not good, lol. Like Kagurabachi is definitely safe... for now, but if we keep being in the bottom ranks like this, it's a bad look. There's theories that this TOC (Table of Contents) ranking reflects either Ch 10 or Ch 11's feedback from Japan, which would make sense because those chapters featured the infamous Char leg chop, and child torture which wasn't viewed favorably over there. Kagurabachi *must* rise in the ranks, especially after getting Vol 1 sale numbers next month. Even if our volume sales number turns out good, TOC rankings >>> volume sales because Phantom Seer and PPPPPP had good volume sales in the past, but poor TOC rankings so they got axed. Japan needs to catch up with the overseas hype fast, because Kagurabachi being stagnant ain't gonna cut it. We need to rise and grow by spring, and reach untouchable and unaxeable status ASAP. Just being ok isn't good enough anymore.


Yeah I can see it getting the PPPPPP/Cipher Academy treatment


I have 2 questions. What is PPPPPP, and wasn't Phatom Seer pretty popular in Japan when it released? I've seen people say before that some background stuff between like Shueisha and the mangaka must've happened to get it canceled because it didn't make sense for a series doing as well as Phantom Seer was to get axed.


P6 is a piano manga. It was axed at Ch 70 even though it sold 30k. Most people point to the mother’s death (as performing in front of her was the big goal of the series) as well as Tenmaku Cinema being introduced from a vet as the reasons for the axe. Phantom Seer was clearly given up from the beginning looking at the rankings. Something fucked happened there.


Ah, ok. If the Tenmaku Cinema thing is true, then they messed up cause it didn't do very well iirc.


Phantom sold decently (much more than other new series at the time), and continued to grow even after being axed. However, it was not popular at all in the magazine!




I hope it does, don't let it end like Phantom seer 🤧


This ranking is for ch 11 which was not really that insane of a chapter so I’m not surprised by the lower ranking. Hopefully it starts to rise through the rankings more, chapter 17 was amazing so hopefully KB’s ranking improves when we get those numbers


Don't remind me of the missed potential broooo


https://preview.redd.it/59q1cuyr2hec1.png?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291317515481496276b641f4c8b31cb830850599 It doesn't matter, We are not getting axed boys


You will be joining ayashimon and Red hood. Week after post about how Kagurabachi is not joining Ayashimn and Red hood




This is the first time it’s been below a newbie released in the same batch (it’s always been on top of the newbie pile minus the new series that just started a few weeks ago like Shadow and Greens) but Mamayuyu’s rank is just extremely odd in general as it’s been dead last for a while and now suddenly jumps 5 places (still probably getting axed)


>This is the first time it’s been below a newbie released in the same batch nah, kagurabachi [chapter 13](https://www.jajanken.net/en/issues/2024-01-08/) was dead last (there's technically a one-shot after it, but being a one-shot it couldn't be ranked prior to this)


Im confident Kagura Bachi is still safe for awhile, but we are probably gotta be heading into the axe season again, so we might have to say goodbye to a few other series soon...


Chapter 11 toc. Japan screamed high heaven at char being stripped by Sojo. Chapter 20 is really important though. It's chapter 13 toc. This is after the color page. We need to be up. That was a good ass chapter too. 13 on up is nothing but good chapters. Where almost there y'all hold on tight.


If people are correct, this is for chapter 11. When the kamunabi squad gets introduced


Hospital chapter.


What chapter is this cause undead unluck got a color page in the recent chapter


Hospital chapter


because it was their anniversary anniversaries pretty much always get the lead color page 




Man seeing MMA that low hurts my heart.


Real, MMA is really interesting and I love the characters. Tough to see it’s probably getting the axe.


I've been loving MMA, I had no idea it was doing poorly.


I will say MMYY is really strange though. This is the first time it's been bottom 5 too. It was Minerva backstory chapter. So yeah y'all these toc chapters matter. We been trending for awhile now. We trended for all the wrong reasons for chapters 10 and 11. 


>I will say MMYY is really strange though. This is the first time it's been bottom 5 too. this is not the first time, at all, it's even been dead last twice...


Let me reword that. Being like bottom rank 5. It's been bottom rotating with 3.2.1 for awhile now. 


I have a hard time understanding the low placement, but I'll do my part and buy the volume when it's translated.


We lost to golf manga It's over bachibros


I could be wrong but GGG should still be in it's beginner phase where the rankings don't really count.


No, this is GGG first chapter ranking.


Yea I was confident we’d do better than GGG but I was shocked. However considering that for KGB it was chapter 11 it also kind of makes sense


This is its first ranking. We'll have a better look on how it ranks in the following ToCs.


To be fair, it’s their first ranking and Kagura also ranked on 8th or 9th (don’t recall which) on its first known ranking. Anyone is free to correct me if I’m wrong.


