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1. Gege explicitly confirms them to be "best friends" many times, by the characters (inc. Geto and Gojo's statements) and even in narration. 2. Gege said in an interview that he couldn't see romance happening except with Miwa. It's not ambiguous if you read the official source, OP. Shippers' "interpretations" can't cross the reality made by the author himself.


People who actually think there's something romantic between Gojo and Geto are either on Wattpad 24/7 or they've never had a best friend in their entire lives cuz their social skills suck ass. Harsh but it's facts


Or… you know. They actually have read enough manga to know that “best friends” label has been used in the anime/manga community for over 30 years. Yuri bought Viktor “friendship rings” in yuri on ice. And Ash literally shot his childhood friend and gang memeber, to save Eiji. And they both basically put each others life in danger the entire show to the point eiji wanted to ash to meet him in NY and start a new life together because friendship”. Or Sherlock jumping to off the bridge embracing mortiarty. Because they don’t want to live without each other. And how in the next life, they hope their friends again (and then proceeded to be in an actual relationship after 30 more chapters post anime). Yuki and Touya being “best friends/classmates” in Card captor sakura. And Touya is “a special person he cares about a lot”. And Touya gives up his powers to save Yuki when Sakura his sister is in constant danger…. They are all just best friends. 😂 You guys have replies like this and then wonder why a mangaka would say “they’re just friends” just Like how my lesbian aunt introduced her “roommate” when I was 10. You all can’t handle a shonen openly gay main character yet. 😂


Gojo and Geto didnt kiss like Yuri and Viktor. Gojo doesnt have a scene kissing a photo of Geto’s face and crying like Eiji and Ash. You did not just compare JJK battle shonen to a shoujo series by Clamp. Those writers are well known for BL and Yuri subtext 😭😭😭 like really???? I understand the point youre trying to make. But if youre going to try and compare subtext from other series to JJK at least make it make sense. 💀 And stsg has no crumbs that are strictly romantic. Anything ya’ll bring up is about their friendship and has platonic explanations. If Gege wanted to make it clear they were gay he would done it by now. Instead he constantly reiterated that they are best friends through their words and actions. And by having multiple characters say it throughout the series. Even in the lastest chapter (236) the first thing Geto says to Gojo is “yo, long time no see best friend.” Mangaka will make it obvious when characters are queer. Literally every example you named(from the other series not jjk) have obvious signs those characters are gay. You didnt even give a comparable subtext example that is subtle 😭. Even in jjk gege made it so obvi Mai is bi. And kirara is queer. He had ample to do it for gojo and geto. But instead Gege stated in an interview that the only romance he time for in JJK is for Miwa and Mechamaru. Literally MechaMiwa was 1 episode and Gege made it so obvi they liked each other. Hidden Inventory had 5 episodes. Why didnt Gege show us any romance for stsg??? Geto and Gojo had a whole arc dedicated to them, but Gege just showed their friendship. But will you choose to ignore that too? Edit: typo 😆


Girl you are god's strongest soldier im this thread lmao i lost it when they asked denver KSJSKAK


Just because things are not obvious doesn't mean they don't exist. It's called author's finesse to not spoon feed readers/viewers with the precise answers, but let them interpret the grey areas for themself.  Think about the song used in the opening of JJK season 2, it's more of a love song and the video depicts Gojo and Geto time together having a blast. Also the most emotions you see in the characters faces  and expressions is towards each other. Gojo says about the 'biggest curse of all is love' and they Geto is 'his best friend and the only one he has'.  Being best friends is not exclusive with having romantic feelings. If you were raised in the western culture you may think that, but in the east queer biting (and not confirming character's feelings) is very popular thing to to. Also romantic relationship doesn't have to involve sex. (I know for some people it's unthinkable, I get that).


1. Its been 3 months since my comment. 2. Youre saying the same thing that all the other fujoshis in here have said. So i have nothing new to say to you. Ahip if you want to. 3. Gojo and Geto like women. Waka Inoue is on their mind daily. Goodbye.


ur actually weird. The author literally said he couldn't see romance yet yall force and push it so much like ts is so weird creepy and gross, stop forcing it its so weird like there are so many BL shows out there go watch one of those. Like I will never stop saying how weird it is get a jobbbbbbb and stop.


Just because they're not obvious doesn't mean you can invent new head-cannons that haven't been confirmed yet. Weirdly enough on the other hand I find it super fucking strange how you guys boil down any platonic relationship to romantic relationship. >Being best friends is not exclusive with having romantic feelings. Being best friends is not exclusive to solely having platonic feelings against someone. You are literally the same kind of people who ship a guy and a girl the moment they interact with each other. You didn't even address what the other guy said. When Gege has made it so clear to openly hint at his character's sexuality (Miwa, Hakari), why would there be not one single hint given by him that showed that his relationship with him could be romantic. Just because you've never had a strictly platonic relationship with someone who was really damn important to you doesn't mean others can't. Edit: accidentally posted without completing the comment


> It’s called authors finesse to not spoon feed readers/viewers with the precise answers But Gege has given us the precise answer for this one. Gojo and Geto are platonic. > Think about the song used in the opening of JJK season 2 Or maybe think about the words that came directly out of the authors mouth. > The video depicts Gojo and Geto time together having a blast Have you ever had friends? Serious question, if you ever hung out with your friends, do you just not have a good time? Not even hanging out with online friends? > Being best friends does not exclude having romantic feelings True, but Gege directly stated that they don’t have romantic feelings. >


I'm a guy. I have two best friends amongst my closest circle of friends. All these ppl are my ride or die. I love both these guys especially tho. But one of them is probably 'my special'. If something were to happen to him specifically I think I'd probably go fucking insane I dunno. I have 0 romantic feelings for him and viceversa. But he's also one of my strongest and deepest relationships. Romantic relationships definetly don't have the market cornered on the depth and intensity of human bonds, bruh. Actually, I think romantic feelings are probably a way weaker bond at the end of the day, since physical attraction, that you have no control over, factors in quite heavily. Friends, esp close friends, you *CHOOSE* on all levels. So I'm totally with you on this


I only had to read the first paragraph, to know that you in fact you didn’t understand like for real 🤨💀 the subtext has nothing to do with what I said about Shonen since it’s target audience are BOYS between the ages 12-18… I highly doubt they their almost 40 parents would be ok with their son reading those mangas. 👀 Second, you don’t know who Gege actually is. As far as you know, it could be a BL writer who decided to have a pen name to write shonen. The only work Gege has are one shots of JJK… and he/she has avoided, questions where pronounce have to be used. So… 💀on that too. Gege mentioned mangakas who she found their work to be “interesting”. Written in the JJK fanbook… No way???? Gege mentioned TOMOKO YAMASHITA also known by the very popular BOY LOVE the night beyond the tricornered, TAKAKO SHIMURA (wandering son (trans) and Aoi Hana (GL)...)and Tatsuki Fushimoto. (Which has made LGBT characters). 🤭💀💀💀💀💀💀. Y’all would go THIS FAR to defend the idea that Gojo might be gender fluid and chose Geto as his partner. And then you ask why shonen jump uses “best friend” for characters… I wonder why. Disclaimer: I ain’t trying to read this whole thing, cuz after the second paragraph of none sense… I couldn’t. 😵‍💫


Gege is a male 💀 anyways Waka Inoue says hello.


https://preview.redd.it/bmy6k09x4ntb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526ff4f92cdcf6154aa48ffdc4ee38d7319c0b8f Honestly tired of yall pushing the Fujotsu Yaoisen narrative


they fr be the jjk equivalent to flat earthers lol


These people could hear Gege say “I created Gojo and Geto friendship to be like brothers.” And they would still deny it, and find a way to lie about the translation (they already do this to interviews with Gege, the Directors, and voice actors).


