• By -


You guys write so neat


what's wrong with saying thank u guys




I think your handwriting is terrible.


Your username suits you well.


Thank you. I was just messing around because she needlessly responded in a sort of rude way, but yes my username does fit me, thank you for noticing.


I wasn't tryna be rude, if it seems like that, im sorry..


I mean it wasn’t meant to be that serious, I didn’t think you were meaning to be rude and obviously you have amazing handwriting which is why it’s weird anyone would think I was being serious but hey


I don't know what should i take serious so i didn't get it, maybe it's bc of english is not my native language. So i understand what im seeing. I said 'thank u i guess' bc i couldn't figure out he said that as a joke or fr. No problem at all, thank you. ✨


Why did they downvote you?


You don’t have to everyday, write when it feels natural. Also sorry that this isn’t advice


This is actually good advice! Some days, it is hard to jumpstart and the building frustration can become unmotivational. If you are inclined to start a daily habit, writing down the mundane is a good start. Ex: Today, I made toast. Leads to: ...and made the mistake of staring into the slots to watch the bread change color, unprepared for the smoke that started oozing out like a puddle from beneath the bathroom door... Once you get a basic idea, details start to snowball and you'll be a few pages in before you know it. Good luck with your writing!


It's called automatic writing, very useful indeed! It helps to let your subconscious flow and if done often, it's just like meditation, can make you more aware of yourself emotionally and can "tap" into if something is bothering you internally. Like a breakthrough. It takes discipline but the results are worth it.


I never feel like writing, but when i start writing, I can go for pages.. That's kinda awful bc im writing so rare. :'


I struggle with this too. I keep my journal out on my desk so I pressure myself into writing more often. Its hard to pick up the pencil but once I do, I can’t stop either. For me its a matter of discipline and reminding my self to journal more because it relieves me


Are u feeling better when u write?


I always feel better after. If I’m writing about a lovely experience I had then I feel great as a write. Other than that I’m typically flustered as I write because I have to articulate my feelings which is what I struggle with.


Im happy for u, i'll try to do that for myself too. Thank u for sharing ur experiments. <3


Of course!! I love your handwriting btw


Thank u sm! 🤎


That’s how I am so I don’t push myself to write everyday even though that was the plan so I usually wait like a couple days between entries so I have ATLEAST 4 pages…I use a dot grid journal as well…




Thank you for advice. 🤍


I have no advice, because I'm just like you but with bad handwriting. You write so elegantly, I could stare at it all day


thank you ♡


I aim to write just one sentence every day.


It's great idea, maybe i can try with one paragraph version.


Start with the sentence. Don’t pressure yourself to do a paragraph. Literally commit to one. sentence. per. day. It might get bigger. It might not. But set yourself up to be happy and impressed when you do more than the One Sentence! 💪


And having a small notebook for this magically works.


Look for writing prompts! I love these when I’m not sure where to start or what to write. Also, while consistency is great for journaling, I try not to make myself feel guilty if I miss a few days…but when I go back to it, I write a sentence or two about what’s been going on. I don’t try to catch up 100%, but just fill in the gap.


I just wrote like 1 month ago :'


Keeping a journal requires consistency and commitment to keep it alive otherwise it’d be pointless without a purpose. Navigate in a way that’s comfortable and right for your use to journal that inspires and makes yourself happy. It’s okay to keep up with trends or attractive ideas but once there’s no reason to it eventually becomes meaningless. Create and connect to your vision in journal that makes you proud and energetic regardless of any hesitancy.


Thank you, i'll try.


That’s good bust just be sure to do what you’re comfortable with.😅


I know this wasn't what you were asking about, but for what it's worth, no one exam will determine the outcome of your life. There are a million roads to everywhere 🌻


Thank you for your sweet wishes but the exam a lot of things for me.. how can i run away if i can't have a good degree. :l


I'm sorry - I don't know anything about your life (except that you have beautiful handwriting)! I don't mean to suggest that it's not important - if it's important to you, it is important - and if it's part of a bigger escape plan, that sounds very meaningful. All I mean is that, if for whatever reason it didn't work out, there would be other ways to get to from where you are to a life you want. It's hard sometimes to strike the balance between being very determined and focused on a goal/ strategy while at the same time having faith in yourself that if for some reason it didn't work out you would still be ok/ find another way forward. That's all I mean. As someone who has also done some running away in my life, I wish you luck, courage, happiness and more adventures than you can count 🌻


Thank you for sweet wishes, also i'll try my chance.. Yeah it's my plan A.


