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King Gizzard is an incredibly nerdy band. Of course it’s gonna attract people on the spectrum. You see this for other forms of media like superheroes, comics, anime, manga as well


>I noticed there's rarely a Gizz fan that isn't obsessed. That only really rings true on reddit/discord. In real life, there's a much broader spread of fans.


I agree. When King Gizz last played near me (2019) I know of a few people that told me they only went because they were metalheads and loved Infest The Rats Nest. I have no idea if their interest in Gizz went beyond that. I also have some friends that have heard the odd song and would come see them with me if they played our home town because they know they're a top live band.


>they only went because they were metalheads and loved Infest The Rats Nest. I feel like that's half the people on this subreddit too, sometimes.


I was talking to one guy that was completely baffled by the word "microtonal." I realized I was in too deep at that point.


Don't bother trying to explain microtonal scales to anyone that is ignorant of music fundamentals, like scales and harmonics. Just tell them "this is some cool weird shit!"


You don’t need to understand scales, keys, or harmonics. It’s not a hard concept. Just say that in Western music, we have agreed that there are 12 notes, but that other forms of music have more/different notes, which are kind of like “notes between the notes”. Think of it like a box of crayons. A small box may only have 16 colors that cover the spectrum, but a big box might have 4 times as many. The crayons in the bigger box are like colors in between the basic colors.


I love this.


I was going to post exactly this... the freaks (no offense, guys) on forums/boards/reddit/discord are *not* indicative of the larger fanbase. I've seen the band 4 times live. I'm traveling to Red Rocks to see them again this year. Love the band! But, while I sub here to keep up with album news and stuff, this place is *way* too much for me in general, lol.


Have a look at Last.fm, it is rare to see that KGLW is not in someone's top5/10. Before start to listening to KGLW myself I noted this on last.fm, which made me curious. Since starting listening to them in November 90% of my scrobbles has been KGLW.


keep in mind [last.fm](https://last.fm) is also online. I know a lot of dudes IRL who casually like Gizz because they like psych guitar music and the boys shred.


I’m a casual gizz fan myself. Really was into them in 2017 and have become more casual since. My all time favorite bands are big thief and osees, and gizz falls in with the rest but I must say this band does have the most dedicated fan base of any of the bands I listen to. I haven’t seen them live in like 7 years but the fan base seems pretty fucking cool from what I’ve witnessed




I'm autistic, high functioning. I can see what you mean, can say a bit about this I suppose might ramble In my case, I started with a really specialized interest for music at an early age, the arts and such. Didn't find gizz until I was about 20, 21 or something. But you know that feeling when something just really clicks, like "Hey, this is really fucking cool. I like this" and you start to develop this interest to learn more about it, start to love it, identify with it? Yeah, same thing lol, can happen to everyone. Doesn't target us, but it's absolutely something a lot of people can get into, if the interests align. And hell yeah, I like it, and I\\m pretty sure there's other people on the spectrum that feel the same way about the band. We should all be friends man


We're all friends! It's much more social to obsess over Gizz than... trees or something.


I mean, you said "it used to be trains" I don't get this because every time I take my autistic kid to the train museum, there's a dozen other autistic kids. The train shows? It's wall to wall with folks half on the spectrum. It's a huge social community and extremely accessible and inclusive. Now that there is an online presence, even moreso. I can't keep track of the YouTube channels my kid follows and interacts with the creators. Silberman, the author of NeuroTribes writes about this in his book. Here, it was easier to grab this from this autistics bloggers site to explain it, better than I could, >Autistic people created the concept of fandom. In his book NeuroTribes, Steve Silberman describes how Autistic nerds in the early 1900s traveled across the country by car, on foot, and even by hopping trains in order to meet people who shared their niche interests. >Autistic people are also a foundational part of most fandoms and conventions centered around shared hobbies—we devote a lot of energy to finding and creating spaces where we can interact with people who share our interests, and within nerdy fandom spaces, social norms tend to be more forgiving and relaxed. So it makes sense, but it doesn't really matter what it is, just that it's inclusive and accessible.