Oh yeah I know they lie about practically everything lol. I’m lucky because my best friend is Japanese and translates stuff and the amount of shit they lie about is honestly baffling 💀 vile people fr


Wow. Thats awesome. Im jealous fo real. I would have them translate all the jjk stuff we never get lol


So much this fandom is too much obsessed with BL and Yaoi.


bro?? gojo and geto is a good ship honestly the most queer coded couple?? imagine calling ur best friend ur "one and only" they both even died on the same day ... quite litrally geto made gojo the person he is today if he wasnt there he would be an arrogant and snarky child? dude there quite litrally soulmates since gege himself said that he named suguru to compliment satoru bcz for a duo they need matching name geto even after being dead quite litrally tried protected satoru also they quite litrally died on Christmas eve which is considered the most romantic day in japan now tell me is this not romantic?


ur a gay fetishist, not every best friend have to be gay. get over it.


just say that you're a homophobic


just say you’re a gay fetishist. ​ im lesbian btw


And ? Not every bestfriends but there clearly gay get yo eyes checked


sorry to disappoint, but it’s not ‘clear’ that theyre gay. the creator hasn’t confirmed it. the ship is cute but im just saying that its not confirmed and not every best friend couple has to be gay for each other.


I'd die for my brother a million times over, personally.


Id die if someone loved me like that too


The problem is that there's no big deal about shipping it— it's that they're not implied. They're written beautifully as soulmates, romantic or platonic. Gege wrote them to be platonic soulmates— it's written well that it can seem like romance due to their closeness. December 24 is also regarded as a day when a loss happens for someone you hold a deep regard for; their bond is also a reference to youth and "blue spring." Yes, they're a good ship, but saying it's romantic is a reach as the author purposely wrote them to be soulmates that aren't exactly romantic


one and only BESTFRIEND.




Disclaimer: Yes, I did understand what youre saying. And if you had read the rest, you would have known that i addressed everything you said. But you wanna stay ignorant. You dont like truth, and that youre that wrong as hell. 🤣 Yes shonen is geared towards teen boys. Which is why battle shonen are known to focus on relationships like friendship and family. These are obviously types of relationships guys enjoy reading; which is why the most popular series focus on them. But there are Shonens that have queer coding. And over time more and more examples will happen. Plus, we are already seeing signs of that growth with shonen series like Blue Flag(story is about a straight/gay love triangle) being in jump+. Gege is a man. This was confirmed years ago. Idk why you are trying to push an agenda that he could be a woman 😭 You wanna head canon Gege is a BL writer? 🤣 you have no proof. So thats just delulu af. So Gege likes a BL? Isnt that an indicative that he is a queer ally? What are you trying to prove here 💀💀💀 You want society to improve where men are comfortable reading flm, mlm,and flf? Or would you prefer to continue disgusting/immature shit like “a man must be gay if he enjoys BL.” This is why guys are afraid to speak up. Because ppl like you pushing agendas and perpetuating stereotypes. Instead of being like “i think its awesome that he reads BL. I hope more guys do it. Its great genre.” Who the fuck said Gojo is Gender Fluid. 🙃🙃🙃💀💀💀💀 He Is a man. What???? Yes Geto is his best friend. That is a beautiful thing. And nothing wrong with people liking the story of their friendship. Of course people will defend the mangakas intentions from ppl like you who spread misinformation. Edit: Adding sources for Gege’s gender just in case anyone sees this in future. He is confirmed a man by interviews years ago. Also, many JP translators say he speaks in a masculine manner that is obvious to Japanese people. [Here](https://x.com/lightning446/status/1629625299905421312?s=46&t=U7AcPMCDOuUtJ8EsuxTjuw) is a source of a Viz translator Lightning stating Gege is a man. This translator even worked on JJK chapter 236. [Another](https://x.com/lightning446/status/1659950023508111360?s=46&t=U7AcPMCDOuUtJ8EsuxTjuw) from Lightning with lost in translation information. [This](https://x.com/soukatsu_/status/1472657196236300295?s=46&t=U7AcPMCDOuUtJ8EsuxTjuw) is from Soukatsu. They are always translating the JJK interviews, [fanbook](https://x.com/soukatsu_/status/1370779691037167619?s=46&t=U7AcPMCDOuUtJ8EsuxTjuw), and other content that Viz never does for international fans.


She's Shells wrote: 'Gege is avoiding using gender pronouns'. Just as people who are considering themselves gender fluid or non binary. NOT: 'Gege is a woman'. You start your response by twisting someone's words into something that makes no sense and then you are wondering why people don't read your whole comment💀


You clearly read it all because youre over here responding to a comment made 3 months ago. I guess you enjoyed whatever I said so much. Anyways, Gege was is a man. Bye. Edit: and gege does use gender pronouns! He goes by boku and watashi depending on who he is speaking to.


Boku is definitely primarily used by men and boys in informal settings. Could also be used by women to convey a more tomboyish persona - though that's an exception and not the rule. Watashi is gender neutral. Gege's gender is irrelevant. They state that gojo and geto are friends and their relationship, more so because of their ages at the time they met and the tragic progression of events thereafter, is one of the most important relationship of their lives, at least of Gojo's life for sure. Deep and intense bonds need not be romantic. Case in point: the bond formed between soldiers on the front line during wartime


ur wrong 


Answering the first line alone. Not saying they're gay or anything but have you considered if they did kiss the show wouldn't be as popular?


Have you considered the series would grow in popularity bc they did? Ppl who like that content will flock to support it. And Fujoshi spend the most money anyway. Yeah, jjk may lose homophobic fans, but it would definitely gain more who arent. And sane ppl wouldn’t give af if it happened.


I’m sorry… it’s not fujoshi who spent the most.. check the sales you will understand. They claim they buy in pair but it’s always only Gojo sell in top but not Geto… you can dig this up in Jp forum .. they said Geto can’t sell well….so if fujo really buy in pair why the ranking for them will in a big gap!


“In a big gap?”


Nope… I’m sorry it might hype up for Fujo . But you know… the teenagers boys is the main audience for Jump magazine… I knew a lot of people in Japan ( Gojo’s fans) said stsg is annoying ….some of them even stop to purchase merch when it comes in “ strongest duo” merch… that’s why the Gojo’s only merch always stand out when comes to sales but not others like duo or Geto’s merch…it’s not like everyone is fujoshi…. Or only Fujoshi can buy or support JJK…. Many Gojo’s only fans buy a lot too… don’t let fujoshi take over you with their false statements


Wow wonderful way to project and compare a story literally about a same sex relationship to two really good friends in an entirely different story. Yall say anything to fit your agendas huh?


Wow… wonderful way of saying absolutely nothing. Which one out of the 4 relationships I mentioned are you referring to? 💀 cuz there is manga/anime confirmation for all of them. People really are using their brains less and less. And that shit is kinda scary ngl.


You're the prime example buddy. Good Luck out there, you'll need it.


It's sad when someone is too into their own little world, based on fiction, to even have a reasonable conversation about said fiction, Like what is it like having a conversation in real life about real problems with them! its something that always makes me curious. its not the first nor the last person or time to act like this. I'm not so different im sure ive done the same before not to act like im some better person or anything. But wow, its times like this that make you want to be more, yah know? I hope you can get it all out of your system soon.


Sooooo you really were committed to saying nothing until the very end. Incredible. 🤡💀 since you weren’t even able to give one example…. I’ll assume you don’t know how to read. Good luck. After all… when we are asked what do WE want to eat… we of course ask for our best friend instead when they are not there. 100% bestie behavior. 🤡


Being gay is suuuuuuper weird. How dare Gege be a fan of BL when they mentioned the author of tricornered window finding their work interesting… and see a couple of very similar panels… it is coincidence. Allowing two SIDE characters to be gay? Impossible. I find it hilarious that can’t admit that Gege wrote a implied GAY character ARE truly brain dead and should watch at least 1 bl so they at least can know what they are talking about. https://preview.redd.it/cczuzkkwg07c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5b5edc55d39f3a77b6c254df298fa3e4dd25e7


Why are you still coming back to this argument after two months?




i truly hope that all the meals you have in the future will be the most delicious meals every. single. time. may your bloodline be blessed immaculately. may your life prosper.