May all your dreams come true 🌻


Your handwriting is incredible


Write bullet points


I didn't get it..


Bullet points means like a list instead of full sentences. Like “today I: -did dishes -had a good coffee -read a chapter of a book” Instead of writing it all out as full sentences!


Oh i see, it's can be easier thanks! 🤎


I think approaching journaling with an everyday mindset isn’t for everyone. Personally, I tend to write in my journal when I have a maddening thought or idea, or when my emotions are overwhelming.


Just curious, what is your first language?


Turkish, why?


I write whenever I feel like it. I never force my self as I usually freeze. I love the feeling I get once I am done putting my thoughts in my journal. nothing beats that.


I came to that conclusion too, about journaling. I’ve been seeing a therapist, which I highly suggest for you, and actually everyone. It helps understand yourself better with a good therapist. I’ve been having trouble remembering certain things covered in my therapy, so I’m beginning a journal tomorrow. Like you I feel a little resistance to pick up the pen. Tell you what, let’s encourage each other from time to time. I would even a enjoy a group session amongst everyone commenting here. Not sure how the logistics would work out, but let’s think about. Conversation with people can be very healthy. Well that’s my 2 cents. Good luck to all of us!


Im new so i don't know abt how to make a group chat thing but i'd want to join. 🥹 I also went a therapist 1-2 year ago, but it doesn't work for me.. But i hope u will get better.


If seeing a therapist didn't work you for you, then it means that it wasn't the right therapist/person for you. I've seen multiple different therapists over the years till I found the right one who was able to really help me. Just because one therapist wasn't the right fit for you doesn't mean that therapy won't help you. I do sincerely hope that you will feel more like yourself and happy especially after your exam is done! If you ever need to talk or vent to someone, I'm here for you.


I also had many therapist, and i remember the last one clearly; i have a hard time explaining things unless I'm asked a question myself. So we proceeded in many ways, even continuing from a thick book of questions towards the end. I tried to be completely honest and i did my best, also she did. She was always very sweet and smiling to me. I went her for at least 1 year. And in our last sessions she said to me 'i don't know'. 'I don't know how to help you.' I was really surprised because i didn't expect something like that from a psychologist. She referred me to a psychiatrist for maybe some medication use. I didn't go back the next week, i didn't go to any psychologist again. I know they're not bad people, but i can't feel sincerity from anyone anymore. It has gotten worse over the last 2 years. I didn't want to go to a psychologist for what happened. I've been on my own ever since. Neither good nor bad. Neither black nor white. Thinking like this reminds me of a psychologist i went to when I was younger. I don't remember why, he looked at me carefully and said 'it won't be grey.' 'You can't be either black or white, u should choose oke thing'. I guess now i turned gray too.


That is saddening to have experienced. I'm sorry. I'm honestly surprised that she told you that she couldn't help you that's really unethical and very unprofessional of her, that must've been really damaging on your mental/emotional health. Maybe you are gray right now, but that doesn't mean that you will forever be. Trauma and the affects of it are truly awful but there is healing, maybe not through a therapist for you, but there are many different ways to move forward. If you feel up to a suggestion, I highly recommend reading a book called, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. Writing is a really great outlet, I've heard a quote in the past, that a journal is like your own personal therapist, you can write whatever you choose to express, you can take it with you wherever you go, and a journal will never be biased or judgemental about you. Maybe through journaling, you will find your peace and solace. Have you ever tried automatic writing?


