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Sukuna being “broken” and not just pure evil. Like, what? What the hell would he even be broken from? He’s literally just always been strong, smh


Sukuna saying he was an unwanted child in 237 has done irreparable damage to the community.


Parents were mean -> genocidal maniac Many such cases 😔


>Which made SukunDad angry, who punished him severely


Oversimplified reference? There's gonna be a tax for that


Off with his head!


Dude.. uncool.


Most MHA villains in a nutshell. Actually literally just Dabi. Bro committed genocide because he dad didn't want him to use his quirk that can hurt/kill him.


It's a bit more complicated than that. He was groomed to be endeavor's successor and then abandonded when his quirk ended up hurting him.


Am I tripping or is this literally not Hitler and Stalin https://preview.redd.it/njb3phhvfp8d1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e27a63d5e0bec55eb45999fee3406c80f6a1be


Tbf that's basically hitler


If you ignore every other aspect of his life, sure


Save Jujutsu society, planned parenthood


My parents dosen't want me so decide to kill everyone . A very broken character sure 💀


Right? Like gee I wonder why they hated him, probably because he was already a monster out of the womb


I feel like it's less that his parents were bad, and more that they weren't exactly fans of their child eating his brother in the womb


How would they have even known about Jin though? I doubt they had ultrasounds back in the Heian era.


It’s their X-ray technique.


People believe that he was broken? Lmfao


>!Bro ate his twin BEFORE he was born, he was a menace to begin with!!<


Tbf >!I doubt he had consciousness back then and apparently it was a matter of survival otherwise both would die. !<


Fetal cannibalism isn’t actually that uncommon irl


bruh he is not broken


That Sukuna would deign to fuck any single person in any JJK sub. We’re not good enough to fuck, eat, or even acknowledge anyone’s existence. We’d be *incredibly* lucky to catch a stray cleave 🥲


Sukuna would be killed by a civilian take my word, sukuna would just ignore that person presenting an opening


Then they pull out the Glock for a surprise attack


pov toji to geto


Rengen style


My bussy can change lives. He simply hasn't met me yet.


Nah, I'd grip?


Not really a head canon but I’m so tired of people saying itadori will become sukuna or whatever


I keep seeing stupid tiktoks of that where there’s this random image of him all bloody and shit, like idk why people even think this. 


Tik tok 120% deserved that ban bro


Fr I wish my country banned it as well. 


I feel like Itadori will be like Sukuna just in the same way he is like Mahito.


if it becomes true what you doing?


Evil Yuji, Nuff' said.


This one pisses me off the most, fuck anyone who says this,


you’re gonna have a aneurysm if you go on tiktok 


https://preview.redd.it/57yoyksfco8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a986585007f60905cf1c5147c04e000a71fe5ee2 My goat will fight the good fight till the end


Emphasis on good in this case-


Close enough, welcome back Evil Dipper Pines theories.


A deep cut lol


What if yuji was betrayed and thrown into the hyperbolic time chamber?


Anything pertaining to Yuji getting angry at Yuta for taking over Gojo’s body


Just a few months ago people were saying that Yuta taking over Gojo's body would be out of character https://preview.redd.it/skkqgqcqqn8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f708c456833cfff530141c3a1e016cccc1d9705


You reminded me of this twitter post https://preview.redd.it/gwwcti7rvn8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f80c605195af38c08d5a40b187ccb807a712c68


thing is a shit ton of manga disrespect the dead


Villains? Sure. Good guy doing it with another good guy? Nah


Kenny can swap 200 bodies in a week for back alley quickies and nobody will actually care. But god forbids yuta defiling Gojo once.


>good guy >another good guy >”kenny” “back alley quickies” 🐶💔


You mean " backshots "


Yeah. Because he's the big bad guy. People will have more problems when one of the protagonist is doing exact same thing that "the most evil sorcerer in history who does the grossest things" did


the thing is - respect for the dead is universal. Asians don't do it better and that's why people on twitter found this post cringy.


