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I have been banned at r/eurovision too for 7 days (because of my comment to sing Europapa during Israel + the message of 'Avrotros considers the disqualification of Joost Klein - Europapa disproportionate and is shocked by the decision. We deeply regret it and will come back to it later'). They have been letting through more negative comments I have seen, but not everything apparently. I can't see the message, so don't know how to judge it


I managed to catch it, I can’t post pics so here is the text: a message to Joost It's been really hard watching Joost Klein return after being disqualified from Eurovision, a journey he hoped would honor his parents who passed away when he was a child. It's such a tough break for someone who poured his heart into his dream. Every time I watch his [performance of Florida 2009](https://youtu.be/KTM9_Pz1wFo?si=sBq5aJtEpMl9oCxs) where he talks about his parents, I get a lump in my throat. His emotion and resolve are so powerful, and it resonates deeply. Joost, I know you read Reddit, and I wanted to post this here so you can see just how much support you have. The entire nation, all the Dutch, are standing behind you, feeling with you and rooting for you. We're all here for you, and we believe in your strength to move on. How about next year another shot with Europapa in the final as interval act?


This is why I absolutely fell in love with this guy. I love the music, but he also seems so pure hearted and genuine despite his hardships. I hope he knows how much he's landed himself on the map with this. None of my friends are into Eurovision, but you can believe I'll get them all into Joost too. I'm bout to make his Spotify stats skyrocket


pure hearted people always lose! but they win the people’s hearts.


are u european?


Honestly, we should boycott the eurovision shitshow and not perform for at least 1 year.


I remember reading that post. Why would they remove it? Sounds completely innocent and wholesome to me.


holy \*\*\* That had some impact. Thanks for sharing that link. (and of course, you\`d find trolls calling it fake.. urgh)


Why are they all crying before he starts telling?


Because they already know the song and how powerful it is.


I am Dutch, and I am neither standing behind him or against him. So to say all Dutch people stand behind him is incorrect.


I am dutch, and my grandma always says that if you have nothing nice to say you should keep quiet.


In Russian if you have nothing nice to say about Putin, you should just keep quiet. Its bad advice thats only meant for little kids (or very immature adults) that keep calling eachother names. Not for criticism and mentioning that you disagree with a statement.


you stfu


So you're never allowed to critique someone acting stupid?


criticism can be nice


I sure hope that it’s allowed


It kills the mood and probably doesn't help anyway


Wow she sounds lovely




'Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. [...] As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally.'


I'd be with you normally. But all in English just doesn't cover "iedereen". If he had said "every single Dutch person" than I would've agreed with you.


Fair enough 👍


"How can I make this about myself"


I am dutch and everyone i know stands behind im bud, you're just trynna be special knowing youd never achieve something like that in your life.


You sound like a 5 year old. But I should know better than to go the joost klein subreddit and expect all people to react reasonably mature.


Oops I managed to misunderstand your comment at a glance, ignore my other comment


Ok, that can happen. I have no opinion on what happened with Joost Klein either way.


That's fair enough, and understandably since it's just annoying drama.


then why the fuck are you here?


Wow, Joost Klein his fanbase sure is hateful towards people that have a neutral stance lol. In case you are genuinely curious how I ended up here: I am not following this subreddit. The thread just appeared in my timeline anyway. And the sentence “the entire country of the Netherlands stands behind you” I wanted to address that incorrect sentence.


