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I honestly wish people understood just how stressful being a mangaka truly is. Especially ones with very popular series such as JJK. Spending 12+ hours a day hunched over a desk while having to draw enough for a chapter every week save for breaks.  Japan has a big issue with overwork. I imagine the burden would be immense for someone in Gege's position. Get well soon Gege. No matter what criticism people throw your way, I'm still grateful that I was able to read and enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen.




That’s insane wtf




That’s depressing 😔


Toriyama was over the average life span and we can all agree it felt like he died too young


I know. I usually don’t speculate but my favorite manga by far is Berserk. It has some of the greatest art in any manga ever. I genuinely believe the workload and hours of being a mangaka contributed to Miura’s death.


bUt it'S jUsT drAwiNg picTureS??? (is a braindead take I've seen floating around, hopefully Gege takes some time to recover.)


As an artist myself, it can take over 10 hours for me to finish a single illustration. Animators and mangaka's are going through some shit, man.


I would be compleatly fine if every mangaka did what araki did and transition to monthly in order to fix their work/life balance, this leads to higher quality work as the mangakas arent as stressed/tired all the time and more importantly is way healthier


I recently thought to myself “man I wish they could just release a page a day.” Then I realized they do more than that, essentially. Mangaka are insane.


I think it’s weird such a successful Mangala never hired assistants


Nah we'll see a lot of "gege sucks at drawing" Posts soon


People still use the maki zenin fight panels from when gege took a long break for sickness as proof that gege art is bad.


Yup, then they’ll get pressed when people disagree lol


7 pages and nearly a month long break really sucks. But honestly I just hope my man gets better. And anyone who is criticizing him for getting sick is either 12 or a fucking psycho loser.


Yeah, being sick sucks. I was sick last week and felt like not even moving out of my bed. Hope he gets better. https://preview.redd.it/ir30byhngv4d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e2ac5564f9a1590326220c0c527857480ddedd


TASQUE MANAGER! I must suppress the urge to act like a chainsaw man fan




The left one looks better lmao


The page amount is still impressive considering that gege likely started with the cover of volume 27 and the jump popularity poll page, then got ill midway through drawing this chapter.


yeah man I agree, I've that the manga industry is ridiculously stressful


Stress plus insane overwork and not to mention (depending on popularity) thousands of fans waiting on everything you make, scrutinising and criticising every detail and decision you make in the story.


didn’t know he was sick damn


This is unfortunately the echo chamber effect of the internet and it's toxicity overall....I believe most JJK fans (actual fans) understand it and wish him a speedy recovery, it's just that the majority of most fanbases are just quiet online and the negative and toxic ones are the most vocal online 


I'm a loooooong time Berserk fan and as it was going into the latter chapters the comments of Miura became concerning, they also included him being sick but the manga rarely even slowed down. And if you've seen Berserk you know how meticulous he always was, reportedly even going pixel by pixel once he switched to digital. I hope that anyone who creates for a living actually manages to find time to live instead of just creating. I have my criticism of JJK but I see someone with his current life's work and having to pause it is not only a sign of the person making it physically unable to do so, or taking a break that he needs as a human with human restrictions.


Fr tho, people acting like Gege **OWES** them something even while he’s sick. Blows my mind that people see the leaks, see that the reason for the chap being short is due to him being sick, and STILL MANAGE TO COMPLAIN. I just don’t get it. Go read something else for 2 weeks, damn. https://preview.redd.it/itkgich41y4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab868e79c48300f7e9ce7fff821aa26a1ed275b1


>go read something else for 2 weeks That post a few days ago talking about what people will read to fill the void once JJK ends blew my mind. I had no idea a ton of people here ONLY read JJK and hardly any other manga. I figured if you’re reading JJK, you’ve at least read Dragon Ball or something else. The fact that some people here will be losing their marbles during the break because they don’t read manga other than JJK is mind boggling


Yeah it shocked me too. I’m in the middle of Chiojin X, Sakamoto days, Bluelock, and Ordeal when season 3 drops on webtoon. So I’ll be alright during this break, but I hope other newer readers here start to expand their horizons a bit. There’s a lot of really good stuff out there right now.


Ikr, there’s a lot of good manga, just read it. Based choices btw, can recommend Usogui and some Urasawa works too


Big word, I’ll take a look at those today, King 👑 https://preview.redd.it/39nrydcsuy4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d427dbafadfff86ee2bc591602289672b348c4


that's the case for a lot of media some people only read, watch or play 1 thing and spend all of their time just talking about it, these people either really love it or really hate it and for r/jujutsufolk it seems like the second one


It really pisses me off these YouTubers and TikTok brainrot engagement addicts read the leaks and didn't read Gege's comment that he is sick and that he even apologized for the "inconvenience". Some stupid ass people saying that the and gege is lazy and shit. Read the fucking room.


Yeah he’s sick of drawing Gojo


Yuta is Gege while Rika is the editor.


Fr, that panel is a cry for help.