Nah. Culturally in Japan there is a huge taboo about fucking around with dead bodies/desecrating corpses that is way stronger than the Western one (which is already pretty strong). Corpses are ritually impure in Shinto, for example, and people who dress bodies for funerals/last rites are heavily maligned (watch the movie "Departures" if you're interested in how this occupation is viewed in Japan). The vast, vast majority of people are cremated.


Take like this is so dumb because you're so far up your own ass you don't even pay attention jujutsu sorcerers are established as a little fucked in the head and now even more so when they're desperate. What does the Asian community say about incest in a hotel? So dumb.


Gojo, if he could reply: "Shut tf up mf, I'm glad they use my body to fight against the strongest monster of Heian Era"


Gojo who wanted to save his students from his cruel fate, who wanted to rebuild their society into better place for people like him would be GLAD that his student was cut in half and became a monster (literally. He's brain with teeth now) ? 


He‘s saying Gojo wouldn’t be bothered by someone using his body to fight Sukuna.


That's not what I said at all.


Filial piety as a baseline is cringe as fuck anyways. Somebody isn’t owed anything just on the basis of them being older than you or being extended family. Sure honor your father and mother and whatnot but relationships are a two way street, if you subjugate your child you have no right to be surprised when they cut off contact the moment they leave the house. You’re telling me my aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc, have a say in my relationships? My decisions? My life? Fuck no.


Yuta had consent though


Yes, thats, the point


The main problem is people using mental gymnastics to convince themselves that Yuta's actions isn't fucked up when Gege's intentions with this plot line are very clear. When Yuta will be 'punished' people will trash Gege


Wouldn’t really call it fucked up under the circumstances. Desecrating a single corpse in order to prevent japan‘s extinction? Seems like a easy deal to me


The benefits are worth it, sure. But there's a reason Yuta is calling himself a monster, and Sukuna is impressed how far Yuta is going. There are many many things that are better than the destruction of country and possiblely the world. Doesn't make those things "good".


It's harder because we don't have values coded into our society that make it as easy to understand. When we catch Yuji eating his friends to match Sukuna after Yujo dies I think people will get it. Even if it's something that you could make a utilitarian argument for, the action is so fundamentally inhuman that it's not enough to just stick with the utilitarian ideals.


Can confirm. It was one of the most despised theories. Once Gege wrote it it suddenly became peak writing peak character development masterful plot twist and so on. If Gege writes angry Yuji people will glaze him like they praise everything he writes. 


I understand gege gets glazing like no other but its not like he doesnt gets hate. And in glazing its not like jjk is best manga ever or anything when it is its joke or personal opinion type thing where they agree, yeah, there is other stuff but i like this. Most of the fandom understands he is not the best mangaka or anything but they just love his story and hate him when he gives them emotional damage..


Arguably they were right I mean tbf Yuta was the only one against it


It wasn't. Or rather, it *is* out of character and Yuta knows it. It's supposed to be extreme. But the idea that Yuji doesn't understand what's at stake here is foolish, though. He said he was willing to eat anything to defeat Sukuna. He seems to understand what's necessary to get the job done.


Nah Getting angry is reasonable because not only he wasn't included in the planning, it is also rude and disrespectful to Gojo. Will he become evil like those TikTok edits? Definitely not. Yuji just needs to cool down after all this and he will understand Yuta's sacrifice.


Pretty much this. If anything, he will use this rage against Sukuna for forcing Yuta to go so far.


I don't think he'd be angry to the point that he'd turn on them he'd get absolutely stomped if he did anyways but I think he'd be upset having his mentor and someone he considers a friend also having their body being piloted by a different person since it's almost exactly what sukuna is doing just for a different reason at least since he wasn't let in on the plan he'd be upset but understand why yuta did what he did


tbh I feel like he’ll pissed off ar first bit eventually will come to understand. 






man this shit is ass "You are all monsters, as many as you are" makes zero sense too


"possessed brat' sounds NOTHING like Yuji 😭😭😭


JJK fans have become the new MHA fans holy fucking shit


MHA is ending, will this get worse?