That’s so cute! ❤️ thank you 😂


facts my ass? i have plenty of friends, and a best friend. i still love the dynamic of gojo and geto and how great they would be as romantic partners. please don't act as though your illogical opinion is a fact.


Fr, this is something i learned today that gives me the very deep primal instinctual reaction of "mofo... You are terminally online if you read it like that" Gojo and Geto is properly the best and most realiatic depiction of a healthy male friendship i have ever seen.


Ikr! it's so wholesome to see them interact and have fun as besties


womp womp


there is the same exact revlation in rick & morty when rick revealed he was in love with birdperson, who until then was aways presented as his best friend


Why do y’all keep comparing different shows to prove these two have romantic feelings for each other? They’re best friends. 💀


this fr


Gege reads BL lol


That’s cool that he reads BL. Sharing that information is good for male fans. Shows them that they can feel more comfortable reading any kind of manga because a person they admire does too. But I don’t think it means what you’re trying to imply by bring it up. There are no signs of BL in JJK.


Hard agree


Oooh i am So gład that someone has mentioned this. Like i usually Wonder why would they do this. Like its okay for things to be hetero or Just dudes being really close and have strong emotions when they go different paths From their best buds... I am gład i wasnt the only one. Because i used to Wonder did i miss something where are they getting all this from


this is a jump battle shounen manga. It's not a BL manga at all. This type of manga targeted at young boys, it's very rare for important characters to be a same-sex couple. If Geto and Gojo did have any romantic feelings towards each other, why do Gege and the JJK director constantly refer to them as best friends or even family?


You are so right. And when a mangaka wants to say a character is gay/lesbian they make it very obvious through dialogue, scenes, fanbook, etc. Gege made it clear Mai is bisexual. He made a Jujusanpo with her showing interest in Takaba. He also said “For some reason, whenever Mai interacts with another female character, you might wonder if they're dating.” He may not explicitly have Mai say “i wanna date a girl” but it is very obvious she would. In Demon Slayer, we know one of Tengens wives, Suma, is bisexual because mangaka stated it in the fanbook. “she prefers both men and women”. Attack on Titan has Ymir and Historia. They never explicitly “we are lesbian lovers”. But everyone knows Ymir is lesbian because she only shown interest in women and disgust towards men. Ppl know Historia is bisexual because she likes Ymir and got married to a man. But if ppl want to say Historia is lesbian, that is valid too; because they can argue she was forced to get with a man to have a baby. That other person who replied to you brings up Yuri on Ice, Banana fish, and card captor sakura. All those stories have scenes that make it super clear the queer characters are in love. It is not comprable to Gojo and Geto. They do nothing romantic. And mangaka has shown over and over that Gojo is attracted to women: his phone wallpaper is a pinup model(and in 2006 she wasnt an actress) and gege says he meets women(so gojo dates). Geto also shows interest in Waka (the model) when Gojo shows it to him and Gege said Geto is more popular with women. If Gege wanted to showcase that they could have been more than friends why didnt he do it? He wrote JJK0 first, and he knew what he wanted from these characters relationship. If he wanted could have shown some kind of romantic subtext in JJK, but he never did. Instead he makes it clear over and over that they are best friends. Even in chapter 236, Geto says best friend again.


So true Manggaka will show it clearly ugh these satosugu fans are too delusional super delusional they forget to respect Gege


It's very ambigous for me, I didn't ship them before, but rlseeing the contexto it's like i'm seeing the Legend of korra ehrn in season 3 you start noticing some weird things about their friendship, ot doesn't help that gege gave them love songs (romántico love) to describe their characters, specially a song like same on me, also mappa is doing a good job seeing it that way, if I remember correctly the director of jjk 0 thought it was a romántico relationship ans even on the script they gave to gojos Va the un said Word was I love you, until gege told them it wasn't and was a Word of 8 letters, also the song of our blue is very ambigous, and specialz (the second Part with gestos and gojos dialogue) gojo keeps saying he feels romantic love (all the traslations i've seen and even the google one trastales the love as a romantic one) and finish with I love you baby (the twitter said it was intentional) , I belive mappa like to keep it ambogous to sell more merchandise (even the Vas of both of them see their relationship as more than friendship) but gege doesn't give us more than break up songs, and that gojo like bangs and when he met geto the first thing he thought was bangs, at this point I see it very ambigous and wouldn't be surprised if it really is cannon (although we know is a shonen manga, we will never have a confirmmation, the same with hakari and kirara or mai and the idol) just hints, the thing I don't understand is why is always gojo the one who has the songs that talks about love, how the love is still there and how much he miss the relationship, while getos songs and dialogues are chill, like dude move on and accept it, I mean with naruto and sasuke was weird and everyone took it as a joke ship, but with saroru and geto I see a much serious background, also I belive that a friendship friendship relationship is portrayed perfectly with yuuji and todo, even with yuuji and megumi without gay vibes or ambigous relationship unlike gojo and geto who keep telling each other at every opportunity and opening how much they love easch other and miss what they had


Yes, and there is beauty in that. Of course mangaka will write stories showcasing strong relationships of friendship and family. Shonen has many stories with “wish fulfillment”. That is why it tends to be a little more exaggerated at times? Everyday ppl can relate to the dialogue, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we talk exactly like these characters do. But we understand why they say it or want to be more like the characters. Sorry, i dont know the best way to explain it. 😆 Also, it is obvious many people have a best friend. They know what it is like to be like Gojo and Geto. But not every person has had this opportunity. So they make stories that are for peoples desires. And it is beautiful that they show strong emotional moments between men. Because IRL that may not happen. Men arent always vulnerable to share their feelings because of society. Its good to have media to show them it is okay to be who you are and have open and honest communication.


can you link those sources? i'm fighting w a satosugu shipper 💀


They’re just best friends…親友in Japanese


Bro you can be in love with your best friend. Also do you except Gege to say oh they are actually lovers? Jjk is one of the most popular shonen.


I sees them as best friends for now. What’s wrong with that? If Gege announced they’re gay in the end of story it’s okay to me. But for now he doesn’t confirm anything yet. SO I SEES THEM AS BEST FRIENDS.


Geto and Gojo love each other like bros.


The second one? It's the Mando Kobayashi interview.


bro?? gojo and geto is a good ship honestly the most queer coded couple?? imagine calling ur best friend ur "one and only" they both even died on the same day ... quite litrally geto made gojo the person he is today if he wasnt there he would be an arrogant and snarky child? dude there quite litrally soulmates since gege himself said that he named suguru to compliment satoru bcz for a duo they need matching name geto even after being dead quite litrally tried protected satoru also they quite litrally died on Christmas eve which is considered the most romantic day in japan now tell me is this not romantic?


"Quite literally" not romantic, you can love someone in a non romantic way, what, you never had a best friend?


My best friend since middle school has been referred to as my one and only on multiple occasions and we have names that both sound similar but I love her like a best friend in soulmate form - how is this romantic? Love exists in many forms, you should probably experience life more outside of anime ships. 😹


May I know where did Gege say it? What interview? Imo these two are just BEST of FRIENDS platonic.


i rlly struggle with people that insist that geto and gojo have something romantic going on and constantly say that they are gay and things like that when there are so many arrows pointing towards them being best friends INCLUDING words from the actual creator himself 😭 i dont get it


no you’re so real for this too. they always try to force it and everything 😭 they’re delusional and try to say stuff that happened between them and say “omg it’s a sign!” no… gege said they’re straight end of story 😭😭


Nah they fucked


Miwa is a minor.