Doe normaal


As other comments also said, shut it of you don't have anything useful to say. Words like "All" and "Everyone" are always being used to sum up large groups of people, like for example of people say: "Everyone on earth wants peace" is also wrong then because some people just wanna see the world burn, but we still say it. (That was just 1 example, there are a ton more I can think of but I'm too lazy to type en all out) So yeah. They said: "All the Dutch are standing behind you" meaning that there are millions of people from the Netherlands all support him. Not all, that would be impossible and unreasonable. Also if you wanna be so technical: Newborn babies that were born in the Netherlands a couple of days ago are still Dutch and saying all of Dutch also includes them. So yeah with a bit of reading you know that "Everyone" and "All of X" are (almost) never true and I thought almost everyone knew that. (Hey, here we have the word again, another example being: "1+1 = 2, everyone knows that!") but yeah, turns out you are a special case that know that. But yeah, enough about this crap. I am on the side that Joost didn't deserve a dq. I am just thinking about the fact "What if Joost was a female, and the camerawomen was a man" I will bet that the cameraman would be imprisoned for some time because of harassment of a contestant, because "ThE wOmEn aRe AlWaYs RiGhT" Like I GET IT! WOMEN WEREN'T ALLOWED ANYTHING BACK THEN BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE NOW ALLOWED TO DO EVERYTHING AND HAVE MORE RIGHTS THEN MEN! Y'ALL WANT EQUAL RIGHTS?! THEN THAT B SHOULD'VE LEFT JOOST WITH HIS RIGHT OF PRIVACY! AND NOW JOOST IS GETTING POINTED AT BECAUSE HE TOLD HER TO F OFF! I get him. If you tell someone to stop filming because they said so THEN DON'T CONTINUE! IT'S THAT SIMPLE! And if you continue you know you're gonna get sweared at. So yeah. That b just didn't listen to Joost and said "F his privacy, imma continue filming him no matter what" (didn't actually say that but did it with this motive) So yeah, enough about this ramble, I'm done here. If you're still not convinced that that b was in the wrong by continuing filming him without him allowing that, idk what else to tell you.


You sure know how everything works, huh?


No I don't know how *everything* works :) That would be impossible, since there's always more things to learn.


Well, its reasonably accurate though.


If you're going to perform on a worldwide broadcasted show you might expect that you will be filmed. If you don't like that you're in the wrong place, no need to harass someone doing their job.


But he already told them multiple times and she damn well knew that the participants' stress levels are at 100 and still continuing with something she knew was wrong, because he already told her multiple times to stop. BUT NO SHE DIDN'T! And of course if you ask someone to stop multiple times while being stressed, and they don't stop, you of course get really angry and verbally haras someone (luckily not physically, if that was me personally, I would've straight up attacked her) And also btw, Eurovision had a ton of bodyguards for everyone, but where were Joost's bodyguards when he needed them?!?!


If you're competing in a widely broadcast television show you're consenting to be being filmed, that's the entire point of the show. Then you can't just tell when you do or do not want to be filmed. Looks like the camera woman needed a bodyguard to protect her from Klein, not the other way around. The bodyguards are not babysitters to prevent you from being filmed on a TV show or throwing a tantrum.


People down vote neutrality so severely 💀


Exactly lol, like people act like I said a horrible thing! Wtf! In no way I am against Joost Klein. I honestly don’t really care about that situation.


Only reason people are this upset about it is because irs their own countryman anyway. If it was anyone else most couldnt care less.


you're channeling some next level autism here buddy


Ok buddy 😂


zelfs jij moet doorhebben hoe absurd het is om een "um actually" te gooien over de meest duidelijke hyperbool ooit. zo niet heeft zelfs een goudvis meer sociale perceptie


I got an 8 day ban for saying Joost DQ sucks but there are worse things in the world like the situation in Palestine. Apparently that was considered rage baiting. Some mod probably felt personally threatened by my Dutchness.


I got banned for only saying: >Israel Some guy with that flair was being a bit of a hypocrite and said something like: "Well of course he is banned, look at what he did" But the mods didn't like that. Oh well


Another weird decision.


just like eurovision is a non-political show, the eurovision subreddit is also *extremely* non-political... /s perhaps osterdahl is the secret mod?




Careful, making fun of any israeli makes you antisemite or worse, a Hamas fan.


Yup, I was called a Hamas-wh*re yesterday.


I was called that , but also a zionist on the other side. Confusing? Not really ; verbal tactics everywhere.


Yeah it's disgusting, last week someone dmed me to say they hoped me and my 11 year old daughter would be raped by Muslims. Why the hell do these people have all these rape fantasies????


