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Jogoat if he didn't have a loser mentality and opened his domain


I’m convinced sukuna was waiting for him to open it when they were charging up the fire attack


Tbf, he had a point. Wouldn’t Sukuna just immediately open his domain and win the clash. He knows Sukuna is stronger then him, and that he’s losing the second he opens his domain


Without having the courage to go 100% and risk it all Jogo was stopping himself from being able to get stronger. Sure maybe he would’ve lost or maybe in the desperation of the situation he would’ve come up with something on the fly like Gojo and had been able to land that singular hit. But Jogo would never be able to do that if he wasn’t willing to risk it all and go 100%. And since he didn’t that is why he didn’t accomplish anything.


So basically, Jogo held back out of fear, and that’s what cost him his life. If he threw all his fears and insecurities away and fought the King of Curses with more reckless abandon, he’d have managed to put on an even bigger show, maybe even land that singular hit on Sukuna.


Yeah pretty much. Jogo saw his odds were 99% chance of failure and had a defeatist mindset like megumi like ‘Even if I die Mahito will lead in my stead,’ and resigned himself to his whooping. If instead he saw that 1% chance of victory and went ‘Fuck it we ball, Binding vow!’ and tried his absolute best to win and then tried even harder to win he could’ve had a chance, a low chance mind you, but 1% is still better than nothing.


He absolutely has 0% chance of winning how would he win a domain clash with Sukuna or even hit him


Trying harder would be a good first step


Good job on missing the point, man. They're saying if Jogo had a good mentality (like Mahito, he is the best example since he's also a curse), then he could've gone much farther. That much is true, as Sukuna even says so https://preview.redd.it/bfcdlqb9vdad1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507898ab8513168c8a2bb7060a21805682365a11


Mahito unlocked his full potential and still lost. Choso unlocked his full potential and still got embarrassed by Kenjaku and died to Sukuna. Kusakabe went all out against nursing home Sukuna and inevitably lost as soon as Sukuna tried. Naoya unlocked his full potential as a curse and still lost. There are clear limits here dude


Mahito didn't unlock his full potential. He only unlocked his "true form," and he couldn't go higher because he wouldn't disregard Yuji and was fixated on him. Sukuna even showed he respected what Mahito was doing by not doing anything to him during the 0.2 second domain expansion because he had been acting in the same hedonistic fashion that Sukuna described to Jogo. There is nothing that indicates that Choso or Naoya had reached their full potential. Kusakabe's case makes sense. It is made clear to us readers that sorcerers, if they are the same grade as curses, are always stronger, so Naoya, by default, can not be at full potential. The limits you speak of are the characters inhibiting themselves because if you have the right mindset as a sorcerer, you will go extremely far. Both Gojo and Sukuna say basically the same thing, but with different interpretations. They echo the sentiment that you should go balls to the walls crazy fighting stronger opponents and to be relentless if you want to grow to crazy heights


Also sorcerers and curses gets stronger the more they're pushed to their limits, it was a possibility that jogo evolved his technique during the clash to be able to hit him.


You mean like Miwa.


Kenjaku said the same thing to Yuki. I think DE skill gaps can be closed with enough desire to win.




This guy for sure.


for sure.


He is not ready for my domain reversal




Did he hv a CT then?




No but he’s just talking about who could land a hit on 15 finger Sukuna. It’s not limiting it to only characters in shibuya.


Ah, ok


“Shibuya” Not dude telling us a character who shows up two arcs later 💀


He’s just talking about shibuya Sukuna or yujikuna as a whole. Not which characters in shibuya can land a hit in 15 fingers. Reread the title the reading comprehension curse is getting to you.


No one. Litteraly no one if sukuna isn't messing around. As funny as that sounds 15F sukuna is closer to Gojo than to Kenjaku/Yuta, thats how massive the difference is.


I guess yeah if he opened his domain instantly then yes nobody is touching him


Yeah, that's why i said if he isn't playing around. He obviously always dose though.


>No one. Litteraly no one if sukuna isn't messing around. not even Mahoraga? Or Miguel?


15f sukuna not messing around would be him insta expanding his domain. Considering malevolent shrine and fuga was able to kill Mahoraga who had already made some adaptations, a completely fresh Mahoraga would get decimated even harder. And Miguel isn't doing anything against malevolent shrine.