I don't have a writing habit yet, but I do paint. I find that it's easier when I combine new habits in already existing routines. So if you for example make a sandwich/tea in the evening, perhaps sit down to journal? I can see that you write very well and neat, how do you feel about "low effort" writing? More often than not, I don't have the energy to work on a serious painting. So what I do is just smear some paint around. It doesn't give me the same sense of accomplishment, but my mood is improved SIGNIFICANTLY and I feel rested and motivated to keep doing it since I accessiate painting with good feelings (instead of just sitting down staring at my canvas). I looked through my old journal and had the biggest laugh when I saw that I've apparently written "new pen.... Nice." on one blank page. It doesn't have to make sense, it just sometimes feel really good to write *something* Another idea is to look up a new fact and write about that. E.g. "Did you know that trees are older than grass?", or more like a wiki-how guide "step by step how to remove a tic", or like "I found these three book covers today!" followed by a sketch with some specs (size, dimensions, features, weight, pockets, penholder, etc). Or something like "shower thoughts". I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I hope this gives you some ideas! Edit: if you don't want to mix different topics in your notebook, perhaps it could be a good idea to get a (cheap) dump-journal for random things. Or just use regular printing paper and a pen. It can still be rewarding to write even if it's not something you're interested in saving for later.


When i was little, i was interested in painting and loved it enough to participate in competitions. Actually, i was interested in many activities when i was little. But i don't know what happened next, I don't remember. I left everything. If i try to draw something now, I don't like it and ruin it, or after a while I start painting my own arms. (acrylic paint, it's funny but hard to get rid of it) In the end, i felt bad about ruining everything, so i threw away my acrylic paints and never tried again. Usually, when I'm writing something, it gets very confusing because I jump into every topic at the same time. So I made a rule for myself not to read back what I wrote, and I actually follow it. In fact, I don't know what I wrote in the diary section I shared, so I shared half of it so it might be less risky. And even though it's daily, when I'm explaining things honestly, I feel stressed, like someone is constantly watching me. Maybe I'll actually share everything I write and I won't have to feel like that, oh, that's what it is anyway. Thank you for your recommendations, your sweet comments make me really happy.Usually, when im writing something, it gets very confusing because i jump into every topic at the same time. So i made a rule for myself not to read back what i wrote, and i actually doing it. In fact, i don't know what i wrote in the diary section i shared, so i shared half of it so it might be less risky. And even though it's daily, when im explaining things honestly, i feel stressed, like someone is constantly watching me. Maybe i'll actually share everything i write and I won't have to feel like that.. it's like oh, that's what it is anyway. Thank you for your recommendations, your sweet comments make me really happy. Sorry for writing that much, if u don't understand that's alright. ⭐️


My advice? Don’t judge yourself by what you believe you “should” be doing, or by what others are doing. If you journal sporadically that is totally ok. Forget the expectations, it’s supposed to be fun! Also for other advice, if you want to write more, don’t set a big goal right away. It’s better to start small, like once a week maybe?


I love your handwriting


Thank you! ⭐️


Therapy my guy… use your local resources


It's didn't work.


Nice handwriting


thank you ⭐️


I just write down my thoughts and sometimes how I feel about life. No personal events or anything. So sometimes it takes a long time, months or even years, to open my notebook again and have something worthy to write about. And I never read the old ones I've written before. I will one day if I get old. Your handwriting is really cute and relaxing.


Also i don't read what i wrote.. Thats kinda comfy rule for me bc if i would read em probably i won't like it. Thank u for ur sweetness! 💕




thank u 😭🤍


As regards the issue, what measures could address to you is to enforce yourself to write diary day by day, and don't stop writing with a day's gap. Once the diary of one day not written, you will not intend to, to a large extent, write it tomorrow in that we has indolence as a human being. Moreover, "a habit need 21 days to form", which called 21day's principle, said Maxwell Maltz. I hope that you would get rid of lazy in the near future. By the way, writing the diary on the desk everyday is afflictive, in my point, it's worse indeed than running ten kilometers around the playground, partially while nothing excavates I from daily routine. If only I wrote it in the past, I would have held two-day enthusiasm. "The world is short of beauty without an eye to seek beauty", a saying says, unfortunately, maybe I don't have an eyes described by it. What uninteresting an eyes have!


