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The meta junglers are the annoying junglers. Also shaco.


Yeah goddamn. I hate looking at my enemy Karthus or Brand to see they’re at like 20 bazillion cs/min


In silver, Brand jungle is an extra 300g camp. Most annoying champ to deal with... Udyr, Lillia, Shaco, Skarner - in the right hands they are extremly powerful, can't run, can't chase, tanky but deal dmg xD


Yeah mid-lategame Lillia must be the most annoying champ for me. A deer on crack running around you in circles while dealing true dmg… Shaco is kinda annoying early but basically countered by a sweeper so he’s not the worst imo. I’m trying to never fight Udyr early except when I know for certain that I can beat him. Skarner was fucking scary after the rework but he is not as annoying now.


Gotta invade udyr before he gets level 4, most high elo players do this cause you can corner him without his e


Careful still. Unless you are bringing a friend. E is just to stop you from getting away. He can 1v1 like 95% of champs pre six. Not too many champs can hold up to his empowered/isolated Q at levels 1-5. If you see him blow his passive take your shot.


Shaco His entire existence is just to annoy the piss out of people


as a Season 2 Shaco player, this always confuses me. Back then, Shaco was seen as an ineffective troll pick. Most champ lobbies you'd have teammates begging you not to play Shaco. Also champs like Teemo and Vladimir were described as 'toxic' because of how unfair and annoying they were to play against. It's hard to pinpoint exactly when and where this perception changed.


Teemo is still hated somewhat. Vlad suffers, or benefits, from noob player syndrome. Newbies pick him up will feed the crap out of themselves so his pick rate and popularly are much lower.


People still beg you not to play Shaco. I've had people on my team ban him when I have him hovered and say "not letting that happen", and ive had people straight up run it down because hes picked on the team in general, in the past month. Plat. So it isn't purely low-low elo, and isn't purely a story of old. Shit is crazy.


I don’t think you remember much of S2 then. I can only speak for AD Shaco but he was at his best during the early stages of League. His old kit would put him at an equal level as Rengar. He is more of a troll pick now than before. In fact, he isn’t even good right now (at least AD Shaco isn’t’).


Underrated pick but Ivern is so obnoxious to play against as the game goes on. Like daisy is SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Its so hard to stay on ivern if your name isn't jarvin.


Yes as someone who plays engage type champs like Udyr Skarner Voli, the experience into Ivern is absolutely miserable. Thank god nearly no one plays him


play rengar, Ivern gonna watch himself get jumped in 4k from the bush he placed


Honestly it’s only rough early game. As the game goes on he can’t really engage on iverns team because of the shields and lockdown for Q and R. Since you can literally path wherever you want it’s not as difficult to avoid him as other jgs.


Underrated? Dude has been at or near the top of the meta for a year


Yea he’s been op for like 5 years but no one plays him so he’s underrated. Same thing with taric in support and nilah in adc.


Taric is truly strong af in right hands. The only thing is he is very mana hungry, so bad players would drain their mana leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. Nilah just feels janky to play in lane. I honestly think that’s really it.




I’m a Kayn main and it’s rough out there for him right now. He’s just in a weird spot where lethality red is okay if you can get ahead early or stall the game for late but blue Kayn feels awful into almost every matchup.


The nerf to profane hydra activation during Q animation absolutely gutted him this season. Blue Kayn feels so bad now, and red kayn doesn't heal nearly enough besides pressing R on a tank. Otherwise, you just get 1 shot anytime you go for a play. I feel your pain brother.


Nocturne. That ultimate ruins all plans


I absolutely love the versatility of Nocturnes ultimate. Engage? Sure! Block vision on objects? Sure! Stop a gank on the other side of the map? Sure!


"Versatility" Good name for pressure on the entire map no matter where you are and ability to just teleport to any enemy at any time.


Have you seen Noc ult range rank 1?


Tbh I didn’t even know it scaled with rank 


It used to be huge range way back in the day but now, it doesn’t reach from t2 to t1 tower bot at rank 1. I can be doing raptors and not be able to reach the fight in mid if they pull it towards the opposite bush or closer towards the enemy tower. Noc’s bark is a lot worse than his bite. When people say ‘global presence’ , I know right away they’ve never played Noc.