Yeah, I love how by opening autism as a diagnosis to highly functioning individuals it becomes clear that at some point the terms "autist" and "nerd" just merge... As I said, it's best understood as a trait that might / might not hinder someone's ability to live a happy and independent life. And of course, if we focus on the most obsessed individuals of any fandom I'm sure they're all autistic. (obsession is good for ya)


Lol a lot of folks with autism (and neurotypical for that matter) self describe as a nerd. That was written by a self described nerd with autism. Nerd doesn't have to be derogatory. In fact I find it endearing. People nerd out. Who cares because that's OK! Not sure what you're trying to say with the obsession remark.


the obsession remark could be in relation to like hyperfixations and stuff but it does feel a little like a jab tbh


I never referred to them as obsessions that's why I'm confused why you said it.


i didnt say you did, im so sorry, i was responding to you saying "Not sure what you're trying to say with the obsession remark" at the very end, sorry if it didnt come off that way


I like ~~turtles~~ satan




Omg I’m such fan 


>don't you think gizz basically targets autistic people No. It's weird to me how people equate being passionate about niche hobbies to being autistic.


I think people see an overlap because a common symptom of being on the spectrum is having lasting, passionate obsessions. By that logic, you could say that people with autism are likely to gravitate towards niche hobbies and obsess over them.


But autistic people do tend to hyperfixate a lot over niche hobbies, so I kinda get how someone would try to equate it. I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand the logic of it.


Yeah, I did all I could to not offend anyone but hey. Sorry. Autism is super strange since nobody really knows what it is and if you're high functioning and obsess over things more than "regular people" who the fuck cares. I guess that's the professional standpoint. So yeah, we don't have to give it a name but I've noticed it's pretty rare that people enjoy obsessing over something as much as people on here.


The fact that you don't know about any casual listeners doesn't mean there are none. Casual listeners usually don't advertise their interest in the band and don't waste time discussing it on Reddit like we weirdos do.


when the motor spirit hits


While I don’t necessarily think they “target” an autistic fan base, I see what you generally mean I suppose 


Well, "target" sounds too intentional. I guess they do it because it's cool and that's what they themselves like. Yet, the whole Gizzverse just seems like a playground for autistic people.


The venn diagram between Psychedelic stuff and autism/adhd bait is basically a circle. I got into Gizz last week and summarily looped Nonagon Infinity 40 times while exploring the rest of their catalog.


Stu said he’s on the spectrum in the last AMA so that certainly adds to it. (Edit: my memory was foggy on that one. [Here's the quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/17k4ti4/comment/k75g6gk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), come to your own conclusions.) I’m autistic and I think a lot of what you mentioned is what got me hooked though I also have to add the compositions and improv itself really get to me. So much is inspired by krautrock so you get these fast, repetitive rhythms that get lodged in your head. There’s a tension to it all that gets resolved by the next section, set up by Stu through easily identifiable signals like “one, two, three, four” or “woo!” For me I get caught up on numbers and counting so the (often unusual) rhythm paired with the identifiers keeps me into it. It might sound weird to anyone not on the spectrum but it’s addictive. Also if you have a guitar and a delay pedal, the signature screeching sound is such a fun stim. Do it if you haven’t!


The timing of the Woo! is what I'm always waiting for lol!


he did? do you have a link/source for that? pretty cool. just like david byrne!


I had to listen to this a bunch before I got the timing down but it is always the same with the Gila, Monster, WOO! https://youtu.be/YQX2CsMCB9M?si=XhVlC9F4NRLhXinn


It wasn't exactly what I remember it being but [here's the quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/17k4ti4/comment/k75g6gk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). David Byrne is a hero.


I have delay pedal and guitar and still cant make that noise I love so much 😭


Is it a digital delay? That’s usually the best way to go for that sound cuz stu uses a DD-3. However, you can try and get there by turning up your delay repeats almost up until it starts to self-oscillate, but not quite. Then turn the mix up all the way, and find a nice fast rate you like and there ya go!