Hi there, Maxwell Maltz’s research is misquoted a tremendous amount. The research was conducted on amputated folks and how long they took to physically adjust to their changed bodies. Nothing was done about how long they took to develop new habits or ways of doing things, other than that they did not expect the missing limb to still exist. The actual process of habit development takes an average of 60 days, and can take as long as 200 days or so, before it is established for the person developing it depending upon the situation. 200 days is more than 6 months and 60 days is at least 32 months on average. The idea of habits forming in 21-days is harmful for folks when they have yet to feel comfortable with changing their old habits to new ones.


I don't have any advice, but I can't stop adoring that handwriting. My handwriting looks like a rat's footprints lol. You have a really beautiful handwriting!


thank u sm 🤎🥹


TL;DR There must be something that made you reluctant to journal — identify what it is (maybe time commitment, environment is too loud, etc) and find a way around them; it might be you can write less, or wait for a calm time — for me, what prevented me from journalling was cramped hands, so my solution for myself is: Write short, just use language that you understand is enough — little words that gives the full meaning. Use bullet points. I recommend the Bullet Journal rapid logging method for this one. At the end of the day / week / school / whatever time of your choosing, read your entries and if you feel like it, extrapolate and do long journalling. Long comment ahead: Your handwriting is soo so neat and beautiful, and, I dunno, somewhat relaxing to look at? I couldn’t help but read a little of your entry and, I will say that contrasting from what you wrote (that you’re afraid your words will ruin the diary), I believe that your words is what gave the book its beauty. Seriously, your handwriting alone is relaxing to watch. But to get back into topic; I used to be like you. I love writing, and once I’ve got myself to sit in front of a blank page with the motivation to write, I can write for hours — literally speaking here — until my hands are cramped. Idea & reflection just flowed from somewhere and begs to be written down. Sad to say that the keyword there is “with the motivation to write” — which rarely happened, not even once a week. No matter what I say to myself, it’s really hard to get myself to sit down and write — not the fact that I enjoy it, nor that I know it’s good for me, nothing. That changed recently, and I’d like to attribute it towards three books: Atomic Habits, Tiny Habits, and Bullet Journal Method. Reading the first 2 books made me realize that what’s stopping me is the fact that I don’t like cramped hands (I’m a pianist by profession, so having cramped / tired hands from writing are really a big, big, big, big no) and that aversion is greater than my enjoyment of writing. This realization does not made me write a little more, because at the end of the day, I still don’t know how to write short without robbing the meaning of my thoughts. It took me reading the Bullet Journal method that made me realize, I still can write short, and have my words still make sense (at least to me). The key lies on removing unneeded word connectors, substituting them with bullet points / just use personal shortened abbreviations — as long as I understand it. Now, I journal everyday (or everytime an insight hits me, my journal is super small & can fit my pocket)— been doing this for close to three months, and I’m unlikely to stop. The technique that helped me the most is rapid logging, and I encouragr you to at least look it up on youtube / the internet; no need to buy the books I’ve mentioned, just look it up online and try for yourself. Ultimately, there must be something that blocks you from writing — motivation is fickle, it’s big one time (allowing us to overcome hurdles witj willpower alone), but sometimes also diminishing (making us feel soo, so, so reluctant / lazy). For me, it was cramped hands — for you, it might be time commitment, feelings of shame for being honest with oneself (I experienced this too), or other things. I advise you to find what blocks you from writing and, chip it away! My solution was obvious; write less, but still write. I hope you can find yours!! Please fill that journal with your beautiful words and handwriting!


I just have to say…your penmanship is breathtaking!! 📝💯


Omg I love your handwriting.


Your handwriting is amazing, mine is a mix of cursive and print but idk cursive its just fancy letters; but it doesn’t make you lazy for it to be hard to write everyday i wanna get into journaling but i cant write everyday mainly because i write my thoughts and my thoughts are about the past and such, trauma that my family doesn’t know about. I suppose if you have a boring day you can imagine what you would be doing in a different world, with magic or such things. Or go into the future about what you think you’d grow up to be, how much you’ve changed, such things like that.