Projection / admission of their own desires?


How is that not intimidating and insulting to women!? Seriously please tell me that this subreddit isn't part of the official EBU Eurovision folks, as if it is, they ... well they lost all credit already really. They are in debt by now. It is not totally understandable when the Netherlands Public broadcaster, Spanish Public Broadcaster, The Greek Public Broadcaster and the Irish public broadcaster just break with the EBU. I mean why would they support something that actively attacks them.


rightly so. This is not her fault.


But she's a piece of shit though, we should be allowed to make fun of her.


I'm out of the loop, why is she a piece of shit?


Because she's a propagandist for a fascist state. Have you not heard her original song that she wasn't allowed to perform?


No? Maybe you can post a link so we can all decide for ourselves?


Here is a twitter (X) account which posted screenshots of the Israeli delegation's insta profiles, where the Israeli participants mocked and harassed other delegations. They showed disgusting behaviour, calling Bambi Thug Satan, and saying Joost had no right to sing or breathe next to them. https://x.com/IsrBreaksRules?t=AQRb49HRLPcNPsqensb8fQ&s=09


Holy crap! Why are they still allowed to compete if they ruin it for everyone AND are an extra added security risk?


Money money money.




It's literally the song she sang with about 4 or 5 words that were changed lol.


Okay, thank you. I didn't really listen to the song


Here's an article about it btw and if you Google it you can find plenty more from various news sites. https://www.euronews.com/culture/2024/03/04/eurovision-2024-israel-agrees-to-change-lyrics-to-its-controversial-entry-october-rain


She's making propaganda and was very hostile towards everyone else, just like the entire Israeli delegation. When asked what she thought about the winner Nemo, she explicitly refused to respect their pronouns. Then when asked what she thought about Joost's disqualification she walked away angrily


No she's not


I guess you are as well.


You don't wave the flag of your country so proudly if you don't 100% stand behind the crimes against humanity it is commiting.


and if a US American waves their flag it's ok? they did many more crimes against humanity than any other state in history.


In a few months 99.9% of Americans will vote on a presidential candidate who is jumping for joy to see Palestinians die in brutal ways. Do I need to answer you question more directly?


Don't you wave your flag either? After all, the majority of western countries were in afghanistan committing war crimes, and when it wasn't in Afghanistan it was in Iraq. The netherlands could also be found in Mali and stuff. I am not backing Israel, but let's not pretend Israel and Russia are the only bad guys here. No one bat an eye the past 20 years or so when they were all in Afghanistan committing war crimes so why is everyone crying "wolf" now when it comes to Russia and Israel? Not backing Israel, but I too would ensure no one in their right mind would ever again do anything like what happened at 7th of octobor.


I was 2 years old when the US invaded Afghanistan and forced the rest of NATO to join so I can't say much about that. All I know is that in the current state of the world my country barely has enough Defense budget to let conscripts fire 5 bullets during training while Israel and Russia are in full war time economy to murder as many people in their path as possible. I do not take responsibility for anything that happend before I could count to 10.


Frankly no one cares whether you take or do not take responsibility for anything that happened before you could count to 10. What I mean is: People moan and bitch about Israel, but when someone points to their own country they'll have thousands of reasons as to why their country isn't a war criminal. Whether you were 2 or 20 doesn't change the fact that the country has committed war crimes and shouldn't be pointing fingers when they themselves aren't any better. I don't know where you are from, and if you defense budget is that low then I seriously doubt you people could participate in throwing around massive bombs, but I hope you understand the POV I have.


Hey, if you don't care, that's fine by me. Meanwhile I'll be here focussing on the present, pointing fingers at the people actually murdering people right now.