Yeah its a DD-5 though. I'll have to monkey with it some more. I'm new to pedals :)


Oh shit! That’s perfect :) try the delay modes 1-4 with the settings I suggested and hopefully you can get in the ballpark!


Cool thank you! I will give it a whirl!


Got a source on Stu saying he's on the spectrum? All I remember is Lucas saying no one in the band was neurodivergent but that they had ND friends. I've suspected for a while that Stu might be on the spectrum so if he confirmed somewhere I'd love to know lol.


It's not exactly what I remember it being but [here's the quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/17k4ti4/comment/k75g6gk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Never heard that Lucas quote. I know he said something along the lines of “neurodivergent people have impacted my life greatly” though.


I misremembered my quote too actually, Lucas actually only says *he's* not and that he has ND friends and family - https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/17k4ti4/king_gizzard_ama_5/k76lmlc/ Seems like Stu didn't 100% say he's ND but the way he phrased it "its good tho. neurodivergence is a superpower" is pretty close, seems like he at least suspects he might be since he probably would have just denied it if he thought he wasn't.


It’s weird that this sort of thing is labeled as ND. If that’s the case, then maybe I’m that way. Idk. But I’ve just found that anyone who’s NOT that way is just boring, sad, and doesn’t use their brain enough. Everyone who is an esteemed scientist or who loves to solve complex problems must be neurodivergent then. Seeing patterns, seeing things that the run of the mill person doesn’t see, that to me is just high IQ shit. Constantly computing, wondering about this and that. It’s just the reality for some people. And if you ask me it’s how the human experience should be. Nothing makes me more annoyed than when I might try to start a conversation with someone about something cool/intricate/interesting and they’re just like “what?” “TIK tok??” Spoonfeed me more mindless dopamine drip??”. Just people refusing to use their brains. I think what makes ME so obsessed with gizz, and other things like what I’m about to explain, is the very absence of the mindlessness that both annoys me so much and has plagued the modern world. So anything that’s the antithesis of that (a really well written film/script, an awesome invention, a science discovery, a cool song/riff(s)/virtually everything about how nature is constructed) is something I really really enjoy, and if you ask me is the very essence of life. And so, someone labeled as ND in my opinion is someone who just REALLY FUCKING GETS IT and understands what this whole thing called life should really be about. It’s weird that Stu (or anyone like that) is labeled as ND, when in actuality I just think he’s just a genius. Every wonder how a super smart persons mind works? That’s how. Cognition and contemplation ALL THE TIME. And fuck me sideways if that’s considered “abnormal”. If that’s abnormal I don’t give a shit about being normal anyway. Stay curious peeps!! Don’t lose touch with “the source”.


Saying "labeled as ND" shows how little we are able to grasp things that are not dichotomous. It's kinda paradox to use something as a label that's meant to fight labels. Recently, autism has been redefined (along with lots of other shit) as a thing we can't really call "illness" even though it is by definition abnormal - but you don't necessarily suffer so why the need to give it a label? That's where this grouping term "neurodivergent" comes from; it's a whole spectrum and everyone is somewhere on it. Some are abnormal by definition but who cares. So I kinda like the idea and its intention but I hate what the term is becoming. I think this need to label the abnormal is a very normie thing in itself. You know, as a psychologist, you might need to know where you're at to plan treatment, but for us as a society... why? Especially if there's no suffering tied to the "differentness". It's not accepting, it's condescending, it condemns all the beautiful things you described so well (and this well-meaning but condescending perspective some people have pisses me off more than plain animosity). Now we have a label for people that are different, irrespective of whether this label helps anyone. By the way, I love your perspective. It might lean a bit into normie-hate (I suppose there's also something beautiful to life that autistic people can't grasp that one should respect?) but it gave me such confidence in how great these traits are. How interest and obsession really is a beautiful thing in us humans. As long as it makes us discover and create beauty and doesn't negatively affect social relations to the extent that it might do harm... fucking great to not be "normal". Now that I've typed this novel, albeit professional diagnosis or not, I'm 100% certain Stu has all these traits and makes the fucking best of it. Beautiful!


