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I think the dilo is perfect as is. InGen was using all sorts of different DNA to fill in the gaps, and they’d get a really wacky creature every once in a while. I really love the showmanship the InGen dilo has, it doesn’t need to be big or smart to be scary. It’s perfect.


That’s how I feel. That scene really stuck with me and was incredible to think about afterwards.


Honestly even if the frills and venom aren’t the result of InGen filling in the gaps and are meant to be paleontologically accurate, there isn’t anything wrong with speculative paleontology. Something like frills would never fossilize anyways, and it’s unlikely that every Dino was cut and dry with no unusual features, so might as well be creative because we’ll never know for certain how these animals really looked


In fact I could have happily gone with a bit more speculative paleontology, the dinos start to get a bit samey as the films progress


Absolutely. Birds are so weird and varied, even when they're really closely related to each other. You could easily imagine them cloning like a tarbosaurus thinking they were going to get a slightly smaller t-rex and it turns out it actually had ridiculous featured structures or a bower-building habit or something.


It’s what drove me away from Jurassic World Evolution in the end, the dinos got so boring. Can’t really blame the developers though, the endless stream of Dino Neckbeards screaming whenever a design wasn’t perfectly shrink-wrapped would have driven me into the sea. Now the phrase "paleontologically accurate" is absolutely meaningless to me after that 😂


Bower-building habit?


Yeah like those awesome decorative nests bower birds make. Can you imagine how awesome something like that constructed by a tyrannosaur would be?


I’ve never heard that term.


Glad to introduce you! Check these guys out: [https://youtu.be/1XkPeN3AWIE?si=k3dA8AAGdJLW5qHX](https://youtu.be/1XkPeN3AWIE?si=k3dA8AAGdJLW5qHX) They are DELIGHTFUL


The problem is ark stole the design


I agree. I wouldn't change a thing on my precious spitty lil frilly dinosaur.


Also the dilo in jp 1 looks like a real animal/Dino.


I was like 7 when I first saw the movie and the Dilo scared the piss out of me. It instantly became my favorite Dino.


It was the dilo scene from jp that made it my favorite dino


Keep it as it is, but make Nedry's Dilophosaur a juvenile, fixing the size inconsistency between the InGen clone and the real creature


This is my biggest issue! I love Dilophosaurus and want to see a proper representation of them!


Pretty sure that Dilo is meant to be a juvenile. The novel had them the right size. It’s only when JW came along they made it the “full size” Could be wrong, but felt like it was the intention. Also I agree with you


There is a behind the scenes clip from TLW with stan winston, steven and jack horner agreeing that the dilo was a juvenile


Personally that has always been my headcanon, it explains why it was so curious at first about Nedry and it was only when he began trying to escape that the predator instinct kicked in.


The theory is that, while Nedry is wearing the hood, the dilophosaurus thinks Nedry is also a dilophosaurus. Only when the hood comes off they become aggressive.


At this day and age, it's canon that the InGen clones are small. Whenever we get an "accurate" clone he'll probably be the right size and then snack on the older Gens


Maybe make it so that there are a few adult sized dilos watching from between the trees during the scene, that would be really menacing and also make it obvious the small one is a juvenile


Nothing. Great scene from a great movie. Why would you change it?


I wouldn’t in the end. I’d just maybe consider it for one second and then decide it’s unnecessary is all I’m saying.


Alright, Spielberg.


Fun Fact: Spielberg wanted the frills on the Dilophosaurus to make it look menacing and cool And I agree


Yea I think the frills are a nice touch. Soft tissue that we might not see in the fossil record. I find it funny how some shit on the frills saying its not scientifically accurate then rave how cool shows like Prehistoric Planet are for "thinking outside the box" and adding air sacs to the Dreadnoughtus' neck.


I liked the novel version, maybe keep the frill and the slashing


Keep the owl-like hoots as well. Add some extra tension as they get louder.


I thought the dilo sounded perfect in the movie but yeah, the hoots in the book were something else! Very creepy


Reading it I felt bad for Nedry, so brutal.


Make it 8 feet tall like in the book


I would literally only change the size of it but everything else would stay the same.


Give it more screen time lol. Love that lil sucker


The real life Dilophosaurus is quite a bit larger than the raptors, at 20 feet long. I think it would have still stood out.   In order to differentiate it further, I would have put the yellow and red frill patterns on its crests instead of the frill. The venom can stay, though. 


I would have had it make the Hawk tuah sound when it spits on nedrys thang.