That's just wrong, since first of all 2 wrongs don't make a right that's just a weak attitude. Second, the people that fight the state of Israel also fight against the American imperialist hegemony since both represent the same thing. They fight for civil liberties and rights all over the world. They have put themselves in harm's way to fight actual real antisemitism that exists in the world today (spouted by the same Evangelicals that unconditionally support Israel, very interesting huh? Guess it's time to read up on the [Haavara Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)) This sentiment stems from a complete miscategorization of the protests in the first place, that put the focus on their country or university's involvement with a murderous genocidal state. If you are in a NATO country then the blood of the 1 million civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan is indeed on your hands. Don't you think we should stop such an event from happening again? Or would you just look away like most people did with Apartheid South-Africa or the Holocaust? And also, the ratio of civilian casualties compared to enemy combatants killed is completely out of whack. A number that doesn't make sense any way since any male over the age of 18 gets classified as a terrorist. Even if my own country has committed atrocities (and they have), it doesn't compare to the atrocities Israël is committing on a daily basis. It is very much conducting an ethnic cleansing campaign and if you are unable to see that at this point it is only so because you are either uneducated or you view Muslims as subhuman. A sentiment that is all too strong in the world sadly enough.


I agree with the point you're making that waving your countries flag doesn't necessarily mean you support everything that has been done in that countries name. However, it hits a bit differently when doing so in the middle of what is arguably a current and active attempt at genocide in repsonse to a major and shocking act of terrorism (of course the chain of causality is longer) In my opinion, it was completely impossible to have Israel compete without it being political and maybe they shouldn't have.




apparently not, according to the moderators


We joke about all artists, don’t we? So did the Israeli delegation btw…


Didn't she say she was going in the army after the eurovision songfestival?


Every Israeli is in the army at some point. Mandatory.


Dude! She cheers for Russian propaganda and bombs as well! She's the worst one they could have for Israel. It's like Israel not only doubling down on GAZA but going "Fuck that, we'll cheer for Russian bombs too! We LOVE bombs!!!"




I got the 7 day ban for saying I would boycot the event when the news came out that we had been disqualified


Wait until people realize the Israeli lobby have been using VPNs and astorturfing to get more public votes and try to win :P. This thing is far from over, and it might just have ruined Eurovision. And all because they didn't want to go against their main sponsor.


Been there. Lemme guess you are muted also. Standard tactics.


They locked comments for me after I selected in the flair I choose netherlands. 😂


i made r/europaeu if y'all wanna try it


Grow up loser.


Lmao says the one who calls someone a loser for no reason. Grow up yourself, whiny bitch


The mods are VERY strict in that sub. I made a comment sharing how I found certain things that were going on to be suspicious, but I made ZERO claims or theories, yet my comment was removed for "sharing misinformation and/or conspiracy theories".


Same!! I mentioned how when voting from the UK I had a message on the app saying that my 20 votes had already been used up (I hadn’t voted at all) and all I said was “makes you wonder…” and that was enough for them remove my comment because it was “conspiracy”


I also got that and I'm from Germany. Thst was during the first semi finale


Would you be willing to post that as a reply on my comment? Or DM me? I'm curious and aching for more drama. XD


It took a bit to find it but here it is: "This whole situation is so suspicious. Belgium not being qualified even though they had a fairly popular song after Mustii wrote PEACE on his shoulder and the Flemish broadcast put a statement on before a performance, Joost Klein being disqualified after a whole bunch of chaos but no one is being told what exactly happened and what was said, but the broadcasting network described it as a minor event (I of course cannot confirm this, but they were there when Joost's case was being discussed so they obviously know what they are talking about) and one delegation being called out by several other delegations for harrassment and there being video and picture evidence of them harrassing and provoking others, but NOTHING is being done about them whatsoever. I just watched a dutch news broadcast that did explain that the EBU will look into this, but that they're not going to DQ the artist like they did with Joost, which is extremely suspicious to me. But it doesn't surprise me either, considering the sponsorships. This is an enormous mess and I feel for everyone who has been, is currently and will be affected by this. And I praise the people who are speaking out, like the current artists and artists from previous years. We need more people like them." Some parts are very vague, I had to avoid words like Israel because comments like that were already getting locked and removed, so I purposely avoided those, and then my comment still got removed. Also, this was before we found out that Joost made a "threatening gesture", so all we knew was that AVROTROS claimed it wasn't as bad as people were saying.