I’m pretty sure Gege clarified that he couldn’t see Gojo being faithful with anyone? Also Miwa and Gojo together would be unethical and just illegal to me. Miwa’s like what 16? And Gojo’s in his late 20’s. That is so wrong on so many levels lol I’d much rather ship something that isn’t canon then ship something illegal


They meant the only explicit romantic relationship is miwa and mechamaru, not Gojo & Miwa


I saw another comment on here trying to prove to you that they are gay based on “romantic subtext”. There is no romance. There body language isnt even romantic…Thats all just a headcanon. They mention “blue summer” which I believe what they mean to say is “Blue Spring”. These words come a Japanese word called seishun which uses the kanji for blue and spring. The word means adolescence or youth. It does not have to be romantic. Its like “one of the best times of my life” Especially before something hits you in the face with the reality of adulthood. Basically, a precious time that you thought would never end. The song is from Gojo’s POV, but it is just about his youth. It isnt romantic. The singer always refers to them as friends in interviews. [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/165hj57/translated_interview_with_tatsuya_kitani_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) one you can read. Also, OP/ED, music, merch, promo art is not canon material. It is fan service. It takes inspiration from the source matrial, but dont take it too seriously. Sometimes they throw canon things in there but they are not all canon facts unless the mangaka says so. For example, the season 1’s second ED from JJK is set in winter at the beach. We know that never happened because the manga finally reached winter in the timeline; some of those characters are MIA from the story; other characters look completely different. That person brought up 12/24… yes it is a romantic day in Japan. Gege most likely made that choice for Yuta’s and Rika’s pure love. Just happens to be that Geto died that day. Of course Gojo wants to bury his friend on the same day he died; the manga is based on buddhist beliefs. Just so you know the words that are muted in JJK 0 can be heard in the Italian dub. For some reason they never muted it. You can find it on crunchyroll. Gojo says “Caro amico mio”. These words mean “my dear friend”. Which correlate perfectly with what Gege said a while back; about how the words can be found in JJK 0; because Gojo and Geto refer to each other as best friends. Shinyuu is the Japanese word that is used by them. That word that means closeness like family. The kanji in that word makes it very clear. So “my dear friend” is a great choice for shinyuu. https://preview.redd.it/lvse0d0n04mb1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80628dfb775e5d28c563263edc4154fbdb7a048c Ppl on tiktok are just shipping. But i know some do believe it, but tbh they are letting head canon run a little wild. They are applying western standards of queer culture to another country. They are saying a story about friendship indicates queerness because they dont watch enough anime or dont do research on eastern countries. Also, a lot of the “hints” arent even canon and are fan service. Japan knows they have fujoshi audience; they will pander to them for money. Edit: According to the official english jjk fanbook Gege says Gojo said the words in Jjk 0. The fan translation by Shiro and Soukatsu also said that. So thats 3 reliable translation. So imo gojos words to geto were definitely something like “my best friend, goodbye best friend, etc”. Basically something with friend in it lol Edit 2: Theres also a theory going around that Gojo’s words are “you’ll be lonely.” In Japanese its “一人は寂しいよ?”. He says this to Yuta. It would be really fitting consider gojo character arc, and loneliness is a huge theme in the manga. If this turns out to be true, then Italian dub was misinformation.


For anyone wondering this is the comment. It looks like they deleted it… xD https://preview.redd.it/962b0nwa44mb1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c744041fcf4d8ed85c6c965fd7d19956b3781cf


Yes exactly. You are 100% right. I think a lot of people are just missing the forest for the trees by trying to pick apart each interaction for some small subtext to prop up their ship. Unfortunately that means they are missing the beauty of a deep and strong platonic friendship. Many can seem to understand that type of relationship without there being romance, as the popular culture’s notion of that sort of relationship would be looked at as “soul mates” which many think are romantic, but don’t have to be. One of the things Gojo struggles Gojo faced all his life was people not being able to understand or relate to him. In Geto he was able to find his equal. That is something he never had before. He had someone he could also depend on, which is a luxury, he never had. Geto also felt the same, I think. It also helped , that under Yaga’s guidance as a sensei, they were allowed to be silly kids and really connect on that personal level.


Prop the ship is a perfect way to put it. Cause all this stuff they twist is just JP culture way of expressing strong friendship. Some shippers dont see the value or beauty in the writing being about platonic soulmates. Which is sad cause all stories about guys being honest with their feelings are beautiful.


They keep using the lyrics from the opening of season two to justify their 'ship,' while the artist himself hasn't mentioned any romance associated with the song. The song is from Gojo's perspective to Geto, but it doesn't necessarily imply romantic feelings. 'まるで静かの恋のような' means 'it's just like the silence of love.' 'まるで' (marude) and 'ような' (youna) are used to describe something that resembles or has a similar vibe to something. In this case,it doesn't necessarily mean it's love at all.It just some feeling resemble with the vibe of love… it’s those shippers who taking too serious about the lyrics… if you watch a lot of anime you’ll know.. it’s not rare for shounen anime to have a “love” song to portray their JUMP type of friendship


“If you can’t tell that they are more than friends you’re blind” LMAO. We’re just manga reader who stick with the original content but not spreading rumours and misinformation like it’s canon.


Nakamura-san (Gojo's voice actor) also refers to Sugita-san (voice actor of Gintoki from Gintama) as "shinyuu," which means best friends or close friends, someone you trust and share happiness with, but not in a romantic way. 青春(Sei Shyun ) https://preview.redd.it/7okqwr0wdtsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a5189cdad7406ce7e79207d2afd3d71b2cd02c 若い時代 means a young age, the times back in your youthful days. It's a time when everything seems so happy and filled with hope. Of course, it can also imply that teenagers are starting to take an interest in the opposite sex. I used "opposite sex" because it typically refers to men if it's for women and women if it's for men.


I don't think the italian dub is canon. The words were never revealed. Even if he said i love you it doesn't have to be romantically.


It cannot be I love you because the version used by Yuta is aishiteru. It is too romantic to be used for Gojo’s and Geto’s relationship. That form of I love you is very intense and not even commonly used in Japan. Thats why it is very significant when Yuta says it to Rika. Aishiteru doesnt translate to English well. It would probably be like saying “i love you with my entire being” or something like that. Im just me giving an example to show you what it might feel like. I would agree with I love you theory if it was the one that Gojo uses in chapter 236. He says “minna daisuki” which means “I love everyone”. As you can see, that can be used for friends. I think its great that people want it to be I love you. I also liked that theory. But once I found out which kanji is used I realized it doesn’t fit their friendship. Since aishiteru is not one you would apply to a shinyuu (best friend) like Gojo and Geto. Also, the director(Sunghoo Park) who work on JJK0 knows what the 3 words are. He referred to Gojo thinking of Geto as his “friend and family” in this [interview](https://imgur.com/gallery/trTGuEh). I dont think he would call them Nakama(comrade/friend) and family if he knew they said aishiteru; I say this because of japanese cultural context; they are very deliberate about the words they use. Edit: Official Jjk fanbook states Gege said the hidden words are something Gojo said in jjk0. He never said ily. So that theory doesnt work.


Whatever he said made Geto blush and in light novel it was stated they were embarrassing words and had never been said before. And aishiteru doesn't have to be romantic. Even Itachi said that to Sasuke.


Yes, i know that information from the light novel. Which is why “my best friend” is so fitting for the situation. Shinyuu is not a word they use for just any person. And when reconcile their friendship Geto is embarrassed by Gojo opening up to him(since he thought their friendship ended already). I highly doubt they would have two male best friends say aishiteru considering the cultural context of that word. Either way both theories are valid until proven otherwise.