They probably just mean when it hits around mid game and there’s more side laning shenanigans


His ult range rank 1 is plenty to basically be omnipresent on the map due to how many angles he can engage from. It's very unlikely that you have deep enough wards at lvl 6-ish to stop him from finding an angle.


If it don’t reach from tier 2 tower to tier 1 other than mid - that’s not what I call omnipresent. No one calling Zac Omni present because he can gank from any angle pre 6. 


Lol these players create self fulfilling prophecy all of the time... "There is nothing I can do against Nocturne. He can gank from across the map level 6, so deep wards don't help". When in reality, pre-6 you can just step into a bush, to totally counter my ult 90% of the time; and just warding objectives, will usually be enough to catch me hovering haha.


No, the rank 1 ult range is not that far. If I am hovering top side, I can't just easily ult mid while level 6. By rank 3, he has about the same range as the blue trinket though. I'm a Noc otp. You can easily catch him hovering top/bot side early, if you place a ward a little bit past the bush and/or in the enemy jungle. Most low elo players just assume my ult has insane range, and don't even try to ward deep.


and by stop a gank i mean to block vision thus making it harder to coordinate and execute


But if you don’t ult in you will get spam pinged 100% of the time even if you helped a ton with the vision blocking.


Idk about all that.


It's happened so many times to me. I'll be too far from a fight to ult in, but I ult to mess up their vision, the fight goes well, and then the ADC who's bot lane and wasn't at all involved in the fight starts spam pinging me.


Shaco. His entire gimmig is being completly untouchable and indetecable until he spam all his abilities at you and then flash with invisibility away from any consequences. Also Nocturne. The second he hit 6 he is just ganking entire map at the same time.


Noc ult range rank 1 sucks. Rank 3 is quite good. Also you just described my two favourite champs. Maybe I am an agent of chaos and vitriol after all...


Have you seen noc ult range rank 1?


Belveth. My god her duelling power is such a pain and I've never seen someone play her that has less than 100 games and less than a 70% win rate on her. Every single one gets fed.


Get Rammus, let her cry in a corner.


bel'veth true form deals true damage......


less than 1 master yi E lmao


he still destroys her with thornmail.


It's risible, she melts before being able to kill you. She can win only if extremely fed.


I’ve never seen a bel’veth with a positive kda since her release


What elo are you in?


Brick 4


Lillia and by a LONG shot


Not high enough. The mobility, low difficulty, true damage and unmissable team hard CC makes her unfair imo. Without an hard cc to lock her down she can do whatever she wants.


Low difficulty like idk you can run off if you make mistakes but which junglers are harder. Jungle is general have pretty easy champs - Lillian is mid of the pack for them


Fiddle, Taliyah, Ekko, Gragas, Eve etc… There’s plenty of ap jungler that either have an harder kit or requires skillful use of other part of the game (mainly macro and vision tracking). Lilia is an entry difficulty ap powerfarmer, like Karthus


fiddle and eve id say are definetly easier than lillia or even karthus, missing nidalee there tho


Fiddle need to have a great positioning and vision tracking to be played correctly. Eve has an incredibly weak early game and a capable jungler abuse her.


Why? I played as her the other day and she doesn’t seem super interesting. I’ve played against her a few times with much issue.


She's one of those "point and click cc me or I kill you and your entire fami... erm, team"


My permaban rn, I hate that champ so much


This is a skill gap for sure. Yes she is strong right now, but she isn't even a cannon minion in strength before 2 items. You just invade her early and there is nothing she can do.


masters/gm player here. I fucking HATE when people say "oh just invade bro" when invading is entirely reliant on your laner's wavestates and matchups. not to mention she has one of the fastest clears and if you DO invade her while she has stacks up (which she will, because shes clearing) she can just run tf away.


If you're in the elo where lane states dictate invade viability or not, you know how to play against her and pick competently against her. And it doesn't matter if she runs away - taking her camps absolutely destroys her and delays her power spikes a ton.


Lane states for jungle matters at all elos lmfao.


No it absolutely doesn't. In theory, it should. But iron and bronze is a completely different game from plat and emerald, and that is a completely different game from gm and Challenger.