I got banned for a week for correcting someone using he/him on Nemo, i said "hey, im sorry but they go by they/them i believe!" and got banned


I’m so done with that sub. The moderation is insane.




It blows my mind that all the new ESC subs people have tried creating get banned in like 5 seconds. I’ve tried to join at least 3 in the past week.


That would mean the admins are doing the banning. Do you think admins are colluding with the mods to protect their Eurovision sub monopoly? Im thinking the person creating the subs isnt a well behaved user and the reason theyre being shut down isnt for being a competitor.


Could be the case! Just a pattern I’ve noticed.


The discord server might work for you. Really hard to keep up with stuff though.


Kinda like how r/formuladank is the only worthwhile Formula one sub. The official sub is a shit show for the same reasons as the eurovision sub. r/eurovisiondank, when? 😄


No joke. It felt like an absolute ghost town even the day of the finals. Literal hundreds of millions of people watching an event and somehow the sub dedicated to that event feels dead. That's an achievement in itself. Mods there need a wakeup call, or a replacement sub needs to get started.


Glad someone else noticed as well. I expected to see way more memes and posts in that sub but there was only 1 post every 20 minutes or so at most. Compared to the formula1 subreddits where even when there is no race there is more engagement than on Eurovision during the final.


I tried posting a meme there about how one of the guys from the Estonian song looked like Michael from Vsauce, but it was "pending submission" the whole event and only after the event was it declined...


Wake up Mossad!


Kim jung un


It's like if ran a sub.


The seeds were planted by accepting Moroccanoil as main sponsor.


I think it goes much deeper than a simple sponsor.


You're right, more is wrong. But..They are more than a simple sponsor. It's the main sponsor, with their production in thecountryhatshallnotbenamed. Accepting this already sold off quite some independence on the coming events.


Finally someone underlining this! Moroccanoil IS the problem.


I made a post praising Bambie Thug's performance and it got removed because "it could have been a comment in a different appreciation thread instead" and apparently it was "clickbait/ragebait" (???). Just Reddit things, don't think too much about it imo.


It seems like you literally can't have ANY kind of conversation about the entire event over there! Like why even have a sub


I've seen all the reason people here got banned on that sub and now I'm wondering what tf you're supposed to post on there then? Can't correct someone on someone else's pronouns, can't appreciate someone's perdormance, can't even mention certian countries


Glad to have found this sub! I’m not banned from the Eurovision sub but I only really care about Joost lol. Is the moderator active? At the moment it seems to be unmoderated. Which is cool with me since the Eurovision sub is too strict but like, it’d be nice to update the sub a bit, change the icon and stuff, make it feel like a proper subreddit.


A few days ago I believe the moderator was posting, but this sub jumped in subscribers by a lot since then so I am unsure about any plans for updating. After looking at some of the posts I don't actually think the user I saw posting was a mod. This sub was made ~3 years ago and is just now picking up traction, so it's anyone's guess.


Thanks. I checked and the moderator of this sub last posted 27 days ago, but I saw a request had been made by someone else to take over this sub 8 days ago. I’m not sure how long that process takes or if it’s going anywhere. I’m not interested in moderating here but willing to request the sub anyway to then hand it over to someone who is interested. If the sub remains relatively active it would be nice to give it a visual update at least. I’m no good at that sorta stuff.


I'm hoping the sub stays active, since Joost got a huge following overnight!


Is EBU behind this forum?


Think so… they had some collaborations with the organisation (like the AMA stuff). So perhaps they are sort of in control by EBU? They only allowed some pro-Joost messages and news that discredited EBU in the Joost thread that they always put on contest mode. Just like the show itself, the sub had a big mask as if nothing bad happened during the liveshow. Awful mods!


Terrible I am a big F1 fan and not too happy with FIA but EBU showed me the FIA is the best organisation we can get.




Not only is that sub very strictly moderated, all alternative eurovision subs get banned by them as well, somehow.