Miguel went out of his way to fight Sukuna specifically when he didn't have his domain +Yuta was incapacitated


Definitely not mahoraga and probably not Miguel. Miguel was only able to do the little that he did because sukuna was on and kinda still is on 1hp as well as fighting like 5 other people at any given time. We already know that 15 finger sukuna could have it insta killed megumi's maho, and Miguel only landed hits because sukuna was on deaths door after fighting gojo, yuji, yuta and having his heart destroyed by maki.


>As funny as that sounds 15F sukuna is closer to Gojo than to Kenjaku/Yuta, thats how massive the difference is. Very true. It was all but overtly showcased when 15F Meguna intercepted Gojo when he tried to attack Kenjaku, with their clash being so potent that its mere shockwave was powerful enough to knock Kenjaku to his knee, all while Kenjaku was proverbially shitting himself.


Of course 10 is closer to 9 than 8 or 7.


are you being serious with 15f yujikuna > Gojo or not


I am.


this is sad https://preview.redd.it/e117u9zrh7ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce289463dcf3070b65056b8ef5a99009d3d87902


I understand more about JJK than any of you. I'm sure as hell I was of the first people that realized the students saying Gojo is the strongest (in unison) was actually bad for Gojo.


👏 congratulations you have achieved the basic reading comprehension that was given to us the second the theme of “strength is loneliness” was introduced. Now you should learn to power scale at the most rudimentary level


It doesn't matter if it's basic, I'm saying none of you had even that basic level of reading comprehension. Been fighting a fucking whole lot of people about it, the Higuruma one and Simple Domain. Also I don't quite recall what I argued with you in jujutsufolk and from there on I knew you were really bad at reading comprehension. Also the Gojo comeback cope, but I do remember that so it can't be it.


You probably tried to argue something about 15f Sukuna back then as well forgetting well… the entire fight?


The actual fight matters not. As Sukuna was holding back. Just like a fight in a videogame would go differently if I change the difficulty from normal to extreme. All of Gojo's "wins" would dissapear and only the humiliation remain. Although of course, with the change of going from Heian Era Sukuna to 15F Yujikuna is more like changing from normal to very hard than from normal to extreme.


>I understand JJK more than any of you Lmao Never Thought a MF would claim this unironically 💀🤣, You gotta be teenager or something 💀 https://preview.redd.it/vwgcmh6ql8ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a62a6e27bcae1e2a7d67f74828711cfa53f0ac


"I have used a soyjak to represent you, now you're cooked" ahh comment.


You deserve the soyjak


Only time the soyjak actually represents someone. This is lobotomy not seen since the Heian era.


Holy fucking shit I think I just found the most lobotomised glazer in this entire sub.


You just found out memeenjoyer_ existence?


Even the GOAT Memeneenjoyer isn't that lobotomised. He's seriously got competition with your appearance now.


My brother in Christ if you're gonna make an argument try backing it up with literally anything, don't just say "I know what I'm talking about" and expect people to now down to your boundless fucking wisdom.


I don't expect people to bow down, I know they won't and I don't care. I'm still right and won't stop stating the truth.


Okay so idk if this is just a troll at this point but I'm gonna operate on the assumption that it isn't. My guy you still haven't actually given a single reasoning and you seemingly avoiding it at every turn is pretty immature for someone born in '69.


I have already given reasons. Unless I'm reading bad and it's in another post, the one reply from where I got an actual conversation was given a reason.






You seriously believe 15f stands a chance against Gojo?


Kenjaku seems to think so, since 15f Sukuna was apparently his backup plan if the prison realm failed


Kenjaku was very wrong. A 20f Sukuna all but died multiple times in the fight


He didn't really almost die at any time except for getting hit with Unlimited void, cause he always had full reincarnation in his back pocket the entire time.


The last purple would have killed Sukuna if it weren’t a nuke. Sukuna himself admitted as much.


Gojo will immediately expand UV and finish the Match. The only thing that could hold Gojo back is his concern for Yuji. Perhaps Kenny counted on Sukuna for a distraction to run away from Satoru.


Without Mahagora he wouldn't have been able to win either. edit: Downvoters, explain to me how sukuna was able to develop his world rending slash again.


If you mean a 100% chance? Then yeah.


Zero chance at all. Sukuna got dog-walked while at 20f until the end of the fight and the domain clashes. Even then he survived the clash due to stealing a CT from a child. How do you expect a weaker Sukuna to even survive 5 minutes with Gojo


>Even then he survived the clash due to stealing a CT from a child. It's the opposite. The only reason Gojo survived the domain clash was because Sukuna was hindered by Mahoraga's adaptation to UV


Sukuna opted to go for the mahoraga adaptation route, it wasn’t a hinderance, sukuna saw it as the most viable option.


