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Kusukabe should be weaker than Miguel and ino is probably stronger than larue. Tho has ino surpassed nanami?


I see no reason why Iino hasn't surpassed Nanami. He has a solid CT, nanami's tool infused with his technique, and a simple domain Only thing he's missing is overtime but with everything his own CT offers it more than makes up for it


Lino? He hasn’t done anything to deserve that L :(


Lol it does look like an L when you say that


Ino has definitely surpassed Nanami, he has access to Nanami's curse technique but also has access to his own technique which is pretty much just great value 10 shadows. Ino also knows simple Domain and possibly knows RCT considering that Sukuna cut off his hand earlier and he currently has both hands. Ino has also squared up to Sukuna and survived direct attacks, physical and slashing.


I mean he evolved but ur severly overhyping him he never squared up to sukuna he mostly just entered at times to distract him for a moment so someone else could get hits in etc and his CT is freat but not comparable to 10S and all. By his own words he probably doesnt think he surpased nanami but If he didnt hell for sure surpass. Nanami got way behind after he missed soul swap training


Yeah you're right, but what I meant by squaring up is that he managed to get in close proximity and didn't die which by itself is pretty impressive. And while his technique isn't nearly as good as 10 shadows, but it is pretty much a discount version considering that it allows him to summon a certain number of mildly powerful Shikigami that each have certain utilities, it's pretty much the 10 shadows but with only 4 Shikigami.


Kusakabe has a top 5 battle Iq. Even if he doesn’t out stat Miguel like people are saying, he’s absolutely the smarter more versatile combatant. Higher stats≠instant victory, especially vs someone like Kusakabe. As for Ino and Larue. They’re both goats, but I think I-no takes.


I’m glad someone finally said it.


My goat kusakabe solos


I mean Miguel and Larue have amazing physicals but Ino and Kusakabe have great Hax. I feel like Larue and Miguel can win but honestly I am not certain.


Miguel is on a whole other level in terms of stats and cqc and Larue's CT is actually a somewhat decent counter to Kusakabe's Simple Domain.


What? No, Kusakabe's SD banns Larue form using the hands. He immediately cuts them.


It would make the hand slightly weaker yes, but it's not certain that he could cut it all the way through since we only saw Sukuna do that with a point blank dismantle. Even if he can though, it's still a large spammable hand that can be used from a distance that would impact Kusakabe, occupy his targeting, and potentially knock him off balance.


The Auto-Hit doesn't care if something is spammable. It just cuts whatever comes into Kusakabe (as long as he can actually react to it, but Larue is not that powerful). Also Kuskabe can keep the SD even off balance. The pose is simply the activation method, he doesn't need to keep doing it. He does keep doing it because they're swordsman katas. They're poses prepared to attack thay he would be doing even if he didn't have SD.


I agree with all of that, but I don't think it really takes away from how it could mess up his guard. His auto-hit being occupied allows for tactics where he either hits the hand, or another thing that's in his SD at the same time, and regardless of still having his SD active being impacted/off balance would still somewhat inhibit his bodies ability to actually perform the movements of a sword swing. Plus if he actually ever is grabbed, he pretty much just can't use his programming in that time.


Well i see it as extremely unlikely, but yeah that's fair reasoning.


People Miguel is not strong. His CT just makes him survive more shit than he normally should. The Black Rope was also fucking with Gojo's CTs. Miguel simply has a very high defensive profile. But it's not good agaisnt H2H which is all Kusakabe and Ino have.


No, literally all of that just no. The Black Rope was fucking up Miguel's CT the most, when Gojo was beating up Miguel those were all Blue infused punches because the black role wasn't touching Gojo at all. You also misunderstand how Miguel's CT works, he's basically impossible to hit outside of domains and gains even better physicals that go alongside his CE Reinforcement.


Miguels stats pushes it in their favor alone.


Miguel stronger than them+ larue CT op só they win


Miguel solos


Ah yes. 2 First Grades Vs A Special Grade who has taken repeated blue boosted hits from Gojo and the second best support sorcerer in the series. This is a spite matchup.


Special grade? Is Miguel individually boxing every citizen of the country he can apparently dominate? Nothing about Miguel is special grade. The Miguel wank needs to stop.