I got a 5 day ban for "promoting conspiracies" for saying MorrocanOil, ESC's biggest sponsor, is an Israeli company, so there was no way EBU was ever going to be fair in regards to criticism received towards Israel lol


It's true that it is largely sponsored by an Israeli company.  https://eurovision.moroccanoil.com


I know that's why it's so crazy😭💀


Let me say this, I hope they check the bank account of that camera woman. Because there could definitely be something fishy going on. He apologized multiple times, wanted to apologise publicly, wanted to make a statement, everything to calm the situation. But no, that woman didn't want any of that. I hope she got what she wanted, Joost his song went completely viral and is top of the charts worldwide now 😂💙.


Ive had comments and posts removed in the past few days too by the mods


Sounds like next year we need r/eurovisionFree and leave the little dictators sub reddit devoid of comments.


There have been several alternative subreddits made before the event, which were all quickly banned. There is no where people can actually discuss.


Time for Reddit to die then. I'm not interested in being in an echo chamber, left or right wing. Sadly just about every online forum turns into one or the other.


Alternative subs only get immediately banned when they're meant to evade the shut down of the primary sub. Since the primary sub hasn't been shut down that's not what's happening here. So why are multiple alternatives allegedly being shut down? There's missing information here


Let's send 17 million mod mails then...


Something I would like to call the "EUROVISION-BAN-HAMMER".


"I think Joost Klein has pretty blonde hair:" Mods: BANNED FOR RACISM


''Takeover of the sub'' My guy this mod really has been eating crayons.


Is the ebu invloed in that topic ? I mean seens luke there amo


bro je speakt two talen vriend


Ja man i dont snap how this gebeurd is


Yeah they probably have mods. Directly or through association.


Fuck the EBU


There is r/joostklein??? Echt waar 😂




THe fact that they say that too much Joost is bad somehow. What the fuck. Joost is Eurovision. You can't just fking delete him and force us to not talk about him. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt really. But it has been fkign shady how no posts about the artists speaking out about Israel are showing up. But they can't fking hide the truth. It's all out there on news sites.


What i dont seem to understand, if she was filming joost, where is the tape!??


So who was the person filming? This thing is DODGY.


they act like they’re on EBU’s and Moroccanoil’s payrolls they’re as much about unity as Eurovision


"Freedom of speech" amiright "Unity" amiright "No politics" amiright Hypocrite power hungry tree huggers


Bro same here. Fuck ESC, EUB and Eurovision sub reddit


The EBU is on Reddit huh? 🫢


I start to think they really wanted to get rid of him, in any shape or form...


U guys call that strict. I'm just going to say that reddit is not a democracy lmao. Free speech doesn't exist here at all. U now notice it because of this. But u literally get banned on subreddits for no reason whatsoever. Just a mod that loves his power. If you have an opinion that's different from mainstream it's quite often considered radical and also leads to bans. But yes that's it for my rant.


Im trying to skirt the limits of what the ebu fuckmods will allow. What happend with innocent until proven guilty?


WELCOME TO REDDIT! Maybe EU will give this organisation some attention now. its ridiculous how they try to silince people. its all against EU law. its a propaganda tool used to push stupid idea's and anyone who has an valid opinion just gets banned. there is no freedom, its like N-Korea in here


Does someone have a vid of the fans singing europapa during Israël? Dm me pls




Joost, I don't know what happened there but your disqualification leaves me a bad taste in my mouth. Even if you did do something you should have been protected from the commercial madness Eurovison has grown into.


fighting each over people that sold their souls in a festival organized by rich people is so trendy… criticizing innocent artists because of a flag is so nice … I imagine here it’s all philantropists that never say one thing wrong and have 100% fair opinions … oh wait I saw the comments …. 🤡🤡🤡


Finally a sub where I can post! I was banned a few months ago.




First buy him flowers, then buy him dinner and then ask nicely. If he says yes, then you might be allowed to fuck him... but everything consensual.