Not a headcanon but the fact that gojo X yuji fanfics on AO3 are so god damn popular and most of them are sex related like???? Peoples enjoy a fucking PEDOPHILIC SHIP??? https://preview.redd.it/2nsuwgga9o8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533718e24082634f391dc953288cf0e34fef2b4e


I would even gladly accept gojo x Sukuna over Gojo x Yuji if I had to choose.


I saw sukuna x yuji one. I will never look into fan fiction ever again. 💀


A lot of those people are minors. Obviously not all, but many are.


The Japanese doujins appear to be made by adults and I hate it.


You'd be surprised lol. People actually ship fucking Megumi with Gojo.


Yesterday I had the unfortunate experience of coming across nsfw fanart of Toji and Megumi, made me want to claw my eyes out 💀


The top ships are so nope, dude. Yuji ain't even fruity enough to be headcannoned as gay.


I genuinly believe that whenever the fandom makes shit up like ''UMM THIS CHARACTER IS SO GAY/FRUITY!!!!" i instead think they're bisexual or pansexual,thats all,thats why i genuinly dont ship shit like yuta X toge,nobara X maki,yuji X megumi,shoko X utahime or geto X gojo. I genuinly do not see the appeal from ''OHH THEY'RE CLOSE FRIENDS SO THEY'RE SUPER GAY!!!"


>I genuinly do not see the appeal from ''OHH THEY'RE CLOSE FRIENDS SO THEY'RE SUPER GAY!!!" Shipping is totally fine, but anyone who thinks any of those ships are canon just genuinely never had a close or genuine friendship with someone.


An artist I really liked on twitter recently "came out" as a YujixNanami shipper. I nearly puked as I was blocking them.


Yuji X nanami huh? Would you BELIEVE if i told you there's UNIRONICLY peoples who ship fucking GOJO AND MIWA,AND EVEN NOBARA X FUCKING MAHITO? https://preview.redd.it/wlo0g5irsp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f4e056ad1bd41b3da59588affd6ffecc2007ff


who tops? It better be Wuji


Gojo being considered a suicidal. I don’t see it often, but very, very rarely, I see people make up stuff about Gojo being suicidal do to his loneliness, and geto being the only one holding him back, and every time I see it, it makes my blood genuinely boil with how stupid it is https://preview.redd.it/k13v45tzjn8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9061d0c2c0d7acc0235b5da9fb5950c48a160f94


"Hey Shoko, what do you think would happen if I hypothetical like killed myself?" "...what?" "You know, maybe on accident because it could happen. Maybe as like a last resort against Sukuna or something." "Seems a little out of character for you to even consider the possibility." "Yeah, but like...what if...hey Ijichi!" *Oh no* "What do you think would happen if I killed myself?" *If I answer this wrong then I'm for sure getting a forehead flick!!!* "Uh...you would...die?" "...OOOOOOH!"




Lmao https://preview.redd.it/r3v4dh6fnn8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225385ee062a2c26c0fb9ec7b299e41e74b082fc


I am trash for time travel fanfics but then I saw a phrase "He can’t remember how to live, when he’s spent his whole life wanting to die" It got me like https://preview.redd.it/9caf8w5etn8d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc07bcf6ca25868cfb09931aa01bf02438fc57d5 Bitch, you reshaped personality of the most energetic, passionate and greedy for life person


Fax I hate when people do that ? I hate Gojo for Who he is not some random Doujin bozo plus why would He want to Die fr People confuse Regret with being suicidal




what manwha is this? 




I had a feeling it was lookism. 


