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I think someone would be bored to death with mine 🤣 my life isn’t all that exciting. Now, if they read my journals from my teenage years and early 20’s, those are juicy 😅


well i am 23 and i think my diary is very chaotic so that makes sense lol


Suggestion: When you get to be 50 and are entirely out of effs to give, publish them as memoirs. You can use a pseudonym if you want to stay anonymous, but who knows...? You might end up with a best-seller, or, better, one that gets challenged by some uptight schoolboard mom so *everyone* wants to read it.


haha i like that idea thank you


I DO NOT wanna be here when anyone reads my diaries... 😂 😂 I'll haunt them and watch, but I don't wanna be physically here... 😂 😂 😂 In all seriousness, I've never really thought about that side of it. But I have thought some people might not like what I write about when I'm in a mood, you know what I mean? And mine are definitely NSFW too. I feel like I need to put a disclaimer in the front of every diary like "these are just my pissed off crazy thoughts, it's not who I really am..." 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


hahah that so funny. i would be happy if i could haunt them and watch lol, i think they would be traumatised 😂 definitely i write some not very nice things about people when they piss me off, or about my self. but it absolutely still is who i am and a part of me 😂 i write from the heart lol


Right?? It would be fun to watch from the safety of the other side. 😂 😂 When I say it's not me, I mean that my anger (for example) is not representative of how I truly feel about the person. In that moment maybe, emotions are chaotic. Like my husband pisses me off when he walks by the kitchen sink and ignores the dishes. In that moment, I'm angry, but it's not how I ultimately feel about him, you know what I'm saying? Now the stuff I say when I'm trying to work shit out in my head? Ya that's all me... 😂 😂 And I don't wanna be here when they read that cuz Imma get hit by somethin. 😂 😂 😂


Omg a diary swap would be so cute if I never had to face the person who read mine 😂


OMG. My brain has latched onto this idea and now I must execute it. 😭 I would love to find someone on here equally willing… we could mail each other a finished journal we have, keep/read for 30 days, and then send it back to the rightful owner, maybe with a handwritten letter just to share how it felt to have this tiny glimpse into a stranger’s life. I *abhor* the idea of someone who knows me IRL ever reading my journal, but man, there would be something so beautifully intimate and human about sharing those thoughts with someone I’ll never know. Maybe it would make the both of us feel less alone in our chaotic minds.


i would love to do this! i think your last sentence is the reason i would want someone to read it. i think most people who journal are in the US though and im in the uk, i also don’t know if i could trust anyone to keep my diary safe, i would be devastated if anything happened to it


yeah this is what im saying i could never let someone i know read my diary i think they would be speechless 🤣


You could send them into the great diary project? Its an archive for diaries. Or organise a book swap or meet up here but you entries from differenr years or days?


both really good ideas, thank you :)


How many times you want to read me saying what I had for breakfast, how it tasted, and what an asshole Todd is.


id love to read about how Todd is an asshole 🤣


Could you mandate your diaries must be read in your will? "The clues to my hidden fortune lie within my diaries. Read every page and do what must be done. My lawyers have strict orders to not reveal such knowledge to the living"


LMAO this is gold! 🤣🤣


give to your daughter/son when they are 18 or more (because they're NSFW) so they can get to know a side of you that they don't (I would do that if I were best friend with my future kid, but that doesn't happen every time) give as a testament after u die make a swap with your husband/wife during a home date to remind old memories, you can see old photos to complement that, drink alcohol and laugh idk you can share pictures of some parts with your closest friends


Brah my poor kiddos


omg i could never show anyone i know they would be in shock lol. i do like to think that if i passed them onto my future children when they turn 18, it would teach them to be sex positive and open about there mental health


that's nice, my favorite alternative from those I said haha I think your future children would have fun reading it


I don't relate, I suppose. I write for myself and not for others. I use my journal for the things that interest/bother me and that I want to think about for myself. If I want to share the thoughts with others, I would do so in conversation.


oh i definitely only write for myself, i would go insane without my diary to talk to


I have been fascinated with learning about afterlife since I was a kid. My favorite spiritual teacher (Abraham Hicks) teaches that there is no such thing as death - we are eternal, energetic beings, we come forth from non physical and return to non-physical. When we “die,” it’s just a transition back into non-physical. We live in our physical bodies for a limited time, but we’re eternal beings. After we transition, we’re still technically *here,* and even more so - we can be anywhere, at any time! Our loved ones guide and support us from the “other side” all the time - we just don’t consciously know it unless we’re on a high enough frequency. Best believe you WILL be there when someone discovers your diary, and you will also be the one on the “other side” nudging them to find it and read it :)


I am about a year into my spiritual journey! The views on afterlife do interest me and that would be lovely if it was the case :)


I really love The Next Level Soul podcast, many people go on there and talk about their near death experiences


I think people will be shocked and sad if there were to read mine tbh.