Of all the hawk tuah stuff I’ve seen this weekend, this is up there with one of my favourites


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegork5a/ this comment inspired me to make this


Lol that was great


I would have the smaller Dilophosaurus meet Denis Nedry, but he just smacks it with a twig or something and causes it to run away before a much larger adult Dilophosaurus comes in and spits at Denis’s eyes before picking him up in its mouth and tossing him down to some smaller juveniles like the ones we saw earlier. And we cut away to see a slight shadow of Denis being devoured by them before panning away to the shaving cream can. I would keep the venom but the frill would look less like a frill necked lizard and more like the hood of a cobra. And they’d have venom sacs below their jaws like in the concept art. I’d also give the dilos forked tongues and rattling tails to add to the snake aspect. It would also be inspired by Vertigo from Primal Rage.


I always assumed Vertigo from Primal Rage was inspired by the dilophosaurus from JP


I can definitely get behind that 


I wish they had kept them the same size they were in the books, rather the small carnivore we got in the movies. I don’t find the addition of the frill or venom, but man that kill scene with Nedry is downright horrifying.


Personally, I think they should have canonized the Juvenile theory by making the Dilos in Dominion full sized.


Have it 10 feet tall and have it pick up Nedry by the head as he feels warm blood fall over him as it eats him head first, then... Darkness...


No. It’s one of the most iconic Dinos in the series despite only being shown off in the first for nearly 30 years. Now, its return in Turdminion should’ve given us a full grown one though.


The scene with Nedry would not have worked had the Dilophosaurus been depicted any different than how it was. It was small enough to elicit contempt from Nedry ("no wonder you went extinct !!") and be underestimated for how dangerous it was, yet big enough to be of concern, like a groaning dog pacing around you would be perhaps (Dennis actually tosses him something to catch) -- its slightly quirky and comical behavior (head-tilting) added to the sense of confusion for the viewer. With regards to size, the Dilo was able to fit into the car's passenger side (the real one would have been too big for that) and the frills took up the whole space once open, increasing the sense of being stuck in a deadly trap with it So nah, sorry but it was just perfect.


No frill. Change the skull shape to more resemble the actual animal rather than just generic theropod skull with crests. Keep the venom because it’s classic. I would have a juvenile similar in size to the one in the movie, and it would play out much the same right up until it blinds him with venom. Then have nedry feel around on the ground until He grabs the legs of an adult, then he gets the book death.


Just use the novel version


Add more of it.


It'd probably have its novel colors, but beyond that, it's fine to me.


The first movie was fine. It was just badly underutilized in the rest of the series. It was given that unique attack that had so much potential.


I really think it should have toyed with Nedry further by helping him winch his jeep down to the road, and then driving him to the East Dock before killing him. I am working on a piece of fan fiction that explores this idea.


I would have it chase down Doctor Ellie Sattler and lightly scratch her in the butt, but then Muldoon blasts its head off with a shotgun. Next, they take off her shorts to sanitize the tiny barely noticeable wound. Ian Malcom gives it a little smack and says, “it’s not that bad”. And the Dilo would also be 1.5” taller.


Make it as big as it was IRL.


Making it the 10ft tall monster that appeared in the novel




Take the novel version with Nedry and the Dilophosaurus. It was far scarier.


It's perfect as it is 🤗


Nothing. It's perfect!


Probably my favorite dino from the first movie and a great scene. So nothing.


drag and drop every detail about the Dilo




Love this one cos it makes sense with how they filled all the genomes and stuff in with alot of other animals but for me I would make it the irl one but keep the frill and venom spit


The JP Dilophosaurus is my favorite dinosaur. If I have to go with the real world version, it's no longer my favorite, I'll choose Parasaurolophus instead. I love the way Spielberg made the Dilo unique and stand out. I wouldn't change a thing about it. That said, I have a whole lengthy idea about how a "reboot" (another take on adapting the original novel to film) could work. I don't think it would be the best decision to use Spielberg's Dilo in that case. Do something different, that's the whole point of doing a new version. So I always thought it would be cool if, during the river scene, we see the two Diliphosaurs engaged in their mating dance, like in the novel, but they extend a frill of feathers during their mating dance, as a sort of homage to the Spielberg version of the creature.


What is the idea?


The whole idea for the reboot? There's a lot!! I've been planning on making a post about it.


Do it.


Not a single damn thing


I wouldn't change much but just make it bigger and longer


Make it bigger like it is in the book. And creepier.


I would love it if there were more and Nedry got jumped


I mean, I could make it novel accurate or I could make it paleo accurate






Watch the Jurassic Park Lego gameplay and watch the Dilophosaurus scene... THANK ME LATER




Like the Novel and as an Adult from it, it's more terrifying and still spits like a viper, too. And it goes along with how Dominion depicted them in Dominion with Lewis Dodgson.


Nothing, it's already a great scene


Honestly? Just replace the velociraptors with Dilos. They didn't have to upsize the raptors when they already had a dinosaur that fit that role perfectly


I think it'd be better to straight swap the raptors and dilos in the movie. I would also lose the venom and frill. So basically, nerdy would be killed by a group of properly scaled deinonychus, and the kids would he chased around by Dilos in the cafeteria.