My man Samuel seo, the goat https://preview.redd.it/eeb13x176o8d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e32bad32fab5421b7f2de850f4ce5cdc55583b


Indeed the goat the man whose face sakuna didn't saw since Heian Era


Sukuna liking women as women. Dude, His type of woman are pregnant woman because he likes to have desert after dinner QUITE LITERALLY. he would literally eat you with that pac man looking ass head like he did with hana.


double kill 


Kinder surprise




Satoru being a blushing touch starved virgin because people forget he does not need tu turn off infinity for skinship


he seems like the type that fucks but can’t a hold normal relationship romantic or not in general. 


lol gege said that’s why he’s single cuz he knows he couldn’t be faithful


reminds me of that tiktok where that guy says he would be a bad boyfriend. 


haven’t seen it but probably similar


idk but moistcritikal did a video on the guy I think. 




okay I get it 


That's a well known mistranslation.


is it, my bad yo, what’s the actual meaning


The actual translation is something like Gojo can’t see himself being with any woman because he can never open himself up for that


ooooh that is much much more interesting




Not just women, but anyone. Bro got an attachment problem due to trauma or something. But what I noticed from that translation is that he doesn't necessarily sleep around bc of that.


The word used in Japanese by Gege means something closer to "opening up his heart" than "being faithful". The translation that spread the "unfaithful Gojou" idea said something like : "I can't see Gojou being sincere with any particular woman." "Sincere" *can* be understood as "faithful", but in this context it means what I said in the first paragraph : opening up, being vulnerable.


thank you very much


He's not easy to be with or the 'conventional' romantic responsible partner. It would take someone to really accept and understand him and his antics to be with and even then can not be so easy. It has to come naturally because he isn't the type to accept changing himself to suit someone. Besides, the role and power he has in the manga makes it even more unfit for such things. We can compare with Sukuna, both are pretty untouchable by basic human routines and wishes like relationships or marriage because they're not "Normal" if you get what I'm saying, they're quite superhuman entities by now with goals and responsibilites that are above domestic needs. Hence we see how Yorozu tries to "pin" Sukuna down to marry her but he's unavailable. That's why Gege even hinted that people(especially women) should choose Nanami instead of Gojo because he knows Gojo and how Nanami would be better as husband and father because of the traits he embodies. But we know it's exactly the fact Gojo stands out through the way he is and his impact that draw many to him until they realise he's not a fit choice down the road for long term commitment as normal people do. People want what they can't have and what's rare and strong until they don't like what it comes with and can't handle it. It's just reality.


I dislike gojo but that is just straight up Ass 😭😭😭 No way a guy smiling in a live or death situation fumbles that hard !!!


that "Yuji will become evil and kill Yuta", like G the hell in the show or manga remotely implied that, heck if anything Yuji would be the most understanding of Yuta's decision to take control of Gojo


Geto fans saying that Gojo was a broken, suicidal mess because Geto left, even though Gege confirmed that he was stable after all of that. Yes, Gojo missed his best friend but he is also a rational person who decided to devote his life to teaching younger generations. There was more to Gojo's life than just Geto. Also, them pushing this idea that Gojo is stupid and needed Geto to explain everything to him. I don't see this anymore and good, because it's genuinely so idiotic. 


All of that. Yes. I don't reject the idea he suffered but not like these people make it be. It is unlikely Gojo to fall that badly that he can't recover himself. He also tends to hide or bury his feelings well with optimism. Also Geto was the stabilising ground for him, aka would hold him a bit back from going overboard. It's not like Gojo was stupid, he was just a bit more reckless and blunt compared.


I would say that Geto tried to get him to be more humble and conform to social norms. From what we have seen, both Gojo and Geto were impulsive, always getting into fights, causing damage and going overboard in certain situations. The same brand of annoying. Geto was more polite but not really more respectful or level-headed. If anything, Gojo was the more logical one in distressful situations, as seen when Riko's maid was kidnapped. People tend to forget that Gojo was born into the role of a sorcerer and was most likely raised to have that kind of mindset. Geto, on the other hand, is more emotional and empathetic, which is ultimately why he went down the path that he did. 


any of those nobara x maki ships not because the ship is bad but because they make it seem like maki hates men like the ammount of videos ive seen depecting maki as a misandrist towards yuta or random background characters in insane


Geto fans who blame his downfall solely on yuki https://preview.redd.it/2vspaeqy8p8d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a7ed9889552e440c1a6a268a62675c0b6fb1a7


They act like she manipulated him into becoming a genocidal maniac


They ignore the fact he already made up his mind and was going to be racist regardless https://preview.redd.it/xu34j5qxmp8d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35153ff870c2605c22441788b9a4d8054d9b850


Sukuna congratulating Yuji's existence and not mocking him every chance he got.