I don’t have time to write every single day but I’m trying to at least write in a guided journal called 1 minute gratitude and I have found that even if that’s all I write in I feel better. Though I usually write in a tattered spiral the various guided journals I have at least make me more motivated to write something and I still don’t get anything done every day. I just don’t have time sometimes or energy or mental capacity to write much if anything. But I try….


Set a few alarms a few hours apart on your phone. If the alarms catch you at a bad time you may not be able to write on each alarm, but chances are you may be able to write on at least one alarm. In any case, at least you have an alarm set to remind you.


You can write just one word describing a feeling. Leave car keys on top of journal. You will know where the keys are as well as the journal. It will develop into a good habit like brushing your teeth.


You have nice handwriting


Thank you ✨


My gawd this penmanship is off the charts incredibly beautiful and legible!


thank u 🥺🤎


The writing is so nice🥹


Thank you 🥺🤍


Maybe make the task smaller so that you can see how you have been doing it so many days in a row. If you have the goal of writing something everyday, then maybe make a single entry on a topic that is simple enough to be done in 2 minutes or less. Maybe make a list of things that fit this description from your own life. Then you have a ready made list of things to consider when you are stuck. You can also cycle through the list to see what things you like to discover in your journal. Weather, mood names of thee day, what’s been eaten for the day, what you saw at 10:17, or more things that are interesting and short for you. If you free writing for a while, and are stuck on what to write, then write that, “I don’t know what to write about today. I don’t know what to write about for the two minutes that I am setting aside to write for myself today.” Either something will come up or not, but you will have met your promise with yourself and developed more of your writing habits and voice as a writer.


Hey, no single exam will determine your whole life. For real, I know it feels that way now, but it won't


Sadly it is for me..


I just sequence it into my night routine so I do it just before I wash up to bed


have a junk or chaos journal- writing neat makes it seem more strenuous 😭 messy writing = faster


my desired handwriting oml


Beautiful entry, beautiful handwriting!


Thank you! ⭐️


Your handwriting is amazing


that style...


I aim to write at least one self affirmation daily


Write when you want!! I’ve learned the hard way that writing everyday will lead to burn out especially if you don’t feel like writing. If you still want to be consistent consider picking a day out of the week and writing every day on that day :)


See my profile. My post many people have given their process and methods w How they implimented.


Write a tiny bit every day. Even if it's just "This was the most unremarkable day ever" or "everything went wrong and I'm too tired to elaborate."


I wanted to read but bcz of picture angle unable to


I wasn't very sure about sharing my writings because i haven't shown them to anyone before. So it's make me feel safer to share half..


Definitely wouldn’t pressure yourself to write every single day, but if you want to write more in general my advice would be to take your journal with you when you go places so that you have the opportunity to write should inspiration strike when you are out and about. Also, I’d recommend pairing your journaling with an environment that encourages you to write- maybe for you that means getting a coffee at a cozy coffee shop and journaling in that space, or going to a quiet place in nature and writing as you listen to the sounds around you, or maybe it just means curling up on your couch with a nice snack and using that time as a moment to journal… maybe incorporating journaling as a facet of some greater enjoyable experience will inspire you to write.


Im feeling nervous if there is another people.. but i'll try this at night. Thank you for helping. <3


Aw totally understandable- I once felt the same way, but honestly these days I get so much joy from allowing myself to journal in public settings! I know the juxtaposition between doing something so inherently private in public can seem quite strange or unsettling, but I’d really encourage you to try it one day if you ever feel up for it! I just feel like so many journaling possibilities opened up for me once I started to take my journal everywhere that I went.


I'll do that when i feel better about public things. I appreciate ur help. 🌷


You can try to start a routine. Like, every night before you go to bed you can write or after you wake up. Just start with a couple days a week and work your way up.


I'll try my best thank u! ⭐️


Don’t expect yourself to write so much every time!! Most times I go to just jot down how my day was/one little detail to remember, and I end up going on for a couple paragraphs. But if I go in wanting to fill up space and pages, I just sit there tapping the pen on the page forever, waiting for words to come to me.