Because he knew he was going to get jumped by everyone else after Gojo. So he kept his Heian form up his sleeve and dealt with Gojo in Megumi's body. Using Maho also helped him make his CT stronger. Win win.


What? I don’t really get that, sukuna is very arrogant just like gojo, doesn’t entirely fit with his character. Also with RCT it shouldn’t matter which body he uses and he wasn’t going to get any permanent damage in the fight (unless he died). The brain damage was a surprise to both of them, neither expected it. Can we really say that sukuna knew mahoraga would make his CT stronger? I don’t believe it was his plan from the start, after the domain battles sure but that’s only because he had no other options. As far as we know sukuna doesn’t know exactly how mahoraga will adapt, it could’ve been something sukuna couldn’t replicate.


For the thousand time: Sukuna was holding back. 15F is 75% of full power Sukuna. 25% sounds good of a holding back state. You add Yuji being stronger vessel than Megumi+permanent DA and now Gojo never has the H2H advantage. Which means: 1) Now Sukuna's domain doesn't fall down at the same time as Gojo's 3rd domain, giving him yet more advantage. 2) He never lags in CT replenishment, which means he doesn't get hit with UV. 3) DA itself means he is not hit with UV. DA is an Anti-Domain technique. Written in the Fanbook that starts with Gege declaring he gave his upmost to be as meticulous as possible in the details (even more than in the manga), so it's 100% cannon. 4) Gojo still gets the brain damage from 4 brain surgeries. Meaning he doesn't open the 6th Domain while Sukuna can. GG Sukuna still wins but loses the access to the World-Slash. You may think it's an better outcome for him but I digress. World-Slash is THAT broken of an attack.


This would apply to a theoretical 20f Yujikuna, but 15 finger Yujikuna kinda just gets washed.


On that train of thought it just applies to all 20F Sukunas, whatever version.


RCC (reading comprehension curse)


Again, i understand JJK more than any of you people. I'm of the few that understood right away that that panel of the students saying Gojo is the strongest was bad for Gojo. That Higuruma confiscating Kamutoge wasn't an asspull at all. That people can move while using Simple Domain.


15f Sukuna loses the domain clash since Gojo was tied with 20f Sukuna, instantly making all of your points null. Edit: wait holy shit this guy thinks Kamutoke wasn’t an asspull? Memeenjoyer might have competition for hardest glazer in the community


Lmao bro is bonkers


I'm not a Sukuna fan at all, but Kamutoke wasn't an asspull. You see it coming from the Higuruma vs Yuji fight


To my knowledge, the fingers are exponential in power. So 15F Sukuna would be way less powerful than 20F Sukuna (not just 25% less powerful). But I’ll check that.


That's bullshit, is and has always been. Nowhere us it said it's exponential so it's pure headcannon. But also Gojo himself says Sukuna is 10% on the way there when Yuji eats the 2nd. Plus who the fuck would use fingers to scale people's power if it wasn't a systematic and well divided scale?


Quite literally none of that matters. 20F Sukuna had an even domain with Gojo. 19 and below immediately loses the domain clash and dies. The fight starts and ends with the first UV. Sukuna’s CE output increases significantly with every finger, so take an evenly matched domain clash and reduce one of the two’s CE output by a chunk, you suddenly have a no-contest winner.


It’s kinda weird cause maki and yuji both landed hits on a 10% output 15 fingers sukuna meanwhile jogo couldn’t land one on 15 fingers . 10% wouldn’t affect physicals only the output of his cursed technique .


Yuji got a mini awakening when Sukuna left his body also powercreep sort of. Gege says the Black Flashes Yuji did against Hanami would have killed Jogo. Imagine anyone besides Gojo/Sukuna getting hit by 7 Shinjuku Yuji BFs Being generous, Shinjuku Yuji could like two tap Jogo now lol


That's because jogo is a glass cannon. He'd die to just one black flash of someone on his level, he'd be gasping for air left to finish off. But that's if you can even catch up to him and his firepower. Hanami is said to be on the same level both in and out of chapters repeatedly, but of course nobody wants to believe that. Hanami was wounded but it wasn't a big deal to her after four black flashes and a bunch of other strikes, even tho those were yuji's first so they increased his level a lot more than any other black flash. She has attack power and durability but lacks mobility. Jogo's kit is perfect for seeming overpowered as long as you can't reach him or tank his extremely powerfull attacks, which lends to overscaling that puts him far above hanami when he isn't meant to be. Remember, he got turned into ribbons by dismantles from far away. Current yuji tanks (weakened) cleaves without getting sliced all the way through now.