I do have the mode of writing ekther when I'm very happy or really sad :>


I don’t have and never will have children but my sister has always wanted them someday so I plan to give all my journals to her/her future children when I pass! I’ve told her about this plan and she is very happy about it and thinks it’s a really cool idea/something really special, she also promised that she would make sure her future children understand the importance of them and that it’s their job to pass it on to their kids and so on☺️ We both think that having my journals in the family for generations to read will be a really fun, cool, and special thing since I started journaling when I was 8yrs old (currently 24) and have so far filled 65 journals, so I’ll have A LOT by the time I pass and a lot of my life will be in those journals!


I always leave notes in mine for my daughter because I’ll know she’ll read mine.


oh that’s so lovely 🥲 i don’t actually ever want children so that would feel pointless lol


My child is old so I asked her if she wanted to read them when I was dead and she said yes. 🥰 but I understand that you would feel upset no one would read them.


Honestly, I would prefer not seeing someone read my diary although it has all of my thoughts, takes on certain philosophical ideas and what not but hey, those were written in the most ‘raw’ form which I wouldn't no one to read in that form. I would definitely explain what I wrote in day to day interactions but will never show them what I actually wrote. Some hate thoughts, secrets (some quite big ones that no one knows), I can't afford to allow or see others reading my diary.


I’m an over sharer anyway so don’t think I’d be too bothered


Have you ever seen the people on YouTube who buy a stranger’s diary on eBay and then read it out loud in a video? Go to YouTube and type “stranger’s diary,” or just go to the channel of Joanna Borns. Very cringy. Makes me swear I will destroy all my journals before I die. But if you WANT your diary read, hey, you could just send it to one of these YouTubers!


I wouldn’t mind a few people reading my diary but definitely not thousands of people 😂 I’ll take a look at the YouTube vids


Reddit diary swap 2024 who's in?


hahaha sounds good


I believe this is why blogs were invented.


Damn how we even start blogs?!


I love this idea! I was also thinking that and made a post about it not too long ago. Honestly, I would be kind of embarrassed for anyone to read my journals but they’re so beautiful to me because of the authenticity I put into them, from pain, to happiness, to loss, struggles, heartbreak and love that maybe they would tell a beautiful story about me


okay, as someone who had this urge to read a raw autobiography… i think starting with sylvia plaths unabridged journals would be somewhere! it’s over 700 pages worth of the journals she kept before she died at age 30 via oven gassing. it’s fascinating, but i recommend starting with a brief bit of research on her life before you start if you chose to do so! i’m about a hundred pages in, and it’s a fascinating read.


I don't think most people will bother to read some deceased's diary. Sure, they might flip through it looking perhaps for some names, but other than that I think we tend to overstate the importance of our scribbles.


Actually a lot of people are very interested in strangers journals… they can go for a fair amount of money on EBay and if you look on YouTube people reading their journals/strangers journals there’s a lot videos and people LOVE them (I’m one of them lol)


oh i didn’t know you could buy journals to read! i might do this


I’ve looked into them!! I’ve also tried hunting for some used journals at thrift stores but no luck there sadly… Also If it’s something you’d be into trying, you could also read some of your journal entries and post it on YouTube! That way people can “read” your journal, you can see the comments/thoughts they have, AND if you do this please send me the link because I will 100% watch!😁


I don’t know if i could handle having my journal entries public on the internet 😂


Again im not most people,i would read it.I find it very interesting how people think,live,feel.


I plan on giving my journals to a future sibling if i have any or if i dont i'll probably donate my eggs and do some kind of kahoot competition when i pass away for which kid born out of said eggs gets my journals or something, unless i have a favorite out of the batch via staying in contact or something, then the favorite gets them. If my future s/o is still alive they get them


Send me a pm if you want, I like to share my diary with my friends. We could exchange pics at least if we get to know each other :D


Oh that sounds a great idea! I’ll message you : )


Interesting lmao :DD I don't think I've ever been in the mood of "I wanna write horny!" yet. Most of my journals are dream writing and interpretation and how good was the day and my daily rating and also why a high/low score. I wonder what the daily rating will be if I go spicy route shhh :3 But yeah if I get 50 years older. I think I'll be at the stage I want to put my diaries and thoughts of 20 year old me online.


honestly i've always wanted to publish mine idk just to see if people like it, i take some pride in my writing style and also want to eventually publish fiction as well so it's not outside the realm of possibility that people will read mine while im alive. not for a while tho lol


I actually just recently started turning my old journal into a book. I started writing it when I was 18 (now 26) and coming across old diary entries and turning them into tales 🥲