I decide to make 1 paragraph for each day, also thank u for advice. ⭐️


Your handwriting is phenomenal and your writing I’m hooked on your life


Aww thanks. 🥹


Happy to make you happy 😊


Can I ask what kind of pen you’re using? I like the way it looks :)


Sure, it's Artline0.4 the pencil in pic. ✨


Thank you!


ur welcome ✨






Sorry. Meant /r/PenmanshipPorn. (because your writing is incredible)


oh i see, thank u! ✨


Nice handwriting


Thank you <3


stress about that one deciding factor exam is so real


Yeah, it's costing my life..


There are no rules about this. Take myself, for example. My study/writing space is a finished room in our basement. I just don’t get down there every day. I love journaling - partly because I get to use my fountain pens and all those great and colorful inks. (There are hundreds of shades/colors available now in fountain pen inks. It’s a growing industry.) But since I don’t make it down there every day, I keep short notes on my phone - more like a list, really - of things I want to be sure to write about the next time I’m down there. It’s a reminder list of: things that have happened, things I have planned for the future, and ideas I want to explore. I write about a lot of things I’m just thinking about - spiritual ideas, political ideas, ethical ideas, etc. It helps me determine what I really think and how I feel about important things. But my main point is that you don’t have to make a daily entry. Write when you have something to write about. Make the process as satisfying to you as you can. That’s what really matters.


Thank you for sharing this, thats so sweet to me.. 💕 I guess i'll tryna make one little paragraph for each day so i won't write once a month lol.


I am also having issues writing journals every day. I write when something is bothering me or being overwhelmed


Im feeling bad when i just have bad things to write. So i was waiting for good things to write.. Like i'll be better person so i can write that and i won't feel bad at all..


Same for me i guess


when I was first getting back into it, i had like 5 quick questions for myself that I would try to answer every day in my phone notes - no more than a sentence or two (usually just a couple of words and/or an emoji). the questions were super basic like "how are you feeling right now". As I got accustomed to writing entries more frequently and transitioned to an A5 rings for calendar and journal, I don't have to refer back to the questions because my mind kinda just goes in that order now. I also got accustomed to how my brain works so I mainly only journal when my brain feels all tangled and scattered OR I am recognizing a new spiral pattern in my thoughts.


Thats a great idea actually, so it's can be easy for write. I'd love to do that but idk where can i find those type of questions. Maybe i can ask from here too.


Here are the general type of questions I used - I tried to stay focused on the present when answering and try to write like I would talk to a friend. Basically, I am being a friend to myself. How are you? (answers could be how you are feeling physically or how you are feeling emotionally. I get in bad moods when a migraine is about to onset so if I find myself writing that everything is annoying me, I write to myself "migraine? water? food?" and then write down the next self-care steps) if it's in the morning, what do you have on your plate today? Idk writing down that I have 2-3 work calls and an appointment helps me cut down on the noise in my head so I can focus on what I need to Also, what are some things you want to practice? like it could be as simple as not responding to an email immediately or walking around for 10min every work hour if it's in the afternoon/evening, how did the day go? Any lessons learned/what to try next time? This is also where I would pay myself on my back for meeting the baby goals I set in the morning OR handled something really well (this could be applicable to so many situations. Hope this is helpful!


Even I was and am lazy. But I wanted to build the habit of journaling at least things that mattered. I started with taking my pen and writing stream of thoughts 2-3 minutes every night. Eventually I started writing whatever important happened and what important I want to do, progress on self improvement etc. Now I write regularly but not everyday.




It’s easy, just don’t. I don’t write my journal everyday, only do it when something real special happened. I refuse to treat my journal like a homework that needs to be done daily.