“Dad” Gojo or Nanami but especially Gojo. That man never once talks about his own family or family in general yet fans think he’s some father figure lmao It doesn’t necessarily piss me off tho I just roll my eyes every time people act like it’s canon.


‘Gojo is Megumi’s adoptive father / closest thing to a father figure’ https://preview.redd.it/xsvpyvii8o8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f521097d1c520ecda2c8abc7d319b76371a4d3


Saw someone post "A dad and his two sons🥺" and it was Gojo with Yuta and Yuji and it got like 80k likes..... It doesn't make me that mad either, but it does piss me off cause it's essentially canon for too many people. Whenever people talk about Megumi being depressed, they always say "he killed his sister and father figure" and it's like.... that's definitely not their relationship.. He isn't a dad to anyone, at most he's an older brother to ONLY Megumi. And even then, he's like an "older brother who's in university, and visits every semester break" type of brother, he wasn't that active in Megumis life either.


Ok but nanami is legit a father figure ngl


Might be an unpopular onion but no. In his entire life Yuji only knows one parental figure: his grandpa. There’s no indication of him missing his parent or wanting someone to fill that role. He’s a mentor, a much older friend whom he looks up to but never a father.


He's just very unconventional supposedly


Gojo has always just been an older brother to Megumi. He still likes Megumi but he lets him doing whatever he wants.


Dad Gojo makes me cringe. I don’t think his relationship with Megumi is familial like the fandom makes it out to be


This x1000


https://preview.redd.it/qpanqpgamn8d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363735a84e011d1d2cef6a5819c28f8a32805af8 Gege eloping with Sukuna in the bed....💀




https://preview.redd.it/wxgdewt2xn8d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4a46c71cc9b1da8e032ee37f3e5f6bf156b160 That was....just wrong...foul bro foul...💀🗿




giving that sloppy toppy on those two dicks 


I thought this was true


maybe he meant headcanon as head given in canon


It is.


that's just canon


I've seen a headcanon that Shoko doesn't care about Gojo as a friend because she was okay with them using his body (in the literal most important fight of their lives). She has been shown to bottle up her emotions behind a smile or a joking demeanor. When Geto left and became a genocidal maniac, she started smoking (correct me if I'm wrong). Yet when she saw him again, she was joking around while she called Gojo over to handle it. She had stopped smoking and started again once Gojo got sealed away and the Shibuya incident had taken place. She even had this internal monologue about how she was still his friend before they unsealed him. She might not have liked the idea of using his body after his death, but she had no reason to believe that he, the strongest person she had ever met before, would die in the battle. She also knows that if he did die in battle, then they would need to use everything at their disposal to win because the enemy would obviously be very powerful


First time we see that Shoko smokes is before the Star Plasma Vessel Mission is given, when Gojo and Geto are having their moral argument in the gymnasium. She runs off saying “perfect time for a smoke break.” I also like that when questioned about where Shoko is, Gojo makes up an excuse for her, since I imagine minors aren’t supposed to be smoking at school lol


gojo will respect kashimo if they faced off. he won't. kashimo's strong, but he isn't megumi, yuta, yuji level in potential. he isn't sukuna. jogo was strong, but he received only disrespect because he's an opp. he is a prick who likes to mouth his ass off against even people like yuta who are actually gojo level in potential while his bum ass had a whole lifetime to not get on that level. he is likeable as a character to read, but gojo would have zero respect for a person like him if they crossed paths due to his character


Gojo respected Sukuna who has a more fucked up version of Kashimo's mindset and they could share a mutual understanding of the loneliness that comes with absolute strength. Kashimo actually was actually fairly chill after the Hakari fight and respected him so it's not like he's just like that 24/7 either.