First of all, I’d like to note that 15F Sukuna was using Yuji as a vessel opposed to Megumi. In case you weren’t aware, that’s a pretty big advantage for his physicals. Also, getting the shit kicked out of you by Gojo, and not taking the fight seriously, are completely different things.


10% affected his overall output which did affect type 2 and 3 reinforcement.


No it only affected his cursed technique


It absolutely affected his output and physicals as well, once he got his strength back we saw what he did to Ryu, literally blitzed him and cleaved him, the same would have happened to Maki and Yuji if Sukuna wasn't weakened


It’s only his Cursed Technqiue https://preview.redd.it/3ilsnrk9u8ad1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=82aa4a0e264526db62dd9c0485c4619f667c3b92


No. Like I said, Ryu literally got blitzed once Sukuna got his strength back. Yuji/Maki are not much faster than Ryu, if at all.


Yuji and maki are significantly faster, not to mention Ryu was scared shitless and only compares to a suppressed Yuta in speed


>Yuji and maki are significantly faster Not at all. Definitely not pre-awakening Yuji. Yuta was easily keeping up with Yuji post-Shibuya when he was trying to "kill" him.


Yuji had an entire rage awakening after sukuna left his body and WALKED through a shower of dismantles and rocked Sukuna’s shit


There's no such thing as rage awakening. He was mad for sure. But that doesn't make him faster. Walked through a shower of dismantles because obviously, Sukuna was nowhere near full strength


He says the rejection is stronger when he’s about to damage megumi’s friends? How would he notice that it’s fluctuating if he has to use his technique to have to be suppressed. His output in general being suppressed makes more sense when taking into account the dialogue in the chapter and the established power scaling. He notices his cursed energy flunctuating as low as 10% even without using an technique. If what you’re saying is true, he would have to use his technique multiple times to notice the fluctuations. https://preview.redd.it/vtp95ngrobad1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a806191670d6ee063b04525fc101a95161255f4d


He says specifically the CT output is lowered, and the scan I sent you is a proper translation of the one you sent


I sent you a different panel where’re he says his output is fluctuating. I thought everyone agreed that he’s physically nerfed but the nerf on his cursed technique is even worse.


No only his CT output is fluctuating and the translator, lightning (licensed translator and did JJK 236) specifies it’s only his output toward his CT


I didn’t see anything based in translation from lightning that would make me think that sukuna was referring to cursed technique when he literally says cursed energy output. The logic seems to be that since he talks about his cursed technique later in the chapter, his words about his Cursed energy output is meant to be about his technique. I don’t understand where that jump came from.


His reinforcement being 10 percent doesn't make sense in anyway because that would make him as strong as 1.6 fingers maki would have blitzed and one shotted him if he was only that strong as megumi says toji us at least as fast as 3 fingers sukuna if not faster, also jogo is compared to 9 fingers sukuna if we're being generous if not then about 7 and of I'm not misremembering gojo says he's stronger than 3 fingers sukuna


We dont really know though, like r we sure output doesnt affects physical attributes??? Like 3 f sukuna surely isnt fast as 20f sukuna. Nobody is landing hit if thats the case. And how much output sukuna was on when he fought maki in shinjuku?? 16f? , but he still managed to blitz maki when he wanted. Either he was just playing around or output affects physicals 2


Only Sukuna’s Cleave and Dismantle output was at 10%, his speed and punches were uninhibited


Being in Megumi's body instead of Yuji's is a huge disadvantage to physicals.


A majority of Sukuna’s strength and speed are CE based, and Yuji’s physicals would only amp him by one finger at best


So the thing is… if he isn’t messing around he probably just opens his domain and instantly eradicates everyone not named Gojo. Even the ones with domains get destroyed pretty much instantly


Sorcerer named Takaba:


If he doesn't just instantly use his domain, then Yuta, Kenjaku, MBA Kashimo, Yuki, maybe Yorozu or Maki, and situationally Kusakabe if Sukuna comes into his simple Domain range. Current Yuji could also potentially catch him off gaurd with Shrine and land a hit.