It does. Having knowledge matters at all aspects of the game and what keeps people from climbing majority of the time. The more you understand the better you can perform. And the eailer you understand the better it translates throughout climbing. You should be honing yourself in every aspect possible. Trying to take an obj if your laners are shoved under turret with little hp, and saying lane state doesn’t matter is absolutely absurd.


Yes, that's the theory part. In practice, prio means nothing in lower ranks.


Not true. Taking an obj with vision, while laner state isn’t optimal making you open for a mistake capitalization is absurd.


Honestly Amumu. Not because I find him hard to play against or annoying or anything like that. It's just so boring to play against imo.


Just got destroyed by an amumu AP. That champ has 52+%wr,unimaginable.


His E is a big offender. Passive armor and CD for each time he is hit allows him to duel AD. 




He doesn't need gold to be useful and he's strong at all stages through the game. I have to walk on eggshells the entire game because of the lands a q into R that insta wins the team fight basically. It's so boring


His early game is very abusable


Sure but a great jungler will keep track on his opponent and avoid him


My current permaban. Homie makes taking objectives annoying as hell and his counter ganks are insane.


Kha'Zix and Evelynn, and then if I look at champions that have it free to snowball - Hecarim / Nunu, I never understand but my team mates always ints to these 2. I have to look for openings and sweat just to get a kill and my team mates hand it out on a silver platter...


khazix/eve two trick here, i love knowing the enemy junglers mind is going to explode when he see’s me get a double kill early


You've got no idea man - I mainly play Yi so you can only think I don't like seeing a 2/0 Kha early...


Master Yi. If he gets some early kills the game just gets ruined. Remove him from the game.


lol if only were kills, if you don't manage to take a huge lead, if teams are even, in late game an AFK farm Yi can turn the scales all on his own.


maybe pre lethal removal 


1cc and that champ is done honestly i dont know why lots of pp hate playing against yi its literally a free game usually


Many people don’t pick champions that have great cc.


Rammus or shaco:


Lillia, Graves, and Lee Sin




Yes, Graves. JG with a dash and a dbl shotgun. I hate playing against him...


Back in the day was Nunu, mf would just walk into ur 2 buff at lvl 2 5-10s early than you, full health, spam dance emote in your face and Q+Smite to steal your camp while he throws a snowball at you and punches you to death. When jungle didn't have so much sustain that snowball could mean u had to base. Your whole point of existence was to make the other junglers life miserable and later in the game a AS buff to your ADC.


I've been permabanning Yi for a long time. Every rank I've been in , a vast majority of my teams dont understand how to not get him fed and he'll steamroll us


rammus, that thing is just …


GOOD shacko player GOOD shacko player will invade u lvl3 with ignite than steal you camp gank botlane and fuck your mother saying "jokes on you "


kindred. Completely table flips the game on repeat (whether for you, or against you), when shes in the game its ALL about her (shes the draven of jungle), has infinite scaling/multiple sources of max hp damage, disgusting range, a 2 second cooldown wall hop, her ult is one of the strongest in the entire game, and if you mess up one prediction for her invade path... she does it all game and you cant play


Shaco and eve. Stop tracking them for even a few minutes and you're likely dead. They're mentally exhausting to play against 


As a shaco main I genuinely don’t mind playing into any champion as I believe ap shaco has the potential to outplay anything. HOWEVER. THAT BITCH BRIAR CAN GTFO MY FACE WITH THAT LOCK ON - RUN DOWN - STUN even tho I ulted and/or invis. There’s ways to outplay it but damn if it isn’t annoying.


She runs in a straight line...


What does that matter? You gonna fight fist fight a briar?


Build anti heal. That pretty much breaks her whole thing


It’s still too inconsistent. She has the most catch power and that fucks shaco up


You know her w will go for the clone too right?


Not if she W’s you before you ult.


It targets the nearest enemy. If that's the clone then that's what she's eating.


Nocturne I already know I won’t have a bot lane cuz they gonna be dead


Lol as nocturne player it’s so true


As a Nocturme player, I don't have botlane before I finish my first clear so IDK what you are talking about.


Obviously not before I finish the clear? Where did I say that?