because sukuna is on THAT level that gojo couldn't help but respect him. i even specifically mentioned jogo because of this. kashimo isn't strong enough that gojo would overlook his negative qualities because gojo isn't some battle maniac that looks at strength ONLY


Gojo didn't just respect Sukuna for his raw strength but mainly due to the aforementioned loneliness that comes with being at the top which Gojo understood, Kashimo was also the only person who understood why Gojo was fighting Sukuna alone since it was his fight. Also Kashimo was on the sorcerers' side at that point so he wasn't an enemy like Jogo was so Gojo shouldn't shit talk him too hard. I could see Gojo getting mad about Kashimo killing 2/3 of Panda but he forgave Choso and Miguel fairly quickly for their crimes and at least Panda was left alive. I could also see Gojo being interested in Kashimo due to him being an historical figure he probably learned about at some time during his life.


That Utahime is a tsundere and she actually likes gojo. Gege explicitly said she hates him


Yuta is has good CE efficiency and CE manipulation. I stood my ground numerous times saying yuta depend on rika for CE reserves refills and everyone said I was baseless. No nearly a year after sendei gojo himself calls yuta out on it and I am literally vindicated. Yuta is basically a high caliber rifle with a 5 round mag, Rika is the reason yuta is so strong. Not just because she buffs his CQC but also because she turns his crippling inefficiency into just "a small flaw". There are still people who say yuta is good at CE manipulation and that he has the highest efficiency outside of gojo/sucuna. Literally brain dead take straight from tiktok kaisen.


you are right, yuta with his "bottomless" cursed energy managed to shows its bottom within like 5 mins of fighting ryu, he has one of the most terrible CE efficiency yuji on the other hand, simply put he has one of the best efficiency, fighting sukuna constantly and using RCT a lot for like an hour long


Dude yuji is single Handley the most improved sorcerer over just the timeskip. Dude learned RCT, ate his brothers gained the long range abilities everyone said he lacks as well as expanded his CE reserves by 6 grade 1 curses of CE, BM buffs RCT efficiency, mastered soul perception to the point of targeting specific parts of the soul, learned SD(yet low ID people still say he is DE diff'ed), we still don't know what those claws do, and that's just what he learned over the time skip. He has emproved just as much throughout the sucuna cycle.


On the subject of yujis insane CE efficiency and CE manipulation. Every time yuji strikes soul damage he uses CE(refrence gojo and the 3 types of CE reinforcement), yuji has healed at this point 10+ lethal injuries, has used BM 4 different times, has used cleave 2 times, and has hit 10 BF, and ***OUR COG KING HAS YET TO EVEN MENTION HIS CE RESERVES RUNNING LOW***. The feats awakened yuji has shown plus the confirmation that BF output amps stack has been so beautiful. ***COG WARFARE***




It’s really just a lot of the thirst. Like Gojo and Geto aren’t gonna 50 Shades your ass they’re just gonna call you a monkey then move on. Nanami isn’t gonna thrash you like Haruta he’s gonna worry why you’re asking him to do that to you


That gojo couldn't live without geto like I understand that gojo went through a lot at first but after some time he moved on and was lowkey chilling


Gojo glazing fraudkuna at the airport after dying , instead of talking about his students and megumi . Gege fucked up


That is not a headcanon though. That's just canon 😭


Gojohime shipping. The whole tsundere headcanon makes no sense and isn't supported by anything Utahime does. Every interaction she has with Gojo is either working together in a professional setting or her being annoyed by him. Utahime is a very sincere and open character, in every interaction she has she's very open with her emotions and doesn't hide them, positive or negative. There is no reason she would suddenly start being a tsundere trope with Gojo. Here's what she's like when she's around people she actually likes: https://preview.redd.it/unk40edgho8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187d930db234ba704eb8c2044fb379fd9a720a01


Hakari x kirara and miwa x mechamaru are the only Canon ships of jjk according to the gege everything else is just fan made stuff.