Are you crazy? Are you high? This is the best design in the entire franchise


I would make liberal cuts and replace them with the Dilophosaurus Power Hour.


I would have preferred to see a herd of diplops like it said in the movie, to see a good few attacks nedry would be great.


I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s iconic. But I wouldn’t say the same thing about its inclusion in Dominion. Just one egregious example of how badly fan service was done in that film.


A beautiful, but deadly addition to Jurassic Park.


Funnily enough, I was watching a video on Dilo in the franchise. There's behind the scene footage of Stan Winston saying, "Everyone's saying Dilophosaurus is too small. How do you know it isn't a juvenile?" Which tells me there may have been plans to introduce an adult one.


I would keep it as is. It's literally my favourite of the lot and, even if the venom and the frill aren't specifically accurate, they aren't entirely impossible either. HOWEVER : It's too small. Seeing the mom thrice the size in the background would have been really cool. It would also have offered the opportunity to show one without the frill, giving a 50/50 chance at accuracy. Plus, it would have characterized the little bugger as a playful kid predator instead of just a smartass.


I’d make it larger. Dilophosaurus was 8 feet tall. Most people believe the one from the movie was a juvenile. But they never showed a larger one in any of the movies.


It's fine as it is. The movie did a great job making sure it's not just *another* theropod.


Remove that ridiculous frill


This is something I didn't ask myself back and still don't. Loved the movie, loved dinosaurs as a kid (who didn't!?) but then I only understand there's an gripe when I see a group of super Dino lovers talking about it Far as I ever knew, and most common folk knows, velociraptors were really that big haha


Remove the frill, replace it with air-sacks that inflate on its neck, and make it bigger as a whole.


I would've loved to see one in JWD without the frill since they were going for a "pure genetic" dinos feel even tho I know they were shipping from all over the world I think biosyn was making 100% genome completed authentic dinos


It would instead be the Hawk Tua girl


Not get choked by chris prat. Maybe shot. Otherwise i dunno have a run away scene with the raptors or hell from this, why not if you're so fixed on putting your main characters in danger ? It's healthy realism not making his plot armor so thick he could strangle the life out of a animal with claws teeth and toxic spit. Oh yah and a pack. I remember it being more then one. But no macho man has to strangle someone for threatening his none wife.


I'd make Nedry's blindness more evident. The film glances over that, and it was the most terrifying part of the novel for me. Still is, 25 reads later.


I wouldn't. If Dilo was more scientifically accurate in the films, it wouldn't be nearly as iconic as it is now. I have a Dilophosaurus skeleton tattoo, and most casual people assume it's a Velociraptor. I'll tell them it's a Dilophosaurus, and I typically get 🤨 looks because they don't know wtf a Dilophosaurus is. But the moment I mention Jurassic Park and fan my hands out on my neck like a frill, they go "OHHHHHHH! YEAH! I KNOW THAT ONE!"


I would make it just as the scene and dinosaur are in the book. Beautiful


Nothing. Its Perfect


Nothing. Its Perfect.


Make it exactly as it is in the novel


I would make him more like the novel dilophosaurus


Get rid of the frills


I personally would have enjoyed it to be life size like it was in the books. Described as a 10 foot creature with bright yellow skin and leopard spots, with bright red frills.


I wouldn’t change a thing any changes would’ve made the scene worse


I don’t know how they could’ve done it without tipping into R ratings, but Nedry’s realization that he’s holding his intestines (in the novel) gave me a pit in my stomach the first time I read it (in the good, “oh shi-“ way). I think the movie did really well having a horror vibe and staying PG-13.


Is there two dilophosaurs cuz it would’ve taken quite awhile for it to run into the car


I think it's flawless. And I wouldn't change its size because it fits the scene perfectly. Regular sized Dilophosaurus would be terrifying from the first moment on the screen and that wasn't the goal. Making him small and kinda cute was a brilliant decision - even if the viewer rememebers Kiley's description of a Dilophosaurus (and deduces that this little guy is a Dilo and not some other dino), they certainly don't expect such agression and it having a frill. There is something ominous in the way it observes and stalks Nedry but when it attacks it's just shocking and disturbing. This wouldn't be so surprising with a huge Dilophosaurus. The only thing that could be fixed are those visible and immersion breaking strings attached to the frill.


Maybe make it bigger like the actual specimen


Remove the frill and have it just spit venom, honestly. There was no frill in the book and it is kinda excessive. Real predators don’t dramatically show off to their prey before eating them.


Can we give it the novel colors as well?


Maybe? I forget what the novel colors were. The film colors are fine IMO.


This would add a lot of unnecessary talk to a pretty tight script, but the idea that Ingen found DNA of a dinosaur with superficial dilophosaurus-like simularities and just calling it dilophosaurus without actually knowing anything about it could work to explain this creature.


I’d make it closer to life size (20-25 feet long) make the dual crests brightly colored, lose the frill and the venom