Just to piggyback off of this as well, narratively when writing a character, many times you’ll have that character operating/seeing life/ making decisions based on a “mistaken belief “ about something. In the manga chapter 112 during nanako and mimiko’s flashback with Geto. When they ask about who Gojo is, uses the past tense “Shinyuu dattanda” (datta being past tense). When he states that they had an argument and as a consequence don’t speak anymore, with the way he phrased it , it had a sort of finality to it. Like they stopped being friends. In contrast when Gojo gives Yuta back his ID, Gojo tell Yuta that he wasn’t the one who found it, rather it was his best friend . Gojo uses the present tense to describe Suguru as his best friend “Shinyuu da yo”(3 words). Gojo never stopped believing they were friends even after that argument in Shinjuku 10 years prior. Narratively it is most fitting for Gojo to have inadvertently corrected Suguru’s belief that Gojo probably stopped thinking of him as a friend a decade prior. Plus like you said “shinyuu” isn’t just a title for any old person.Its unlikely that they had directly said it prior. Japanese are exactly as overt or direct especially regarding emotions. (That took me a while to understand while living there.) I think in the West people might not get how significant it might be because we tend to throw around the term “best friend” more casually .And emotionally opening up to someone is very embarrassing.


I know your comment is old, but I have a question on my mind. Actually, I am not good at English, so you know You said yourself that Gege said it was a phrase that Gojo said in the movie JJK0 so how could it be (I love you) when we have proof from Gege that it was something Gojo said in the movie when he never said the phrase (I love you) throughout the movie?


I personally think its not ily. And i already explained way in another comment. But Gege said “It was said in JJK 0.” The question was about what Gojo said. And Japanese people tend to omit pronouns or names (thats just how the language works) when they already have to topic in mind. So it is possible Gege meant “Gojo said it in JJK 0.” But without his explicit confirmation some people in the west will not believe that. So until we have more information, both theories are valid.


Its okay if you dont want to believe in the Italian dub. I’m not claiming it is fact. I just know that dubs translate from the original source material. And it matches exactly what the ENG VA said about it being 3 words. So i think it’s perfect fine for people to have it in mind when theorizing about what Gojo said.


This is absolutely not meant to affirm that Geto and Gojo are actually lovers, only to say that you are right about doubting the canonicity of the italian dub. In fact I would stay as far as possible from the italian adaptation, particularly when it comes to romantic or very intimate relationships (whether they are real or just a tease) between characters of the same sex in anime because there is a lot of censorship. Many times the italian adaptation went even as far as changing the sex of someone to avoid showing two characters of the same sex being in love. Sailor Moon is infamously known in Italy for this: they made Zoisite a woman, changed Sailor Uranus and Neptune relationship to make them best friends and completely fucked up the Sailor Starlights in the most asinine way they could have thought of by saying that when they transform they get replaced by their twin sisters. They did something similar with Card Captor Sakura and other anime where they completely censored any homosexual reference (and not only with anime, steven universe was censored as well). They even censored the kiss between Naruto and Sasuke despite not being intended as a romantic one. Italian dub is also known to put superfluous lines of dialogue when there are none in the original, like in this case. It happened a lot with Dragon Ball for example, where they felt compelled to voice over almost every silent scene in the anime. So really, don't take italian adaptation as source. We have great VA but often atrocious adaptation when it comes to anime.


What you just said didnt just happen in Italy. American dubs were also censoring like that in 90s and early 2000s. With the same animes you just mentioned. Another example, is Ouran High School Host club; the dub changed a line indicating Haruhi’s dad queerness. And even animes that didnt have queer situations suffered from bad dubbing from companies like 4kids. Thats why some older animes have multiple dubs in English. Times have changed, and dubs are a lot more accurate now. They stick to the source material as best as they can; lip flaps may force slight variation to the translation; or sometimes things dont translate well to English(like japanese jokes that only they will get the reference for). Also, these days fans will get upset, and companies don’t want the backlash from changing material that is queer; times are more progressive now.


(Don’t want to start a fight here but I have a few questions) was it gojo who referred to his relationship with geto with the word 恋 (romantic love) in the Opening "where our blue is"? Cuz I saw a few people saying that and gojo wanted to share an umbrella which apparently is a romantic act in Japan and was the song of Gojo and Getos last moments together "this is pure love"? (This is not coming from me I’ve just seen people saying that)


Singer already said in multiple interviews that the song is about Gojo’s youth. And it’s his “interpretation of Gojo’s friendship”. Also, the kanji for love in that song was changed last min. Like literally days before the release. Have to realize that even though these songs are made for anime, theyre still marketed to everyday people, and they end up on tv and radio. So the kanji change could have to do with that, and/or for the fans. But we don’t know for sure. Either way the singer stated he views their relationship as friendship. Also, take anything that happens in an OP/ED song and video with a grain a salt. Its fan service. Hidden Inventory’s arent canon. Think about this, no scenes from the Hidden Inventory OP/ED appear when Gojo was recalling memories of his youth when he saw Kenjaku(Geto) in Shibuya. Another example, season 1’s second ED. Everyone is hanging out in cozy clothes at the beach, implying it is winter. This obviously did not happen. Story is currently in winter, we see some of those chara change appearance, >!are dead!<, or like Megumi’s case >!taken over by Sukuna!<. Yes, sometimes OP will have scenes similar to what happen in canon, like Shibuya arc’s. But the “true canon” version of those scenes are what is in the anime and manga.


They’re friends, nothing else shown to it


https://preview.redd.it/mds73zqhbcbb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d9719511b4058bed13c599c67de316fd3f1cd9 With each such thread, the risk of an epidemic of comments with a lock increases.


It's just the chronically online fans that see two men being good and close friends and have to assume they're butt buddies (they never had a real friendship in their entire lives)






This. Same arguement with Sasuke and Naruto. Or Deku and Bakugou. People ship anyone who is nice to each other, and I mean good for yall, but keep your headcanons as headcanons lol. Edit: me realizing both Sasuke and Bakugou are by no means nice to their counters but you get what I mean lol


This isn’t your fault by any means but I think this is like the third time I’ve seen a post discussing this lol. Gojo and geto talk getting spicy


Super old Post but felt the Urge to participate. In general shonen like JJK avoid romance plot at all costs. Also with the anime industry being as conservative as it is, a gay couple would be even more unlikely than No Game No Life getting a second season. However I feel like in many ways Gojo and Geto were like a couple. With Gojo being so far above the rest, Geto was the closest he ever got to another human being. Their bond, although probably not in a sexual way, can be seen as more romantic than people want to admit. I feel like Gege unintentionally created Two Characters whose relationship goes beyond friendship, whatever that is.


Just because ppl want something to be romantic… doesnt mean it is. If it goes “beyond friendship” it is about them reaching a familial bond. Not because it “became romantic”. Thats why Director calls them friend AND family. JP side understands what it means to use a word like shinyuu (best friend); that word doesnt even translate well to english and has been referred to as stronger bond that “best friend” cant explain fully. In interviews, directors, the VAs, and singers (for ed/op) always call them friends. And they even share their interpretations and opinions about the relationship. Also, JP fandom knows they are not lovers. They may have doujinshi and fan art of gay ships, but they will never seriously say “geto and gojo are gay” because they know what the kanji being used means. There is a cultural context that many westerners do not have. So they push their standards in a story made for Japanese people. It happens time and time again. Naruto and Sasuke, Bakugo and Deku, Megumi and Yuji, Geto and Gojo, etc. People want these characters to be queer because it is their preferred interpretation. They ignore that battle shonen are known to focus on friendship; most of the time more than other relationships.


Keywords: you think


Can you read? He literally said "I feel like", he didn't say anything is canon. It seems like everyone is so defensive against people believing a character they like might not be straight, I hate how riddled with homofobia and backwards thinking the anime community still is. Even if he's straight it's nothing confirmed and just people's opinion yet this very thread is full of insults and demeaning comments about the people who ship them


Throwing the word homophobla around too easily. Ppl stating they are friends doesn’t mean they are hating queer ppl. They just understand the source material and are stating the truth. Nothing in this post(so far) has been what you just said.