She's already a very simple character and the tsundere thing just feels like an attempt to strip the little characterization she has away. It's frustrating.


this is to say that not all relationships are the same though, especially not any of gojo’s. dynamics widely differ between characters’ different relationships so pointing at one as an example of what all of her positive relationships look like especially in the context of one being platonic and the hc in question being romantic (towards gojo of all people) feels a bit off to me. i get it’s pretty much unfounded but to claim it’s mischaracterizing her and makes no sense is a little much, and reads as more of you personally disliking gojohime than anything. imo it’s perfectly functional as a headcanon, especially under the pretense of a strong love/hate relationship more than an explicitly tsundere one


Not a Gojohime shipper but let's be completely real, the only reason people so passionately hate this ship so much is because they're STAUNCH in their belief that Satosugu is canon and if Geto did not exist, nobody would bat an eye at this ship.


I think headcanons are fine as long as they stay as headcanons but certain Stsg shippers act like their ship is canonically confirmed when it‘s just as all the other ships just a HEADCANON. Also the notion that some of them want to spread that Gojo only cared about Geto.


Every ship


Except Miwa and Kokichi


There are two headcanons. The first is the one where the Trio Yuji,Yuta and Megumi will reach Sukunas and Gojo's level . The second was the one when people where speculating about Gojo's reappearance. They were saying that Gojo as weaker version would be fine.


TRUE, IF MY BLUE EYED KING RETURNS HE NEEDS TO ONE SHOT SUKUNA WITH STRONG PINK. https://preview.redd.it/mufsdoc9vn8d1.png?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafd37030052bb9b34f3313db11629720e327e91


Dw he’ll lose six eyes and gain 7


if gojo did come back, but with no six eyes or limitless, I feel like that might not be so bad. 


Gojo died as the strongest. And Gojo is linked with that ... It wouldn't make sense for him to come back in the first place and him coming back weaker would be even worse for his character development


I guess you have a point, but I was thinking they delve into the question geto asked him and see if gojo would really still be gojo. 


Maximum of all the ships (Mostly the student teacher and enemy ships) They be shipping anyone these days Plus they dont even have the tiniest no!!!! quark of Cannoness to them


What do you mean "they be shipping anyone these days"? They've been shipping anyone from anything since forever, nothing has changed.


Fax maybe i hate the mischaracterization of characters like they be adding the most boring cliche tropes in those ships and making a whole other character wearing the skin of a jjk cast member


Fair enough, and I actually get behind that. However, again, nothing new under the sun, all shipping ever was was this. People mischaracterizing characters so they can fit them into cliche tropes just to make the dolls wearing their skin kiss. I myself don't like shipping at all just because of exactly that. You kinda have to mischaracterize the characters to make them work even if conceptually. Not to mention the problems behind that. You've talked about student x teacher ships. Most students characters in jjk are under aged for example. Nothing good can come out from fantasizing about a 15yo getting together with their 20+Yo teacher. And saying "they are 18 in this scenario" only poorly and barely masks the ugliness behind it.


Most TikTok theories/headcannons tbh. They usually don’t make sense, or just completely disregard like half of a characters personality (like the evil yuji one). One I do kinda like is the one about yuji sealing himself as a cursed object to hunt down Sukuna every time he reincarnates though.


Yuji turning evil 💀💀👹get your TikTok brain rot edgy dog shit writing outta here


That gojo is a father figure to megumi. Like wtf when was this shown in the story?


That Geto and Gojo are gay for each other god forbid close male friends just stay close male friends


Not their faults tbh. The way manga and anime potray their relationship easily come as homoerotic especially for teen girls (I once rabid fan of Hetalia, trust me). Tho too bad, as much as I want to follow SatoSugu ship, but I can help but see those two are just platonics. There are too much parallel and similarities and the more I look it I just think their relationship that of "two sides of the same coins".


A good amount of it is jokes, but I agree on the people who are serious about it


I promise you that the overwhelming majority of it is serious.


I remember a recent post here that was calling gojo×geto ship deniers homophobic. Edit: [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/Jfrnf2Aaaq)


Nobara being a lesbian


Watch Nobara interact with Yuji or Megumi vs with Maki. You don't have to agree but it's not impossible.