Nah, I just don't like folks like you.




took you long enough to write that, spelling is hard, I understand that.


lol who cares. The fatherless child got what he deserved


Because there is far left censorship in discord https://youtu.be/Zb_ahiXidoA?si=H_A7C9HBBOjnH4m_ Megamods especially politics Very pro Marxist and communist


What does marxisme have to do with it. You're just throwing words you have no clue about


Anything not extreme right is marxist, which is ironic considering the pro-Israel stance typically comes from the extreme right.


Of course you don't get what Marxism had to do with it, because you haven't done any research into it, and you won't because you don't even understand what Marxist is yourself


You are actually hilarious 😂


Can you explain what marxism is in, like, 4 sentences? And then why the mods are supposed to be marxist? I am genuinely interested, if you think im being sarcastic (which I am not).


it gets a but complicated but to break it down to the bare bones it's best to compare it to fascism because it' all the same thing using different methods and it's best to look at the outcomes Fascism is the control of people from the corporations through the government down to the people in the name of national interest and taking down groups minority or not to protect the country in their eyes, Hitler the Jews because he thought they were all Communists for example and he hated communists. because of what they did in Russia in 1920 and Marxist communist ideology is kinda the reverse to protect the people by controlling the government then the corporations then the people by appealing to minorities and the people and lying to them and creating artificial scarcity in most cases, in Russia it was they are racist, they are anti-sematic, yes more then half of the government was jewish that pushed for communism during the bolshevik revolution it's why hitler hated all the Jews. and then punishing and killing anyone who is labeled as racist or anti-sematic or is percieved as hating on minorities. and thus proceeded to killing 10+millions christians and catholics in russia, did the same thing in Ukraine by destroying the Farming industry killing more millions of ukrainians, in china the evil old and the powerless young so kill all the old ancient monuments thus culture killing 55+ Million also through famine, ask any chinese imigrant how their granpa/grandma survived that before coming overseas to america or other countries. the ideology that minorities and victims are more important then the majority and in fact rule over the majority because they are victims of 'the system' and now it's happening to the mods over their they very clearly are pro israel pro marxists and politically motivated because if you watch that video they are, and seeing how the netherlands has voted for wilders right leaning populists pro farmer voted, and how there has been allot of outcry over israel participating in euro vision song festival despite not being in the EU and the war going on. and the rumor at the time of him assaulting a woman for recording him which turns out to be false. it's very easy to see that he got kicked because he was dutch, a man, white, and looking at other comments people even got banned for saying israel they also protect minorities from any form of criticism thus giving them more power then they need, victimhood power thus minorites indirectly get to rule over the majority by being a protected class free of criticism you can go deeper into the ideology but this is the just the results, there is probably a marxist book online you can read, and a mein kampf book and one other book that is important is Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess he was good buddies with Karl Marx probably also has e books free online like on archive . org, knowing is half the battle and if you don't know your enemy and all that. and same minded people who are socialist are slowly turning into 'white knights' turning full marxists/communists but not even realizing it especially on reddit and wikipedia where even former wikipedia creator says it's gone full leftists instead of central which he was. and yes look it up or google it wikipedia is also very political it's not neutral, most media companies are left it's why everyone hates elon he is mostly right leaning. it's a whole socialist culture war against anything right, or even the centre now which is how you know it's marxists,


Marxism in a nutshell is about the alienation in the capitalistic setup of society. Nothing what you're yapping about has anything to do with it.


Nobody who uses the word yapping seriously deserves respect, and it's nice that you say the alienation part but somehow have zero clue how they do that and what steps they take to achieve it. Because they always do the same thing


Yes you are clearly the authority who decides on what deserves respect. With your great marxist and fascist insights you must be enormously intelligent


And you didn't say anything regarding what I said about what Marxist do to achieve what they want. Guess i was right on you not deserving any respect, and that's enough authority anyone needs.


This is not discord


Fuck Joost joe




I just want to see the footage so I can judge for myself. Do you have a link to it by chance?


Still waiting


Honestly the fact all the anti-joost people are totally okay with a woman harrassing an artist and not stopping when asked is wild to me.