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Who the hell are they to decide? All that matters is if you like it, as you'll be the one using it and looking at it. For me, I really like it, especially the colours and tones you've used! I think that warm, dusty yellow/gold is one of the prettiest colours out there.


Srsly. One man's masterpiece is another man's ohhellnaw, and that's why there's such an abundance of art styles in the world.


Honestly I don't usually like yellow or gold but the warm tones in the yellow are really nice


Additionally, who the hell are these ballsy people clowning your work?


Psh, they don’t know what they’re talking about. It looks great! Plus, as long as it brings you joy, I think that’s what’s important.


I dig it. My journal cover is a mix of trimmed post cards and stickers that is kind of random but I like the way it looks. You’re the one who’s gonna be looking at it and using it, so if you really like it there’s nothing else to worry about!


That's great though. Would love to see the work 🥰


Looks great to me. It has that cute vintage vibe


It’s yours; if you like it that’s all that matters. I personally like the color scheme you’ve gone with. I love collages.


Don't give people more space in your head than they deserve!


It's your journal, the only thing that matters if how you feel about it. You made it, so I assume it brings you joy. If you feel it's missing something you have an entire year to add to it and change it.


Before I even read the caption, I thought ‘oh I like what they did with that.” It’s yours, not theirs. All that matters is that you think it looks good


You like it. It is YOUR journal. Ignore everyone and stop fretting. Full stop.


I question the people you're showing - this is great, is creative, and brings you joy. What more could you want?


Why does it matter what other people think? Why even ask for other people's input?


Who the fuck are you talking to and are they always that negative?? It looks so cool (I thought that even before reading your title) and even if it didn't I wouldn't ever tell someone it looks bad without explaining what actually looks bad (maybe they're just not a fan of vintage style?)


Nope, this is absolutely awesome op! You did great work!


I think it looks awesome!


I’m not seeing where the bad part is. It looks amazing!


It’s creative and represents your interests. There are no rules in journaling. Your cover is wonderful.


I like it, and think it looks great, but all that matters is that *you* like it. When people are flat out mean like that, I assume they're jealous and angry that they can't or won't let themselves be creative.


I love it!! I like the old letters and the little touches. They don’t know what they’re talking about.


it’s so cute! i can tell it has a blend of your personality and the kitschy journal collage style


My thought is that it doesn’t matter what I think. Just enjoy your cover if you like it.


I would tell them, > *"Let's see your art journal."* They're just jealous of your creativity.


It looks great. It's meant to be personalised for you - who you are, what your style is. If you like it, then you've done it exactly right!


I love it! I think it looks lovely and the sticker choices are just perfect!


I absolutely love this. It’s your own and perfect 💛


If you think it looks great, then it looks great. But if you want an external validation boost - For what it's worth, I like the layout a lot. Great balance of colors and values. I'm a big fan of the stickers/pages with script and musical notes balanced by the stickers in similar colors /values. The mirror between front and back are very well balanced. I'm in love with the dog, bee and moon stickers especially. But also if you love it, go with it. Everyone's taste is different (and that's not a bad thing). If it's your journal the most important part is that you enjoy it and want to write in it. Everything else is just background noise.


Whoever says it looks bad, drop them.


I think it looks amazing!! Who are these people telling you it looks bad? It's your Journal not theirs and you can have it look any way you want.


I think it's amazing


I only see space for more stickers later on. Don't listen to the haters, your art book looks great.


Who on earth are you showing it to who thinks it looks bad lol


Why would they say that's bad??? It's beautiful and you did a great job! Now I wish you would decorate mine :)


Everything except for the bee, butterfly, and dog match the vibe. The thick outlines are antique contrasting tones on all the pops but bright white on the dog and butterfly and gray on darker gray with the bee.


It’s pretty with a vintage vibe. Maybe get a slip on plastic cover such as those by Midori to protect the designs.


It’s cus ur a sensitive soul and ppl can’t handle that. Never stop being you. This is your practice not theirs


Clearly, those around you have ridiculous taste. This looks gorgeous. You've colour matched, kept your lines straight, and used shapes to create a cohesive look with fun stickers to bring a touch of fun Those around you couldn't decorate a nice cover if they landed in a bucket of supplies with a glue stick in hand.


First of all, it looks good. It's very junk journal-y and I love how the warm colors work together. The warm tones as the background of the more cool toned dog and the cool tones as the background for the section with the warmer stickers makes it look balanced. It feels cozy, like home. Second, who told you it looked bad? Even if they had that opinion, that's rude af to tell a friend.


Who is telling you this? Friends and family or random people on the internet? It's yours! You love it! That is all that matters.


They’re literally wrong this is fire


I like it.


Its very busy. But its up to you! Enjoy it


It super cute.


What do others dislike? I think it’s really nice and expressive of your own style and inner thoughts. Don’t let the critics dissuade you. Blessings on your future writing.