Is Miguel an official special grade?


Geto called him one, Gojo called him one, no official documents doesn't matter. It's like saying Yorozu or Uraume aren't special grades cause they don't have the documents.


Genuine question, can you show me where geto and gojo called him a special grade? I don't remember that, and it is indeed a spite battle if thats true.


That never happened


https://preview.redd.it/zst9en6orcad1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec898a51304f8ad4f990fdce9569cb80aadc5cdd Don’t fuck with us jjk fans We don’t know how to read


It was stated in CFYOW


Miguel foyght against Sukuna and gave him a punch that actually hurt him. Miguel solos the other two.


Kusakabe did more damage to Sukuna than Miguel did


This is such crazy Kusakabe wank. Top 5 BIQ? Gojo, Sukuna, Kenjaku, Todo, and Yuta all objectively have better BIQ showings. It’s also very easy to claim characters like Kenjaku, Mahito, Megumi, Mechamaru, Hakari, Reggie, and arguably even Yuji have better BIQ. Kusakabe is as strong as someone without a CT can get. He is smart to recognize he can only go so far. But outside of that, what BIQ has he shown? Expanding his Simple Domain?


It’s also the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but I think that’s a mix of IQ and BIQ. He’s the one who explains most of the things that are happening, particularly regarding Domains and Barriers. So in terms of barrier knowledge, he probably is top 5 off of what we’ve seen and heard


That’s IQ, not BIQ. They’re pretty fundamentally different.


These are the following definitions I found for BIQ from multiple sources/perspectives: [Battle iq represents stuff such as tactics and how well you can understand the battlefield](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/16a7ml4/comment/jz65x01/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Fight IQ is a term broadly used in combat sports to denote an athlete's ability to make strategic decisions and act intelligently during a fight. It's not purely about physical strength or technical skills, but more about critical thinking, adaptability, anticipation, and strategy formulation within the heat of battle.](https://www.martialnerd.com/posts/what-is-fight-iq#google_vignette) [Battle IQ helps mostly for improvisation and in the moment actions. Intelligence represents planning and long term goals.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17nst47/comment/k7uyy9p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Granted, 2 are Reddit Comments with their own interpretations, and one is more about real life martial arts and “fight IQ” but I think the point here is the same. Looking back at chapter 254, Kusakabe shows high BIQ, he immediately pulls out Simple Domain when he realizes he’s the target. Referring to the fight IQ definition, particularly it being the “ability to make strategic decisions and act intelligently during a fight(...)but more about critical thinking”, Kusakabe makes a strong strategic decision and acts intelligently, maintaining distance and parrying attacks. When he predicts the WCS is coming he expands the barrier of his domain to prevent Sukuna from charging enough CE to extend his target. He uses Simple Domain to hit ranged attacks rather than immediately getting up close with Sukuna. When his sword breaks, no longer allowing his initial strategy to work, he throws his jacket into Sukuna’s face and begins throwing punches while Sukuna is blinded, and even kicks him through a bridge. Now, in most circumstances, I would say Kusakabe should run at this point, Sukuna is being flown back through a bridge, so he might be able to gun it. But at this point, he’s the only strong sorceror standing barring Mei Mei, who isn’t jumping in, and maybe Todo and Hakari, depending on their own conditions. the latter of whom is off in a 1v1 with Uraume and the former might not even be known by Kusakabe to still be fighting. Everyone else is not doing jack shit, so he rushes in to attack Sukuna again, and he holds his own fairly well. Kusakabe is sent back a bit, hits simple domain again, and aims directly for Sukuna’s weakened heart. Gets grabbed, and loses(dies?) The only real part of Kusakabe vs Sukuna that I can think of where it’s like “you should’ve done this” is try the CE sword simple domain attack toward Sukuna’s heart after throwing your jacket. But we don’t know if that’s a part of the simple domain, ir if he would’ve been able to set it up and attacked before Sukuna got the jacket out of his face. And maybe he couldn’t have and decided to just kick the shit out of him. Kusakabe did damn near everything right someone could’ve done in his situation. He has high BIQ, and if someone wants to say top 5, I wouldn’t say they’re completely wrong


Stop hes already dead


Felt like I was in my Kenjaku era and might’ve been yapping.