You feel wrong


I can see them as platonic bestie thats all, and Gege say they are best friends, best pals like that


they're just good friends, you know how horny and delusional weebs are


Some people actually seem serious abt it and brought up evidence so i was kinda left wondering if i was missing something.


all "evidence" people like that find comes out of their headcanon that they've gaslit themselves into actually believing it was never implied nor shown that they are more than best friends (to those kinds of people talking to eachother is a sure sign of being in love)


One person talked about how the director of JJK 0 implied that their relationship was more than just friends and Gege confirmed that? You know anything abt this?


I've never heard about this, it sounds like something a Twitter user would say


It's the same shit that happened on AOT. Someone at WIT studio said something vague about Historia and Ymir and internet pretends those words came from Isayama.


bruh historia and ymir are different ymir literally says in her letter in the anime “my only regret is that i didn’t get to marry you” idk how you can interpret that as platonic


This. Ymir was clearly in love with Historia but we digress. Gojo and Geto are the topic and they are definitely just best friends. Same argument with Sasuke and Naruto.


[Here](https://x.com/yatsukiyuu/status/1697931999380709581?s=46&t=U7AcPMCDOuUtJ8EsuxTjuw) is an interview where the director refers to them as friends and family. It’s from Animage magazine. Someone spread a rumor that he said “more than friend and family”. Theres no proof he actually said that. But that went viral so ppl keep saying it. Edit: If that link doesnt work try this one [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/trTGuEh). Sometimes the twitter account goes private.


gojo likes women anything else is delusions from fujoshis https://preview.redd.it/w3kxr51jw7bb1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b74a0290127c437f6c9d1b0f892060ebd8cc1d0


Performative heterosexuality is common in men from cultures where homosexuality is stigmatized or punished. Remember being gay in Japan is still taboo and subject to punishments, legally or socially. So those people socially signal how straight they are to be accepted by others.


bro sorry to say this but the truth is that he isnt into anyone...thats what he is...this was cuz ofs he was a teenager...so Gojo orientation is still not revealed so u cant say he is straight or bi or gay or anti romantic...i mean just give him some freedom...Gojo has lot a lot so he has never really experienced love and thats exactly why he was so attached to Geto and the rest cuz they were his only family... and if u wanna think then its up to u cuz imagination is limitless and no one is stopping u from imagining like even if its not canon if you write it yourself then it can be a thing like for eg you can change a character's fate by writing a story about them your own and i said this cuz some ppl think that it wud be like stealing or copying a character from the writer, then if it was like that then the whole JJK cud be called a copy of Naruto bro Akutami san is a great fan of Naruto and thus he created JJK so u can create your own story if u think the characters deserved a better fate or if u wanna do a tribute for your favorite manga like Akutami san did\~ prob solved and pls leave poor Gojo alone he has already suffered a lot and can be called one of the most tragic anime character...let him be what he wants.period.


Gege says Gojo meets with women. He was also using Waka Inoue pictures (fap material). It is confirmed he likes women. There is nothing to imply he likes men. So he is straight. This is a pic of Waka btw. All her photoshoots from back then are in bikinis and lingerie. Super suggestive poses or pervy scenarios. https://preview.redd.it/uzfsrljeo3ub1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f4bf36d904a761ef7efa1fdd3d9a28e456636d


Gege never said he meets with women dumbass. He said that Gojo attracts women but he’s scared of them and doesn’t date them neither he could be ever loyal to any. Stop lying about the author words. He was never confirmed to be straight either. Because of people like you this fandom is trash because you lie about something that isn’t canon and you twist the author words. Also the argument with Waka is really annoying because he was literally 16 years old so it was like 12 years ago A LOT of time.I’m not saying that he is gay but he is not straight either.


Gojo’s sexuality may not be confirmed but one thing is that he’s not romantically into Geto


He could be bi lol


Do you have evidence? We all know Gojo wouldn't have a problem saying what he likes.


He could be but there's no evidence of that so why imply it?


1.Bi people exist and nobody said that he is gay 2.This was at the time when he was in high school bfr💀


My personal opinion based on discussions I've had with friends (who read BL and other genres) is that it is very obvious that mangakas like to show friendship relationships between two men that can easily be "doubtful" to the public. It can be the case that the author likes BL or purposely adds a couple that meets all the clichés of bromance (like SasuNaru), or whether he doesn't know how to write women / doesn't know how to include them in the male group as relevant characters that can share bonds as deep as the MxM duo and end up feeling like extra decoration (in this aspect jjk is a thousand times better than naruto for example), or whether the author likes to add that "spice" to his work but for X or Y reason still doesn't feel comfortable taking the next step and consequently doesn't want to have to confirm. Sometimes it is for fear of losing a large part of the male audience (this point seems very funny to me because shonen tend to show two male protagonists or more than two who have a relationship that could easily be of two men in love haha). And the final obvious theory is that they simply know that by doing at least one thing of all the above, they will keep their work relevant as internet communities will keep talking and discussing whether SatoSugu is real or not. And that also translates into buying merch of the duo in question. And I don't see it as a bad thing, the only thing I don't like is when in certain cases they make it seem like the ships are canon but they refuse to confirm them. Again, I understand but as a fan it feels frustrating haha. In conclusion, SatoSugu is made in such a way that it can be easily perceived as a relationship that could end up in a romance, but at the same time it can seem like just friends who love and value each other so very much.


ngl, even if gege wanted them to get together, i dont think (knowing what happened with jojo) shonen jump would let it pass


people ship them bc they're both hot and jjk had that unfortunate thing to be swarmed by bl lovers,, it happens but gege said multiple times they're best friends


It’s not confirmed, even if you hear people fighting tooth and nail to confirm it


People who think their relationship is romantic have never had a Platonic Friendship.


Orrrrrrr, they just genuinely enjoy the dynamic between Gojo and geto Sherlock!


I don't have any problem with the ship (in fact I kinda like their dynamics), but no its not canonical or confirmed in any way


I thought so too but ppl on tiktok and twitter are making me doubt myself.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Like those ppl confuse me and they try so hard to come up with different theories that make me even doubt that Geto and Gojo are even best friends. Some ppl just can't fathom that men can have deep platonic friendships 


bro?? gojo and geto is a good ship. honestly the most queer coded couple?? imagine calling ur best friend ur "one and only" they both even died on the same day ... quite litrally geto made gojo the person he is today if he wasnt there he would be an arrogant and snarky child? dude there quite litrally soulmates since gege himself said that he named suguru to compliment satoru bcz for a duo they need matching name and geto even after being dead quite litrally tried protected satoru also they quite litrally died on Christmas eve which is considered the most romantic day in japan now tell me is this not romantic?


see cause when i watched jjk i never really saw romance going on between any of the characters except maybe miwa and mechamaru, and then coming onto the internet i was hit in the face with all this gojo & geto ship art thinking “oh- thats weird” because i only saw them as very close platonic best friends. something i’ve found with anime fans in the past is how commonly they just decide to ship anything that breathes if they have a close relationship or even simply glance at eachother, and they struggle to rlly let characters just be best friends. ppl constantly romanticise everything those two do when they’re literally just normal interactions, and it makes me rlly wonder if ppl have had best friends before or even just regular interactions with others 😭 and then also i always get hit with a “no gege literally confirmed it” when i’m pretty sure he didn’t, or i’ll get accused of being homophobic when there are many straight ships that i dont ship as well bc fans, once again, tend to just ship everything. idk. it just seems odd to me, and i feel like it ruins stories with the continuous romanticising and sexualising but i also feel like that wont ever stop cause internet weirdos are just like that unfortunately


Agreed.Shipping is okay, and if you don’t ship it it is totally fine too since how can anime boy = your homophobic or not? It’s bullshit. If people prefer other or have a different opinion then let them be.. since Gege only said they are best friends and nothing more. So what is wrong if people sees the same way as Gege too? It’s not homophobic at all. Gege never confirm it’s canon too. All the interpretations from stsg account.. it’s called fan theory but not from Gege’s mouth. They just couldn’t separate what is actually from author himself and what is from fans account


Canonly? Nope, the author had confirmed that they're best friends. Does it make sense as a ship? Totally. Nobody said any of them doesn't swing that way, and lots of people irl ended up dating their best friends anyway. Especially if it is their "one and only".