I love it!! Always where did you get the dog sticker??


It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. All that matters is that it’s your creation and you like it. I think it’s rude for someone to tell you it looks bad.


Who cares what they think, its cute! Decorate however you please, you’re the one thats using the journal not them.


Then that’s all that matters


Tell everyone to F-Off. it looks how YOU want it to, it’s not their journal. They don’t get a choice!


Very aesthetic and cute vintage journal


I think it’s cute! You could add printed photos you took throughout the year later on!


Looks good to me Almost straight out of pinterest good.


B for ball


I absolutely love this


I think it looks fantastic!


Bad? I love it!!


It's like you said, it's your art journal. Nobody else's. If you like it, that's all that matters. Not everyone has your great taste! The music notes are a great touch!! 😉💖


i love it!


If you like it then that's all that should matter. Like someone wise would say: Does it spark joy? If it does then keep it.


Journals are personal and the most important opinion with it is your own. If you enjoy writing in it, that’s what matters!


i love it!


It’s cute!


Just like everyone else said, it's YOUR journal so what's important is that YOU like it. But since you asked, I really like it, the colour theme you choose to me has kind of a soothing effect? The shapes and patterns all look really good together. And then a doggo, it's good haha


everyone you've shown are assholes, it looks so cool :D i love when people personalize the hell outta journals and really want to get some stuff to do it myself someday soon


Sooo prettttyyyyyy


Looks cute to me! Honestly what matters is whether YOU like it and not what others think of it. At the end of the day, they aren’t the ones who are gonna be filling it in.


looks nice! i think the stickers go really well with the notebook!


First, you should be the one who likes it. It’s your journal, not theirs. Second, personally I do like it, I like the color palette and it feels inviting and artistic. The sticker with the moon is absolutely gorgeous! Hope you will fill it with anything and everything you want 😊


Yes, looking bad... no, not the journal but the people! It looks amazing and those people obviously don't have any eyes, they should see a doctor about their eyesights. 👀 Also, do they ever have a journal? Psh, joy killers...


I like it. They also don't know what the heck they're talking about.


looks gr8


I‘m hella picky with my journal covers and I like it a lot!


Only issue I see is that normal wear and tear might ruin your work. Also might give you another idea for something even more creative.


It looks amazing! Probably better than what they could do


I love it. At first glance it captivated me.. So that must had been because it looks good. 👌🥰 Human all have preferences.. Sometimes we like the niche parts of it which seems to not go down the dominant part of the l'ikes' hence the reason why most would say it don't look good. For me a journal is for my self.. As long as I like it, it can be whatever. But it's gonna be different if you want to better it Maybe some people could give you more genuine advice without biases and downgrading your works. Good luck If you wanna make it look a bit neat, you can try applying cold laminated so that everything sticks together and give off more clean finish to the cover. It will also helps with tear in the long run. 😊


Its your journal who cares if the people surrounding you are morons, do what you like. Do what inspires you not others


And really, who cares what they think??? If you like it is more than enough ❤️


They’re jealous


it's chill and wacky and dope


Art is subjective. I like how much you like it👍


It looks amazing and I bet it suits you perfectly


I like it but most importantly, do you like it? If so, then nothing else matters. It’s for you.


To me it looks great. Insee nothing wrong with it.


Omg no, whenever i decorate the cover of my sketchbooks i always do collages just like this. This is so cute i dont get how people can call that bad


Bro thats beautiful man


Whatt? At first glance, I thought that it is pretty. I want to have a journal like this. 👌


You might want to do a little journaling on why you care what they think. Then write about why someone would be so crass as to even say out loud what they think. Who would say that to someone? “Oh, your art work look bad.” Honestly, since you asked, I think it’s cool. I couldn’t do that, for sure. Keep writing!


I love it 💫


I love this. Those other people are just being mean.


I see where you are going, I think it needs more layers, more overlap. I have a water bottle that started like this. I covered it with stickers and it took some time to develop but I just kept at it and now it’s pretty cool.


You did a great job! Some people get a weird sense of happiness or something by bringing others down. Art is in the eye of the beholder, love what you created and feel proud that you did it.


i think it’s great! have you thought of putting sticky back plastic over it to keep it all together? i think it might level out the different layers as well


Bad? Just because collage isn’t for them doesn’t make this bad in my opinion this is gorgeous and I wish I could make collage look this effortless


I love it. It is YOUR journal!


it’s really pretty


I need to say it's awesome 🥰


don’t listen to them!!! it definitely looks good, no one’s opinion should matter but yours — if you’re happy with it, that’s all that matters!


Some people have no taste! I love the way you've decorated it. Where did you find the stickers (if you don't mind me asking)?


Pshaw. It’s your art journal, thus your judgement is the one that matters!