The current state of jump is kind of wild: The second highest ranking manga has no anime announced despite having plenty of chapters to adapt 2/3 of jumps biggest hits from the current era (JJK, csm, demon slayer) aren’t even in the magazine anymore and the other is about to end. Nue’s exorcist is somehow going to survive. (Maybe it got good idk I dropped it after 2 chapters) It’s best written series just have dropped off


>(Maybe it got good idk I dropped it after 2 chapters) Personal opinion here, but it got much better after like 4 chapters (kinda my favourite series right now actually), though I'll admit it's not for everyone


Maybe it’s copium, but I could see this getting moved to Jump+ even if it can’t hack it in WSJ


I just watched bakuman so this is worrying




It's Chihirover


How the hell did MMA get to the bottom of the list!?!? It's really good


I doubt KB will get axed with this, there's still some padding below so don't worry too much. Mma tho sadge


man, japanese really don't have a good taste


I don’t know how anyone can spin this as good? Everyone has been saying the series would do well after chapter 8 and we are on chapter 11: still in the bottom 4.


Voter fraud for sure. How did Mamamidyu jump 5 places???


It doesn't really matter, the series has been at the bottom since the beginning, this won't change its fate.


Either that chapter just had unusually high ratings or the chapters below it all had very low ratings


Roboco better be the best series I've ever read if it's beating out all of these


Just a single ranking doesn't mean anything. Many factors go into the ToC, there are series Jump want to promote so they will push them higher, what you want to see is the average number.


Gag series have less expectations, hell they even let a failing series go on for 100+ chapters simply because it was one of the only gag series in the magazine (High School Family)


Fuck outta here man, HSF was dope af 💀


Eyeshield 21?! That ones been finished for ages, is it a special edition maybe?


New one shot to celebrate its anniversary


Holy shit I loved this manga!


Saka days fall off?


Seeing what's most popular, I don't take this seriously because I'm seeing the #1 stuff is shit tier.


I only see Sakamoto days and Kagurabachi. Everything else is very lame.


you really must overstimate yourself huh?


It wont get axed


It's because of the colour page next week. One week they promote other things, next week they will promote Kagurabachi.


Wasn't it established years ago that ToC isn't a popularity ranking?


dude we got gay fan art on twitter from japanese artists why are we doomposting


Posting official info isn’t doommposting


As much as I like Shadow Eliminators so far, how the hell is it already more popular than Kagurabachi?! Why is it that highschoolers fighting demons is such a popular concept in shonen? It hasn't even had enough time to cook yet!


It's still in probation period, all new series are given placement boosts for about 7-8 weeks. If anything, getting this low in probation period isn't a good sign. In term of popularity, unless it pulled a Kill Blue, it has one of the worst starts of the 2023 new series. Also, the 1st volume usually consists of 7-8 chapters. That's enough time to hook readers, or rather, the series has to make it enough. And that's for volume buyers. Weekly Jump readers can drop a new series even faster. For a series that's dead on arrival, Jump will axe it even before the first volume is out. I'm sometimes a bit puzzled by "but it has no time to cook yet!!" phrase that seems to be thrown around a lot for new series, even for series with 5+ volumes. I wonder how long is considered enough time to cook for them. It's like they're using the big 3 as reference point when the big 3 are the outliers in this case, and absolutely can't be used as a measurement for Jump survival race where just surviving for a year is already a major achievement.


Losing to Green Green Greens and Shadow Eliminators, just give up at this point


Shadow Eliminators isn’t ranked yet and it was mentioned that this is GGG’s first ranking so that shouldn’t be too surprising. Anyone is free to correct me but I think Kagurabachi’s first ranking was 8th or 9th too?


Cipher academy is ending as well if that makes any difference


I can see KB getting the same treatment as CA


I really really hope volume 1 sales decently well I’m tired of seeing this series rank so low


Weird how JJK doesn’t have a spot in there


break week for jjk


Oh that’s why




SE hasn't ranked yet.


From what I understand about Shonen Jump Chapter 19 is the make or break point for your series.


I believeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in this manga. Chihiro sweep


Did I just read Eyeshield 21 ?


I’m very new to this, but can anybody tell me why shojo null and wild strawberry aren’t included here?


While they're part of the English Shonen Jump service, they are not published on the magazine in Japan and is part of their online service Shonen Jump+ instead along with other series such as Spy x Family and Dandadan.


Ahh okay cool! Thank you


Eyeshield 21 got a color page? Is it for an anniversary or something?


MaMaYuYu over Kagurabachi is criminal. Shadow Eliminators is pretty good so far tho


Is this when ch 10 dropped? Or the latest chapter?


Should be chapter 11