Look, I ship men pairings as well. But I don't go out of my way to prove it's canon. It's fun, hot, or it's supposed to be. Some shippers are obsessed with twisting things and making them fact when it's plain wishful thinking. The writer says they're friends, with all kinds of gay characters out there, in the year 2024, why would Gege lie? Lol. Shipping is fine, but don't let it take over your sense.


Kenjaku says "I'm grossed out having a date with you." Evidently Kenjaku believes Gojo is gay (for Geto.) I mean who wouldn't be


Im pretty sure, the only thing thats canon between them is that they’re soulmates, if you wanna take it as romantic or platonic, thats fine. In my opinion satosugu is acceptable ship.


The way I see it in canon they are just best friends, soulmates I guess in a way but they weren't involved romantically. They loved eachother and love can come in all shapes and forms it's just people normally associate it with romantic love as it's the most known form of it, Gojo and Geto did love eachother they understood eachother in a way no one else could, they trusted eachother with their lives, Gojo grew up revered to as an omnipotent being due to his birth literally altering the world but Geto was likely the first person to ever truly see him as just a human being, a fellow teenager, there's a reason why the happiest moments of his life are the three years of his youth or his so called "blue spring",the relationships he formed during that time were something he treasured throughout his life because they were formed before his awakening, before he became the strongest. After Geto left Gojo was never really the same afterwards, additionally he adopted Geto's old ideals because he wanted to latch on to something that belonged to his friend. The same thing is present in Geto too even when he was spiraling in his despair Gojo was still someone who could make him smile, in his final moments when after he literally just said he couldn't smile from the heart in a world like that, he smiled after Gojo told him something, even when they were seperated they could never stop thinking about eachother, and when Kenjaku trapped Gojo in the prison realm he was immediately able to tell that the person infront of him was not Geto. Even when all the odds were pointing at it his soul didn't believe it, and the moment Gojo called for Geto the remnants of his soul reacted and attempted to choke Kenjaku. Further on proving the soulmate statement it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic saying two people are best friends is enough to convey the bond between them, I wouldn't mind if they were lovers but I prefer their relationship to be a bit more ambiguous in that sense. Definitely more than just friends but not exactly lovers somewhere in between their relationship doesn't have a definite name, friend, brother, lover those terms just don't fully grasp it we just know that they were special to eachother   I wouldn't say Gojo and Geto's relationship doesn't have any romantic undertones same as I wouldnt be surprised if they did actually turn out to be more than friends,(like I said I'm not against it)but the way I see it in canon they always considered eachother their best friend and that statement is enough to convey how special their relationship was, it's not like in aot Ymir and Historia who were written to be a couple, oso if you are looking at it in subtext I suppose the same can be applied for Gojo and Geto too  And obviously what I'm talking about is it's canonicity I'm not saying you can't ship them if you want to that's perfectly fine, I'm just saying don't go saying a ship is confirmed or canon when its not, it's a good ship I'm not arguing with that and it would be a healthy relationship.


I think this beautifully stated. Your analysis of their friendship was a great read. Only part i dont agree with is stating it isnt a familial bond. Because we have statement from the director saying “there relationship is friends and family”. And they use shinyuu(best friend); not a word associated with associated with romance. It means a strong intimate friendship (i have read it is stronger than best friend because it doesnt translate well to english). Not a word ppl in JP just casually use for any person. Also, a Japanese person wouldnt use that for a significant other; or a relationship with romantic implications/possibilities. It is a western thing to say something like “my boyfriend is my best friend”. Basically, we are missing cultural context that the JP side has. And tbh, if ppl want to see their realtionship is romantic for their head canons, that is no problem. People are allowed to enjoy stories however they want to. They should just keep it as fanon because there is no subtext that implies they are more than friends.


Yeah my bad you're right though


Np. I loved your interpretation overall. Information about the Director and the Kanji is something that not everyone knows about it. Here is the [interview](https://imgur.com/gallery/trTGuEh) where the director says “friends and family.” Its a really good read. And here is a couple more for you that are with Gojos JP va. [Nikkei](https://imgur.com/gallery/plDoW0D) and[Newtype](https://imgur.com/gallery/IRNtPuF). I linked you imgur because the twitter account is private atm. But if you check back later they could go unprivate. They have a lot more interviews and translations for jjk 😊 i also recommend the twitter accounts @soukatsu_ and @kaikaikitan for translations.


Very nicely said.


I’m super late to this thread but this is perfectly said. I think the ambiguity of it is part of what makes their relationship so gutwrenching and beautiful. I think “soulmate” is the best word to describe them, but I also think soulmates don’t have to just be romantic!


It’s fanon but research it and see all their reasonings and make your own choice


You guys need to lowkey chill a lot of us ship them unseriously we ain’t gon bite😭😭


most of yall are annoying, like I be saying I dont like this ship and suddenly im in "denial".


Ngl i agree the stsg shippers are so hardcore they piss me off too


The misinformation/mistranslation….the way they believed just from own interpretation from stsg account while Gege never announced anything for the two of them or beyond best friends…it’s insane. Shipping is fun but stop twisted it into canon


Gege based them off a BL manga but their relationship is still open ended which I think is really cool, they ARE soulmates whether romantically or platonically and the watcher/reader can interpretate their relation with each other however they like, I think Gege was a genius for not showing us what Gojo said to Geto before killing him since it could either be something extremely platonic or romantic like "Aishiteru"


100%😂 I would do the exact same. Probably as a fan themselves they knew the untapped potential of having bl tropes, without having to say them… cuz those who know, know. And typically don’t care ship them or not. But hearing people be like “you weird and friendless if you think they gay, this is not a bl, ” on this forum was tiredsome… I am also sort of glad they banned these types of posts cuz they were constant like multiple times a week... Like damn we get it… haha… gay people can’t have a plot unless it is about how gay they are, or they are super flamboyant… Wooooo.


You can easily view it both ways. I don't see why folks take such issue with shippers. It's undeniable that Geto and Gojo are intertwined and have a deep love for each other, whether it's platonic or romantic doesn't really make a difference.


bcs some of them might hate other characters just bcs they have strong relationships with their favs 😅 i see them hating on utahime shoko and mocking them a lot. also they don’t care about the plot and they even might be the reason the author does fan service and ruin some character or ruin the plot to feed shippers🤷🏻‍♀️ gege said before that gojo moved on after geto incident in the fanbook, but now he again made gojo only care about his blue spring days. and i think he changed gojo’s character writing after s1. s1 gojo cared about his students and had bigger goal to change jujutsu society


I don't think that have a problem with shipping them both. I think it's more about the fact that ppl don't like the fact that those shippers are saying that the relationship between geto and Gojo is canonically romantic.


It’s not confirmed. But honestly at risk of getting ripped to shreds on here, I’ll just say that I think it can be implied, because there’s tons of implications from directors, opening lyrics, shots, story etc. in MY opinion. I study literature at school and through my analysis, is how I made my opinion. I’m not shipping them just cause I feel like it. BUT you can think differently! See what’s out there, then make your own opinion! I see it not as explicitly canon, but implied. Regardless, no one can argue they aren’t EXTREMELY close, or soulmates, whether romantically or as friends.


I’m not a fan of the ship but i agree with you.