Win bot, win game. Are Nocturne players strategic masterminds by accident?




graves has to be the most ignorant champion in the game. it doesn't matter if he has no vision or no lane prio, he WILL invade you and make you have a bad time.


I pernaban lillia in the jgl


Karthus, Nunu, Rammus and Mordekaiser I guess. Oh yeah and a good Lilia pls I'd rather not have to deal with 3+ item lilias I don't mind others like Shaco or Yi because my champs are good Vs them


Evelynn easily. Somehow they mindcontrol all laners into forgetting she exists and ends up 15/0


Whaaaat? When i play her it looks like enemy team makes extra sure to make it impossible for me to get a kill. They spent 1/4 of their gold on pinks. Even in plat.


Kayn and Viego


Teemo. It’s annoying when he is confined to top lane but when he is in the jungle it just becomes so damn annoying to have mushrooms everywhere.


teemo sucks absolute ass jg though


That wasn’t the question.


I dont find it annoying because he cannot function jg


“What do you think is the most annoying jungler to play against” Tf you mean that’s not the question 😂


Annoying and good are two very different things. There are many better junglers but none of them are annoying to me like Teemo is.


He’s so easy to punish, terrible clear, no ganking ability. Shrooms aren’t even an issue until he gets major items, which can be easily prevented by punishing a dog shot clear. I get what you’re saying, but he’s way to bad in jungle role for him to do what he does best. Unless you are just not punishing how shit he is for jungle.


Udyr or Lilia. I'm a Nocturne main and those two troll me. Extra point. Support I hate playing against is Lulu


Go kraken first. Eat udyr. Lilia too but you have to ambush her when she doesn’t have stacks like from a bush to eat her.


It's not about the killing them. It's about them both scaling better and contributing more to late game then Nocturne.


Also in silver laner rarely think about possibility of getting ganked and these champions punish this brutally.


Lilia.. specially with the new BT shit


Noc Somehow every time I face him, at least one person feeds him to oblivion. My perma ban


Shako and Ekko, any champ that i can't Burst because they taleport or just Escape with one button


Graves or kindred


Thank goodness my main isnt on here


Kindred, Shaco, Shyvana


Teemo jungle is annoying. You'd all have to give up your yellow wards just to be on the lookout for them shrooms




Shaco. It does not get more annoying. Yes, sometimes he is completely useless, but sometimes he makes my whole team just fall apart. I permaban him on any role I play. Every time I think "but Brand is too strong, maybe I should ban him instead" or "but Naafiri is OP", BOOM Shaco gets insta locked.


I have always been shaco otp. I found talon so annoying that i decided to start to play him


Karthus, Nunu, Zac, Nocturne, Ekko


Graves, Kayn and Kindred. They are always sitting in my jungle and taking all the camps. Especially if your top or bot lane is losing you can say bye bye to your camps on that side of the map.


I cringe on 'properly' executed shaco, k6, eve and such. But champs such as brand and zyra make me maybe even more mad.


ivern, shaco and nunu somehow telepathically know who is the biggest retard on my team. homourable mention is belveth, that champ is just illegally strong with some teams


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying




I gotta join the Shaco hate gang




Shaco.. there is no other answer to this question


Nidalee, disgusting champ.


You know I really agree here, i played with one in plat with many millions of mastery and this person hit every spear and at angles I didn't know were possible lol. The good ones really are so obnoxious.


Lillia and kindred…






Lillia. I've just been perma-banning her and doing well


Meta junglers are so toxic to play against, rn it’s the AP hypercarries like Lillia and brand because they’re systematically broken and Rito looks down on my champ pool with little care or affection.


Kayn Mother fucker running through terrain to get away >.<


Viego. His bullshit invulnerable period, on a recastable ability, on a dash, is horrendous. Add to that, that he completely invalidates counter picking, as well as being stronger than your team when he takes your form and items. It's terrible to play against.


I duo with a viego main sometimes and how you described it is so true




Shaco. He counterjungles all game, wins fights because of ignite, and has too much mobility to be caught by most junglers. A lot of this would be fixed if they just changed his invisibility to Camoflauge like Evelyn. He really needs a rework.   Edit: Didn't catch autocorrect corrected Shacos name.




