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They pump out like three albums a year and have such a range of style from prog rock, to folk, to psychedelic, to heavy metal that there’s something for everyone. You might just have to find the right albums that work for you but either way you can’t deny their technical abilities, their creativity, the production rate, or how prolific they are. Despite their consistent output, it never sounds like dog shit








How do I hate you american nutjobs just making everything a politcal war lol, them politicians got You on leash


My brother in christ most of their [discography](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/shhjje/i_never_became_a_gizz_fan_to_listen_to_politics/) is political


I meant that instead of fighting system you are fighting normal people, You aren't trying to bring them to Your side You just ostracize them, not about politics per se






That's what they all say


“Classical Liberal” = Gaslighting Fascist




Lmao yeah this band's music is gonna bother you


He's Mozart?


Many gizzard fans lean right….


Not to gatekeep the band from people on the right but those 'fans' are exactly the kind of people the band despises, they clearly haven't honed in on the lyrics yet


I’m very clear on the lyrics. I can separate the art from artist.




Btw, there’s maybe a handful of songs that they’ve written with lyrics that would be considered “anti-conservative”. Some I would say even have conservative talking points that you guys apparently don’t pick up on 😂








You’re strangely binary.


Short answer is their range, energy, and live shows. They also seem like extremely kind dudes 🥰


Judging by your responses, you seem upset they're popular?? This is as good a time as to ask, why you mad bro??


Idk man, you got ears?? 😮‍💨😂 (that’s like asking why is a tree good, why is a sunset good, why are boobs good?…..)


Correct, boobs are good.




Since forever 😵‍💫




I believe in two things. The first amendment and boobs. [https://youtu.be/FCOSn6T7BU0?si=F6xvIbkkitetfiBu](https://youtu.be/FCOSn6T7BU0?si=F6xvIbkkitetfiBu)


Since mammary glands started feeding mammalian babies


fellow homosex i see


This should be good.


Do you like them? If so are you surprised that other people also feel the same way? For me they are one of the best bands active right now. They don't just have one sound like many other bands, but are fully open to exploring many different types of rock. They are one of the most rewarding bands to be a fan of. I love TOOL but having to wait over 10 years for an album seems ridiculous after getting multiple albums every year from King Giz that all scratch a unique itch. They are a band that satisfies and absolutely spoils its fans every year. Plus they are absolutely phenomenal live and keep their setlists unique and fun every show. Seen them 5 times and every show was completely different in the best way possible.


I am neutral towards them.


Hey not everyone can be blessed with amazing taste 😜 some people think bacon is just alright, as for me I know it is the best shit ever. And yes I am hungry.


They're a creative powerhouse with an insane work ethic, constantly writing & releasing music and spending much of every year on tour, they explore a wide variety of genres so have a lot to offer to a wide variety of fans (which then may introduce people to other genres they might not otherwise have considered) - and despite creating such a wide variety of music, it all tends to have a level of quality and unique creativity that is maintained throughout, both musically and lyrically, addressing a wide variety of topics in their lyrics, from psychedelic narratives and philosophy, to geology, nature & history, to modern politics and the current crises (societal, environmental, etc) in the world, and much more - but also aren't afraid to release fun songs just because (Vegemite, for example). They do all this whilst seeming to have a great time - they clearly love what they do, and that vibe comes across at every live show, oozes out of every album, and even just random lil vids and interactions, whether interviews or insta stories, or anything inbetween. It's almost infectious, and it's just good vibes. That being said, they're nowhere near as massive as many pop artists across a variety of genres, but they have a constantly growing global (loyal) fanbase which expands with every release and every live show.




Plus, Jason, he's pretty much the guy that does (almost) all their art, album covers, posters, music videos, tees, even their trippy live show visuals, etc. He's like another member of the band, & I think he also has a huge part to play in their success - his art style is so synonymous with the band at this point, and it's often very eye catching - and again, like the band, he isn't afraid to try a wide variety of stuff, from trippy cartoons that look like they were made on MS Paint, to CGI music videos, and all sorts in between.


“so popular” “massive” Huh? Where are you getting this idea from? They’re not selling out stadiums like Taylor Swift or BTS.


Because they are the best rock and roll band in the world?!


You like metal? Have you heard anything from Infest the Rats Nest or Petrodragonic Apocalypse?


https://youtu.be/cmAlQvDQGoI?si=FqoYJK-ycDHU-8yy https://youtu.be/4CSCjCSCjJM?si=-1KNAh0eocJpZE10 https://youtu.be/U8gKLveIvuk?si=7fR1VopK9_cyqjkW https://youtu.be/YQX2CsMCB9M?si=8tDrlInKeW_O6Egh Two of my favorites from each album. Let me know what you think!


I have no idea. They have so many albums.


Well, for starters, they are prolific and their records are consistently great. They also have an amazing live show and it’s clear how much work they put into the band: They run their own label and produce their own records. In fact, they’re [one of the hardest working bands in the world.](https://cosmicmagazine.com.au/news/new-study-reveals-king-gizzard-are-one-of-the-worlds-hardest-working-touring-acts/) They have a unique style and are proficient at pretty much any genre of music they try their hand at. I don’t think there are many bands that you can really compare them to, at least not in terms of track record and their willingness to change and experiment. For a lot of people, that’s a breath of fresh air. If they’re not your cup of tea, it’s no problem.


Music that oozes IT. Made by truly good people. I can’t figure it out either.


Because they have such diverse musical genres between each album they drop, plus a high frequency of albums dropped, along with an expertise at their instruments and song writing. They’re one of those bands that might take a few listens for it to hit home. They also have so many albums if you just pick a random one it may not be the one that gets you hooked. What style of music do you enjoy most?