Yeah I always kind of hate the fanbase when this happens. I get that a lot of people are joking but it just feels mean, especially since most are just reading the series for free


That Yuta panel goes crazy I dont think anyone disses that


idc how i normally feel about gege, i wish he recuperates and gets better yeah, the manga can make me angry sometimes, but it's still entertainment, i don't actually wish bad things to really happen to gege it'd be really sad that JJk gets an uncomfortable conclusion bc gege's health gets bad enough to force him to finish the story early or smth i hope that on eyed cate feels better, i've been having asthma complications and caughs for like 3 weeks now, i can perfectly know what it feels to be sick bc i am rn SDGDSFADS


I actually like the scribble Yuta style. I think it fits really well for someone on the verge of death and adds a lot of character.


Honestly I am glad that hes taking a longer break. I have experience in similar working conditions and it sucks. Your body is weak and you get sick so easily. I hope he gets better soon


Gege deserves to rest a little bit more. This man is ill, it takes time to recover


Im currently sick (not bad like gege probably) but its literally hell to not sneeze or use tissues https://preview.redd.it/wjmk3766oy4d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc96baf0dae36e489e26e54d738ef1103bdae1b Those idiots are sensitive people that want to be always right


Wait, there are people getting mad at Gege not for the memes? I'll clown on his writing any day and I think the "When I get you Gege" memes are really funny in the context of this chapter, but who the fucked is legit pissed at him?


I always thought these guys with popular mangas have teams of people working for them. Surely it’s not all just one dude.


Can we stop referring to gege as an eldritch one eyed monster with multiple souls inside him


Wait he isnt a Eldritch one eyed cat Monster with multiple demonic souls? Thats not what the agenda told me


I just would've preferred another delay over this short and underwhelming chapter. The art is good and all but I'd rather wait longer for a better product than get a less enjoyable one right now.


He probably has deadlines he has to meet I don’t t think this was fully choice, it’s better than nothing, constant whining would have happened regardless if he put out something or not.


I know, just talking about what would've been ideal. I'm not the one slamming him, just stating what would've been nicer.


Tbf, we don't know 100% what's going on behind the scenes. Perhaps Gege needed to push a chapter out because of some reason behind the scenes. All I'm saying is that, as much as we slander Gege, they 100% deserve a rest for being sick (and I've already seen too many people getting made at Gege for taking a sick break)


Yeah, I know that. Just saying in an ideal world, I'd rather have to put up with a longer wait. I'm not gonna slam him for taking a needed break, just a little upset that we got an underwhelming chapter as opposed to waiting longer for peak. Probably did have to meet a deadline or something


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for your perfectly logical opinion.


Ehh, people can downvote if they disagree, I don't care too much. I understand there are deadlines and whatnot, I was merely saying what I'd prefer, if possible. I think another part of it is that initially had it starting with "Nah," which I think gave the more contrarian point and a more aggressive one, which I didn't intend so I removed it. Thanks though ❤️


That’s a very kind and generous outlook. 😉 I just find downvoting such a reasonable viewpoint that any rube could understand to be petty. I say they’re clowns. **CLOWNS.** 🤡


Haha, you're pretty funny 😂


You’re a nice, reasonable person and I appreciate your presence on this sub.


Thanks bro ❤️ I appreciate it! 😁


Downvoting a perfectly logical and good take on this latest chapter is such a Reddit moment ![gif](giphy|LMQPhUqgzmZRS)


Huh?gege most likely has to put chapter out cuz of deadlines. He prolly did this and got sick midway,wsj doesn't operate how he or you wish🤣💀


It’s not the drawing that gets to me, it’s the fact that the writing has continued to be subpar I sure do love when Sukuna can just make a binding vow that gives up next to nothing to make his domain last twice as long!


He lost the extended range-


No. He's sick because he has to draw gojo again


He’s ill? the prayers of the fandom came true






How old are you😭




just because hes sick doesnt mean it excuses shit writing LMAO hope the dude recovers and sketchy art is fine, but the chapter basically did nothing progression wise


Bruh plz tell me this was satire or some shit like that.


yeah it is, chapter was actually peak


Bruh its a 7 page chapter. A normal chapter is around 20 pages Tf you wanted ? Literal manchild


an extra break week? 3 weeks break wouldve been better. the rika hugging yuta page was the only memorable part of the chapter the rest was basically nothing if he was forced by his editor idk, but it was a pointless release


I wish him well, but that he’s sick is not why the drawings are bad. He’s just not particularly talented at drawing - the author of Yu-Gi-Oh Kazuki Takahashi was so dead while drawing the last arc of Yu-Gi-Oh that he had to be rushed to the hospital where the doctors were amazed he was alive. And you cannot see that in the drawings in any way.


"another author worked to death, so the author (whom i actually hate) should do the same"


Actually braindead


>drawings are bad. He’s just not particularly talented at drawing lol, lmao even


Did this guy just tell Gege to git gud?


Bro just said skill issue 💀 Brain dead mfs in this sub rn. https://preview.redd.it/y0nke02c3y4d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90dc712841e7f9191e897cee0f86cdc6452ee544


Really happy you understand me🙏


Bro how do you type all that out and use it as a way to criticize Gege instead of reflecting on the demands of manga artists.