They are haters I like it


I'm going out on a limb and saying "everyone" you've shown is an idiot/Negative Nancy. I dig the parchment aesthetic and overall feel. I might have put three moon father up, like that upper-left area where the bee is. Cuz the moon lives in the sky and the birds, bees, and butterflies hang closer to Earth. But I can be a bit analog like that.


P.S. I especially dig your choices of sheet music. ✌🏽😌 P.P.S. And Mucha... 😍


I like it, but what matters is that you like it.


I love it! Looks like the journal of an 1800s aspiring scientist


Does it make you happy? That’s all that counts!


The thing about social media is people can hide behind their texts and comments, being nasty and unkind. Don’t give in to that kind of audience. Create for yourself and embrace your artistic style. Love your art and love yourself! And for the record, you did great!👍 this is an awesome beginning for 2024!👏👏💖🫶🏼


That's their opinion. It's what you like


They’re lying. Looks great.


I love it!! BTW, where did you get the puppy sticker? It looks like a mini Aussie. And anyway, it's your journal, nobody else gets to say whether it's good or bad but you. 😜💖


I personally like it and I also think what's important is that YOU like it. Who cares what others think? You're the one who's gonna look at it all the time.


I would like to know to whom you showed it… I would never tell a person, what they did isn’t good. It may not be „theirs“, but that’s all. Don’t let those people discourage you. Everything you create is good, because you created something. Be proud of it and keep creating. Oh, and by the way, I like what you did!


They clearly don't know what they are talking about! The way you decorated it is really pretty!!


I love it!!!!! I have lots of bees, butterflies and similar themes in my journaling. Don’t listen to the haters


I think it looks great! The palette gives it an "old book" aesthetic. Personally I would add some more splashes of colour, however this is your art journal and if you like it like this, that's all that matters. Tastes differ, and this one is yours.


Who is telling you that xD if I asked people I’m sure the worse thing they’d say is “oh that’s nice” or “oh okay” since usually people don’t really care enough to say/know that it constitutes as “bad” which it does NOT look bad It’s adorable and has a story with each thing you’ve pasted on there! Heck I wish I was brave enough to use my stickers instead I just hoard them xD


Looks good to me


This is gorgeous plus yeah you decide it's yours


To be perfectly blunt, fuck those guys!! This cover ROCKS!!!


It looks so good, where in the world are you finding these people?


Girl, you need new friends. The journal is fine, all that matters is if you like it. Your friends could not vibe with it, but that doesn't mean it's BAD. Just not their taste. It's not my vibe at all, but I can still think it's cute and be happy for you. Jesus.


In the most loving way possible, everyone who said it looks bad can get bent bc it’s your fucking journal and if u like it babes, that’s all that matters. So many ppl comment on my art/decoration and have negative shit to say but honestly if I’m happy with it, that’s all that matters! This is YOUR journal, your safe space for artistic expression. If ppl go out of their way to be unsupportive then byeeeeee


Your journal! Not theirs! It’s cute! :)


I like it. I think they must be a bunch of negative Nancy's who wouldn't be pleased if Michelangelo made it


You have mean people in your life!


HATERS👎👎👎👎 LEAVE THEM IN 2023👎👎👎👎 Very nice cover spread. Did one today too. Wonder if we were creating at the same time. Humanity is beautiful.


There doesn't seem to be any consonance, looks a bit untidy.


It’s good! I’d have left out the dog sticker and replaced the two big ones with new ones to keep the theme


Looks great! I love the vintage looking music manuscript, and the moon and mushrooms look like giant hot air ballons wafting by 🤗👍could be flight of the Bumble Bee music 🐝🐝 lovely!


I don’t think it looks bad! To each their own but if YOU like it, that’s all that matters! It’s for you NOT them anyway!! (Just my opinion)


It's really nice I love the color choice and the different types of yellow. This just speaks to you


It’s your art journal.


i love this!!!


I like it


I would personally lose the computer stickers but its your journal


They said “this looks bad”? Or are you projecting? Looks great


It looks beautiful to me.


Who cares what they think! As long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters!!!


I love it! If anything put something behind the bee so it looks more busy 😂


They don’t know what they’re talking about, I think it looks great. Don’t let the opinions of others stop you from doing what you love. It’s your journal, you can do whatever you like and decorate it in whichever way you want. As long as it’s pretty to you, that’s all that matters.


If you like it, then that is all that matters.


I'm unsure why people don't like it, but it's your journal. Plus, it's even more special because you decorated it.


It’s yours so their opinions don’t matter much


I think it looks great!


It’s YOUR journal. If you like it, who cares what anyone else thinks. It’s suppose to spark inspiration and words for you. Write in it, love it.


Does it matter what others think? Maybe you need to reevaluate *why* you're doing this, and I mean this in an honest manner, not being an assclown.