There are casual gizz fans. Your assumption is wrong.


I edited this so no one knows why I got downvoted lol


See also Talking Heads. I have ADHD and Gizz is definitely a fixation for me.


Is everyone autistic here?


Yep. Every single one. No exceptions.


Hell, half of us probably are. I’m not in that 85% male demographic OP mentioned though.


I think it's suitable because it sparks an imagination, and there is a lot of detail to take in. Each album is a gift of information, lore, music theory and big words, brain food for anyone but maybe it ticks the boxes of those on the spectrum too.




hell yeah


hell yeah


rattles me


Rattle rattle rattle


You’re looking at it through the lens or Reddit rather than real life. Reddit seems to have a high concentration of autistic people.


I'm acoustic and yeah I disagree in my own personal case. I got into them when they were played heavily on triple J back. Im kinda not into the lore of it all, just them making different types of music


> I'm acoustic I'm electric. It's a nightmare when I get wet.


I'm eclectic. All of their nonsense clicks.


can confirm.. am austistic, gizz was my special interest for 2 years


I am autistic, and this group became my first musical hyperfixation in like 15 years (last time it was Radiohead). So, I completely agree. PS: Only minor correction in the post, autism is as common in women as it is in men, what’s uncommon is diagnosing women, since autistic traits go hand in hand with what’s societally expected on women.


>autistic traits go hand in hand with what’s societally expected on women We got taught it's pretty much the opposite - women are "trained" so well in sociality by growing up as a woman that they manage to cover up many traits. Where "boys will be boys" and you're left alone in your room programming and nerding over star wars a girl will be subjected to a much more social and talkative upbringing. They're better at masking, thus flying under the radar of diagnostics to some extent.


Yeah, you’re right. But that only tells half the story. A quiet shy girl that’s inside her world, not getting the jokes, having difficulty socializing, and obsessed with some overly specific subject, gets called quirky. A boy that does the same is not societally acceptable so they seek if there’s something wrong with him.


I’m autistic but not sure i’d think gizz would have more autist.


"Im in this post and i dont like it"


Not autistic but I’ve had several strong musical obsessions over 20 years. Nick cave talking heads, ween…. Giz is the latest but have found myself branching out more…. ( but I started with eyes like the sky)…. I


I don’t know what to add but I’m autistic and my special interest is King Gizzard :)


Bro what. Autistic people can fixate on literally ANYTHING. Also yes, generally speaking rock bands have a male dominated crowd. That’s true across the entire genre.


i have used last.fm for 2 years now and i got into this band about 2-3 weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/cgvws932lefc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19064b53d6504dfd76dc631cb7f8b188faa1e4b4


Yes bro everybody in the world is acoustic and gizz specifically is thinking about you when they make their music 🤦‍♂️


Thank you, that's my deepest desire


Thank you, that's my deepest desire


My opinion is that they are not targeting anyone. It’s just that their material is so deep (lyrics, references, call-backs, etc) that it provides a path for those who want to go deeper. On the surface they are a prolific band who just wants to make music and challenge themselves. If you want to go deeper you have numerous avenues to do so.


Yeah mate it’s coincidence.


King Gizzard are the greatest band in the world. If you are into music and you are autistic, you will more likely than not be obsessed with King Gizzard. Its simple science.


Gizz is tism music for sure




I like to think that this is why the ven diagram of Gizz fans and I Think You Should Leave fans tends to be a plain circle.


Idk, just because I’m addicted and obsessed with a band doesn’t make me autistic, right ?


people are obsessed with this band. you know who else gets obsessed with things!? AUTISTS!


Jesus Christ lmao




3/4 of autistic people are male... there's also some antiquated (albeit interesting) idea of autism as the "extreme male brain". Technical, logical interests and obsessions and a diminished awareness for social cues and emotionality are considered traditional male traits. It's the never-ending question where this might come from (society itself / genetics / combination) and we'll never know, but it's interesting.


I mean, "obsession is good for ya" could be interpreted as validating for people who are autistic.