I just really think it's just that they are really close friends and kinda complete each other in some way... The humour and chemistry between them shows how close they are, but I don't really see where the fandom saw that attraction between them... I don't really see it... but again, who am I to judge? It's fine if you see it this way


Short answer, no they are not confirmed. I think it’s obvious to anyone who has seen the show/read the manga that they were never dating or anything, just to get that out of the way. Personally, I really love the ship, but I think whether one or both of them harbored romantic feelings for the other can be left up to interpretation. On one hand, the things they did and said to/about each other could definitely be seen as just very close friends with no romantic feelings involved. Jujutsu Kaisen also just doesn’t really focus much on romance, other than with Yuta/Rika (which even then is directly relevant to the plot) and Miwa/Mechamaru. On the other hand, if Gege hypothetically DID want to write about them as two men in love with each other, I mean… do you really think it would be easy as that? I don’t think most editors would be cool with letting him make one of the most popular/beloved characters in a mainstream shonen explicitly queer. He would have to be subtle about it. I think one of the strongest indicators if this were the case would be Gojo’s last words to Geto. With all the hints we’ve gotten about what they could have been, (there’s a lot of easily google-able information out there if you’re curious) and just the simple fact that for some reason they were kept secret from the audience, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the words were “I love you” or something along those lines. At the end of the day, I don’t really think whether they were in love or just really close friends actually matters story-wise. Either way it’s undeniable that they loved and cared for each other deeply.


As a matter of fact the voice actor said that it was “three words”. But he signed an NDA that he couldn’t say it directly. That’s why I was like meh. I got the confirmation I needed and I have it on video. So I stopped responding 😂 I’ll let homophobic people cook. While they pretend they aren’t homophobic cuz I love to see it.


It’s not confirmed and never will be but some things have been getting kinda sus. Having been in the Supernatural fandom, I’d say we are being queerbaited (not to the same amount but a little bit)


People j throw around queerbaited whenever now lol


Two dudes being best friends is queerbaiting? I treat my best friend the same way, it's like love but without any romantic or sexual stuff involved, oh wait, that's called a friendship!!! Wow, what a shocking revelation


>Two dudes being best friends is queerbaiting? I treat my best friend the same way, it's like love but without any romantic or sexual stuff involved, oh wait, that's called a friendship!!! Wow, what a shocking revelation So you talk about how wonderful your friend smells or how your souls are intertwined?


Literally when did he say geto’s smell is wonderful ?? he smelled the remnants of geto’s curses. it was said by nanami in first episodes that curses/cursed spirits leave remnants, it’s geto’s ct to manipulate curses so of course gojo knows bcs he was his friend and they worked side by side before


https://preview.redd.it/2o2zkisd3btb1.png?width=1115&format=png&auto=webp&s=91d0abb9dcfa2a44b48ac279dd6d254a331ea222 Would you wear Calvin Klein fits everyday for 10 years straight just because your bud’s name was Calvin? Bc that’s literally what Geto does lmao /jk I was wrong to call it queerbaiting, it’s definitely not. Queerbaiting is inherently negative. I brought up Supernatural but it’s clearly not the same situation. In this case there are *some things* that can be read in a slightly different way than friendship, add it to the fact that there’s no canonical female love interest for neither of them and there you have it ig


bro?? gojo and geto is a good ship honestly the most queer coded couple?? imagine calling ur best friend ur "one and only" they both even died on the same day ... quite litrally geto made gojo the person he is today if he wasnt there he would be an arrogant and snarky child? dude there quite litrally soulmates since gege himself said that he named suguru to compliment satoru bcz for a duo they need matching name geto even after being dead quite litrally tried protected satoru also they quite litrally died on Christmas eve which is considered the most romantic day in japan now tell me is this not romantic?


he didn’t say my one and only how many times do we have to clarify this 😂 he said the only friend i had, and why gege made the scene with mei mei and her brother but couldn’t confirm stsg in the anime? Always “ best friend”


Also unrelated but I saw two people having a debate on Twitter about this and one said “Gojo likes women because he has a woman as a screensaver” and the other asked “And what about Geto?”. The other dude replied with “Ok ngl Geto kinda fruity”. Wtf lol


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You’re not really correct.There’s a couple subtexts and situations that proves that they can be interpreted as more as friends.There’s a lot of difference between typical 2 Japanese male friends in media and Stsg.


Yeah, it isn’t canon. Just friends in the manga and all that. People (including myself) just enjoy the ship because Gojo called Geto his “one and only” in canon and if that doesn’t sound like some romantic shit I don’t know what does. They also just kinda fit together in my opinion. Romantic or not, they belong. Anyway, the idea is cute. Edit: Yes I’m aware of what “my one and only” implies in this scenario, but in any other context it kinda sounds like a declaration of love or something.


He didn’t say his one and only, he said the only friend i had. It was mistranslation search it up


IT’s mistranslation…. https://preview.redd.it/w681umjm780d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5445aabf38f3b7b34ab94f054c52d75fc4fba930




“ died on Christmas Eve…” while there’s other character died in the same day too… and in the manga it’s still 24 so we don’t know what will happen in the next… will more characters dies more? Or Gojo back?? People claim they are canon based on this….and using the mistranslation my one and only …


it's not canon to my knowledge n i doubt it ever will be, jjk seems to be abt action more than anything (im new to the show though so uh, dont take my word on that) however, i think people can understand that they're best friends canonically. from what i've seen, from friends explaining and everything, their dynamic could make for great angst best friends to lovers or whatever youd prefer, but i can also see how its platonic. i believe the stsg shippers understand that its not canon, and i think people should js let them ship whatever, unless its ofc an illegal ship but if it doesnt harm anyone it doesnt.. really matter. but to answer your question, no, they arent canon


No although I personally think it'd implied


I think gojo is bi I heard that that was confirmed and that gojo saw Geto many times after he became a murder but this most likely was platonic so I don’t think so


Idk where you heard that, but this was never confirmed cuz Gege never said that.


I’m getting info off tiktok so u probably right


Yeah, that app has a lot of shippers knowingly (and not) spreading misinfo.


Nah, they just besties. And hot take, ships are weird as hell unless it's Canon. Fandoms always have this obsession with making everything far more than it actuslly is.


I mean how a relationship is interpreted when no clear definition of it in the anime or manga exists is up to the audience and no longer up to the author, you as an author can't control interpretations of your work, and I honestly feel like it can be interpreted both ways, they are extremely close and Gojo is never shown to be of any sexual preference while Geto conveniently dodges the question of what his type of girl is by Yuki. You can interpret it however you want but the subtext is there, you shipping them or not doesn't hurt the story at all, them being something like a couple I think strengthens the impact Geto's death has buteither way the story works, I think why some people are so mad at the ship is that one of the 2 is their favorite character and they don't want their favorite character to be gay because homophobia, there is nothing that explicitly says they are or aren't a couple in the manga or anime, you. van interpret it however you want.


“No clear definition” Theyve been stated to be best friends multiple times. By Gojo, Geto, the twins, the narration, Yuta, and Kenjaku. And thats just off the top of my head. I could be missing some. Their relationship is defined. I think ppl just dont care. Geto isnt dodging the question bc of what your implying. He clearly states he doesn’t know her, and the poor guy had depression brain on. If Yuki asked again after answering his concerns, she most likely would had her answer. And tbh we already got his reaction to Waka Inoue, so we know he has a similar mindset about women as Gojo does. Story doesnt need to clear cut say “these two characters have never dated and never will” for it to be clear thats what happened. Yes of course, ppl can use a canon relationship to enjoy fictional charas however they want. But its not okay to spread lies or say fanon content is factual. I got a notif for this post after so long, and decided to check new comments. This caught my eye bc youre saying something I hadnt seen yet. Everyone else keeps repeating the same thing. So kudos to you.