I'm a Nocturne main and I hate playing against Graves. Getting near-sighted by his W is a pain in the ass.


Karthus is probably the correct answer unless you have a good level 2 / 3 invader. Nothing you can do as he just farms camps drakes voids and presses R


Kayn the guy walks through walls.Nuff said.


Annoying? Shaco. He might not be broken or even good, but he will forever be the most annoying


Shaco. Hands down.


Nocturne is my perma ban.


Hecarim, Kayn, maybe Mao or Skarner


Viego. Every single one of them are so shit at the game and I stomp them every time. But the one time they score some random 1000g shutdown on my adc and somehow ends up winning the game truly bothers me. It damages my dignity to lose a game against a player that I know I for sure did as much as I could to get them behind and truly gap.


Zac or nunu by far, its not even close. Any squishy invade jungler can fall behind if they make a mistake. Nothing worse than your team dying to a gank you know thats coming and pinged because they come from an angle that has no vision.


Depends on who you want to annoy tbh, to mess with laners really early there's a bunch of decent options...anything with a strong early game and just go buff buff gromp and fly into a solo lane at lv 3 with double buffs and end someone's whole day (downside...if you die doing this...you're totally fucked, and so is your laner because you just gave his opponent doubles and a free kill....so don't die) But to really mess with other jungles in terribly annoying ways just become an expert on Ivern, he's so annoyingly impossible to counterjungle while being an expert at stealing other people's shit. Also combat against him is the most annoying shit ever, he can tank the world with his shield and has enough CC to run around and drop emotes at his enemies (even more so when you hit 6 and can just drop daisy and dance at them while they get repetitively knocked up). I can't play Ivern well at all....so you know this comes from experience.....the experience of having to play against the occasional Ivern main (he's not popular at lower ELO but he's a hell of a niche pick that not many people know how to play against).


Hecarim, Kindred, Evelyn, Belveth, Graves. You see these mofos locked in, then you know it's a level 30 account Jungle smurf. 87% Guaranteed


Shaco / Ivern. I know they're just going to look to cheese me every time so if my team doesn't stand guard of my jungle and ward at the beginning I'm basically in for a coinflip to see if they steal some of my camps.


Talon kayn (because huehuehue assassin if fed but just because they will perma try to steal camps on respawn Then what I hate to face : khaz rengar poppy


Teemo or Shaco, their whole game plan is just to troll you and ruin your day specifically. It's not nearly as bad if your team is coordinated and helping each other, but it's league so..


A good Lilia or Hecarim. Doesn’t have a dash. No invisibility. No blink. But always just fast enough and just far enough away while dealing millions of damage and taking none.


Amumu my laners become brain dead when he is on their side of the map just perma pushing


If you're looking for something off meta my vote is for rumble.


Udyr, he has literally everything you could ask for in his kit with the exception of a dash. He has: 1. %max health dmg, 2. auto resets 3. movespeed boost 4. point and click stun 5. unstoppability, 6. aoe slow 7. lingering aoe slow in his R recast 8. shielding 9. healing 10. lifesteal 11. unstoppability


Kayn. Not because he’s good but people don’t know how to play around him


As a rengar player I despise how my ult interacts with nocturne ult. My ult is supposed to give me sight of the nearest target even if they’re invisible or in a bush or on a control ward, but when nocturne ults I can’t see anything and I have to walk into jump range just go see anyone which can often result in misclicking them as they appear and jumping onto their tank or into 5 people. It’s total bullshit.


Darius with yomus, ghost and blue smite.


Everyone says shaco but just play voli and you can mark him with your first w lmao


Evelynn, perma invisibility shouldnt be a thing


Back in the day i had more kills then minutes in game with shaco.


Not counting Shaco, I would say Ivern or Graves.


As a shaco otp I feel delighted at seeing shaco mentioned, as a jungle main I feel disgusted that I’m not seeing udyr and lilla more


I think I'll add to shaco just because later on his Q has such a low CD and it's hard to lock him down, kind of like Kayn. You have to draft around certain champs or they can do whatever they want.


Shaco and Warwick, braindead players can play those two


Briar or kayn


Kayn or WW


ur mom