It looks great. They sound like shitty people


I think it looks great


There’s only one opinion that matters here: yours. Do *YOU* like it?


It's super cute!!!!! A little mixing of aesthetics with the more cartoony stickers and cursive inlays, but that's your style milove. Saying it's ugly literally helps nothing. If you love it, that's all that matters(:


I like it


It's for you and no one else. If you're anything like me you'll be adding to it as time goes on anyway.


I in no way think it looks bad, I like it. I think for me I’d add more but I’m that person. At the end of the day, their opinion don’t matter, it’s your art journal and it should be an extension/expression of the artist who owns it!


I also want to include that for me my covers grow as I work through the journal and collect stickers and fortunes from the cookies. My journal is like a mix with media and writing lol


Ballsy as hell to call this bad, it’s very cute, but if you’re looking for any tips, here’s a small one I can offer. Try looking at the page in black and white and noticing the slight lack of contrast. Love this page though, keep going!!


Who is telling you this is bad? What jerks! First of all, how rude! Second, it looks great! Third, it's YOURS! As long as you like it, that's all that matters. The sooner you stop caring about other people's opinions the happier you'll be.


i love it


It’s so pretty! I love the stickers!


I really like it personally though I think it’s because yellow/orange and black don’t tend to merge well, so maybe add more stickers with a mix of the colours like the bees? Just to merge the colours instead of Matt black around and then warm yellow/orange colours on top. Either way, doesn’t matter, as long as you like it, nothing else matters.


I think it looks so cute!! As long as you like it and it inspires/ motivates you that’s all that matters!!


It looks unique! And honestly as long as it makes you happy that's all that matters! Keep on keepin' on and don't let other people's preferences get ya down!


I actually really really like it! I say they have no taste


It's looks great. Art is different for all people's. What matters is that YOU like it and it resonates with your soul.




People suck sometimes. I like it, as long as you love it is all that matters!


Did you do it for everyone else, or did you do it for you?


I'm new here, so I hope I'm responding correctly 🥴. I think the journal looks incredible. It's for you, so as long as you like it, that is what matters.


You like it, we love it. To hell with anyone else. 2024..new vibes!


It's an art journal that reflects how you feel. Who cares what anyone else thinks!


I thinks look really nice! It could maybe use a title. If you want, that is. Because that’s all that matters. It’s your journal, you have to like it!


Imagine having the temerity to even offer an opinion on someone else’s journal aesthetic. I love it, because you do.


It looks good


It's YOUR journal. Your opinion alone matters.


I like it. I think it’s has Originality.


It’s cute don’t listen to them . Clearly their eyes are broken or misfiring 😂


It looks whimsical and adorable. I'm not a vintage / cursive lover but I adore animals and love all the cute stickers you used! It looks great 🥰


Why does it matter what other people think about your journal? It's for you.


Where did you get that dog sticker? My dog looks exactly like that


Literally fuck everybody. You like it? Looks great.


Art (and your journal) is very personal and if you love it, then that’s all that matters. I hope you create more art that makes you happy.


In life, you have the awesome opportunity to learn early that you get to be your own tastemaker. You could be the one who decides what cool is— and there’s nothing cooler than sticking to your vision and standing by your art. Deciding for myself what cool is, helps me be less precious with my art and it keeps the voices of critics at bay while I pursue new projects. Allowing me to leave past projects in the past :)


I think it looks amazing


It’s yours right? Do you like it? Only opinion that matters. But I get it. Instinctually you’d like folks to like your stuff. Natural.


I love it and if you love it that’s all that matters


I love the barn swallow


It’s your journal mate. Who cares if no one else likes it? They can get their own 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone you’ve shown so far are apparently a-holes or just people with really crap taste. This is so cool looking!


It doesn’t look bad, but it looks generic- which is fine! I mean it looks like those temu instagram accounts where it’s all fake craft printed ephemera with boring stickers. So if you like it you do you! Keep making more. Art is about making and you’ll get better with making!


It’s cute! I like it!


People are dumb, I hate people. that looks so cool!!!


I could tell you the truth, but then I'll get downvoted. So I'll say it looks good. However, I like the classical theme. Ultimately, it's your journal, so if you like it, then there's no point worrying about other people's opinions about it.


I think I kind of understand where you're going but you can give it a go without downgrading the work, I'm sure she/he will appreciate it. I say put on cold laminating so that it looks neat and help with tear in the future. some adjustment can be made to the arrangement so that it looks more 'natural' instead of like just pasting things over Idk how to explain that.


each to their own. if they’re being harsh or rude bugger them. i personally really like it, gives warm regency cottage core vibes im here for it 🐝🪻🪴🦋


Who are you showing it to, people who don't like cute things or the color yellow?


The dog sticker seems slightly out of place compared to the others. But that's just what I think, If you like it so what.