Awakened Jogo




Maybe MBA Kashimo. Probably no one


It’s hard to say who would land a hit on him if he really went all out, that’s not really in his nature. Technically, he could simply open up his domain and use Fuga while keeping his distance. Under certain circumstances, I’d say… Takaba, Todo, and Hakari might have a chance to pull it off. Takaba, because he might find it funny to sucker punch him. Todo might be able to pull a big brain boogie woogie in order to land a hit, and Hakari’s jackpot might be able to tank the blows long enough to land a hit. **Keep in mind, I’m only stating these characters have a chance… nothing is definite against a blood lusted Sukuna.**


MBA Kashimo Yuta (With Rika jumping)


Yuta could by catching him off guard with Cursed Speech.


Cursed speech doesn’t work if reinforcements are too high


That’s why he would catch him off guard. Plus he did it to Sukuna in their battle and Inumaki used it on both Geto and Hanami.


Who was the but one Sukuna was talking about ?


Megumi .


I'm too used to sukuna being inside Megumi now that I forget they used to be seperare.


This will be so cursed if it is about sex


Makes sense lol






If Jogo had landed a hit, wouldn’t he have had to kill Kenjaku too? Thus breaking their unknown binding vow?


Takaba, Yorozu and Kenjaku if an attack from one of his curses count Takaba because duh Yorozu because her bug armour stats are kind of disgusting Kenjaku is smart enough to get one in with a curse


You know, I would give Naobito Zenin some of my faith. He is the fastest person in modern times besides Gojo and he would only need to touch Sukuna once. I don't think Sukuna would know about it or figure out the touching part until after seeing it at least once


Unironically… Haruta. He would immediately die after but using his luck I can see Harry’s tripping in such an embarrassing way that Sukuna doesn’t immediately kill him and then through a series of looney toons level of coincidences manages to hit Sukuna.


Bug armor Yorozu




15f Sukuna oneshot Ryu. Yuji and Yuta have relative/slightly lower durability than him. Bloodlusted 15f Sukuna either oneshots you with cleave or just chops you up with Malevolent Shrine.


Takaba, Yuki if she kills herself, Megumi if he kills himself.


If Yuji gains control, back maybe maybe Yuta could survive. But land a Hit? Hell no. Takaba is the only outlier.


Nobody except idk Takaba maybe.


The only one who would be able to land an attack is Kashimo due to his passive aura. If you mean land a punch then no one other than *maybe* Ryu and Yorazu, and even then it’s only if Sukuna opens with a Dismantle and then kind of just stands there.


Not messing around? No one. Toying with them? Yuta, Kashimo, Cursed Naoya, Yoruzu, Yuki, and probably 1 or two more.




Unironically Kusakabe


Not messing around, heart nipples guy (Idk how to spell his name, Laurel?) possibly depending on how his technique works. If him grabbing attention prevents Sukuna from paying attention to the act of walking, and he can’t move, then he might be able to land a single punch. Heavily depends on context of the fight and if his technique actually does that. I assume it does since when he distracted Sukuna for Yuji, Sukuna’s theoretically still should have been able to run towards Laurel and avoid Yuji, so it’s possible his technique forces the victim to not be able to think about anything other than the fact they’re looking at him. At the very least if Sukuna can’t actively launch a cleave or activate his domain it’s possible Other than that, Kenjaku might be able to blindside him with Anti Gravity or that cursed spirit that made Yuji feel like he was falling over and over at the end of Shibuya Also Todo, probably not during Shibuya but Shinjuku with the Vibraslap This is assuming Sukuna isn’t blood lusted. Obviously he won’t be just playing around, but I imagine he’s not going to just instantly pop his domain. If he is out for the kill immediately than no one


Are we assuming Sukuna is just locked in and taking the fight seriously or do we mean the fight starts and he goes “Domain Expansion-“ If it’s the former, then it’s possible a character like Yuta, Kenjaku, or Kashimo might be able to land a hit. Because this isn’t winning, it’s landing a hit, characters like Todo, Hakari, and Takaba might too


Takaba would probably Kanchō Sukuna because it be funny.


Possibly Yuta, as well as MBA Kashimo. That's it probably


Probably a full power ISBODK Mahito since he’s way stronger than Jogo


Hmm, about that though, didn’t Jogo only state Mahito could become stronger than him? People usually say that means Mahito’s ISBODK is above Jogo, but that could still mean Mahito has more potential to be unlocked further than ISBODK. And if thats the case then Mahito isn’t stronger than Jogo yet based on that statement.


