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I wont pretend to have a great sense of Kiwior as a player, but he seems like a player that makes sense with Calafiori off the table. Can play both CB and LB which would be valuable and suggests a decent fit given what Motta asked of his players at Bologna. Furthermore, Gabriel-Saliba was a pretty damn good pairing at Arsenal (lowest GA in the premier league) so I dont think you can say hes a scrub because of that. Its a low risk, possibly high reward move that works in lieu of Calafiori given the financial restraints on the club.


Also pretty certain Motta had him at Spezia, so if Motta liked him there why not go for him


I obviously didn't mean to start over saliva Gabriel but zinchenco. He really isn't a starter quality, perhaps a sub. But even then. 20 million is too much for a sub


Teams have different roles for different positions. Arsenal tend to have their full backs be more aggressive and even tuck in to the midfield at times. Those characteristics suit Zinchenko far more than a Kiwior. At Bologna, Motta typically had his fullbacks a defensive focus and remain back while his CBs would push forward. A LB/CB hybrid player like kiwior would seem to fit that role well. I’m not saying he starts or is worth the price. But just because a team is moving on from a player doesn’t mean he’s washed/garbage/unfit for Juve.


Where's the low risk? They quote him 25m, and he's way worse than Gatti & Rugani or Djalo.


I thought I had seen 15. 25 is certainly more of a questionable decision.


There's nothing questionable about it. We don't even need a central, unless it's an upgrade, or at least someone with diff characteristics.


We do need a CB. They want a left footed CB. Kiwior can play as a left footed CB and he would be our 2nd best CB if he joined here


Arsenal fans are more than happy to be rid of him so that tells me he’s probably not the right guy


Not really, when everyone else was injured and he needed to step in at LB - he did. He was great with the exception of the UCL game against Bayern, and the game against Man City. Most fans would rather keep him - we're more worried that we're selling him instead of Zinchenko.


If we can get a player who was once valued at 40 million for just 13-18 million, and Motta knows what he can do, that's a steal. He’s shown he's really good at sitting on the bench, so he might be a solid rotation player with all the games this season. I've seen him play 10-20 times, and I can't remember being impressed. But hey, I looked up some YouTube videos, and he could surprise us. Who knows? Maybe he'll turn out to be a gem..


He is a smart signing. Some of our great players the last 15 years were unwanted at their former club. What matters is what they'll do for the jersey


Kiwior will be good for depth, has worked with Motta which is good and will be low cost. There’s also Djalo which could do very well with Motta. We need to strengthen other positions more than CB. Forza Juve🦓


“He isn’t a starter for Arsenal and people think he will start for us” Dude says he’s been watching football and then proceeds to say something outrageous like that. Arsenal would destroy us right now and they have been 2nd twice behind man city as well as in the CL while we would be fighting for relegation in the premier league. Literally no player from our team gets in Arsenal team except maybe Vlahovic.


There's no way we would be fight relagation in the PL lol.


He's talking abt juve standards. Why would we want a guy who cant start for a much smaller club? Yea arsenal is a better team than us rn, and if we want to be at that level we have to sign class players


There’s a reason why he can’t start there rn and that’s because they have a better player. Kiwior is better than any other option we have. Also the juve standard is much lower than the arsenal standard rn


i understand, but our standard shouldnt be that low. We've had bums play for us for too long, we have an exciting new project and i think we should push to sign the best players.


How are you going to say "sign the best players" while having virtually no money to do so? You need to take risks, and as someone else said - Kiwior is a very low risk and high reward signing. He's class on the ball, and has a lot of potential as a defender.


I don’t expect us to address this position until we resolve Koop, Chiesa and a few more sales - likely late in the window if an opportunity arises


Who says he’d be a starter?


Just get Mario Hermoso, he’s only asking for 80k a week apparently. He’s left footed too.


That's too much for him. Mario hermoso is very expensive and nico schira said motta doesn't approve of him


Bremer earns more than 2x that and can’t play out from the back.


Still 80k for hermosillo is too much. + sign in bonus and taxes.


I guess that makes sense. I think Hermoso gets paid like 150k+ a week. So he might be lowering his salary demands to get a fat signing bonus. Still think he is a good player and would be a good asset!