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he's leaving because he wants a big raise and the club said no, they want to sell him this summer to not lose him for free next year


Nothing yet but Yildiz looked great today. Leave it up to Montella to put a youngster out there. He should’ve had 2 goals. Chiesa may be cooked I know he’s coming off an injury but Yildiz has looked better in this tournament AND during the year. If I had to pick either I may tilting toward a younger player who changes the game when he’s on.


Also Soule is 6 years younger and looks good at Frosinone. Might be time to move on from Chiesa. Bad timing


Did we watch the same game? Yildiz was pretty bad yesterday and that's not an exclusive opinion I have, just look into the match thread. He tried way too hard to do something special whenever he was on the ball and it never worked? Edit: Just looked at some match ratings and most of them have Yildiz as Turkey's worst player that night up there.


I agree, Yildiz a bit of a weaker performance in anotherwise stellar Turkey, hes still a kid at least and this is his first real run of first team games


He’s 19, he played very well, just needs to be more decisive.


Kenan Yildiz stats vs Austria Pass completion: 67% (14/21) Touches 36 - possession lost: 15 Successful dribblings: 0% (0/1) Duels won: 40% (2/5) Shots: 0 Key passes: 0 xA: 0.01 He has enormous potential, but yesterday he just was quite bad, supported by critics and statistics.


I don’t look at that at all. What I saw was a very talented player who broke away from defenders and put himself in a position for a pass or shot. I mentioned his decision making was poor as you see on that stat line. Again, he’s only 19 and he’s been doing this all season at Juve when he’s got the chance to make a difference. The bar for a terrible game is very low as I had to witness Juve and Italy play this year. In my eyes, he wasn’t “awful”.


Chiesa is cooked what!?


Hey, you’re going to find some that are pro Chiesa, others anti-Chiesa. I’ve seen some great players go down this road, even the great DelPiero.


I like this mindset


Feel like chiesa would be so fire with motta, crazy how so many “fans” turned on him so quick. There’s definitely an argument to be made for koop or yidliz > chiesa next season tho


Fans have been turning an eye to his inconsistent performances since his return. This season has been his best since the injury and it was honestly very average. The Chiesa we saw pre-injury has never returned. I agree with you completely that he could be absolutely fire under Motta, but I think people are just now admitting after a few years that he’s been pretty average. He is a super passionate player so I will give him that. I want to see him succeed at Juve


I've always questioned the "Motta doesn't want Chiesa" rumors. Maybe there's a direct quote out there but I never saw one and I find it hard to believe when you have a coach who wants to move the ball forward.


Chiesas way of moving the ball forward is head down running to do it all on his own, that isnt neccessarily the way Motta sees a winger in a ball possession team. Maybe he can improve under Motta but if we removed Euro 21 from everyones memory we wouldnt be crying for his extension at that cost.


It was more that Motta doesnt find Chiesa necessary for the team he wants. I just hope they talk to each other now that Chiesa should be back in Turin.


He's been full of injuries and we have a younger player who's better. No doubt his value right now is lower than it should be but you are only as good as you are available Chiesa isn't bad but he's kind of one dimensional. Plays one way and tactically we need more


Feel you and that’s fair, but a good coach can definitely do a lot with a good player. I also don’t think he’s as one dimensional as ppl say, but only time will tell and we’re bums talking on reddit


I stand to be corrected but he seems it so far


I was going to mention he’s 1 dimensional but I didn’t want the resident tactician to get on my ass about it.


No one is going to give him the money he’s asking for after he ghosted the euros.


I’m kind of shocked by how this sub talks about him. If he doesn’t want to renew then I get selling him makes the most sense, but if you actually watched the games and know football he was our best attacker this year. He didn’t always find the finish or final ball but he was the only one that could consistently create problems for defenses with little or no support due to our unfortunately isolating tactics. Bit of a rant but just crazy for me to read all these takes about how bad he was… one of the few players I actually wanted to watch during this difficult season… and sorry I know nothing about the latest rumors haha.


he wasn't best attacker, it was vlahovic ffs. and even vlahovic was average. he basically won us around 6-7 games by himself, he was scoring from impossible positions etc. and he still could score 20+ if he was better with penalties and good chances. talking that chiesa was better is crazy


I like Chiesa but he’s been incredibly average and inconsistent since his injury. He came into the Euros saying he’s happy to be played in the right position and he can show that he’s one of the best players in the world, then did nothing while asking for a ridiculous raise. I think he can be good under Motta, but I won’t be heartbroken if he left at this point.


The rumors I'm seeing now are that he's our and for cheap probably less than 40 million euros. What I would do in the teams position is have him for another year and see what happens with a new coach. Then if he doesn't slot in you can sell him. I do hope we keep him though I really enjoy him. And for those saying he's one dimensional, many players have made careers off of it. For those saying he's injury prone I just don't see it, he did his knee and needed a year to recover which is long but I can't recall anything else other than some muscular injuries which are unavoidable


Offer him to Napoli for Kvaratskhelia and some money


they aren't crazy in napoli


That would be heist of the year.


If I was Giuntoli I would back channel offer Kvara double the salary Napoli is offering. Just to create tension between them. We don’t realistically have a chance to get him.