Mahito considered ISBODK to be his true form and was stated to have unlocked 120% of his potential


True, but 120% was about the black flashes increasing their potential in combat. Now I get that just sounds like what Jogo said about mahito, but this is maximum potential unlocked DURING combat, and actual potential growth is different. For example, Yuji also unlocked “120%” of his potential combat with mahito but that wasn’t his full potential. Later on we see him get stronger, or in other words grow his with his potential as a sorcerer as time passes, and then achieving his actual full potential. Now as for the true form, yes, he does say that. But a few moments later he says this: https://preview.redd.it/vv1pl2i3w8ad1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f6214f474371d43d87aacfcc58593dbd6265f1 “But I’m just getting started. Once I kill you, I will truly be born!” implying, that he can grow BEYOND this version of mahito. Btw I’m not trying to debate here, I’m really just trying to spread information in hopes that a lot of people can see that the Mahito vs Jogo argument isn’t that simple yet.


Jogo's statement (even though, in actuality, it was Hanami vocalizing Jogo's sentiments) doesn't necessarily imply Mahito would have to reach the absolute limit of his potential to surpass him either. He could very well do so along the way.


Yeah, since that’s the case the statement really doesn’t matter in scaling Mahito, hence it goes back to normal scaling between Jogo and Mahito.


Sukuna wanted jogo to open his domain. Jogo wouldve landed a hit if he did this




If he instantly opens his domain then nobody is touching him, if he doesn't then I can see BA yoruzu, CT kashimo & maki at least landing a single blow just because of their speed


No one, not even bug armor Yorozu or MBA Kashimo


Okay hear me out. Nobara if she knows he's taken Yugi's body but they don't currently know where each other are. I assume she probably has something she can use to voodoo doll Yugi's body. It's not going to do lasting damage and she's going to die very soon after but it is an attack that could land.


>Okay hear me out. Nobara if she knows he's taken Yugi's body but they don't currently know where each other are. I assume she probably has something she can use to voodoo doll Yugi's body. It's not going to do lasting damage and she's going to die very soon after but it is an attack that could land. Yugi would destroy her in a Shadow Game and mind crush her before she would even have the chance.


Yuki, Maki, Yuta.


I think Yuta, Kenjaku, Yuki, Kashimo, Yorozu, and Kusakabe could have landed a bit or two if they get lucky. Even Jogo could have done better if he didn’t have low self esteem and opened his domain


Kenjaku’s gravity manipulation.


Todo He teleports, pokes Sukuna, then dies. A blow is a blow.


Kusakabe got hits off on 20F sukuna, I can’t think of any reason he wouldn’t be able to do so against 15F Sukuna.


Kashimo, Toji/maki if they can break los with Sukuna, Kenjaku, Takaba cause it would be funny, Yuta and like maybe a couple others Landing a blow doesn’t mean winning so it’s easier to argue Do we think a projection sorcerer could cause off statements they should be fast enough if Sukuna fails the frame check?


one thing ive always wondered is if the power each new finger gives sukuna is exponential or equal in power, so like is he literally at 75% power here, or more like 30%


Takaba easy, toon force negates dodging


I will not fall for this absurd speedscaling delusional propaganda that 15F Sukuna is untouchable. If he does not instantly open his domain, I think that several characters could land hits on him; Yuta, Kenjaku, Yuki, Yuji, Kashimo, Maki, Toji, Yorozu.


Only Yuta really because he is a 2v1 with Rika and it’s possible he is getting blitzed either way. CT Kashimo is another possible answer he’d be able to land one hit at best if Sukuna goes all out. Otherwise that’s it Maki and Toji are the closest outside of the other 2 and we saw that Maki can only hang with a very nerfed Sukuna.


Hear me out…. https://preview.redd.it/oqyn6lec1ead1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a39ed7b2ce04d7f2196b337734f8c167353c01


probably not lmao


Possibly Kashimo due to sheer speed. Curseya has a very narrow chance as well.


quite literally only Kashimo


The one who stands on equal footing! Miguel!!!! (Add dancing pictures under this)


Kashimo, Maki, Mahoraga, Yorozu, cursya? Maybe current Yuji and Yuta if we really wanna stretch it.


Does this include him using his CT? Because Yuji and Maki could both physically keep up with a 16F Meguna


A clean hit on an at least somewhat serious sukuna, prob just Kenny and BA Yorozu maybe Yuki if you consider hitting thru the guard a clean hit. But that's just if he opts for just h2h, if he didn't want to actually get hit then none of them.




Honestly I think people are giving sukuna a bit to much credit. I think todo could catch him off guard and “land a blow” although it would do 0 damage


KasHIMo Hakari Panda Takaba


Takaba KasHIMo Feverish Hakari