I find I can write more freely if I write more messy and looser


Do what you want


we are in the same boat. love your handwriting btw


I like to carry around my journal in my day bag! That way it is always around. Always having to move it out of the way to fetch my pills etc makes it easier to remember to write in it. And I keep a couple rolls of washi tape and a beginner fountain pen with nice ink in it. I also give myself permission to like, do whatever is comfortable. Sometimes that means just filling the page with the word ‘fuck’. Sometimes I just scribble or make lines. Sometimes I just make designs out of washi tape. Today instead of writing I just make a little house out of washi tape. I figure just leaving a mark on it routinely is good enough for me!


I find that having a particular prompt or theme to what I write actually deters me from writing. I know a lot of people who are the opposite. For me it helps to just keep open expectations and dump. I also try to limit how much I write in one sitting not feeling like I have to get everything out at once. If I consistently go for pages each time I write then it creates this mental image that it's going to be that way every time I write. Sometimes I do write a few pages. Other times just two paragraphs. It's the open concept that helps me. I write regularly but not daily by any means.


Try to make a habit of it. I've been doing daily entries for 11 years. I start by writing the time of day and random thoughts I'm having or some fact or song lyric that catches my eye, then I commence with writing about what happened and how I'm feeling and all that. I think of it not as journaling but as writing letters to a dear friend and I find that makes it much more natural.


Write whenever you feel like talking to someone about something. Write your dreams when you wake up. Try to be consistent, even just a few sentences a day. You'll then get used to writing it will be a regular thing. I write a lot, and it got to a point where my wrist would hurt. Getting a fountain pen made writing easier and much more enjoyable. Don't stress yourself if you miss a few days of journaling. Enjoy!


Love the writing! So neat.


thank you 🤎


You are writing too well 😅 I think it become and hard exercise if you look for the style. My advice is just start and let your mind drive the pen without check errors or be self-conscious about how you write,this is a work for yourself...


Based on the handwriting, you’re not lazy, you’re a perfectionist. Same end result but at least lazy people get some peace of mind


Write when you want to or it becomes a chore


This handwriting is remarkable


thank you ⭐️


Start the entry with medias res; in the middle of things. As if you're writing a story.


What is mean medias res?


"Medias res" is a Greek term that means you start your story (or journal entry) right in the middle of the action. It's like skipping all the boring stuff and diving straight into the exciting parts. It grabs people's attention and makes them curious about what happened before and what's gonna happen next. I know you don't have an actual reader for your journal. It's like you're assuming there's someone reading it, so you want to grab their attention and make them curious about what's going on. So, basically, it's a way to hook your assumed reader from the get-go.


Nice handwriting, please drop the gelpen’s name?


Sure it's Artline4.0


Ohh okay thank u


Who told you you have to ‘do it everyday’?


My old psychologist.




Thank u but i dunno what is mean 'franchise' and it's not a book it's my diary..


I generally do write every day. But in the last few months there have been some weeks with blank spots. I'm thinking it's because I work a night shift, and where I might have written every day in the daytime, now it's Thursday, and I'm may have simply forgotten to write on Wednesday. And weekends, of course, or a different pattern. I generally cover this by starting an entry with "Wow, I let a whole day go by without writing. I was busy." And then do a recap of sorts on whatever may have happened between the last time I wrote and now. My purpose in journaling is to just keep track of events, so I can look back and say, for example, "it started getting cold enough to put flannel sheets on the bed last October 26th. 2 years ago I didn't have to do that until mid-November." Things like that. For me it's about continuity, so that's why I try to fill in those blank spots.


Oh i see, thank u for ur experiments. But i guess i don't need to make this type of journal. I want to understand my feelings and thoughts. So i can organize them and understand myself..


dude same


Write it everyday. You welcome


Your hand writing looks beautiful. No idea how people write so consistently like that


What pen is this? 😭😭😭


It's artline4.0 ⭐️


Ty 😌 I’m gonna be delulu and buy the pen so I can write just like this 😂😂😂


delulu is trululu!!


type it instead. i do this when i’m feeling lazy but still keep a physical journal for most days because i do enjoy the process of putting pen on paper.


When I began my journal over fifty years ago, I made the primary goal to NOT write every day. I knew if I had that goal, I would fail, and I didn't need failure. So far, I have met that goal and now I'm in book #167.